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The Final Level Of Poly Bridge is Insane...

Jun 05, 2021
right, oh, you know what would happen if I did this? Then she would trim herself and these would stay too. Yes, she will trim herself. I can't and just can't get this to work. I can not understand it. I have no idea. How do I get the right side to work? I mean, this is the last


of the game, so it has to be the hardest. Okay, my next brain idea is that we need to use a middle point, probably on both sides. It will be the same except it will flip horizontally or vertically, so this will be like the main access point.
the final level of poly bridge is insane
We may need to make another one like this or something over the top, but I don't know if I will. Well, we're going to try this and we probably want to make it as symmetrical as possible. We'll do something like this and we'll have like the hydraulic being here. I should probably show you instead of telling you because I don't make any sense so you want all of these in the middle to be attached to the edge and then we want these guys to be free so they stand up nice I did that I just mirrored it on the other one side just to see if this actually works, it lifts it up, oh it's lifting up, okay, one broke, okay, we're not working on that right now, oh oh, you might need to adjust that a little bit and we'll have to do other things mate I like it I don't know 46% 45 we'll try it 45 and see if it gets too high okay it's a stupid sheep why are you watching and just laughing?
the final level of poly bridge is insane

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the final level of poly bridge is insane...

I imagine. he has his smile oh that didn't work at all maybe he needs to adjust that distance let's go back to 58 so he needs to push it up a little bit oh the other side broke okay okay he needs to push it higher , so if I take it out and then we'll do this 250 again, okay, go up there yeah, it stopped no no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh oh shoot I have to do these hydraulic things yeah, they don't like it there we go there we go there we go Oh I've got him good and he's still stressed like what are you doing?
the final level of poly bridge is insane
Yeah, it's like trying to break, I mean, this one is moving, okay, but don't explode right now, thank you and


Phil, okay, that's really nice. It worked, we just need to do the same thing on the other side, so delete it and copy it, and I mean, you could flip, it sounds fun. I'll do it, flip it vertically, okay, that might work, okay, auto, oh, hey, that. it actually worked and got stuck so i need to turn this off. Without what is so close to failing, gravity is not his friend, the triangles, our friend gravity, he is not that.
the final level of poly bridge is insane
He's going too far. I think he'll be fine, although, oh, they actually worked out well. and now you're on the right path, you don't actually need to go up again oh yeah, that will do and then you can go up another one please, and you just get naked. Yes, it's not right. I didn't think about this. part this works this way mark I think I got it this time and everything is fine it's not quite right there we go there we go there we go it's working it's working good I've got it good it's good I nailed it oh it's working it's working it's not working it went down from new it's supposed to go up again now it's actually gone down again okay i think i adjusted everything correctly in the areas yes those go down that's how it should be bare good condition ok these cross if this doesn't It's working, I'm not sure what to do, okay, and then they go up, it's actually supposed to go the other direction, aha, like that, like that, that's how it is, that's how it is, that's how it's right, how did I mess that up? ?
This should be what you're not even supposed to be on that's not right, but okay, okay, so the goal here is for it to latch on and then lift itself up, it's actually going in the wrong direction, yeah, and Then it goes back down, right? What the hell am I doing with my life? The idea is that it's a ladder, so it goes up here eventually and then it will go up to the top, where instead it's just going up and down, so how do I do it? I make it turn on its own, does it make sense that it has to turn?
It probably helps if I actually turn them on, huh yeah the hydraulics don't work for half of them so this job I think the clip on cars cross over yeah hey. it's actually working, that's what we want, we want it to come up, it'll latch on nice and then if it comes up again, Oh, dirty, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, no, no , that's just a simple solution, even if you don't do it. don't you dare fall again don't you dare fall you're trapped why it's like it's real it's not supposed to be on its dotted lines that means outside I'm so confused right now I think I figured out the problem I think I figured it out yeah We are going very fast, what is happening?
I see a clip there, this one comes up and it's hooked. Could you go faster? Please, it snapped on well and then this one comes up, but it didn't snap on. Look or Oh, a clip. that time it's fine and then this one just blows up because it's not smart and stuff that didn't really need to go and then this one goes yeah that one's going to go too well we have the left side because it just wasn't clipping but this one has finished cropping, so we need to turn off that bottom part. I can do that.
I'm very smart in the way of being smart twice in my life and then turning it on. I just need to disable it. I think it will work. just go to super fast mode, aha, left side is working, right side, foot is grabbing it, it will slow you down. The left sides go up, this one should go down a clip if it catches. I'll be happy it hasn't been cut off, but it's still there. this one is clipping fine but it should be able to get through on its own ok nothing exploded don't fall don't fall yeah I beat the game yeah hahahaha Poly Bridge 2 is going to suck.

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