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The Hardest Partiers In Rock History

Jun 07, 2021
There's a reason why


stars are synonymous with excess in everything: many


idols actually lived that life. His exploits became the stuff of legends and forensic reports, because the danger of partying is the temptation to party too much. Here are some rockers who had too much fun. British rocker Billy Idol took punk mainstream in the early 1980s. Well, he had a punk background and his pop-rock had a punk edge. But he really embodied the quintessential punk look with his bleached, spiked hair, his constant taunting, and his torn shirts. Idol may have dressed like a young punk, but he partied like a classic rock star.
the hardest partiers in rock history
While artists like Led Zeppelin and The Who trashed hotel rooms, Idol completely destroyed the penthouse suite of a hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. "No way." He settled in the palatial neighborhood in 1989, where he stayed three weeks and refused to leave. The whole time it was a non-stop party full of alcohol, drugs and women. The situation got so bad that the hotel management ordered him to leave... but he didn't want to go. Then, they were forced to call the local military, who shot him with a tranquilizer dart and took him away. When all was said and done, Idol received a bill for the damages...which totaled $250,000. "NO WAY!" Ozzy Osbourne is responsible for some of the most incredible rock legends of all time, but most of them turn out to be true.
the hardest partiers in rock history

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the hardest partiers in rock history...

For example, he actually took a bite out of a bat on stage during a concert, and he was so drunk and angry during a record label meeting that he bit the head off a live pigeon. And that's just what Ozzy does at work. When he was enjoying some personal time during his 1984 concert tour with opening act Mötley Crüe, he performed some especially depraved and disgusting acts. According to Mötley Crüe's memoir, The Dirt, and later dramatized in the Netflix biopic of the same name, the band members and Ozzy were hanging out at a hotel pool in Lakeland, Florida.
the hardest partiers in rock history
After asking for some cocaine and not receiving it, Osbourne grabbed a straw, got on the ground and snorted a line of ants. One rude act deserves another, and for Osbourne's next stunt, in full view of women and families, he urinated all over the pool deck. He gets worse. Osbourne then returned to the floor and licked it. In the end, it was just one more nefarious substance that Osbourne added to his list. "It was fun at the time, but then we all thought it wasn't a good idea anymore." "So you don't have a more stable life now?" "No." Keith Moon of The Who is one of the greatest rock drummers of all time.
the hardest partiers in rock history
However, Moon is arguably most memorable for another rock n' roll achievement: he's the guy who made "trashing up a hotel room" an essential part of the rock star experience. Moon celebrated his 21st birthday in 1967 during a tour stop in Flint, Michigan. When he came on stage that night, he had been drinking all day, but he was just getting started. Back at the local Holiday Inn, The Who hosted a birthday party. Moon started a food fight and then, while he was running without pants or underwear, he tripped and broke half a tooth. He was so drunk that the emergency dentist did not give him any anesthetic for the repair surgery.
Meanwhile, the party had revolted and The Who were hit with a damage bill in the tens of thousands. Moon also personally enjoyed ruining smaller rooms in other hotels. It was a habit of the drummer to use cherry bombs and other small explosives to blow up toilets. That is...when he wasn't busy blowing up his batteries. In 1978, and after some hospitalizations, Moon tried to stop drinking. A doctor prescribed medication to help him cope with withdrawal symptoms. In a sad twist, Moon overdosed on the drug and died. He was only 32 years old. Led Zeppelin generated a huge sound with just four musicians, only three of whom played instruments.
A big part of Zep's heavy and extremely influential sound is the thunderous but precise drum work of John "Bonzo" Bonham, who carried the band as they played classics like "Immigrant Song" and "Rock and Roll." Bonham was just as harsh in some of the non-musical parts of his life, particularly where alcohol was concerned. Like Keith Moon and many other great drummers in music, Bonham found it difficult to live the life of a rock drummer and still maintain control. "Control, control, control! In control." Bonham was a heavy drinker, and not just at parties or social situations. At the end of September 1980, Led Zeppelin met at guitarist Jimmy Page's house to rehearse.
While working, Bonham poured himself quadruple shots of vodka. The drummer drank around 40 servings of alcohol and finally passed out. Bonham was so drunk that when his body tried to vomit up all that toxic alcohol, he couldn't wake up. Bonham choked on his own vomit and died. For decades, the Playboy Mansion was literally the center of the party. Playboy founder Hugh Hefner lived on a sprawling Los Angeles estate with several "Playmates." High-profile guests came almost every night of the week to enjoy the wine, the women, and the songs. It was essentially a posh lodge, a comfortable place where celebrities could party without judgment and freely engage in any debauchery they could imagine.
And yet, the legendary Dave Navarro, guitarist for Jane's Addiction and Red Hot Chili Peppers, found some things that were too much even for the Playboy Mansion's unofficial "anything goes" policy. In 2004, the guitarist published Don't Try This at Home: A Year in the Life of Dave Navarro, chronicling his exploits from 1998 to 1999. In the book, Navarro wrote about a visit with several women to a room in the Playboy Mansion. . . As the women began to undress, Navarro busied himself preparing and injecting a dose of heroin. With the blood returning to the syringe, Navarro tried to write on the wall.
While Navarro notes that he "cleaned it up," it got him kicked out (and banned forever) from the mansion. Which is pretty tough... because once someone or something has gotten a taste of the Playboy Mansion, they cling to it with all their might. "Uhhh, why don't I keep him here for a while until he calms down?" Most stories of rock n' roll debauchery end with a rock star passed out, most often in a destroyed hotel room. However, the events of December 8, 1984 are among the darkest days in rock


and, without a doubt, the worst in the life of the hard rock band Mötley Crüe: a time when the party was became so intense that it left a body count, Crüe lead singer Vince.
Neil had been drinking at a beach house for a few days almost non-stop; late on the night of December 8, he decided to go to a liquor store to purchase more alcohol. However, he was already very intoxicated and took Hanoi Rocks. Drummer Razzle accompanied him as he drove down a winding road, Neil lost control of the vehicle and crashed into another car. While all parties were injured, Razzle bore the brunt: the 24-year-old was pronounced dead on arrival. and Neil was arrested for drunk driving. While Mötley Crüe's Vince Neil's narcotic of choice was alcohol, his bandmate Nikki Sixx enjoyed more difficult activities.
In 1983, Sixx crashed her Porsche and injured her shoulder. She really liked the painkillers the doctors prescribed, but they didn't work for long. Sixx wrote in Mötley Crüe's memoir, The Dirt, "Heroin began to consume me, first to kill the pain in my shoulder and then to kill the pain of life, which is the pain of not using heroin." In 1986, Sixx's heroin use was an open secret in the band's orbit, and her management team put him in a rehab center... from which she jumped out of a second-story window. . On December 23, 1987, Sixx enjoyed a night of cocaine with members of Guns N' Roses, Megadeth and Ratt before retiring to a room at the Franklin Plaza Hotel, where her drug dealer injected Sixx with a dose. lethal heroin.
Yes... lethal. Sixx lost consciousness and a friend called an ambulance. After being clinically dead for two minutes, Sixx was brought back to life thanks to two injections of adrenaline administered by a paramedic. Rod Stewart apparently faced a conundrum during his heyday in the 1970s. He wanted to keep his signature, rather husky voice exactly as he was... but he also wanted to enjoy the spoils of success the voice brought him. of the. In other words, how could Rod Stewart sing his heart out every night and at the same time do a small mountain of cocaine during the after-party?
If he took it the old-fashioned way, inhaling lines of the substance through his nose, he would damage his nasal passages and, in turn, his throat and, subsequently, his famous voice. Fortunately for Stewart, he devised other ways to get cocaine into his bloodstream. “And I, for one, still don't understand the chemistry of this. And I never will, as long as I live." Stewart wrote in Rod: The Autobiography, "We started buying cold capsules at the pharmacy by separating the two halves of the capsules, replacing their contents with a pinch of cocaine." Then that pill would go up ...well, where most people don't want to put pills.
According to Stewart, "they would dissolve effortlessly into the system." That's right, Rod Stewart made and used homemade cocaine suppositories. The method worked for Stewart, his solution. of suppositories is a much more complicated procedure for many people. "You know, because sometimes you have it, sometimes it escapes. Some people never find it in their entire lives. Perhaps the most hard-partying rocker of them all." At the same time, Keith Richards has defied modern medicine by staying alive despite his copious and well-documented drug use. The search for a high nearly killed the Rolling Stones guitarist in a A couple of times years later, he claimed to have been poisoned with heroin mixed with strychnine. "He was totally comatose, but totally awake.
He could hear everyone and they were saying, 'He's dead, he's dead!' I was thinking, 'I'm not dead!'" Now, it's hard to pinpoint the craziest thing Keith Richards did, but it was probably the moment he inhaled his father's ashes through his nose. Richards told NME: " I snorted at my father. They cremated him and I couldn't resist crushing him with a small blow. It went down pretty good and I'm still alive." While we'll never know the spiritual benefits of ingesting a father, Richards noted an interesting side effect. "Well, that got me out." Most stories about Guns n' Roses concern the the band's famous and iconic singer, Axl Rose, and lead guitarist Slash.
But alongside them for years, both on stage and in the seedy halls of the rock n' roll legend, was Duff McKagan The bassist celebrated and. He dealt with the pressures of his success with a double whammy of alcohol and cocaine. McKagan routinely consumed half a gallon of vodka a day; in other words, that's more than 40 shots of the substance. At one point, McKagan realized that drinking so much vodka every day probably wasn't so good for his health, so he switched from spirits to wine in the long run, that wasn't so good for him either, because in 1994, McKagan's pancreas burst.
They said if I had one more drink, I would die. McKagan told The Independent: "My mother had Parkinson's and I saw her come in crying when she saw her youngest son being intubated. That made me change." "And that was all the rehabilitation he needed." Due to his love of illicit substances, particularly heroin and cocaine, Aerosmith's Steven Tyler and Joe Perry earned the nickname Toxic Twins. The credibility behind that moniker was confirmed by none other than possibly the most stoned rock star of all time. Tyler told Rolling Stone in 1990 that "Jerry Garcia says we were the most stoned group of guys the Grateful Dead had ever seen.
So that gives you an idea of ​​how fucked up and crazy we were." Tyler claims that he and some of his bandmates were so into that rock n' roll excess that they didn't have the energy to give themselves to each other. And that's something he regretted. Tyler said, "I'm still bummed because I didn't have all the sex I could have had in the '70s. We were more into the finer mixtures of cocaine. Which, by the way, was laced with opium." At some point during his journey to sobriety, Tyler must have taken a good look at himself and had some very deep thoughts. "That's E to the Z ooh tweedly-dee-sgusting!" "You haven't heard me sing diddley-ding yet." Check out one of our newest videos right here!
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