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The Healthiest Bread Recipe In The World - SO Easy!

Apr 15, 2024
Hello, I am healthy and delicious and I am a nutritionist who eats


, guys, today I am going to share my


for homemade


, it is only two ingredients and it does not require a bread maker, any kneading or anything crazy like that and at the end of the video I am going to settle the debate about whether bread is fattening or not and I will tell you why I eat it before I start let me know in the comments what is your favorite way to eat bread that I like. a nice veggie sandwich or with a nice hot soup let me know your favorite why okay let's do it so I'm starting here with a pyrex bowl and I have a cup and a half of warm water you don't want the water If it's too hot or it will kill the yeast, you can put in about a cup and a half of water, throw it in the microwave for about 30 to 40 seconds, you don't want the water to get over 110 degrees, but I don't.
the healthiest bread recipe in the world   so easy
I have a thermometer, so I'm guessing, so I'm going to take this instant dry yeast. You can get the small packs or you can get a big one. I'll link it below. You can get it on Amazon. I'm going to add two and a quarter teaspoons, so here's one teaspoon, two and a quarter teaspoons. Now I'm just going to whisk all of this together until it dissolves. Normal bread


s will call for salt, but I won't add salt. to this you absolutely can if you want about half a teaspoon now it's time to add the flour.
the healthiest bread recipe in the world   so easy

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the healthiest bread recipe in the world so easy...

I'm going to use whole wheat flour. You could use all-purpose flour. You could use white flour, but I prefer. use organic whole wheat flour when it comes to flour, wheat flour, it's flour, wheat is heavily sprinkled with glyphosate and this is the same as roundup so if you can, the price difference really isn't that different for the organic one, so I usually get the organic one. I'm not a snob when it comes to organic fruits and vegetables, but if I'm making my own homemade bread, I can also buy the organic one, whole wheat will taste different than white, so See what you like best. so now I'm going to add three and a quarter cups of flour, now I'm going to let the dough rise, you want to let it rise for about two or three hours, I'm going to let it rise overnight, I'm just going to put by the way, put a towel on top of it and let it sit overnight, if you don't know who I am.
the healthiest bread recipe in the world   so easy
Hi, I'm healthy, Emmy, I'm a nutritionist at the creator of the Slim on Starch program where you work with me and a mindset coach and a nutrition coach to lose weight on a plant-based diet, so it's the next morning and, As you can see the dough has risen, it's doubled in size, it's nice and tall, it now takes up the entire bowl if I need to let this sit longer. You can put it in the refrigerator. It will start to taste more sour and soggy for about five to seven days. You would want to put an airtight container in it, but this is ready, so I'm going to do it. grab some parchment paper, I'm just going to take some flour and put it on the parchment paper and then we'll take the dough and put it on the parchment paper, it'll be nice and sticky, but I want to shape it into a loaf, so I'm going to do this and I'm going to turn it over so I can turn it into a loaf, so now I'm going to preheat my oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
the healthiest bread recipe in the world   so easy
I'm going to take my Dutch oven and I'm going to put it in the oven once the oven reaches 450 degrees, I'm going to set the timer for 20 minutes and then once the 20 minutes are up, I'm going to take out the Dutch oven and then I'm just going to walk away. take the parchment paper and the unbaked bread and put it directly in the dutch oven with the lid on and set the timer for 35 minutes, after 35 minutes I just take the lid off and let it cook for another five minutes, so I've given the bread some time to cool and how beautiful it looks.
It looks like something you would buy at a bakery and you made it at home yourself, so I let it cool a little bit and now I'm. I'll cut it up and then put it in the freezer. It's a lot easier if you cut it up and then put it in the freezer instead of putting it in the freezer and then cutting it, but I think I'm going to bring it over. This is on vacation with my mom in a few days, so I'm going to cut it out a bit. I will take a little from time to time I will bring the rest so that we have it now, let's resolve the debate.
Does this make you gain weight? Well, let's consider what is fat? Fat is stored energy, so when the body gets too much energy that it doesn't need, it says we don't need all this, we're going to store some of it for later and what gets stored for later is actually, let me give you a little metaphor. here with a healthy dad, a healthy dad is preparing for a natural disaster, he will go to the supermarket and if there is something on sale, he will buy 600 boxes of bow tie pasta and he will put them in the cabinet because it was on sale, so he takes all the dough comes in and says I don't need all this right now, so I'm going to put one box in the closet and then I'm going to take 59 boxes and I'm going to put them in the basement because they're on sale.
I bought them now. I don't need them now. I'm going to save them. This is what the body does when it receives too much energy if you are eating. more calories calories or energy than your body needs, it will store some of them and store them as fat, so there is no food in itself that will make you fat, so we cannot say that bread makes you fat. fatten. fat, what usually happens is that when people eat bread, they put butter on the bread, they put cheese on the bread, they put meat on the bread and all of these are very high-calorie foods that make them eat. more calories and more energy than your body needs, so the bread itself is not the problem, it is that the individual's caloric intake is too high.
Let me show you this chart of forks over knives that I love that shows us the different stomachs and what Stomachs look like this when they are full with certain foods, so if you are going to fill it up, it is best that most of what you eat Be it starches, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fruits and don't eat the things that often happen. bread, then bread is not the problem here, the problem is that people follow a diet that is too high in calories, too dense in calories due to the incorporation of processed foods and animal products, meat, cheese, dairy, etc. ., most of what I eat are whole plant foods.
I eat a lot of vegetables I love fruit I love whole grains I love wet starches Rice Beans Oats Corn I eat vegetables right up to the wazoo so if I make delicious homemade bread I can incorporate it into my daily routine because it doesn't cause me to overeat in general It's a beautiful balance between very low calorie vegetables and then something that's a little more calorie dense, which is bread, plus carbs and bread don't easily convert to fat, the process of converting carbs to fat is something that humans don't do easily we are not very good at converting carbs into fat we are very good at converting fat into fat but converting carbs into fat is not something we do so if you want to enjoy some bread make sure you are having plenty of vegetables and fruits and those low calorie foods, so a little bread won't do any harm and is absolutely delicious.
I think bread is one of my favorite foods. I find it very satisfying to eat it. a good slice of bread that I have made myself with these two ingredients I do not add salt I do not add oil or butter or sugar and I have it together with a beautiful vegetable soup or I have it with vegetables and I will put some avocado on top and it balances wonderfully my diet with an average calorie density that is still pretty low if you got to this point in the soup video comment because what I'm going to do is heat up some soup and eat it. with my bread I love you in these and see you in the next one

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