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May 31, 2021
You know I'm a bad guy, but you hear something, everyone lines up to watch these sick videos day after day, you sit back and watch other people's lives get destroyed right in front of you and you all just eat it up. up, right? and then you demand more and more, more and more, you are sick and I love it, so on the menu tonight I will serve you a thief and not just any of these, this thief stole from a family, a family. with a sick child now, even for a guy like me who is cold, so sit back, relax and while you enjoy tonight's main course, I hope to put a smile on my face.
the joker voice trolling on call of duty modern warfare
Do you believe in mirrors? That's pretty good. Sounds like him ah there you are now Do you believe in mirrors? What do you mean? Do I believe in mirrors? Well, you see, I don't believe in mirrors. You want to know why? Because they don't show you who you really are. I just show you what you look like, but when you stand someone up and scare them right in front of them, well, that shows you exactly who they are, so tell me something when I make you look in that mirror and trust me, I will. What kind of crying?
the joker voice trolling on call of duty modern warfare

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the joker voice trolling on call of duty modern warfare...

The poor excused man will look at you because I know him when I hear him and you sound like a snitch to me. Are you a snitch? Hey? Okay, I tell you funny guy, you got jokes, huh, sitting here. with that stupid


telling people damn names your life must be one of those jokes then huh yeah wow well a real creative friend no no I don't have any jokes but how about a magic trick now ? Think of a letter. card and picture, okay so let me guess, you know it's rude to interrupt someone, don't


me that, oh so we don't


people by their name, now do it and guess which card I'm thinking of.
the joker voice trolling on call of duty modern warfare
I have the card inside. my head no, I didn't say that no, now look what I'm going to do is once you've thought about your card, I'm going to ask you to keep thinking about that card as you walk towards the front door, which you're going to open for me and take a look. look outside. I'm not going to open the front door. Well, now you and I know you will. The seed of curiosity has already been planted. It really depends on whether you do it now or later and now. It would be a really good time for me, so would you mind if I do this and tell me who is so insecure?
the joker voice trolling on call of duty modern warfare
Well, look, you give them a little misplaced sense of control and they'll do whatever you want thinking it's on their own. Will and ladies and gentlemen, here we go, who is this? We have them right now, if you can tell me what this is or what it can actually do to me, um, go ahead, tell me why I should tell you. How about you tell me? How should I not call the police? Wow, the dibber dauber. Now I wouldn't choose that. I mean, would you of all people really like the police to be involved? Maybe they just want to talk to you because of something you did and maybe you know it. what is that something then you might understand why I'm here what's that supposed to be oh come on don't play dumb you're an idiot but you're not done yet I don't know what you're doing.
Speaking of oh, here you know what, since you don't remember, maybe your friend Bradley can help you refresh your memory. That? How do you know Brad Bingo? And you might want to take a look at it. Tell them your name. the people bradley i didn't do it he just made a joke about it oh that's it you're poor and innocent bradley is right yes no and who did your friend darnell take from what kind of people did he steal from was the rich were the bad were bad people bradley no they weren't they weren't what they were bradley eh they were people who needed the money yes they were people who had a sick girl bradley is that the kind of people who were bad, eh look at me, look at me, see, Bradley, they had a sick girl and they needed that money, but your friend Darnell didn't care, did he, oh no, he just took and took and took and took and took.
Well, I think it's time to take something away from it, don't you think? How do I take your friend? Would you like that smile on your face? Oh, what did you do? What did you do now? Calm down, I know you must have a lot of thoughts running through your mind so it's okay, the lights go out, what did you do? You turned off my lights, I told you you're a snitch, now you want to know what happened to your friend or do you want to survive? , just tell me what. You let me make this very simple.
You have two options. One that you run now. It may seem tempting, but I have to tell you that it would be a very bad choice for many reasons. One of them is: Hello, wait, okay, or you. You have option two, you go ahead and do everything exactly as I tell you, then what will it be? What are you going to do with me? me and all this disappears like magic so you threaten me and all this but if I pay you we're fine you're not going to arrest me why would you oh sorry, it sounds like you're talking to the hero of the story no, no, He's right, all I want to know is how you managed to pull this off because well, you don't exactly look like the sharpest tool in the shed.
I just found them. I just found your doctor's office. masked number my caller ID is that and then I asked for an in


after saying that the previous payment was not successful, it seems that I have underestimated you, you know what? For all that effort, I'll even let you keep half of what you stole genius, eh, well, that's how it is, either you lose or you pay me and keep half if I were a smart man and I am, I would like to keep my half, how am I supposed to give it to you? Take that card from outside, right?
Yes, they will turn it around for you. All the information you need is on the back. Please just tell me what I am. Well, I'm just a guy with a better plan than you, but also a guy. no patience so you have two minutes to pay me my share or things are going to go very badly for you and we don't want that now are we okay? okay, I got you good, just wait, you got it right, oh, I got it. but you see, it's not about the money, it was never about the money, no, it's about sending a message, why don't you go ahead and find out?
Oh, I never lied, no, you just chose to believe something that wasn't real. Sounds familiar, doc. we'll give you your money back or what are you going to do and kill yourself listen to me you have nothing to hide you know what's worse than a thief an arrogant thief I just found your doctor's office number one that's my call and then I asked for a bill after say the previous payment didn't go through, yeah, now we have about a minute until that happens, so if you don't want me to call the police, you might want to take out your phone and tune into this station. the money and leave me alone oh, put on your big boy pants and wipe your tears and tune in to that radio station or you're going to miss it and believe me, you don't want to miss this what a radio station, ah, what, what am I.
I'm supposed to do I know what the best part of all this is that those people that you stole from, well, they didn't want their money back, no, no, see you, they told me that everything recovered was mine and that the only thing they wanted, what they really wanted was for you. to understand what you did and they knew that getting the money back wouldn't be enough so I had to think about something else, what do you mean, what did you do, what did you do, and here we go ladies and gentlemen? Those of you who are listening tonight I want to ask you something have you ever wanted to take revenge on the filth of society the thieves the liars the abusers the real filth of the filth and what if I told you that you could and what if I told you that?
I have here with me the mobile number of a man who has stolen from a family, a family who needed the money most, a family who has been robbed of the care of their sick daughter due to their greed, what would you say to a man? so now you know what show me I say it again and here we go you can't put my number there you put my number on the radio why would you do this right you want to know you bought it what the hell no Isn't it illegal to put my number on the radio?
It's time and information. Oh, I know, I know, but that's why I didn't do it. You were the one who bought the ad. You see, you sent money directly to them, not me, you did this. Brilliant, isn't that who made me send them the money? You robbed me, you robbed me, I just asked an intern, you made him see, I was just a poor man with influence and you, you were a rich man with arrogance, I'll kill you, you listen. I put my number out there you're a sick piece no no I don't see it I'm not a monster I'm just ahead of the curve just stop don't be the


okay and tell them to stop calling right now .
It doesn't really matter if I am or not, what matters is that you should probably accept that, leave me alone, you know, I would suggest you be a little nicer to your callers, oh yeah, yeah, but how about you stop with me? Don't expose my problem in public, huh, or how about you leave me alone? How about you look irritated, raise your voice and deepen your tone trying to pretend you are bigger than you are by acting like it? We animals, we tell ourselves, shut up, if you want to get out of this tonight unscathed, you're going to have to make a sacrifice.
What do you mean, you hear those of all those people calling you and texting you right now, one of those. The numbers will save you and if you answer them, it will make this sound now. If you understand that, you'll want to call that number again, and if you call that number again, you'll hear this and I'll get back to you. that's good, that's really good, you want to know why, because if you don't, if you answer a call and you don't get that beep, in exchange for that wrong answer, someone you know, family, friends, acquaintances, really anyone connected to that mobile phone. you've been backing up online it'll be sent to my little recording of you and they'll be informed that the person you're really one with can't do that man, you might eventually have your freedom, but it will come at a cost Come on man, I have to do this, oh, I almost forgot, and every call you answer you must say hello first and beyond the speaker, don't try to fool me too, doctor, brother, come on, I don't have time for your little fits of anger.
You have 10 seconds. Do you want to play my game? What else am I supposed to do? There's no other damn choice in this anyway. Well, your time starts now and we have our first call. Would you be so clever as to hide the number in simple? I'm probably not the first person to call. Remember that each answer has a consequence. I wonder who Sammy is to you. Oh come on, be a sister, maybe a friend from work. I guess it doesn't matter now and she leaves. What's happening? let me know what sammy has to say about the real you and would you look at that, another person who already called.
Wow, they're just lighting up those lines and who said the radio was closed. I hate you for this smart good man. Hanging. they examine the calls they find that rhythm what a terrible situation your freedom hangs in the balance of chance every phone call has a cost there is a lot at stake just shut up, shut up hello, this is that there is no talking, oh, there is no strike either, what? TRUE? It's going to be this, oh, how about Uncle Walt? This would be table talk at the next family dinner, family brother please, well let's hope Uncle Walt is color blind because he's about to see your true colors.
Oh, relax, who really likes his guys. Probably yes to me. You're a favor Hello, yes, hurry up, call him back on speaker, you piece of bitch, I got it, I'll call you, I'll run your little game, you're crooked, I'm completing your game, now leave the rest to me. from hey hello yeah no what do you mean no what are you calling hey what are you calling i completed the game hello this is the police department hell man they can't hear you see i just want you to hear the exact moment it was just money he just stole money see ya now , you didn't mention it all this time, I told you now, the only thing you took the blame for was stealing money, but you didn't just steal money, did you?
Yes I did, I admitted I stole the money, the reason I got involved in this was not because you stole money, no I got involved because you raped someone, you took something much more valuable than money from them, they know this and they are disgusting background theaters like you, well even the title of criminals deserves better. than you, but don't worry, your new boyfriend there will definitely tell me why you're angry, you're angry, brother, huh?

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