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The Land Before Time Full Episodes | The Lone Dinosaur Returns 116 | HD | Videos For Kids

Jun 06, 2021
I understand they are helping Spike now or not drinking things doesn't sound like the sound of Spike coming out towards me drinking think then what is it like? Spike is going to get out of that hole oh I don't know but I hope he's okay. I don't think we should wake him up. What option do we have? Maybe he is saving his strength. Maybe so, but the


has come. to use that force, oh great sage, we regret the rude awakening, but it is


to defeat the great frightful beast. The great frightening beast runs on two legs like a fast fighter, has a three-horned helmet and large terrifying eyes. from a night walker thank you for coming for the mysterious one about to save us great sage it all depends on you oh hmm oh uh you did it you stopped the great horrible beast you really are the great sage if the ground was soft enough to swallow beak we will need to use rocks to stabilize there's no time for that we need to dig I don't think it's that simple ah you don't know what you're talking about and you're being stubborn well I wouldn't be if you just did things my way yeah we'll get it out my way my way we'll do it my way oh no my way my way I'll do it my way there's no doubt I can get it my way my way if you listen to me he'd be free by now my way my way you can't expect me to believe that your idea could really succeed my way my way will do is my way I say my way not my way we will do it my way my way did you agree on an idea but you don't know me?
the land before time full episodes the lone dinosaur returns 116 hd videos for kids
I'm too dizzy and we'll have to agree to agree on an idea ourselves, right? the sticky vines are very long, yes, yes, not long enough to reach the bottom of the hole, but they can be made even longer by wrapping a vine with another vine with another vine long enough to reach the spike. The spike can simply wrap the vines around its In the middle, we pluck the vine and the vines lift the spike. That's the best idea we've heard all day. Being the great sage must make you very hungry, so we brought you all the food from our colony that you won't get.
the land before time full episodes the lone dinosaur returns 116 hd videos for kids

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the land before time full episodes the lone dinosaur returns 116 hd videos for kids...

At any time enjoy, the wise man above wants to return to the mysterious thing above. Do you think Spike has seen it? I think so, wrap it around your center peak and then pull it once you're ready and we'll lift you back up. ready goodbye oh great sage you have protected us from the great hideous beast it is only right that you return to the mysterious above and protect the others hey where the great hideous beast went uh you are not Spike no no I didn't think it felt lighter if Spike It's not here, so where do you apologize, Spike, Spike, Spike, yeah, who was that?
the land before time full episodes the lone dinosaur returns 116 hd videos for kids
Hmm, it doesn't matter who was who was here, what matters is that Spike is who is here and that's why I'm so glad if you'll just listen to me. Me, why should I? My way is better, but Mr. Thicknose and Mr. Threehorned Point have already been saved. Well, it's a good thing they would have rescued him sooner if you hadn't argued with me. You were the one who started arguing. Not me, oh yes. you did it I didn't do it then I wasn't dead oh I wish the sky would stay still I'm hungry hey everyone look what we have tree stars we collect them using our hands they are very useful all I see is the day in front of us oh Oh, what are you doing there?
the land before time full episodes the lone dinosaur returns 116 hd videos for kids
I was just hiding, you know, until the wind died down. Hi Guido, remember Ruby and I, we met you the last time you babysat Tricia, chew on the friendly sharp tooth, how could I forget that you're still friendly? right, yes, you are still learning to fly, oh well, being a glider, it is a little difficult to take off without a little help, maybe a strong wind will give you a lot of help, but it is very windy, everything will be fine, guido Petri will do it. we'll help you oh oh yes we will well I'd really like to fly hey oh I should have stayed on my stump you can do it good glider well that's very nice to say but oh right wings make you fly well yeah.
It is not like this? Follow me, follow me, say, wow, it's getting too complicated. We're done, oh yeah, but I want hey, wait, wait, wait, did you see me out there? Oh, come on, Peter, let's do it again. I have a sinuous curve. once again oh come on petri please please please please not too blown now we fly tomorrow tomorrow but my wings are all warmed up now no it's not safe I thought Blowie was good eh ah you see, okay first, I'll jump in oh boy What is he? doing why is it going up so high hey stop wow we better help thanks oh no they're heading to black rock in the mysterious beyond oh no no we don't have to tell the adults so tired I think the wind has stopped oh wow oh , I never want to fly again, oh, where is this? uh, I think we're inside Black Rock Black Rock, that's not good, I know you'd mind helping me up, okay, oh, I must have


ed awkwardly on my foot, yeah, and I know I can fly, yeah, but.
At least you can walk and see if you can find your way out of here, okay, oh, okay, oh, too steep, no way up here, I saw something move there, maybe I don't see anything too dark and I'm afraid of the darkness, I'm afraid of caves but above all I'm afraid of being afraid oh you're more afraid than me don't be don't be afraid don't be don't be afraid it's easier said than done but singing help me know it's true, then I'll try to sing with you and no be afraid oh, it's very dark down here on the black rock, it's a very black rock, maybe it won't be so bad if we find an easy way out, hey, let's find any way out, okay? don't be afraid, don't be afraid, pretend you'll be brave and strong, you know the tune, so sing it, I hope I don't end up being wrong, don't be afraid, well, petrie, I must admit I'm not as scared as I was now I'm more scared It's all this stupid fault of the winds I just hope they find Petri and we know soon oh oh I can't look at what's there tell me if it's too scary don't tell me let me know before Speak lightly over there, eh, an earth star, plant, well, at least you won't starve the crawlers, you eat too, you feel better, yeah, and it's not bad for the cave bugs, uh, Petrie, you're hungry, oh, sorry guys, my Mentors are not what they used to be.
I don't get many visitors around here his name is swooper now I've lived here for a long time but it's not that bad you see I'm not a


this here is cliff the tall one over there passes for thin and then the handsome one in the corner for what's that Andy been here a long time why are you staying so long why why why because I'm blind oh no they didn't find them Petrie's mom looks so tired we can't just sit here we have to do something to help I hate feeling so helpless Say we may not be able to help Petrie and Guido, but we can help the helpers attack you blindly, how do you move, oh that's simple, I memorized every last bit of this place between hearing and smelling, why I can. find out exactly where you guys are coming to, that's how I realized they were eating my earth stars back home in the big valley, there's so much food, everyone friends, everyone happy, big valley, mmm wow, that sounds like the type of home I have always dreamed of. about why I could never get there that trip is too risky for a blind old flyer like me I wish I could take you there oh but I still can't fly guido it still hurts and don't you see ah we will never return to the great valley yes, yes Yes, if we tried to walk there , a shark tooth would catch us for sure.
You know there might be a way. What if you fly while you caress and I ride on your back? We could be your eyes. Oh I do not know. It sounds risky, very risky. I would have to think long and hard before trying it. Well, I've made up my mind. I'm sure I'll miss you too. I'm headed to the big valley with my new friends if you ever had that. So I'll come by and visit you here, ah, fresh air, oh, too much fresh air, if you invite me home like that, well, let's begin, jump, swooper, when exactly was the last time you flew?, oh, let me see Now, it was like that. a long time ago, okay, maybe on second thought, here we go, oh, sorry guys, it takes me a little bit to get used to flying again, you know which direction, well, okay, point your beak a little bit towards the left, yeah, okay, that's good, that's the quickest way in the valley no no no no still too blown fly out there go right left right left right left oh right if we're going to get somewhere we have to work together okay swoopers right, you've flown more petri you'll decide which direction it helps too, but use your the wings feel the change in the wind i can do that oh that's better especially since i can only go in one direction hello oh we brought you some tree stars we gathered enough for all the flyers who wanted to help thank you all so much, I haven't I had plenty of time to eat since, oh, don't be sad, Petri will come home, he will, I know, little one, they will both be home as soon as possible As the wind stops and we can go look for them, I just hope they are safe.
I haven't flown this long in a long time, what are we going to


so I can take a weight off my shoulders? I don't think so, oh, so we have a problem, I'm not sure how long I can keep this up, then Petrie flies, make it easy for the swooper, oh oh. oh you're not ready to fly petrie, I guess I'll have to glide for a while, I'm sure one of us has to get off the swoopers and this trip was my idea, you can do it, good glider, you're right. I can do this hey this is not so bad I'm going to check things higher up hey soldier peter come up here the wind blows towards the great valley can you rest your wings oh he makes good these old bones to fly again we We will reach your valley in short time oh i hope it's true they have been discovered they have come back to us we did it swooper we are home and we would never have made it without you guido yes petrie oh petrie you are a little hurt maybe it's okay this swooper took me home thank you very much swooper I'm glad to do it ma'am but the whole idea was guidos and he found the wind that helped us get here we never got home without wind oh thank you guido, thank you all, let's give petrie guido his new, i mean our new friend, swooper, a big welcome to a new home, we are finally safe, now our journey has come to an end, grab a tea tree, okay, things are looking pretty desperate, we thought we would never make it home.
Then we met you and when we worked together we used the wind to oh, I like the way you sound.

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