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The Girl who Escaped

Jul 02, 2024
wrongfully accused of the murder of the first


, that's why I propose to wait until the evidence killed me, I can't say that, but even if he wanted to You didn't give him the chance, so the reason I came to find you needed to come and say thank you for the incredible thing you have done. Some people will try to tell you that you are a victim, but what you really are is a survivor with the kind of strength and grace that is rare in this world. We may not have your captor yet, but we will catch him and when we do, it will be because of you.
the girl who escaped
Thanks, you're welcome I guess. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you and if you don't mind, I'd love to come.and we'll see you sometime again see you then Alien Sheriff about 15 minutes ago outside of Jacksonville Florida now we assume he's headed to see his other sister she's about three hours further south in Bradenton okay this is it make sure the police get there. Jacksonville and Bradenton are up to speed. I'll call State myself. I make them or drag them to the station. Yes, sir, neither Ashley nor Maggie seem to know anything about Florida any more than they did before, although I think they talked to him.
the girl who escaped

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the girl who escaped...

Stephanie was Same, but Pamela is still our best choice, well, let's see, then, hello, Mr. vonnets, I'm Lieutenant Roland, with the Richland Sheriff's Office. I see his family has been keeping him informed. Does that include his brother, ma'am? He called him maybe two hours ago. He wants us to meet him tonight at the restaurant in Bradenton, yes, the pancake griddle on US-41. What time, ma'am, am I Sergeant Jennings with Richland? Yeah, we just called our guys and we're coming right to you Cara, you can't just hang out with the jury, we always go, we go to a baseball game together, we have a great time.
the girl who escaped
Can't you know? Look, I'm Cara, it's only been a day, you need to take some time anytime, though mom, I don't need time, I just need everything to be normal. Cara, it's not like that, it's still out there. not here not here I am I'm here I need to go back and do the things I usually do I need everything to be normal okay I'm not going to let him take this away from me I also need to do this I'm I'm going to do this I'm so sorry I'm going to do this hey hey foreigner which one it's the opportunity that's going to show I guess we'll find out in a minute this is one one three south limited oh, hit anyone who looks at you funny it's It'll be okay, it's okay, just go look for good places, it's okay, and I I'll go and wish Ryan good luck, as always.
the girl who escaped
Kara, you came here like I was going to miss a game. Therefore, the best


friend, you know what you don't have to stay, good luck. We do not send any signal of the vehicle dispatch. We have eyes on the suspect. Let's go and apprehend. The suspect is running north on 16. Unit 113 in pursuit is now moving west on 52. He simply ran directly into traffic. The suspects fled toward Ali behind 56. We still have him covered. suits and three four number nine I was there, you know, like in the hospital when she came out, she wouldn't let any man touch her, not even her dad, I can't believe it, hey, do you know me?
I didn't believe it unit 113. 113 Where are you in the office? We have the suspect, suspect that his arm is requesting backup. Put your new weapon. Let go. It's over. Put down your weapon. Drop your weapon. I said: Drop your weapon. Hey, okay, put down your gun. Let go. It's over. The suspect is down. We have a 10. 56. seems to cease foreigner rise and shine foreigner hey good morning, what's going on? I made us breakfast, so why don't you sit down? Well, you never make breakfast and I'd rather know what's going on first. Well, Sergeant Jennings. I'll be here to explain more and if you have any questions, but last night that man committed suicide, so it's over for him, honey, you're safe, why didn't anyone tell me what I'm telling you?
Look what happened last night, why? No one told me that last night, when it happened, there was no reason why I shouldn't have done it. What are you trying to protect me from? You were having a good time in the game like you wanted and we didn't want to. Hi Cara, if you think I'm not mad at you, no, I know you're absolutely right to be mad, if anyone deserved to know what was going on it was you, we should have told you right away, I should have known better. I'm sorry for breaking that trust. You know, I'm not very trained in this kind of thing, but if I had to bet money, I'd say that you weren't just mad about the delay.
I'm angry with him, foreigner. I've been thinking about the one thing that has helped me get through the interviews and the exams and the people and everyone who looks at me. All he wanted was to get Justice and he wanted him to go to prison for 100 years and he wanted him to rot there. but only after I can stare him down in court will I have him face me and tell him everything I remembered and let him know that choosing me was the biggest mistake he ever made in his life. I don't know, I'm just mad at him.
They shouldn't yell at my mom that she was in bad shape, so now that there is no trial I don't have to tell my story in court, that's right, and my mom, my dad and Ryan won't have to know what really happened, art, well, it's the best, then you're a hero, Kara, I know you won't always feel that way, but the way you saved yourself is the way you are even now. taking care of the people you love you're a hero he would hire you for the force in the blink of an eye okay and that's for some hats there's no doubt he knew you were his biggest mistake and he couldn't be more proud of you to give him some time, he is processing a lot.
Can you give us a Second Sergeant Jennings, of course, a foreigner? He's okay, it's not because I feel like I really want to do what I feel like doing, of course, and I'm sorry. I'm trying, I don't know what to do, I really want to be here for you, I know you want it and I'm really going to try to let you know when you can be okay, but you can't change what happened. it happened but I'm still here I'm still me our survived our heart foreign foreign foreign

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