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The Kabbalah Behind Reincarnation, Explained

Jun 06, 2021
The word Gilgal comes from the word Gagel, which is something that is spinning, which means that simply the


of the souls of Gilgal Nishama means that in each afterlife we ​​are here for another individual purpose, each individual soul has its roots in the great soul of Adam or the cat man. male and female he created them we are a spark of each soul there are 613 parts and then there are the 600,000 and each part of the soul each aspect of this great soul becomes an individual soul and the intention is to recreate the core of that in the body of adam, which means recreating and returning to the tree of life through the tree of duality, this is what we talked about last week, but now we want to go a little deeper into how exactly this works. so gilgal the word gilgal in Hebrew has the same numerical value as the word which is 72.
the kabbalah behind reincarnation explained
Because we will soon see that this gilgal concept of


is ultimately a danger, it is a goodness of God for us to reach a certain type of elevation of the soul and the concept is the idea. of gilgal works both externally and internally, which means externally it means that in each subsequent life or reaching another higher elevation and it also works internally, which means that the person himself within a person's life we ​​are progressing, and the idea of gilgal is that there is a spiritual evolution that you are moving from one state to a higher state now one of the things that we did not discuss at all was reincarnation or transmigration to other forms of life, so we will try to understand exactly how this works in general.
the kabbalah behind reincarnation explained

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the kabbalah behind reincarnation explained...

Being human there are two aspects of the human being on one level, the human being is part of all nature and a human being is like a tree, like a plant, like a mineral, like an animal and yet, the human being also it has the ability to become more what that means is so everything in creation has some form of nephesh nephesh is spirit and it is an animating spirit, so there is something, let's say for example a stone, the nephesh of a stone is a nephesh hamakayam, the nephesh that gives it existence. also the nefer the nephesh gives life and something that is more evolved for example vegetation has a nefer-satse machas has a vegetation a soul of vegetation the concept of the soul the concept of spirit is that it moves the object along its Spiritual evolution itself sustains the object, gives it life, is the life force of the object, the soul of the object, but it also pushes it forward, so the soul of a stone ensures that the stone remains a stone, that is what What does the stone do?
the kabbalah behind reincarnation explained
What does the soul of the stone do? The soul of a vegetative something in the vegetative kingdom is to ensure that an apple tree produces apples. Now, the basic difference between something that is inanimate and something that is animate we say there are four distinctions. there are four types of creations there is a demon means silent or inanimate means vegeta vegetation means a life and madaba means a speaking creature so the lowest form of life is called diamond means silence the highest form of life is called madabar which is speak then you go from silence to speech now, what does it mean that something is silent? something that is silent means that something that is speaking is not being expressed the more something can be expressed the more vitality you see in the object when you look at a stone, a stone is alive, you just don't observe life and the stone because you don't have the right eyes, the right vision to see the life of the stone, but even on a scientific level what you see as a solid object.
the kabbalah behind reincarnation explained
In reality it is not solid and there are things that move and there are molecules and everything jumps, but when you look at a stone you see something that is silent, you only see a stone, but when you look at a plant, let's say you look at a tree. you see that the tree is alive, it is growing, the sun rises and the tree moves towards the sun and moves towards its moisture and grows and then expands. This is a higher form, a more complex form of life, so the nephesh is a higher nefesh. in a tsemaras and something that is vegetative than about something that is inanimate, then you have a chai that is a living force, let's say that a creature, an animal, something that is a living being has more life than even in zamasu, something that is growing because something that is alive not only expands in its own place but can also move and has much more life force, so a tree expands and grows, but the expansion of a tree is only in the place where it is growing, you uproot a tree and suddenly it doesn't grow until you replant the tree, but an animal expands in the body, the body is small when it is young and then it continuously expands or retracts, but it is constantly moving, it is growing very well and also it could move, so it has a higher and more complex level. life force that you are following, then it goes from a diamond that is silent, which means it is there, it is very silent and we do not observe it, then there is a life in which there is a nephesh and then there is an episode that is a spirit which gives it life and then there is even a nephesh which is a life force that is seen in the animal kingdom, okay and then there is the nephesh hamas which is the intellectual soul.
Now there are all these levels of consciousness and levels of spiritual life force. from the lowest realm to the highest realm, so when you enter the highest realm we will say the human being because really that is the conversation we are having with the humans, so we are having a conversation with the humans and let's say like this, everyone They have a part of them that is a nefesh hamakayam, the nephesh, the spirit that simply allows their existence to be physical, to be this mechanical nafish, incidentally, even after a person passes away with the higher life forces of a person, which It's the rule. the higher life forces leave the person's body the person does not disappear, right, the person is no longer alive but the person still exists how does the person exist? because there is still an efficiency there is still an existing life force that is still attached to the body that exists The life force is connected to the higher life force and it's like when you close, it's not really an example, but if you turn off the electricity, you still have certain electricity level for the first few seconds after, so same thing too.
The life force is cut off in the higher life force, but the shimakai still remains and still exists in the body and for a short period of time, it also slowly dies down and then the body completely decomposes, apart from the loose bone, in addition of a particular part of the body. body, but everything else ceases to exist, that is, an epithelium ceases to exist, which is why it functions in the evolution of the human being, which is the spirit of existence, the vital force, growth and movement. These stages are also the same way we also evolve. lower is the nephesh and the way we are going to define lower and higher is lower is more ego higher is less ego so the lower is the more selfish the higher it becomes more selfless what does it mean it becomes more disinterested does he become? closer to the reality of the creator the creator is the ultimate source of all god is the source of everything the source of everything is completely selfless giving that is what Hashem creates that is a completely selfless act so the closer a person gets to their source the more selfless they become the further they get from their source the more selfish they become so let's understand again we talk about a soul we say this is the level of the soul the level of your soul depends the level of your soul in any moment depends on the spectrum between how selfish you are and how selfless you are becoming.
Everyone starts life completely selfish and that's probably a healthy thing. A small child, a one-year-old baby, needs to eat and cries, cries, no. They don't ask their mother if you are tired they don't ask the father of the tired maybe they cry because they are hungry and if they want something they demand it and that is probably healthy but it starts with a very selfish attitude. selfish place means it's all about me just to serve me to serve my ego to serve myself this is your lowest form of nephesh there is no outward expression it is only about inward now of course there is outward expression literally but on a metaphorical level there is no movement outside of yourself movement is always directed from the outside in you just want to receive all you want to do is a small child is receive try to take a toy from a one year old child this can be very complicated because A child just wants to receive and that is his nephesh that is his ego which is healthy we have to make an effort but we evolve we grow throughout life and we work the way we evolve is that we go from the levels of nephesh and all the levels from nephesh to the level of ruach and from the level of the tower we go to the level of neshama, that means that we begin life at the level of nephesh and we are like a stone vegetation and like a little animal the only thing we want is for ourselves to be the more selfish. the person is the lowest level that your soul is in so we get a little more mature now we say there are four levels so you have the inanimate domain, the vegetative, the living and the creature of speech when the Torah describes to Adam and Eve at their creation.
It says that her nostrils are the breath of life, which is ruach, so the uncles write the torah translation is that mom became a creature of speech, so speech is connected to ruach, it has more wind , which means that it is a more evolved movement because my nephesh is about me my nephesh is for me to the left of my crying is for my body to exist never shamakai is for my body to expand and live never to make us so that it grows nephesh younis is for him to eat and be ambitious but it's all about me, it's about me, then a child suddenly realizes that there is actually someone else, there is someone else in the universe and he has to communicate with that other person and if a person is really communicating properly with another person, you are entering the other person's space, that is already the level of ruach if I am having a conversation with you and you are having a conversation with me and we both understand each other now, I am leaving my space and entering your space and you are leaving your space and entering myspace, which is already a higher form of spiritual world, because we are no longer selfish, but we are a little more selfless because I can let myself stand aside and listen to what you're saying. so this means my soul is evolving, then I reach a level of shama, now this process is hopefully the process in which we evolve throughout life, we start life very selfishly and then we reach a certain stage of maturity and we have a satsura ashwagandha.
It means that we become like our creator because the nature of the creators to give the nature of creation is to receive the more we become the more we cultivate our nature to give the more we become like the creator and the greater spiritual participation we have so that this process, we understand the depth of this, so this process of life moving through these stages actually parallels life on the entire planet because at some point we are like stones that we cannot speak or we cannot express. ourselves correctly then slowly we start to move and our bodies then we start to expand we become like tomatoes we come like a vegetable our bodies start to grow then slowly we can start to move and we come like an animal right there there is more movement and more movement and more movement Now just because physically we are growing from one state to another does not necessarily translate into spiritually actually evolving just because you walk, talk and converse with people does not mean that you are still not functioning at the level of an animal, a vegetable or a stone, now The best case scenario, which I hope everyone in this room and everyone listening and everyone in this world achieves, is that they will go from the nefesh to the neshama and then We will go through the entire process of reincarnation, which means that each individual soul It will break like a wolf that we talked about last week and each soul will become different and the next journey will be a new stage, a new participation, but what happens if a person lives his life and they were connected with the nephesh purely the nephesh was a purely selfish self was never about anything but itself these are extreme extreme cases because we expect at least some level of ruach at some level in the harnessed shaman person we should make it a little clear that even when we say that a person reaches the level of ruach and reaches the level of shama, there are also levels of ruach within nephesh and that's how we talked a little bit last week about everything having a holographic image. so the nephesh itself has an effort and the rule itself those five levels so we talk about the person evolving to a level of ruach, it does not necessarily mean that it is a pure rock, it could be the tower inside the nephesh but there is some movement, it's not just i i i there is an open crack there is some penetration of something that is larger, but if not and a person transmits what happens to this soul, we will answer the questions later, otherwise we will let you write what you happens to this person's soul. person who has not evolved more than, for example, astone according to the catalyst this person will now enter a stone and a person I will not explain to you what this means and a person does not evolve more than a vegetative state will enter a vegetative state and a person does not evolve more than the highest will enter a state animal this form of gilgal this form of reincarnation is very different from everything we talked about before when we talked about reincarnation, before we have to remember one thing we talked about the soul and we said that the soul, which is our consciousness, is a combination from the backdrop of who we are, the backdrop where we are is our spiritual quality our spiritual nature that we already have before we have done anything in our lives there is a certain quality there is a certain inclination we have certain positive inclinations and certain negative tendencies but we have a certain quality is a backdrop we said imagine that there is a sheet of paper but the sheet of paper already has a color and then we said that throughout life we ​​write our story life is a story we are the author we are writing our story and every day we are writing one more line a few more lines and that becomes the back part that becomes our story at the end of life we ​​are the final book what is in the book every impression we had every thought that we had every feeling we had every emotion we had every experience we had the totality of who we are this memory, okay, this memory is not stored in the brain like we said, it is stored in the soul in its morphic field, it is stored in the energy of the self and this soul, this individual spark of the soul that contains the entire memory of who we are. now you become one with the great memory of hashem which in kabbalistic language is called bina at the level of bria, which means it becomes part, to make it very simple, the individual memory card becomes part of this collective memory and it is a complete memory for in eternity, what exactly happens is another process of the afterlife process, but that is exact, that is more or less what happens, then in the next life the soul returns to this world, what part of the soul returns to this world, not the part we work on.
In we said that the soul is multidimensional it has 613 that it has 600 it has 600 thousand dimensions the soul that we gave this simple example will be a cube and you see it from four sides and the first life in which the first side is projected this world that is your your genetics your your your your backdrop that projects into this world you write your entire story on this page this page now moves towards Ganon hopefully now the other side of the page manifests in person number two, but person number two has no memory of being person number one and the reason person number two has no memory of being person number one is because on a conscious level person number two was not the correct person number one, so if you imagine this again to make it very simple. here you have a page and imagine that this page is blue and it is empty, okay, look at the page and enter this world and it is empty and you write your story this is the story this is the backdrop so the backdrop is the es it is the space that maintains and sustains your memory this is a spiritual quality everything is imprinted in the fabric of your soul this soul now after 120 is perfect it goes on the journey beyond which we have to discuss another time exactly how this works but so it follows the journey to the afterlife and now we say hey, this story is perfect, it was published in inga naden in paradise, which now comes down to person number two on this side, you get it, now the beige is actually divided in half because this side is here and now this side is here.
These two parts are part of one but one side reflects blue one Friday is recycling red one has hesse one has glura so before they split they are part of a single soul but in later lives each one was a different soul to another different person with a different genetic makeup and totally different the relationship between person number one and person number two is that they were both part of the root souls, they are both connected within the root soul, as we talked, there are different roots souls the souls that are connected with the head of atoms clothes that connect with the feet of Adam so these two souls were connected with the head of Adam but in later lives only one side was revealed in the first life and another side of the soul was revealed in the second life which you are following, the reason why there is no memory for person number two is equal to person number two who has a blank sheet of paper it has a color but it is blank there is nothing written on it because there is no memory printed so print the memory is incarnated is in paradise then person number two is blank he has no memories of his previous life now deep meditation there is a connection between this part of the soul and the soul that still exists even then it is not possible for a person through rochokaides or other techniques do We have some premonition or some pause in memory, but generally we do not remember our past lives, most of us, however, in the case where we talked before, where the person has not evolved to the level of madaba, the person has not evolved from the state. of inanimate vegetative animal between human being now the person walks like a human speaks like a human seems human but is completely an animal or worse now I don't say it in a derogatory way for animals because animals are very selfish there is nothing wrong with that animals don't they have nothing more than a selfish gene that is part of their nature they are not judged a lion that kills kills because that is its nature and is actually perfect because animals are always perfect and we will talk soon the only the only one The creature in nature that could be imperfect is the human being who has free choice, so assuming that a person never evolved his human being, which means that a person never activated his free choice, but everything was down because of his survival instincts, they acted like a tree they would act when the sun rises and the same they would also act in anything they do in their life purely from an instinctive and sensitive reactive place, so this person now exists as a human being, but it is really functioning the vegetation level now this person He can not go.
I become part of the great soul within the great soul of Adam because Adam, the souls of human beings, you are following the metaphor. I mean, you don't have to think this is so literal, but that's just how we are. I will try to understand this, this human being cannot become part of the souls of human beings, this human being has to enter another state of life, another form of life, during a particular period of time, achieve his elevation and then become human again and Now this is a very complicated technique because what happens now is the whole being of who you are assuming, let's call this person, um, this man can live to be 120, live life fully physically , but it never evolved beyond the top level, it was just the diamonds that acted. like an inanimate vegetative animal always serving itself reactive and instinctive this is how they live their entire life this person has a long memory lives 120 years it is a complete story there is a complete story this page is full from day one to 120 it is a great story this memory cannot be transferred now to Granada what happens to this story now is the complete story, which means that the story with the memory passes to another form of life, it does not become the soul, that is, the spirit animating, life-giving and guiding of that which moves towards it, which means let's say it moves towards a cow, the cow is not going to start talking, you know, have a human conversation now, cows are not animated by this human soul, it is only the human soul that is trapped inside. an animal or vegetation or something that is completely inanimate then there are two souls now there is the soul of the living being or the soul of the vegetation or the soul of the plant that is giving it its life force that is a lot, that is the soul of the apple tree that says become an apple chemical that pushes it to grow says become an apple become an apple tree and turns and gives more apples and at the same time it is also a soul that is trapped there of a human being with complete memory of being a human being because it is the whole soul it is the story published instead of being published in it and you are publishing a cow now you can ask a question well, so what is the intention of this?
What is the intention? So we start the conversation now. gilgal the word gilgal has the same numerical value as the word hassan means that this is a way for a soul to achieve elevation even though it has not achieved anything in this life when a soul exists in another form of life and there is a whole complicated system how works and which other previous life it enters, but the basic understanding is that it depends on the level of spiritual participation of the soul there are periods of time in which it enters this the soul enters this animal this is a living being or a vegetation or an inanimate a stone there are certain periods of time that it enters and existed during certain months of the year and that result actually details this in great detail of what months of the year the soul rises from diamond of inanimate and which souls are which sun months of the year rise from semer and what from above there is a whole process but it enters for a certain period of time the intention is very simple everything about creation besides the human being as we said before is perfect the only one who is not perfect or potentially not perfect is the human being because he can make free decisions and do something that is opposite to his inner spiritual nature so that the soul unlearns its negative behavior or reactive behavior the soul enters another form of life that is perfect that is doing exactly what What the apple tree is doing is being an apple tree that really the human being should have been the human but was not and by being there for a certain period of time it learns its lesson and finally can be freed and somehow can also experience some form of Ghanaian paradise, so it is a cleansing period for the soul to reach its proper potential, so let's say there is a soul of a human being. being and an apple and now you are going to eat this apple, that becomes very interesting because what you are going to do now is that you now have the potential due to your free choice to elevate the soul that is trapped in this into this element. of food or if you are walking down the street and this is a soul under your feet connected to the inanimate objects under your feet if you are going to walk with a higher consciousness and with an intention and make a blessing on the apple I do it with kavanagh with the intention to elevate this food for a higher purpose, then you have the potential to free the soul from its torment even before the alluded time, so if the exhausted soul exists in this apple for six months because that is how long it has to finally unlearn what what he is doing, but if a human being comes a day later and makes a blessing with the proper intention that it can really elevate the soul that exists within these animals and this and this and the other fruits, this is the reason. why this is the reason why in addition to everything else we have to be very careful with what we do in this world, certainly with what we eat, because when you eat something, eating is always a process of taking energy, you are always taking energy, even if the apple you only have an apple salt and you are eating the apple, you are taking the energy of the apple salt, whatever it is, it is some energy, some form of energy, you are not living from the physical object In itself, the person is not, does not live. for the actual physical object, it is a kind of hashem, it comes from the spirit of hashem, the animating spiritual force is really what gives us the highest and gives us life, so when you eat something you think you are eating it because it is something physical, but it's really the spiritual nourishment that you receive from it is how you exist, so when you eat something you are internalizing what you are eating if a person puts in you know you say a person cooks or bakes something and puts a lot of intention into it. and a lot of love, you are eating that, but do not prohibit it, it is the opposite and you are eating anger, it is literal.
This way you are actually assimilating, you are bringing in energy that is on one level but then on another. On a deeper level, you have to think about what if there is a soul there now, the soul is a very complicated soul because it is a soul that has not yet been elevated, the soul that has yet to resolve its life process after death, you have a great obligation that when you eat something or when you eat it, you should eat it with intention, make a proper blessing and then eat it with a higher purpose because if you don't do what you are doing then you are bringing into your life internally you are bringing something that is potentially negative, something that is potentially so harmful, contrary to that, this is what it says in a certain Kabbalistic text, which is a bit not for the conversation now, that is a dikem like a fish.
Now there is a custom of fair people to eat fish. I don't know if you've ever heard of this, but there is a custom of righteous people to eat fish so that they like fish andreason is because now Rizal writes that Sadiq. they can reincarnate if they need to in a fish, if not they need some form of tikkun, they will also exist within a period of time and a fish, why would sadiq need a reincarnation is a whole other conversation because gehenna has no sleep, no has power over has no influence over Sonic, so the only way for any kind of elevation is through Gilgal and the professional, the only way to achieve the goal of the skill would be reincarnation to fish.
So, therefore, the fish is an animal, it is a living being that does not have to go through a very dramatic and intense process to become food for human consumption, unlike other animals that do not have to listen graphically involved and the idea. is that it has a higher form of life and therefore is more connected to the human being and the souls of the righteous entered into the fish, but the concept, the idea behind it is that you are elevating the food that you are eating, not only physically raising the energy of this life force, but your adult life also ignites the souls that may exist within these life forms that are rizal and others tear down.
I'll give you an analogy of this that brought down a person who is a very arrogant person. will be reincarnated into a b a b that's what a buzz says why a b simple reason is because a person is very arrogant it's all about themselves, but if they exist in a hive, I don't know if it's a bee colony or something, then you will always be serving the queen bee it's not about you you're always serving so you're learning to serve you're learning to be selfless regret once said does anyone speak yiddish okay abyssal german not okay that's how the show goes? that in Yiddish the word i is ich and what does an arrogant person say I am so say that I am intelligent I am very intelligent I am very handsome very rich so I am in Yiddish but being in Yiddish is related to the English word which is b so a person saying that's the same word bin means bee in Yiddish and German so a person walking says ich bin what are they saying they're saying I'm a bee So eventually you become what you say you are, but the depth of that idea is that entering another way of life is a way to elevate yourself and allow yourself a greater process of elevation.
This is the general construction of who we are. We are talking about Gildo, so again there is the normal case of Gilgal, the normal course of reincarnation, where in each subsequent life a new image is presented, a new place is presented and we write that story and each subsequent life in which we we move evolves. Hopefully from the nephesh level to at least a ruach level and even possibly the hashama level, so we're moving from a very selfish place where nephesh will never make any kind of selfish look to something that is more transparent and generous and as safe as we are.
We become like the creator instead of being creation receiving, we become more creative giving and we slowly evolve to that place and then if we do we move on to a next way of life and a higher level of leftist. smaller life and a higher level of efficiency substantive life and at a higher level right if there is some mistake, something goes wrong, which means we don't evolve and we just regress or we don't evolve out of the level of nephi or domit which is what inanimate, the vegetative and the living, we eventually evolve in our next incarnation into those life forms for a certain period of time until we reach our elevation or until another human being comes and makes a blessing with proper intention. and it lifts us up and we have an uplift and then we'll go back to Canada to paradise.
Now we talk about souls, so we say that all the souls that we see that are people that are physically related in this world are souls that are related. spiritually which means that if souls if people are physically related to each other here on this earth it is because spiritually they come from the same root within the great soul of adam in addition to that and that not only is not just about physical relationships relationships in terms of like your father, your son, but even the people that are in our sphere of influence and the people that we surround ourselves with are all souls that are connected to us on a spiritual level, people that have greater influences in groups. larger of people, these are people who have more in the shama claus, more souls in general, people have less influence or more protests, which means specific souls, so we say that there are many souls that come from the right hand of Adam, but then there is the only soul that is the right hand of the atom would be a more general soul and these would be more specific souls.
This works in terms of souls and we said this also works in terms of people that we find if we find a person. and the person immediately annoys us and we have some aversion towards that other person which results in saying probably this is a person who is like you and comes from the same root of your soul and the reason why you are here and the reason why What this person presents to you is that if you can work on your own character traits to overcome your negative traits and pursue your positive ones, you along with the other person will have a suitable tikkun for everything that comes our way in our lives.
We just said in terms of people that all the people who appear to us in life are all part of our tikkun, all this is part of the elevation of our soul, what is the elevation of our soul? In very simple and simple words, we said that the only elevation of a human being is to articulate the positive aspects of who they are and that is why there will be greater challenges because whenever there is the possibility of the positive there is also the challenge of the negative and also to overcome the ten specific negative tendencies you struggle with.
You have to be deeply in tune with yourself and ask yourself what are the things in my life that are positive. I have to chase them and chase them because that is your only elevation. Same thing too, what are the things in my life that I constantly struggle with? and I have a challenge and those are the things that I actually have to overcome that is the elevation of my soul now this also extends also when we talk about people this also extends to all spheres of things in our life we ​​like the physical likes physical things a person likes and dislikes a person likes spicy food a person likes sweet food a person likes a particular type of music another person likes doesn't like music each person has their innate likes and dislikes all these are indicators for us again what is our sole purpose what is atikun if you have certain tastes and they are positive tastes that is because you are attracted to those sparks that means that just like your personal tikkun your own elevation It is by revealing your pure potential the same is also part of our tikkun is to raise all the sparks, all the divine sparks that exist within this realm of creation, that are connected to our particular soul journey, how do we know what the sparks with which we are connected?
The answer is the same way we know who we are. just like we know who we are because these are the things that attract us, both positive and negative, and the positive ones we have to pursue and the negative ones we have to overcome the same also with all the things we like and dislike. objects in our life, if you have a particular even object in your life, this is because you must have this object during this time, we will talk in a moment about how this exactly works, but if you have this object in your life, the life it is something physical you have a car or a bicycle I don't know what you have it is a physical object this object needs you to tickle it some kind of soul elevation to evolve it higher and release the sparks that exist within it use it for a higher intention, that it's the reason you really want it, you think you want it because it looks good and it drives good or it looks good, whatever it is, that's what you think you like or want to get this pair of shoes or that pair of shoes and you think that this is what you really want, but the truth is that it is your soul calling on this object for an elevation, a spiritual elevation at the moment when this object is lost or out of your possession, so for example. you have a very beautiful watch and you feel very connected to it, we are going to say that the reason why you have this object is because you are very connected to this particular object, yes, it is inanimate, but there is a spark, there is a spirit and all. and you have to raise that spirit, whatever it is, make sure you look at the moment to see good things, want to do the right things in your life, so you are raising this inanimate object that you are walking down the street and you lose it is completely lost lost you can't find it you lose it on a beach and it's under the sand what do you feel how you should feel the answer is you have to understand that when you had it you were meant to have it and when you don't have it, you should no longer have it, at the moment when this It is no longer healthy energy for you, it disappears and if you go to pursue it, it will be something negative in the same way.
Also, if you see an object that belongs to someone else, this object belongs to someone else means that they have to have it and it is not healthy for you to have it now. It's a great question from everything I just said because the big question is us. We are assuming and this will be the big assumption that every desire that a person has, the root of the desire, will be something positive. It is very important to understand that every wish we have there is a famous story in the Talmud and igemar talks about the four wise men who entered the infinite garden and rabbi kiva says that when you reach a place of shaish of yashish when you reach the highest level of qatar do not say to the mermaid toy do not say water water those were his instructions to the students when they reach a final mystical state a very deep state of consciousness do not say water water what does it mean do not say water water water is a metaphor for desire do not say that there is two desires higher desire lower desire oh yes I have the desire to do an act of charity I have the desire to do a mitzvah I have the desire to sit and study I have the desire to pray and I also have the desire for a good pair of shoes it's not me personally but some people and I also have a desire for this particular object so you will say that in my mind they are two separate desires this is my higher desire this is my lower desire the answer is no there is nothing higher and lower there is only one desire, every desire you have in your life is a desire to connect with Hashem, simple, it is to connect with your source to have all the desires that we have, then you ask a question, then what does it mean?
It's fine I understand it. pray or give charity and do a mitzvah, but what does it have to do with whether I buy a pair of shoes? The answer is that there is a spark crying out for your neshama, your soul, that is connected to your spirit, that needs you to raise that. The spark is the same thing, so you think you need the shoe, but actually you don't, it is the spiritual energy that you are going to receive by receiving that shoe, in which you can give something back to that shoe, that is the inner desire, so there is only one wish and everything every wish is positive every wish you have is positive but then you are going to close your eyes for a second you don't have to tell me tell me what your wishes are and you say what do you mean?
I have things that I wouldn't tell anyone that I want, so this means it's a positive desire. The answer is yes, it is a positive desire and desire is an indicator to you that you have to achieve a tickle with the object you are desiring. or the idea that you are desiring but not all desires the way to achieve the tikkun of that desire is to pursue it and achieve it there is something called slapshut it means to be invested in something you have it on page two and there is something called something that It is called to let go of some desires in our life, the way we achieve its elevation is by investing ourselves and physically achieving that desire that we desire and some is precisely by not pursuing it, you have the desire for a new car, a couple of old cars. shoes and you are going to say that the way that yes, it is a spark that is coming to you and it is an opportunity for you for unification, but what is the best way in which you are going to achieve your hood is not actually little to bit. eating it or ingesting it into yourself but when you push it aside to elevate things not everything rises when you grab it sometimes some things rise when you push it aside you push it aside you release the spark you have you have a terrible desire for something to do something it is positive, the desire itself is positive, you're not supposed to act on it, you're supposed to let go of that desire, you say I have a terrible desire, God forbid, do something to someone else, okay, that means that there is some kind of connection to me, the other person, maybe I just have to push the person aside or not talk to them, okay, maybe that's how I'm going to release it.
Something has to be released, some sparks have to be released, but not always. to actualize the desire itself in general, I think most of us know what are the things in life that we should pursue, one of the things that I should not pursue, it's pretty clear what are the things that are healthyfor you and one of the things that are not healthy for you. spiritually mentally emotionally a person can evaluate what is happening if a person is having a real difficulty and Knowing is something to actually pursue because this is my tikkun, right? We say that my tikkun is my personal elevation, my soul elevation, for me to go in this life to be magagal, to go from incarnation to incarnation, to go from nephesh to the highest.
Soul levels I have to be constantly evolving, how can I know if I am? How can I evolve by observing everything that happens in my life? chasing the positive overcoming the negative right that's that's nauseating that's within me in my character but it's also how I relate to everything around me, to the people around me and I see the objects around me. I am constantly working on myself to reach higher elevations, so it is in the relationships that I have with people and in the relationships that I have with objects, so here I have this burning desire for this new pair of shoes.
Should I go ahead and spend all my last savings to buy this pair of shoes or should I put it aside? Is it in elevation or elevation, how do we know there are three? suggestions I found, I think this could be it, we will do it step by step. The first is to see what it says in the left column at the bottom of the second page, while the uncertainty is positive and negative, so the first is which is a classic book, a moosa. and this won't help most people, but at least it will help after you follow it, how does one feel after you have eaten something you know you shouldn't eat?
You usually don't feel as good if you do. You are an honest person after pursuing a desire that you know you shouldn't have, but you feel like waiting a second, maybe I should because it is a very strong desire, how do you feel afterwards? You feel? Is there still a void there? You pursued it, you achieved it, you did well, you did everything, how do you feel? Are you still left with that nagging emptiness, that feeling of incompleteness, or do you really feel like, oh, I feel like a healthy person now? The simple answer is that if you are an honest person, you will know that if you are looking for something that has meaning, something that has a purpose, something that has value, it could be painful while you are doing it because it could be difficult, let's give a simple example: you are walking by the way. street an old lady has to cross the street and you're in a hurry but you take the time to cross the old lady so while you're doing it it's like I don't ask her and you know and she stops and a smoker and she takes a cigarette in the middle, I don't know, it's like it becomes a completely complicated case and you have to take the woman across the street and you're late for a meeting, so while you're doing it it might be painful but the timing or awkward but I guarantee that the moment you cross the street you'll feel good about yourself and maybe you'll feel good about yourself the rest of the day and if you didn't, you might feel good about yourself for the first second because look, I got to my meeting fast, but the rest of the day, if you are an honest person, you will feel bad as if you know what really should have helped, that all the time you see, that is the difference when you do something positive, as long as you don't make mistakes, mess up with time, but if you are an honest person, relatively an honest person, if it is something positive, you will feel empowered, you will feel fulfilled.
You will feel complete when you are done and something negative will leave you with that empty feeling and that empty feeling, so that is a classic interpretation of Muslims to know once the action has been done, one of the students of the message market the balshampton student writes that this is more subtle but it is an awareness while you are doing the action while you are pursuing the desire what state of awareness are you experiencing? Are you experiencing a restricted state of consciousness or an expansive state? state of consciousness regardless of the big mind or the small mind, these are subtle states of consciousness that if when you are doing something that is right and you know it is right, you should do it and it is positive that there is a certain openness, it is not a feeling, it is not a sensation but a certain openness in the mind the mind feels a certain openness versus constriction again this is a more subtle subtle awareness the third suggestion comes actually not found anywhere in his writings but is cited in the name of the rambam by There are many texts, so we will say it on behalf of the Ramban Ahmadis, write like this and it is a very simple suggestion to evaluate a decision and know whether you should pursue something or not, because remember that is part of our tikkun part. of us is to know ourselves to know objects to know everything around us to know everything that happens in our life to know if we should pursue it and overcome it to be challenged by it he says the way to do it is to be impartial in the decision he pretends not to It's about you, should I buy this pair of shoes or not?
Okay, that's a very complicated question because you're very attached to this and you like this, you like beautiful things, whatever, but what if you're having an honest conversation? with a friend of yours and you know how much the person has in the bank account, so you know how they spend their money and you say and the person asks you if I do this or I don't pretend to be someone else, what advice would you give to someone else? that you're not really interested in the other person's outcome maybe a stranger someone comes up to you and says by the way this is the situation I have thirty dollars in the bank the shoe costs a hundred dollars you should I'm going to lend money to buy these pairs of shoes, what are you going to say to this other person the moment you can step out of the equation to take your ego out of the equation and imagine that it's an unbiased judgment and it's just about the other person? person, then you can properly guide and evaluate whether this is something positive to pursue and something to overcome, this is usually in terms of objects, so we have it in terms of what people like and what they don't like, what what you like and what you don't like in general. life and likes and dislikes of life and desires that we also have with objects, there is another point, then we will return to the beginning, there is another point about this that is written here in the right column and this is also It is important that it is not so connected, it's a little bit connected to what we're talking about, but I think it's important to add this point and this is a very simple example and of course you can use it in many different situations, many different.
Okay, you make a decision based on the previous notions and ideas that you know you know, just like with people, you know which people you should surround yourself with, which people you should not surround yourself with, the person has to know that there are certain people. who feed you with good energy certain people who suck your energy certain people who are good people and therefore you must surround yourself with certain people who resonate your soul resonates with them and you surround yourself with people because these people are helping the elevation of your soul um we even talked about a uh um, a bachelorette or someone who you are destined to marry the person who will be your partner.
This should also be a person as the Torah calls this person and is connected as connected means a helper against them. helper against him is a very very interesting phrase because we are not saying that the person is just the helper, we are saying that the person is a helper against you helper against you means it is someone in your life and that is why a person has multiple levels of soulmates because the definition of a soulmate is a person who allows you to be the most you should be and believes in yourself as much as possible, the greatest person you could become, but also a person who Challenge yourself to become that person. a person who constantly says in your life that yes everything you say is right or everything you do is perfect, that is not a connection, although it is not against you, maybe it is an azer, but I would say that it is not even It's a trap, it's not even a help to anyone. just says yes, yes, whatever you do is right, it's not someone who allows you to move someone who is gently, with love and compassion in your life, who is there to help you evolve, but also someone who challenges you and challenges you. says, "It's okay, you know yourself by the way you do it." you are struggling with anger you have anger issues I am going to try to help you together we are going to solve this or I am going to encourage you I am going to be there for you work to overcome this negative tendency that is a person who is connected that is a person who will help you to articulate your unique purpose and the more people you are connected to, the more it will be like you that is a help that helps you and also challenges you and there has to be a good balance, it can be too challenging, too much help, there has to be A proper balance will be challenging, the more the person is actually connected to their soul, so we have to do it. surrounding ourselves with people who not only encourage us but also challenge us to be more and certainly not connecting with surrounding ourselves with people who just put us down and just bring us down, but you want to have someone to constantly lift you up, this is So this extends to relationships with people and relationships with objects and relationships with time, with everything you have in your life.
You always have to think about how you are articulating yourself and elevating yourself in each moment to a higher state of consciousness so that we know that this is true and suppose a person gives you an example of one, let's say a person is struggling with weight. I don't know why I'm using this example because no one in this room had a problem with weight, but I don't know anyone, but let's say this is a concept and the problem is that you're overeating and you know you're overeating, no. It is, it isn't, so you decide, okay, you know what, from now on, and this is a very trivial example.
This is simple but it's anything in life from now on if I eat dinner I'm not going to have dessert this is your decision, you make it well so the first day it works the second day you fight with it and you get over dessert on the third day at 10 at night you find yourself with your head in the refrigerator eating dessert okay then then you see you told yourself that I'm a hypocrite because you know I made it up now I'm not going to do it so ah I might just eat the cake and there's no no reason, so I go back to square one and this is an example of food, but this is an example of anything in life, even the positive things, you decide, you are going to study, you are going to study. to pray you are going to do another mitzvah you are going to overcome anything you do your first day of work second day you have a challenge third day you just say you are a hypocrite because there are too many voices and you say oh so this is the one I want to suggest so you have to being honest honestly in itself means that you give voice to two voices there are multiple voices let's recognize their multiple voices and when you give voice when you get when you are honest about your inner voices there are two voices one voice says I'm hungry I want this dessert and I don't care my decision not to eat dessert the other voice says wait a second you just made a conscious decision that "You're not going to eat, so what you do is like this, what you tell yourself is like this, both voices , I hear you, I hear you, and it's not really, it's not a choice, in general, my higher voice will win tonight It's not like that." I don't have the patience to fight with my lower voice, so tonight my lower voice is going to win and you recognize that your lower voice is winning.
You are lazy, your other self, who is always more depressed with you and tomorrow will be different, so me. I just want to read what you do, you may not have the strength to win every battle, but make sure you give your deeper self a voice if you give in to the insistence of your lower self and even at the end of the day, be honest with yourself about the loss. I know, don't make excuses, it doesn't matter, big deal, so what did I miss one day, I made the decision to do this every day, oh, I missed one day, okay, and then what happens? you missed another one, then you say, then you say to yourself.
I'm a hypocrite and I should stop. No, I'm ruining tonight. It's very clear to me. I'm honest about it. Even casually, it becomes a slippery slope and blaming yourself. Don't make this entire practice. or nothing, situations recognize the battle, but you may have the spiritual energy to overcome each challenge completely, so you say, okay, now I have no clay, I have no strength to overcome this, this is my lowest voice, It's getting the best of me. now, but my higher voice tells me that in life you don't win, someone loses something, but with practice, gradually you lose less and less success, generate success, start with the small things, smart challenges that you know your being deeper it can overcome and build from there, you have to know that. you say yourself this is something I can overcome this is a small thing I can overcome this will be the voice that speaks to me now overcome it if I don't overcome it today it doesn't mean I'm a failure it just means that today my lower voice won over my higher voice high and when you feel successful and what you are doing empowered and honest with yourself you will have itstrength, the courage to continue and this is very important in terms of any type of challenge because ultimately it is about tickling the tikkun, it is about soul upliftment, solid upliftment, part of solar upliftment is chasing those positive traits, but part of the elevation of the soul is actually overcoming those negative ones. traits you are going to reincarnate and reincarnate and reincarnate reincarnate again and again until you resolve those things that are negative within your traits, you have to overcome them and because it is something that is very strong, there are many challenges and it is difficult, but we have to learn a technique for overcoming things that are difficult in life and overcoming difficult things in life is not saying it's okay from now on I swear I've got it, I mean, I'll never get angry again, I'm a person who struggles with anger. and I will never get angry again you know that's not going to work you say that from now on I usually get angry between six and seven in the afternoon because that's why I'm hungry and the kids or I come home there's a reason there's something in me life that is out of place that makes me angry from now on from six to six thirty from six to six fifteen I have control what happened at six fifteen was that is out of control but six fifteen is my control, I'm not going to get angry, so the first day you're holding on, you don't get angry, the second day you have more challenges, but you're holding on, the third day you're ready.
Anger, so what do you say to yourself? Two things. Its a big problem. So what I'm angry about today isn't going to help much, but the problem is that if you say that, tomorrow we'll hang up the next day. We will be angry too, so what we say is. just be honest, say, listen, you know what my lower self got today, better, better, it's a better part of me and it's not good, it's not good and I really feel bad, but I don't have the strength to fight every day tomorrow. I'm going to start I'm going to fight the new battle and tomorrow from 6 to 6 15 is sacred I'm not going to get angry and you will see that little by little 6 15 becomes 6 20 6 25 6 30. and that's how it is you build and this is the way we achieve tikkun.
There's one quick thing before we move on to the questions because on the first page we didn't get to that. It's a big conversation, but it's related to where we talked a little bit about the idea. of soul mates and um and one of the previous texts cabalistic text of the revelator germaiza writes a little story like a little anecdote that there was a boy in his city of uh of worms in germany and he is a very handsome boy and he is a very family prestigious with a lot of money and a brilliant child and the parents are trying to convince him to marry a particular girl and she too had all the miles, all the external trappings too and she was beautiful. and she was smart, intelligent, good family and the boy didn't want to marry the girl and instead he found the girl in another city and the way it is written is that she didn't have all the external trappings that the first girl had. and he was wondering why what happened what is what is what is the internal dynamic that makes a person before people become so superficial that it makes a person desire one person more than the next and superficially you would think that the boy the boy would want The boy would want that girl but he said he wants someone else.
Actually, this is a question of anything. How is one person attracted to one person and the other to another? What is the dynamic? A little more about that. What we're talking about has to do with soul connections, souls that are rooted in the same place, they are part of the same elevation, this creates soul dynamics and soul connections, um with respect to the element intended for a person, which masculine and the feminine, then he says. So before the soul comes down to this world, the soul becomes a dumb document in an etheric body that looks exactly like the body you will eventually have and generally you live your whole life, so you're reborn, you grow , you have a, you get married, you have children, you live your life and then you incarnate in your gas guth in your physical form and you are living the story of your govdak of your ethereal form now like me. said this is a great conversation what exactly does this mean but let me make a few small points: dumb gas is your physical body okay so one person has one body another person has another body why do we actually see each other different?
Let's say genetics, okay, that's one thing, but what is the root, the meta root of the difference in appearance, the different, the reason why people look different and some people are tall, some people are short, it's because this represents a manifestation of your soul energy that your particular soul needs this particular body to express who you are a person's soul cannot be in another person's body it actually happens it's unusual and this is a mix uh this is this This is a terrible mix of bodies and souls. What happens is a whole other conversation, but generally in the normal course of events, the soul of the person is an ex expressed in the body of the person.
If a person is short, thin, tall, fat, black, white, green, everything that a person is will be an expression of the person's spiritual constitution. spiritual realities manifest in their physical form, which means that the physical form is really a spiritual form, so the physical form is an expression of the spiritual body, which in essence the physical form is really an expression of the spiritual form , correct that spiritual form. It's called guftak, that's the shape of the body before it actually becomes a body um it's like the silhouette of the body or so the energy field of the body but the energy field of the body and that by the way is also called in the tsar's language is called hulk and it is also called cell, which means the shadow that the environment makes it is connected with the aura this energy field has the shape of the body at the beginning of life the physical form is a reflection that we use Hebrew word dumb gas the thick body is a reflection of the dumb doc it is a reflection of the ethereal form but throughout life there is a symbiotic relationship between the dumb gas and the gufdak because we are also creating the dumb spring in each moment it which means every time we have a thought every time we speak something we say something we do something we feel something we are projecting energy this energy is contained in our silly doc yes we are very consistent people in our spirituality, which means that we are very deeply an expression of our soul, then our fool doc is an exact replica of the fool gas, to the point that there were great sadiqs and great sages who were able to project their fool doc in another location which is called bilocation and if you say this is a very mystical concept, actually It is mentioned in the Talmud in the Gemara, the Gemara mentions that Rabbi Yehuda, after he passed away, would come to make children for his family, he would come to make children for his family, so apparently he was, but of course he was in the grave he didn't dig the grave and come out with a skeleton he came he looked like he looked when he passed away because his dumb doctor was completely intact and was able to reject himself this process is something that every soul goes through every person after After he dies, they go from his stupid gas to his stupid doctor.
We have to have another whole lecture on the near-death experience process, but one of the things people talk about is that people move like a cloud body like an etheric body this is the dumb doc because you go from dumb gas to dumb doc and dumb doc actually contains your entire memory and it's your aura it's your cell it's your energy field what's around you, that's completely you, you can project it and people can do it too in a deep prophetic meditation, you can actually talk to your dumb document, there is also a psychological illness where people see themselves double, double, uh Lincoln suffered with us, does anyone know. this word anyway is a double hanger or something, but it's like you, this is like yes, but there is someone, yes, but it's a psychological problem that you actually see yourself, you can see yourself, but the prophet according to the evidence according to some of the internal writings. from the son of the Kabbalistic texts that is actually what a prophet does, a prophet goes into a meditative state and actually hears himself talking to himself, first he hears it in his father's voice, which actually says in the bars that the master heard abram's voice when he spoke to him and then finally that voice becomes a louder and more transparent voice, but the process of leaving this body is not that you suddenly drop the body and you are completely disembodied, you enter first in an ethereal body that is the dumb dog, the guftak too. according to other wise men it is connected with uh with uh with Asian ruach with fire and wind because we say that there are four basic elements: earth wind fire water water and the earth are the physical elements and the fire and the wind are more spiritual more ethereal -like elements and the guf dock is actually created from the fire and wind element or something like angels like mahmoud and this is the relationship we have with this guf document in other words in simple language, I don't know.
If it could be simple language, but the idea is that the physical body is a manifestation of this foolish document and the guftaq is the energy that is maintained throughout life, we project it into this guftak and then we enter this guftak eventually until we completely disincarnate in an afterlife process and the reason why people get energy from other people the reason why some people feel like this person I belong to is from this person I'm connected to is because their doctor guf is talking to the other guftak, I don't mean this on a physical level, but the energies resonate with each other and the energy of your fool is what you are at any moment because all your thoughts, feelings, actions and all impressions and memories and your soul, your form of your soul, begin each day.
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