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The Last Airbender is the Worst Thing We've Seen So Far

Jun 07, 2021
on camera you see squirrels, why is everyone proud of the weird? This would be the only explanation for this movie being like this, is that it really is the first shot every time his forehead and hips spend more time in front of the screen than his entire being. Star Wars music playing, yes, while the Star Wars lizards invade the city, yes, yes, how cool, are they kidding me? What is this wasted Scooby-Doo move like this isn't a cute, I don't care about this I just wish it wasn't the climax of the movie, it killed him, it killed him and he'll wake up in 100 years, they just pushed him, he shattered.
the last airbender is the worst thing we ve seen so far
I feel like this would feel really good. Alec feels like a two-five gum that said a lot of names in ya yin and yang, you know? What you have to know is that that one is wrong, that's just him being passive-aggressive. I hate when those people call me M Night Shyamalan, so I'm going to show them how he feels. I am going to say every


wrong, no more fake ulama. dingdong jokes for you what was she the fish, what are they I know it sounds silly, he threw it back in there, that's like taking them out of the fish, shaking it and doing it again, yeah, you have to be whole to do that, you sleep with the fish I'm really getting a lot of vibes from Padme and Anakin, some of them huh Oh Nickelodeon every time a fish stabs a pro someone reacts someone reacts someone reacts the Blood Moon has sunk once again someone reacts yeah that guy ends up from tackling to do it now that the moon works I can fight like a normal person at certain points this movie feels like it's procedurally generated.
the last airbender is the worst thing we ve seen so far

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the last airbender is the worst thing we ve seen so far...

I would say it's like mine, yeah, it's like you're going to eat all these four random nameless white people. I'm going to beat you up, this is a good cathartic moment for us, you know, we get to see what characters we don't know, defeat our villain, he died, that killed this ass, oh my god, who are these four thugs? War goes to everyone, maybe, but if they need some snacks, maybe you should start reacting. He is teaching us how to act. Actually, that's the arc of the story. Our main character finally learns to act. I don't remember, he doesn't react.
the last airbender is the worst thing we ve seen so far
He is at the Joker's dance throughout this entire movie. That's what it's like to do the Joker dance, yeah, just vibe, just vibe, you know it's still murder, even if it's indirect murder, hang up, I don't care if you're a pacifist vegetarian, you know, those crabs that died Oh, come out. the bottom of the ocean during the rain we're killing all those polar bears that you're displacing yeah this is a cataclysmic event yeah this is apocalyptic and I'd actually love it if he didn't take it down it's like Get out yeah go away is withdrawn, it seems that's what it's doing.
the last airbender is the worst thing we ve seen so far
Okay, good movie, you're right about some


. Everyone is going through a lot of emotions right now. You can tell by their expressions. No one in this movie has ever made a facial expression. everything and it's really bad with MIDI why does it still look so sad is this the ending is this like the shot it will end in did you think they were going to have a sequel? Yes, it's called, it's called books, yes, do you accept this? An indescribably important task in your missoula will return and invent the Avengers Infinity game. Thank you, M. Night Shyamalan.
I wonder why he didn't start on this one. Yeah, this is the only one I wasn't in. He said, "No, I want to be now." Hey guys, thanks for watching. I would like to thank Rainshadow Legends for sponsoring this video. I know we've never sponsored before, but this series doesn't really like to stay monetized and if YouTube doesn't plan to support us riffing on movies, then I also have to find some alternative methods, if you want to get the full uncut commentary track and watch this movie with us, you can go to Patreon and download it anyway guys that's it thanks for watching bye.

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