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May 29, 2021
So, about two weeks ago, the people who make the



games at tinybuild sent me a DM about a new TV show from a brand that is a


based on



and I missed it four days late. I'm reacting to hello neighbor. Television program. I've seen some screenshots of this and it looks amazing. I love it Hello neighbor. You guys love Hello Neighbor too. They have to because this has been up for four days when I saw it and it has ten point eight million views. Which is crazy and I also have a special reaction clip at the end of this video, which is a little preview of the new game Hello Guest, so stick around and watch the Hello Neighbor TV show.
the hello neighbor cartoon
I'm excited about this. I think it's going to be very good. Welcome to Raven Brooks. Let me press play. Turn up the volume. Oh, that's a good start. We have lightning here. They are the streets with the houses. This is a little more. built than real games, right? I'm pretty sure I'll try not to pause it too much. Wait, do you see it? You see it? Oh my Minecraft skin Nikki bro you're stealing my identity what's going on? Here you even have a triangle in the middle. That used to be a diamond. Did you scratch it and draw a triangle?
the hello neighbor cartoon

More Interesting Facts About,

the hello neighbor cartoon...

That's cool, obviously, I'm joking, but this is, I guess us while we're playing in the game. and then the neighbor is, you know, the world famous neighbor, let's keep it interesting, so it's after his kids go missing, so that's confirmed because there's a lot of things in Hello Neighbor that aren't really that confirmed, it's all just law and guesswork and that's mostly because you literally can't talk in hello neighbor, does the neighbor like growling and stuff? Okay, I don't like it, he says, uh, he makes those kinds of noises, but he doesn't really talk, whereas the character is now talking and giving us a little bit. more context, so the neighbors' children have disappeared and the records have been buried in an interesting amusement park also interesting is an amusement park because remember there is the roller coaster in the games of hello neighbor I see you here the voice sounds like light in Death Keep in mind I don't know why I get those vibes but it's us in the game spying on the neighbors, we see him gasping until that's the noise, that's the noise, he doesn't talk either and he looks absolutely terrifying, He's going to drill this guy. wait they both have glasses so that's his sister obviously they have glasses on their jeans maybe the dad wears glasses too this guy has some nice bluetooth headphones you know he's the brains behind it all and that's his Sister, wait, that's yours. sis, anyway I'm confused about the kids or are they going to wear night vision goggles, come on, oh they're like walkie-talkies, okay that makes sense, how old are these kids?
the hello neighbor cartoon
Because that guy's voice is as deep as mine. I'm like this. boy, there are lockpicks, this is serious criminal activity, actually, this is illegal, I'm not sure you should do this, dude, that's illegal, it's kidnapping your own children, this isn't much better, they're going to break in , we are in them. There is the car, the famous car, he has returned. Oh, he doesn't speak, there he is. I love the style of this animation, by the way this is just a pilot so they just like to make a short first episode, it happens on TV. how the tv works this looks really really good normally it's a little unfinished but it looks really good it reminds me of quite strange parents the kind of animation style is amazing we can smell it but oh no wait wait damn it's written on all the walls.
the hello neighbor cartoon
This is actually a great idea for a TV show. I'm trying to look for clues because I want to know more about the story of Hello Neighbor. There is another location. There are people. deep down too Oh Luce is that Lucy says Lucy something president of the university something something tax plan oh this is deep this is very deep wait steal things bass look for the glue you could throw glue you have to be careful or there is something missing like a door there's the crow Hawaii she just fell down the garbage dump oh she's gone oh no, here come the crows this is not a good sign what's going to happen next he knows the kids are there now Oh, the animation is amazing, I won who did this there are pieces hidden everywhere oh it's mad it's big Mads this house is crazy is that house the next duel oh wait what's in the bag bro it's yeah what hair color does your son have?
This is a little scary now, um, oh. no oh no he's cool the hair in the back if you were me the body make sure it's hidden come on no wonder the neighborhood court no wonder I just put a tracker on her is that she these kids are smart they're free there's no trash I I mean no you know for sure that these surnames Peterson. I'm pretty sure all the old versions of Hello Neighbor and stuff, even the newer ones, were written as some kind of broken Russian or some kind of European language. I'm pretty. right, oh no, the Golden Apple amusement park, what a great name Golden Apple, that took me hours to find, by the way, when you had to farm that in the era like alpha 3, was that when you had to farm Golden Apple?
Ridiculous, it took me hours and hours and hours. Well, he's talking, he's talking, his voice is almost as deep as the children's. I like his voice, maybe they are like friends because they are neighbors, maybe the kids used to be friends. the neighbors kids for all the neighbors his first name is his last name is Peterson Owen where is his name if it was something real like Pierre is so evil, I don't know, but it won't be something like Bob, right ? I guess Bob might be bad what you're burying, huh, Bob, what you're burying mister. Peterson I was going to say maybe it was a dog or a pet, but it's a doll, okay.
I know. I also wonder what that amulet was. We haven't seen it in the game. Good evening, who is there? Oh, you always like a peasant. he's fine here are his complaints it's like i'm playing every


he has to have a good towel isman you have no idea what you've done you stopped him burying his wrist the crows have something to do with it because he was talking to someone. Wasn't it him while the crows were circling? It is a bit akward. He knows where you are. You live in front of him. He will find you even though he is which room you are in.
Oh suspense, what was he doing? I liked that cartoons. It seems like he's also giving you more clues about the game because, like I said before, the game is really open, you can make up whatever you want, but this gives it a little more backstory, that it was an amulet, there were crows. There are four children who are alive and well, there are two children who are the neighbor or Mr. Peterson and then listen to Lisa Newbery, the kids, that's pretty dark, but she buried a doll and said good night, sweet girl, so maybe her scientist maybe turned her daughter into a doll, but that still leaves a missing child He also took the records.
That's creepy. very creepy and I guess this is a pilot so this is where they normally send it, it's like studios and TV channels to see if they accept it and then they animate a full series, but considering it has ten point eight million views. YouTube only in less than a week in less than five days I have a feeling they could do more of this. I think this is really cool. I love the vibes. I love the art style. Let's take a look at the new trailer for the game as well. it played at the end of a live stream where they live streamed the premiere of the pilot and then at the end they previewed a little clip about the game, hello guests, I haven't played yet, there was like a leak to build somewhere. but apparently that's the next Hello Neighbor game, so let's take a look at this one too.
Here he is, keep your eyes on that guy, keep your eyes on him, there he is, he looks like the neighbor, but he's much smaller and he has a crow. a head okay let's keep spooky well the crows say hey here we go so this is what the game looks like. Hey neighbor, there's like a fence gate, close it immediately, oh, that was the guy, right? And we also have like There are also new items in the inventory that we have like a zapper, a cable, a crowbar, also a staple gun. I'm going to staple the guy.
I want to pause it, so let's leave this machine that we placed. that's the zapping machine I was talking about, I don't know why you need it, but then this guy shows up, he has the neighbor's hands, he's small but he's crouched at the same time, I think he just gets out of here and walks like too He's disgusting. I don't like the following. I would leave another article. There he is. Look, he has the head of a crow. It's like the neighbor has a turtleneck and then there's a beak poking out. This is weird, bro, oh, there it is. comes out, he doesn't want to be seen at all, so now we're connecting these two together, oh that's a generator that makes sense and now we have a light, well maybe that will scare him, that might be the point of the game. scares the guests, oh and we also have a tree house, oh, a big tree house that opens, look what's inside, the power ran out, so the light went out, so he grabbed the staple gun, I actually think it's fuel.
I think there might be fuel. for the generator but the lights off Oh, dear, that was it. I want to try to catch him, so it definitely scares him because the lights are on. Where is the? There is. Oh, it's creepy. I don't like. That's the neighbor's game. Hello neighbor. he's scary but replace his head with a beacon he's a hunchback and he's super fast that's even scarier so it looks like it could be a game where you have to scare him and if darkness comes he'll catch you it's something like that that I like. the sound of that sounds good anyway i've been rambling for a while that was the animated series hello neighbor which i adore because of the way it looks cool i love those types of shows when i was a kid and now that we're making the world of the games looks like a Nickelodeon cartoon, basically, like I said, it looks like SpongeBob SquarePants, it looks like Fairly OddParents, that kind of style, very professional.
I'm very impressed and excited to see more and then we get hello guests. I'm also excited to play. I don't know when it will come out, but when it does, I'm sure I'll play it, so guys, I hope you enjoyed it, we saw some new secrets and got some new information about. the neighbor and also the other kids so I think of the kids in the secret neighbor game so it all comes together and includes the crows but I don't know what the crows are doing anyway leave some theories in the section comments below, let me.
I know what you think about it, if you enjoyed this video and are excited for more hello neighbor, leave a like, they will really appreciate it and if you want to see more hello neighbor first every time something new comes out, listen to that subscriber and just below of the video which would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for watching guys and see you soon, yeah.

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