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The Hardest Round We've Ever Played - SPYFALL

Feb 27, 2020
Let's ask Sam a question, isn't he the spy? Gorsky, nose, nose, not the spy? By adjusting my suppressor, I mean my microphone. Alright, why do you guys put away your phones? I feel like


y time I ask a question I need to apply it to at least three of them. Yes, so some of the master planning I can leave here. That way, when I become the spy, no one will suspect that this level has


been in a Hitman game. Wow, I never really


the Hitman games, it probably sounds like this would be in a Hitman game.
the hardest round we ve ever played   spyfall
There you go. That's my answer. Okay, and I'm definitely not a spy because I should be worried that you had been playing man games all day. Well, Jimmy, yeah, Sam dodged that one. Definitely. (ooooo) I mean, it's pretty broad because, like you, there are literally so many outlets that like the fucking candy factory. That would be a good hitman. Candy factory. It's like Oompa Loompas are running. Alright, I'll ask you a selection of poisonous plants, okay, and one will be the correct answer. Well, poison oak plays with nettle, poison ivy. Try to figure out what the connection is.
the hardest round we ve ever played   spyfall

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the hardest round we ve ever played spyfall...

Oh, Jimmy, your lack of response. It really makes me squeamish...I mean poison oak. Very good, well, wow! (Laughs). I just unchecked you from my list. Brandon, yes, Jimmy. Would you find yourself here on a Sunday? I mean, I'd like to go every day of the week. But yeah, I would do it on a Sunday (growls) Okay. Oh yeah, Niko, what kind of people? Would you find it here? At the risk of sounding insensitive... white people. I'm going to ask Jimmy another question. He needs a good one. You need a good question because I think we have a spy sandwich right here.
the hardest round we ve ever played   spyfall
And Brandon is the succulent meat. We have 40 seconds Jimmy, how would you measure time here based on the memories you make very subjective? Ask me a question, hurry up and ask me a question Or ask Sam a question or ask us a question Who? that . Ask, okay. Um UMmamamama Scrapbooking yes or no. That? What are you talking about? He is good. He is so good. He was good on the last question. He's fine, out of time. Yes. Yes, we didn't get the answer to the last question, the answer is No, yes, I think it's Brandon or D.
the hardest round we ve ever played   spyfall
Niko: I don't think so, I think it's Brandon. Ok, so that question makes me think it's Jimmy. but the way Sam acts makes me think it's Sam. I don't think it's Sam. Oh how are we going? You don't think it's Sam? Jimmey answers right? I think you're dating Sam. I know you think Jimmy is a cool guy (Laughs) when you're not here Jimmy, Sam is always talking about Jimmy, this one, Jimmy, that one, Jimmy, have you seen the tattoo? He's like Steve O. We have to vote now, so I'll vote for D or Brandon. I think it's Brandon.
I will vote for Brandon and my votes will still be for Jimmy. Well guess what? I'm the spy and we're in the vineyard. Oh no! Son of a bitch No, I only liked it literally after the last part when Nikko said white people, I was like AH ha! Yeah, I thought, ooo, that hurt a little. I went to school on the east coast and who isn't wise to go to Vine? As if I were going to make a movie and saw extras in the vineyard. It's mostly like old white guys, you know. Like the grape vineyards in Europe.
That is also true. That's the only place on this entire list where you find more white people. It's difficult and it's like you're obviously sharing memories and vineyards. It's very stressful being the spy, but when you understand it, it's the best feeling. Yes. It's a victory. Yeah, it's great to beat Jimmy, haven't you ever been here? No, but I actually know a lot of people who have documented it. Sam, okay, this is a two-part question, right? You're a Ghibli fan, right? Enough. You have already seen the entire catalog. generally. What is your favorite Studio Ghibli movie?
Oh God, right now, you know, I'll say this, but I guess Princess Mononoke is great. She ran away, she's cool too. But I would say that princessMononokE is my favorite because of the... um, the implications, the implications, okay (Laughs) Because of the implications Okay, all that aside, okay Niko, mm-hmm, deep cut, are you putting like this? Han Solo Millennium Falcon vibes or sound Luc Picard Enterprise vibes getting millennium falcon vibes Okay, cool. I'm going back to an old classic here. Well. Brandon. Is this a good place to talk to strangers? It's clear that Niko is the spy.
No good . There is never a good time to talk to strangers. Sometimes I talk to strangers and they always have the strangest faces. because? What is that you are doing with your mouth? Are you laughing and having a good time and want to include me? That? So these guys aren't as equipped to answer this question, which is why I'm asking you. Oh, don't reveal it if you're not the spy, but there are many different ways. You could take this if we are in the world. from Warcraft, uh-huh Tell me about a place somewhere, you know something you could do somewhere.
You could be. I don't know how to take this in the direction you want. Completely. Yes, without giving away. Prove your innocence to me. So, you know me, I was big. I love the auction house. That was by far one of my favorite places to go. You can find everything you want. Everything you want. That's my answer. Well, I vote for Niko to be the spy. He is good, he trusts me and I have a fantastic reason for it. Brandon Jimmy's question was good, because I don't know, the question was very good. Not only is he good, I mean, I know what character Jimmy


, he's good, so he's probably D.
Yeah, I think we should vote before we get too far, let me pull out my muted RPG. (Laughs) Let's do some Q&A here. I can clear my name and then we have two minutes and 20 seconds. I will clear my name. The only person I can suspect now is Niko. But it seems like you think Niko is fine. Some damn reason because you asked a question and it was a general question that you had asked before. That doesn't apply to most locations. It doesn't really apply to most places. Yes, and it is quite general. I could be totally wrong.
So who knows, maybe we should ask him a few more questions, then yeah, that would help. It's Jimmy. Jimmy has the cane. Niko Niko. We all know people. As friends, we all have similar friends and friends in common. Yes, which of our friends? They are like your friends. You can really recently or would be more eager to go to this place of our friends. It's fantastic, there could be someone in this room. By the way, Sam, Sam would want to go, Sam would never want to go, we might want to go to space. I would kinda like to go to this place.
I've been to similar places. I would love to go unsupervised Right Here D. If you are in this place, would you have the necessary materials to make a nice drawing? Just by being in this place? You have to make paper. Don't point that RPG at me. Why would you target me with the RPG? Sorry, it has a very small explosion radius, it only reaches D (Laughs) It's D! I'm putting a silencer on my nades. This is what wasn't actually the question. It was how he preceded the question and that was actually the clue and that's why he's not the spy.
I'm with Sam on this one. Yes, they are wrong. It's a D. I think it's a D. I think you can vote for me, but I'm not the spy. MMM. The worst part of a spy's downfall is when D looks... in a disappointed way and says that if you vote for me I'm not a spy because I voted for him before and I was wrong (Laughs). He hurt me a lot. D replicates it regardless. Whether or not he is the spy. Is it Niko? Originally I'm suspicious of Niko asking him questions, I just don't understand it and they don't seem like good questions to me, but Sam is like Nick is totally clear.
And now he says, oh, I'm not sure. I may be wrong. It's like... Sam is smart enough to latch onto someone who asks a question and respond. Oh yeah, it's good to know he's good because he could be the spy. Yes, you have your back and support them and likes help them gain your trust. But you know, by taking it, Sam earned my trust, so I won't vote for him. Wow, I'm not trying to vote for Sam either. The thing is, you're doing exactly what you just told Sam. You're gaining Sam's trust. Brandon, you understood my question, right?
Brandon knows what's up. I mean, it could also just be a bad question, but I think I understood your question. It wasn't a bad question. But I still think it's Niko, but now Niko is so sure of himself that I'm actually blushing. A little Brandon Moments, you guys will have to ring the bell to get a notification when we give the answer to who the spy is in next week's episode. Oh, that's so cruel. It's a joke. I'm just doing it. D D Oh, sorry, I guess it's D... Are you the spy? I am the spy (cheering) But what does he know?
We can still lose, my God! I'm going crazy. You played a really good game, you're messing with my head. I was going to vote for you and you made me feel bad. (laughs) This is why you play spy ball because we're both not sure who he was. and D doesn't know the location either Yeah, so it's like this is as close as the game can get. Yes. There is generally not a five-minute debate at the end of Yes. Ted nine eight Seven six five four three two one. Is he .................... he is one of these two and they look nothing like each other United Nations YES! we won !
What is the second assumption? The tourist bus? double victory! What was it? It was the coal mine. You can draw with charcoal in the coal mine, so let's talk about our questions and answers, okay. I think I started that Star Trek Enterprise vs Han Solo. In Solo, they literally go into a mine, they go in and it's all dirty. There's a lot of underground rock stuff he does there. Then there's the whole reference to the coal mine joke he made in the first round. It would be strange to talk to strangers. Here you prepared it. Saying now, this is like a classic. a question Okay, it's a good place to meet people, just like we joked before.
We strongly connect the 2 points. One big line there and then in multiple layers. A Jimmy played in the Alliance and in the main city of the Alliance, the iron mining of Ford, and also the auction house is mainly managed and actually. only by dwarves and rarely gnomes and there is a lot of mining in the game, such as farming Present in an OK. They are literally working in the forges there. I was like heat and stuff So there was a mining element and I had the skinny arms and the coal furnace. Photos of everything, like industrial things.
My question about who was going to visit this place most recently was Clint because it's like going through mines and taking pictures. Okay, obviously, it's not the United Nations. You would have chosen the card and the damn entrepreneur... AH, ha, you fool, idiot, ah, D, don't beat yourself up. Yeah. That was the best damn spy game I've ever seen. Yeah. That was a really good game. Oh yeah, you guys want more Jimmy stuff, so there are links in the description below and he says, Mr. Magic the Gathering. Yes, I go to Magic the Gathering to try anything magic related.
I hope we can lie to each other again soon. Yes, yes, it's like the video hits the like button. Let us know in the comments below if you thought I was the one at the end. Yeah, oh, and don't lie. You should share this video as a tweet about it and be like my favorite. The timing of this was when this happened if they don't ask you why you'll hit a ding ding that notification will go off a ding ding ding ding Yeah, what a guy, the Tarantino style bike ending for the fourteenth time. We have played Spy Fall for this channel.
We'll have six more games and then we'll do it forever. Make them kiss. Mm-hmm Oh you're killing it, oh you killed it, but you killed it, make them kiss

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