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The Funniest Moments From Series 11 | 8 Out of 10 Cats

May 12, 2024
doing it me, who is doing it God is doing something new in our lives, so we do it through Jesus Christ oh oh oh yes oh oh oh yes yes ohoh oh yes oh yes hit me you know what they are doing no um here was your related question okay most people would rather be a rap star than a prime minister do you think that's true or false true absolutely true why do you think that's true? To be a rapper, why wouldn't you? You might be surprised because I'm not a rap star and I got shot, so it just so happens that you got um, you got C, right, bro?
the funniest moments from series 11 8 out of 10 cats
Yeah, man, that's, uh, that's pretty good if you ask. I mean, that's how I felt about it, so when it doesn't, it doesn't hurt, you're just on the arm, obviously, Tim Westwood, you wanna be a rap superstar, all day, all day, yeah, all the time , Yes I like the idea. A rapper would stop at night, I'd do it, he'd hit me with another hoe, but uh, oh, I start early in the morning, this will surprise people, but I'm not a rap fan, oh yeah, I think they basically took the music and they just stopped singing. but we will maintain the support but we will only talk.
the funniest moments from series 11 8 out of 10 cats

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the funniest moments from series 11 8 out of 10 cats...

I interviewed Cliff Richard and he said pretty much the same thing. Yes, they are in both. What you have in common with him. People forget that Cliff Richard was great for a while davidy would you rather be prime minister or rap superstar, well I would be a terrible rap star. I'm the least hip-hop person I know. He would make a very good referee, although Ireland beat England in cricket recently and nobody knows, nobody knows how. to play it you were like someone had hit it on the stand and half the people in the pub I was watching it with were like oh well that's rude, that's so good, yeah, take that 800 years, so what? what are you doing?
the funniest moments from series 11 8 out of 10 cats
I think he's prime minister or I think people would rather be a rap star. If you're a rap star, you can put it into expenses, whereas you can't. Yes, it's the same for rap stars and gardeners. Okay, then, everyone will go. St rap, yeah, what's going on here? I would say no one wants to be Prime Minister, do they do it so well? Even the prime minister wants to be prime minister right now. You know, you wouldn't imagine that's a lot of responsibility either way, is there any? There is no option for either of us and you are living it.
the funniest moments from series 11 8 out of 10 cats
I think we are going to become rap stars, right? Yes, yes, yes, I think. I can tell you it's false, only 34% of people would rather be a rapper than prime minister. mix the two and become MP Diddy and the winner is the name of our final round here is your question: the best gadget that makes British people happy, is it Inspector Gadget? It is not the best gadget, what makes you happy, what Gadget has changed your life. You're really asking the wrong person in terms of what you know in general in my life. I would say the device that has blown me away the most is the boiled egg cutter, you just press it in and it's all like a little cradle and you just put it in. the egg to bed and say "it's okay, Mr.
Egg, you will be too." I have a pickled onion. Grabber, is it your hand? It's not one, it's for you. Mr. vinegar fingers, don't curse, my vinegar fingers just look like a pen, you press it, little points come out like that pickled onion, lady, here we go, the raes must fall in love, the only problem is that you had to take it to someone from the next door to open the jar, Mr. Bronson, could you open my Pock onion? I have a little. ladies coming to dinner ladies, the best device, what do you think, which one is the best?
God, it has to be an iPhone, right? Because it has music. Yes I like it. I always think if I could have gone back and told myself when I was 15. that you could carry an entire record collection that was also a phone and a computer. I would have been blown away on your back like it was that big. How is that possible? It's just a daily miracle. Yes, it's basically magic. Yes, there are many things in my house that, if necessary, if they didn't exist, you could create them with Twix. Yes, the iPhone, good luck, as far as I'm concerned, is made by Pixies.
I don't have an iPhone. but I have an iPod and sometimes I pretend my iPod is an iPhone. I'm talking to someone who's very boring, Ian, I have to say hello and then I'm like, "Oh look, it's Prince, we're still happy with the Telly, aren't we?" that's still the best no no no what's better there's nothing better than the phone you can't have the Telly on the phone I have everything else too now it's going to be a laptop it's going to be a laptop I definitely like it I like the iron because it keeps the ladies quiet she's happy and busy headphones headphones they don't even make a clog rack is it a clog rack no, you have your CR clogs these clogs and you go, there's a clog rack, oh thank goodness, we know?
It's not any better and you have all your clogs in all the different colors, the rainbow is lined up, is it a representative of clogs? No, I'll give you a without that baby, you were too close to the TV, but it's better than the regular TV computer, oh Sky. Also, that is the correct answer, my God, of course it is, the main device that makes the British happy is Sky, also, I know that News International is accused of systematic criminality, they have morally descended from the gutter to the sewers, but seriously, the


link has changed my life, yes, RO's wedding, yes, oh god, oh what a magical day, I just stopped crying just so she was so beautiful.
The dress when she came out, she was wearing a dress, oh, it's lovely, because the m6 was very quiet. I took advantage of the rules of The Quiet none of you saw it I saw it yes, yes, naked, little smile, protest, it was one of the most boring things I've ever seen on television, oh come on, that's what you mean, we are not going. My girlfriend did, uh, she made me watch it, the whole family came and I, Bor, did anyone here seriously watch it? I had a McDonald's breakfast and we watched it in bed, it was pretty good, you get McDonald's delivery to your bed, you reach those dizzying heights.
I got a butler, uh no, my poor long-suffering girlfriend went to McDonald's and bought coffees. Your girlfriend went. to McDonald's, yeah, we thought about celebrating in style, we thought about watching The Royal Wedding the way it was meant to be enjoyed, basically, she said, you're watching this with me and you said only if you get me McDonald's, it was one. one of those things where he not only hated that it was happening but he hated that people were enjoying it. I hated seeing happy people buying trash and thinking that they waved a flag for two hours and then threw 140 tons of trash that no one knows about into the trash.
Where did I go, a Nick Griffin, he just rode around in a Transit grabbing everything. He's at home stealing Union Jacks now Ling with bunting like that. Are you a romantic Kate? Did you like her? Well, I think so, it was the first time in what 350 years that anyone outside of royalty or aristocracy had married into our royal family. I think really, let's face it, yeah, Jean Paul could use some bleach, that's right, yeah, but now it's really Pippa who's focusing on I don't know. If you're aware of this, but Pipper has a butt, what's worse than being rejected by your sister on your wedding day, being rejected for your sister's butt?
That's much more disturbing, not the rest, just an idiot, that was the best thing about this, well the rest was just because I don't understand the rest, it's better than getting excited about whether he's going to kiss or a second, wait if he's going to kiss or if he is going to go alone. Are we going to receive the commentator? Are we going to get two kisses? Are we going to receive, of course you were? Because the crowd was shouting kiss her, kiss her, he was under pressure, he was bullied into doing it if they had been shouting Whiper, get dressed and show us your fireplace, you've done it now Greg, you got married recently, right, yes, my lovely wife Heidi, How did you meet your wife on Twitter?
Were you following her or was she following me like a sloth? stalker well you chat with your followers and then this girl was uh she was smart obviously smart and she was funny and I looked at her picture and I thought Opera damn did you sell her to hello or is that okay or something oh yeah yeah hello , Yeah? honeymoon, if as soon as you get Alo involved everyone seems to want to discount your wedding and honeymoon by a significant percentage so it seems silly not to do it and if you ever want to remember your wedding just go to the dentist and win with oh, I have. get a Rooker now, but oh what a beautiful day we had, perfect, um K, did you get married too?
Rec. I got married in December and now you are pregnant. I know he works fast, yeah, he doesn't care how you did it. Find me, well, I was going to Iraq and you have to take a course called a hostile environment course and they usually kidnap you. They cover your head, tie you up and beat you a little and then he did that to you and then you did that. I went, should we go for a and then he took me to the book? Yes, no, and then you have to negotiate your way out of the situation.
I'm just looking into whether you really had to negotiate your way out of the situation. Yes, what did you do? Offer money I've wasted on Jam's Italians, okay, let's see if the raw wedding is one of the most talked about things in the last 12 months. Yes, of course, the royal wedding was an incredible moment if you're wondering how William wooed Kate Middleton. she had the best pick up line of all time pretty face love looks best on a stamp Sarah Ferguson has revealed that Prince Andrew brought a photo of her to the royal wedding as did all the security M well, actually we only have one option right?
I think we'll choose the person sitting next to me. We asked the studio audience. Would you complain if you were served terrible food? Yes or no. What do you think this audience said? I have never said yes, no. no, don't do that, don't help him, of course, he, of course, raised his hand. God loves him, he's happy just to be inside. I don't think people would say they would complain. I don't think people do it. complain here on excellent BR I think we are too polite, especially in restaurants, you are not okay, I am very polite, sorry, haven't you seen your show?
I would like to say that on that show we only criticize someone. Not the food, it's not his personality, you better tell him that, even if you were, oh, that's amazing, but you're an idiot. What's the worst thing you've had on Master Chef? What is the worst? I think we had a fall that, uh, happily roasted quail. beautifully and for reasons best known, he himself stuck it on top of a chocolate cake. S I'm just not even looking, but I guess Sarah's mouth is watering. Sarah I can finally enjoy it. It's like Nando and Thornton. Wow, Sean, have you ever complained at a restaurant?
I always complain, but at what point do you complain? Because you can complain and then worry about what will happen to your food when it comes back. Yes you can. I complain, but I never eat what they bring me unless my complaint is this. I don't have enough saliva something's not right I don't see why it's real that's why the service is bad in this country that's why the food in this country is getting better in general if you go to a gas station in France or in Italy or Spain , just don't say that the level of food that everyone can experience is that you can have good food, you go to a gas station in this country, the food is practically like being in a laboratory or in some horrible experiment. sausages and GIF something is that I agree with you that food at the basic level when you really want it when you are starving is r whose rule is that we have to put the sandwiches in the refrigerator yeah yeah you know they don't have sandwiches in a refrigerator in Spain and not everyone is dying of hot sandwich disease and, more importantly, who is the person who when he makes the sandwiches pushes all the cheese to the front and you look at him it's like you know, it's like imagine if you're trying to fall in love in Iran you only have eyes to look at anything, there's no cheese there and then you open the sandwich and there's like a little cheese.
The hill goes down. I once bought um. I once bought a baked potato at a big food hall in Australia and I'm traveling for lunch, right? I was in Australia and I bought, I don't remember where, and I bought a baked potato in one of those tinted things, I opened it up. I got up and while I was there there was a piece of shelvin stand shap shelvin stand I swear to God in the baked potato and I took it to the guy and he said oh you know that has nothing to do with me mate and I put it behind him and there was literally a shelf like that

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