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THE INVISIBLE MAN (2020) Ending Explained

May 25, 2020
How are you doing friends, welcome to find movies in this scene. Explain that we will see the recent update of Universal's monster classic, The Invisible Man, which follows a mad scientist who uses his power to become


to stalk and terrorize his ex, yes, when no one believes her, she decides to take matters into her own hands. own hands and fight back. Honestly, it's shocking how much difficulty Universal has had in recent years when it comes to new versions of their roster of classic monsters. They had big ambitions for a shared monster universe that's not a bad concept, but each of the entries crashed and bombed hard, starting with Dracula Untold, sure, let's put Dracula and Game of Thrones, that was it, and then there was the mummy with Tom Cruise that only had flashes of horror instead.
the invisible man 2020 ending explained
A much more bombastic, high-budget action spectacle, in both cases it failed badly and the Cinematic Universe juggernaut was dead before it even began. Fortunately, with the Invisible Man, they finally figured out what to do. Readying the Blum House formula reduced the budget to $9 million, so there's a lot less at stake financially and to really focus on the horror aspects of the story instead of making it an afterthought and getting a director. successful and well-regarded genre film with Leigh Whannell, who has been kicking around for years writing, co-starring in and watching while writing the insidious series and recently made his first debut as a writer and director with the impressively updated vehicle.
the invisible man 2020 ending explained

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the invisible man 2020 ending explained...

The Invisible Man is by far his most successful film to date and excels in every aspect, from the truly incredible soundtrack, full of Inception-style soundscapes to the direction and camerawork always drifting into corners. voids and chairs, making us think that something might be waiting there, we can't see it, it's very effective, literally making an empty frame, somehow terrifying, longer than expected. Wonderful performance of the paranoia that fueled Elizabeth Moss in every part of the film. works perfectly together to make a great modern and updated take on the Invisible Man and so far it's my favorite mainstream horror movie of the year, at least until something else comes out, so at least Universal finally figured out how to do his character justice classic and there are quite a few twists and turns in the story particularly near the end, which complicates things a bit and ultimately doesn't leave us exactly where things land after the story unfolds, so we'll look into in-depth history on some interesting Easters. eggs there, as well as breaking down the mini twists and explaining the


and how it relates to the whole art of Cecilia's character, the completely dialogue-free opening sequence starts things off on a brilliantly disturbing foot and is also able to inform us of a bunch without saying a word. word Cecelia wakes up and immediately, based on our behavior and demeanor, we can see how scared she is, which makes sense, how she is implementing a plan to escape from her boyfriend Adrian's weed, she carefully gets out of bed and recovers a bottle of diazepam that I used to use.
the invisible man 2020 ending explained
She drugs him by dumping the evidence in the closet sink, she retrieves a duffle bag of supplies hidden in a wall event and uses a ladder to turn a camera around to keep an eye on Adrian. Wow, you've definitely thought a lot about this. The safe plan is drawn up, she descends into her laboratory Iron Man style to cut off all security camera feeds and deactivate the alarm. Also here she sees some strange black costumes on display, which we'll discover is quite a bit of foreshadowing. The


suits, yes, still on the edge, see you tiptoe back through the house towards the garage on the edge of freedom, although she stopped at her dog zoos and apologizes for not being able to take him with her, but she feels guilty upon seeing the shock collar Adrian makes for her.
the invisible man 2020 ending explained
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precious seconds getting it off the poor dog and in doing so we accidentally hit a fancy sports car, set off the alarm and set it at full speed to escape, climb over some concrete barricades onto a country road and see lights come on. in the house, which means Adrian isn't far behind and I have a feeling he's going to be angry. She is even more distraught because her transport has not yet arrived and she continues to look into the forest for any sign of Adrian. Luckily, her sister Emily shows up. relief demanding that she drive and throwing the bottle of diazepam upon entering emily is confused by everything that is happening here she tries to get some answers but there is no time and Adrian appears enraged yelling at her to open the door and hits the window chasing her behind the car while They speed away in the night tank, so now we understand how much of a threat Adrian really is, besides being violent and emotionally unhinged, even without much context, we 100% understand why he would want to get out of there.
From there, although she managed to escape when we picked up two weeks later, she is now in a constant state of fear to the point of making her house too scared to even leave due to the possibility of Adrian tracking her down and staying with her. a police officer friend of her sister James and her daughter Sydney, he encourages her to try again and go get the mail, which turns out to be more difficult and traumatic than imaginable, as there are only a few precious steps left outside before it passes. a runner and sent her running back.
Inside, she becomes increasingly paranoid by Googling articles on how to tell if you're being watched and blurring her webcam lens, even tensing up when the doorbell rings—it's just Emily—but she's still terrified that I warned her that Don't come here worried that Adrian will do it. follow her and without letting her say a word she is finally able to reveal her earth-shattering news upon seeing that Adrian has died showing her an article detailing that he committed suicide Emily is happy with the news now look she doesn't have He didn't want to take her out of his life anymore but she's too Bewildered, she seems even unable to comprehend the idea that Adrian is really gone based on his previous comments.
Emily hasn't been in contact with her sister for some time and she has no idea why. She went into a relationship with Adrian, which she opens up about mainly having to do with controlling every facet of her life, from what she wore or ate and even what she said and where she went, this also included physical abuse, but what Even more alarming, he wanted a baby and knew that if she got pregnant she would never be able to escape, so she started taking birth control without him knowing, but she also realized that this could only last so long, which led her to his daring escape that we saw at the beginning.
Emily promises that she's safe now and that they're here to help her, which gives C a much-needed confidence boost as she makes another trip outside and this time even picks up the mail, hooray, although the victory is short-lived. Jane is discovering that one of the pieces of mail is for her even though no one knows it will stay there, it is related to Adrian's trust and she and Emily visit her lawyer brother Tom, who is in charge of executing the last Adrian's wishes. Tom begins to read a heavy-handed letter that states blame is seeing, which Emily quickly puts an end to, it turns out that we're meeting soon for a massive payday to the tune of 5 million dollars thanks to Adrian, of course, there's some stipulations like not being able to commit a crime, but that shouldn't be.
It will be a big problem for her and she signs the papers that will change her life. First he returns it to James and Sydney, buys them a fancy new ladder and opens an account for Sydney to go to fashion school and here we see a totally different happy-go-lucky side of C's personality that he's been under. Adrian's control for so long and that she is finally beginning to get out of that painful situation that consumed her for years. Naturally, things won't be so easy as she once again worries that someone is following her after a well-deserved shopping trip.
She feels that there is someone in the room and she hears some faint and strange clicking and humming noises, but no one seems to be there, but it becomes more obvious that the next morning, when she prepares breakfast, she leaves. the stove is left unattended for a moment and returns to the heat after being lit causing a fire which they put out and laugh but it is just the beginning of their strange visits that night hearing the door creak open along with footsteps and the same soft click and fast. the house in total silence slowly searches the hallways listening to distant footsteps in the living room but there are no signs that anything is wrong until she hears the front door open by itself she comes out looking around the neighborhood looking alone but it's definitely not someone's breath Behind her she remains in the air undetected, the Invisible Man makes his presence more noticeable by removing the sheets while C sleeps and took some photos of her that wake her up.
She's scared by a silhouette at the foot of the bed, but it's just an outfit, well, not just. any outfit except the same one worn by the original Invisible Man back in the 30's. Nice Easter egg, there she grabs the sheet clearly seeing the outline of the footprints on the fabric, they move closer and move the sheet away from her seeing James scream , sure that Someone was there but of course there's no evidence of this, which starts to make it seem like the whole situation is actually driving her a little crazy. James tries to console her by telling her not to let Adrien chase you like he will if she lets him. him, although things only get more severe during a job interview.
C discovers that her folder is empty. Someone has removed all the drawings and she suddenly starts to feel bad. She and Laurie pass out on the floor and are later examined at the hospital with a blood test. She finds out that it was a large dose of diazepam in her system that caused her to pass out, but she doesn't remember taking any of it and she is surprised to see a bottle there in her sink, the same one. that she dropped to escape. Adriennes and she is becoming more convinced that he is still alive, she returns to Tom's house and tells him to put an end to this.
She, of course, says, What do you mean he's totally dead? And she remembers how far he was willing to go to keep her. in the relationship warning that if he ever went anywhere from her, he would find her, walk up to her without her knowing, but leave a sign so she knew he was there pulling out the bottle of pills to prove it. She points him out and she thinks he must have found a way to become invisible. House was an innovative scientist in the field of optics. Tom is adamant that he left, although he agrees that he was brilliant not in his work but in his ability to get into people's heads. and takes advantage of her weaknesses even here, he says he came up with the perfect way to thoroughly torture her, making her think he found a way to turn invisible without doing so, sending her paranoia into overdrive, effectively torturing her from beyond the grave.
This guy is twisted, he also admits he hated his brother, he chuckles, he was relieved to hear he was dead and whoever doubled down on his point produces a crime scene photo of Adrian lying on the ground, blood all around Of his body, it certainly looks quite a bit. dead there, so is he really dead and is he losing control or is it all an elaborate plan to make her look crazy? Visiting Emily, he finds her quite agitated. An email supposedly sent in case he calls her a smother and wants her out of her life. she has no idea about any email believing it has to have been Adrian but Emily is sick of all this telling her she needs medication and closing the door much to her surprise when she returns home and checks her laptop the email is still coming from her account. into the synth box, making it seem like, for all intents and purposes, she sent the damning email, sure that Adrian is responsible for everything and can't do anything about it, she collapses into a weeping ball on the floor and he is reaching again.
Sydney finds her still there later and tries to make her feel better, offering to have a girl tonight and eat some cake to take her mind off things, but no such luck, an invisible force hits Sydney in the face. thinking it was C, but now. we know better that the damage is still done even though James took Sydney away for her safety and she begged James that this is what Andrian does, wanting him to think he did it to isolate her and be more alone, which It worked itself out and she goes with it. goes out and hits her instead of a girl, decides to try calling Adrienne's cell phone and hears it ringing eerily from above in the attic using that fancy new ladder, goes up into the dark space calling her cell phone again and finds it.
He goes right to the other side of her apartment, opens it and finds two photos taken that night while she was sleeping along with a knife in a plastic bag,the same one that fell in the kitchen when he was cooking and also a pile of all his missing drawings, then he gives a text message to The phone is surprised and prepares to defend himself, he takes the knife and looks down at the floor below, no He sees nothing there, but knocks over a can of white paint, exposing the outline of a strange black suit and now knows with absolute certainty that someone has been wearing it.
This suit to terrify her with its invisible powers, she jumps through the sink and fills it with white paint, her attacker has washed it undetectable once again and attacks her, grabbing her by the neck and slamming her against the wall, she does everything she can to fend. against what she can't see thrown across the room and hitting him with plates and anything she can find works to get loose, he can go outside and call a guy to take him, sure it's convenient there in four. o'clock in the morning and there's an elevator around the corner, it's California for you, although the guy almost completely frustrates her.
Taking a 15-point turn to get going, he tells her that he will take her to the ranch. Adrienne on the outskirts of town, it's pretty eerie there, especially with all the white sheets covering everything and yet surprisingly Zeus is still there and looks good, hmm. How could he have been alone for two weeks without being fed? Suspicious enough, he makes it obvious that someone has still been spending some time here. Pan makes her nervous because they're still here now that she's back in Adrienne's lab fine-tuning that exhibit. that he saw earlier and tries to decipher the code to remember the first day they met and put that as the correct password, he comments quietly oh how romantic, he sees a table on the wall showing what appears to be the point of view of something.
Hearing those same constant clicking sounds that we heard on each of its hitherto invisible counters, lo and behold, after a few button presses, the D suit cloaks itself and reveals that it is composed of small neural chambers around it that allow it to distort visual information. around to become effectively invisible, he removes the suit from its hooks and receives a warning bark from Zeus informing him that he has a visitor and returns to his hiding place in the closet vent, hiding and peering through a crack in the door that it opens. On her own, seeing a foot print appear on the ground, she escapes to be caught by the invisible man, but with the help of Zeus, she is able to evade them and return to her elevator, calling her sister to meet her. her in a public place now that he has real proof of what has been happening here in a trendy restaurant, he is relieved that his sister decides to come telling him that he loves her and praising her inner strength which he needs especially now begging him to believe what she About to tell her, she begins to explain how she found the suit that Adrienne built, but is interrupted by a knife seen floating next to her in the air that slits her sister's throat and flies to take her hand.
Everything happens so fast that he doesn't even grab her. what just happened watching in disbelief as Emily tragically bleeds out on the table, she is thrown to the floor and arrested. This invisible guy is a real jerk. She has been committed to a mental hospital, which, based on her actual evidence, makes her appear completely insane. again screaming in the ICU as they drag her into a room and sedate her and she fades into unconsciousness, she hears Adrienne's voice telling her of her surprise as she blocks them from questioning her later, they go over her recent strange behavior and again it seems like she's just been losing the head instead of being an invisible torturer. being responsible, trying to be honest with James, and feeling guilty for even involving her sister with Adrienne because she would never do anything to hurt her.
He also feels guilty for leaving her alone believing she failed him and yet he has no reason to believe her story. that Adrienne was alive at this point, based on all the evidence brought to her room, the nurse drops a bombshell asking if she knew she was pregnant and based on a reaction, no, I don't think she knew, and also clarifies that there must be At some point last month, she realized that even then her plans were being deceived by Adrian, which becomes very clear in a revealing meeting with Tom that changes everything so far that he attempts some kind of compassion by still calling her family. despite everything that has happened. what is her purpose here for stopping the payment, one of those stipulations is having to be of sound mind, which doesn't look so good for her right now, she doesn't let him near her and tells him that she used to feel sorry for him. a blood relative of a sociopath a punching bag handcuffed to Adrian's wallet but he says he can now see him for what he really is the jellyfish version of his brother exactly the same but - the spine ooh burns he suggests he can re-litigate the case at great cost or sign the document and lose trust, then the real game being played here is revealed by offering her one more option: agree to have the baby and return to Adrian, so not only do we know for sure that Adrian is alive. but he already knew about her pregnancy, divulging that of course Adrián knew that she took contraceptives and replaced them with a placebo without her knowing, warning that he would always find her no matter what he had to do, the reason behind his absurd obsession is due to to the fact that she doesn't need him, something egomaniacal Adrian has never experienced before and is why he is punishing her for trying to lead with the alternative of probably being convicted of murdering your sister, she is still not interested in frustration , throw the papers on the floor. and grabbing a pen as she puts them together, she leaves, but it seems Adrian was a silent witness at the meeting.
He looks ominously towards a couch and seems sure Adrian is there. She puts this theory to the test in an extreme way. Back in her room, taking the pin and sticking it in her arm, screaming that she will never be able to have the baby, an invisible force grabs her arm stopping her and she retaliates with the pen, stabbing and repeatedly, damaging the now flashing suit. erratically to become visible. and he is not clearly seen by an officer who enters and to whom his Taser is returned, allowing him to leave the room. More and more waves of agents appear to try to stop him and it is a visibility in and out he is able to eliminate the entire group one by one listening again to what Adrian unmistakably says saying bang when he points a gun at his head and makes him Her exit sees her grabbing a gun and chasing him, she briefly sees him in the parking lot but misses the shot. arriving at a van with the back open, he appears right in front of her and strangles her again, speaking clearly in Adrienne's voice, he demoralizes her for thinking that she is learning to beat him and decides that it is time to teach her a lesson about who she really is. in charge. her threatening to take it out on someone she cares about, i.e.
Cindy informing James of what's going on and hijacking a car in a mad dash to beat Adrien. They're seeing our old friend Billy from the Southern movies like graffiti on the fence. also by Leigh Whannell, as mentioned above, he arrives at the house, first enters the patio door into the dark and peaceful house, descends into Sidney's room, she wakes up startled by his presence and, seeing nothing , he still goes for his mace and Unleashed, does he listen? he groans and crashes into the dressers, running into the hallway and throwing the clothes on the floor. The most important thing is to see here that there are two different people and invisible suits that Adrian in the room could not physically have gotten in front of her so quickly, so the person who forced her is definitely someone else, her father does it by fighting with the man invisible and once again it's quite difficult to fight what you can't see, when her butt is hit, it appears just after opening fire with a fire extinguisher, allowing her to see her attacker and punch the man, he begins to stumble. towards her, but he doesn't get very far, collapsing dead on the floor and taking off his mask, surprisingly there's Tom underneath, signaling that he's the one responsible this whole time he seems pretty open. and it comes to a close when the police raid Adrienne's house and find him barricaded behind a wall with his hands tied and looking terrible as far as James and the law are concerned.
Adrianne was a victim of Tom just like C, but she knows better if he could fake his own death, he could easily fake a kidnapping too. He encourages her to accept things by saying it's the easiest way to get her life back, but she doesn't want him to believe that Adrien did everything before and actually made her brother understand. that this is just another one of Adrienne's classic tricks, making C think she's the crazy one we've been seeing the entire movie, he asked her to let it go, but after everything she's been through, There's no way that's happening.
She puts her own foot together by calling Adrienne and on the surface making it seem as if she has forgiven him and is even willing to consider him returning to her life in any capacity and decide to have dinner at her house to discuss his future. and that of his son. Adrienne seems contrite by admitting that he didn't treat her like he should and promises that she learned her lesson Yeah right, bastard, she's more interested in starting things off on a more honest foot, asking him to admit to everything he's actually been doing, including framing his brother, but he is adamant that he is innocent and that it was all Tom's fault, even swearing that this is true.
She begins to sob, knowing for sure that he is now incapable of being truly honest with her and making any attempt to comfort her, knowing that sometimes she feels that way. she's freaking out, which you're actually completely guilty of, but that's okay since he knows her better than anyone and seeing how dumb he really is, he says that shouldn't be a big surprise, really emphasizing the word which, of course, supports the end of Caesar's story, going back to that surprise message he received at James' house in the attic, making it very clear now that Adrienne was the real mastermind here and that everything was rejected when he left for making her lose everything in her life and bringing her back to him again because no one else had left him before he refused to let this happen and really went to great lengths to do so, even letting his brother take the blame and They will kill him and he will also kill Emily.
I mean this guy is a total psychopath, that moment where Cindy gets attacked makes this make more sense that it was actually Adrienne wearing the suit up until this point and since we realized there are two suits and he has even more at home, one. He uses it here and the other one is used by his brother, giving him many opportunities to sneak out of James' house and be waiting between the walls when the police arrive executing their entire plan with his unfortunate brother taking the blame talking about suits. one that he hid the last time he was here, he excused himself to go to the bathroom and knowing that he had no other option to stop Adrienne once and for all, he sat there alone, looking at his empty chair, then he raised his steak knife and Slitting her own throat, that's what it seems like at least, but when Si walks in and pretends to be shocked on camera by calling the police, we know she had assembled the suit and did the act herself, finally putting her in control of their dynamic. using Adrian's own. invisible tricks against him hello they showed you, he understands this - as he bleeds on the floor, the scene takes him down and says surprise as he flutters away towards death, James, who is listening, nearby comes running to the scene, a calm sea informs him that he killed.
James isn't stupid either and asks her if she was really trying to get him to confess on the tape, she says yes and I believe it too. She gave him a great opportunity to confess, but he refused to do so and continued to pick on him. seed and that's why she kills him knowing that he would always be torturing her for the rest of her days and finally got tired of his attempts to control everything in her life, taking control for herself for the first time and leaves again emboldened. and confident in knowing that she can finally put this ordeal behind her and truly start living her life on her own again, free of all the Adrienne craziness.
I mean, seriously, you built a suit that can make you invisible and its best use is torturing his ex-girlfriend and creating this whole crazy elaborate little scenario, the guy has some serious problems that's for sure, with that we've come to the point. conclusion of this entry


again for abysmal man, at least Universal finally figured out how to do it right. A modern take on the classic characters from him and that's a triumph in itself, and Leigh Whannell is increasingly showing off his deft hand as a horror director and writer, showing us that there will be a lot to expect from him in the future. of the Universal Monsters, hopefully they'll learn what made this work and not stray too far from the core concepts thatThey made people like monsters in the first place and there is already another remake in the works and perhaps, unsurprisingly, it will be a remake of Dracula but with Karyn Kusama at the helm, who is known for the invitation and the Jennifer's body, so I hope her version adds something new to the oft-adapted vampire story and allows Universal to keep the positive momentum going to allow us to get some you know, really good new versions of our favorite classic monsters, fingers crossed, What did you think of the Invisible Man and its ending?
Which classic Universal monster is your favorite? Let me know what you think in the comments below, be sure to LIKE, Subscribe, Follow, Thanks for watching conflicts until next time

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