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The ENTIRE Story of The Lich in Adventure Time

May 17, 2024
When it comes to cool villains, Adventure Time has more than its share and I'm not just talking about Ice King, the show is full of villains like Mow Lemong Grab Hunts and Abider Gumbald, just to name a few, all wickedly wonderful at the same


. his way. but there is one villain who is easily the most evil and even dubbed one of the most terrifying villains in all of animation: the Lich, an ancient, enigmatic and extremely powerful spirit who is hell-bent on destroying life as we know it. Think of it as more of a force. nature than a villain, the mysterious being captured the imagination of Adventure Time fans and with a powerful performance from actor Ron Pearlman, all the ingredients were there to create one of the most memorable villains in media.
the entire story of the lich in adventure time
The beauty of the Lich is what you always wish for. To find out more, today I hope to satisfy your cartoon cravings, as we are about to delve into the hi


of the


from beginning to end. Fair warning, there will be many spoilers for both the original series and the further series. recent Fiona and Cake spin-off, so if you care, get caught up, but with that covered, let's get on with the show long, long ago, when dinosaurs still walked the earth, a mysterious but incredibly dangerous comet was falling plummeting towards Earth known as the Catalyst Comet What made this comet interesting is that it contained the pure essence of what would become the Lich at the


when the four basic elementals, ice, fire and slime, feared for the safety of their planet and were trying to find a way.
the entire story of the lich in adventure time

More Interesting Facts About,

the entire story of the lich in adventure time...

To destroy the comet, the urgent Ice Elemental Evergreen thought of creating a mystically powerful crown that would grant its wearer their deepest wish, it would be able to stop the comet in its tracks, however, the other Elementals had other ideas as they considered that Evergreen's idea was too dangerous. that could cause irreparable damage to the fabric of her universe, but a misplaced wish could cause irreversible damage to the very fabric of existence, but despite the fears of her fellow Elementals, Evergreen had no doubt that her plan would work, being so convinced that it would be so successful that he decided to freeze his opponents in place and get to work putting his plan into action with Gunter, his dinosaur assistant, at his side.
the entire story of the lich in adventure time
Evergreen embarked on a quest to find the ruby ​​eyes of an ancient lava dog named Magwood, whose eyes were a perfect power source for the crown, however, things took a turn when the two were about to snatch the eyes, Magwood woke up, although Evergreen eventually steals the eyes and actually creates the crown, Mawood returns at the worst possible time to take revenge. the person who stole prized possessions oh wow, did you see that Evergreen's rooms are destroyed and he is displaced far away from the corona just as the comet is about to hit? The only person close to the crown is Gunter, but just as the Elementals said it was. not 100% with the Evergreen crown, since he can only achieve his host's deepest desire and in this case his host wanted to be like his master.
the entire story of the lich in adventure time
Gunter transforms into a miniature version of his master while Evergreen watches the planet disappear into Oblivion. The dinosaurs and most life on the planet's surface pass for centuries and, although the Essence of L is present, it remains dormant until the Great Mushroom War, a war that involved countless nuclear attacks among a large number of countries and that ended with a gigantic mutagenic. A bomb is dropped on what used to be North America, a bomb that awakens the Lich and allows him to manifest into a physical body. Side note: this war is also how we got to oo as we know it, you know, all the wondrous creatures are a result of countless nuclear attacks anyway returning to the Lich throughout the next millennium.
The Lich hides studying the ways of G, one of the most evil entities that exist, which embodies Discord and Chaos. This is where the Lich takes his nickname from him as the last scholar of Gallb. Basically, being so enthralled by Gallb's chaos that he also wants to be seen as a beacon of truly evil things didn't go as planned for the Lich, as he soon clashes with a legendary ooh hero named Billy Billy, who defeats him. and he imprisons him in Amber by locking him in a giant tree in the Candy Kingdom and this was all before the time of Finn and Jake.
Side note what a name for a legendary hero. I also heard the guy fought a bear anyway. Finn and Jake's time with the Lich was quickly approaching as in the season 2 episode titled Mortal Folly they finally have their first encounter with the last gallb scholar while meditating with Princess Bubblegum finin Jak witnessed PB receive a dark vision. This vision resembles the Lich fearing the dark thoughts that PB takes. The boys go to see the Lich, but he warns of his power. He is so powerful that the three of them have to use special gems when they are near him to prevent him from possessing the pair while PB gives Finn and Jake a quick clue about the Lich's origins.
The wandering snail has accompanied them unprotected, the snail is quickly captured by the powerful being and tasked with breaking the


's amber prison, which he manages to free it. The duo attempt to stop the Lich in his tracks, but the final Gall Scholar gets the last laugh as he flees the scene, his next stop being his ancient cloak where a well of power awaits him to rediscover. the true strength of him. PB knows how dangerous this is and decides to grant the glove that Billy used to defeat and imprison the Lich to Finn. and Jake in hopes that they too can use it to defeat the all-powerful Lich, the duo sets a course for the Lich, but have to deal with a pesky Ice King who distracts the pair and even kidnaps the princess.
The Ice King's antics distract Finn and Jake enough. to allow the Lich to release hundreds of souls as protection for his lirer. Finn and Jake fight their way through the evil Undead by making a hole in the ground that reveals a balcony from which the duo can watch the Lich learn about the ever-distant well of power from him. Powered by a leaking toxic waste pipe, Finn launches an attack on the unsuspecting Lich, but as the Lich is now more powerful than in the past, he manages to have Finn turn the glove into dust in the process.
Finn's protective gem bricks allow the Lich to seep into his head, forcing Finn to walk towards the well of pure power, but fortunately, due to Finn's strong will, he cannot be completely controlled, so which the Lich decides to get rid of him, but like his mind trick, his flames cause no damage. To discover that this is due to Finn's sweater that PB gave him, which has the power of pure love, the lich's only true weakness, knowing that Finn springs into action once again using the sweater as a weapon while passing him through the lich's eyes like dental floss until it collapses into brutal dust, but as soon as things finally seem to have returned to normal, the Ice King appears and drops PB into the well of L's power.
Next episode, titled Mortal Recoil, continues the last abandoned episode and follows pb's recovery. After she is thrown into the well, things seem fine at first, but that is far from the truth. PB now infused with the Lich's essence begins to act crazy and transforms into a hybrid monster that is as tall as her castle, forcing her Gumball Guardians to fight. against her not long after the Ice King shows up to tell Finn and Jake that he saw the Lich-possessed PB enter the well thanks to her wizard eyes, which is, as you can imagine, with rage. Finn and Jake reject Ice's help.
King, but soon agrees after the mutant PB attacks Jake. Ice King fights on the side of good and manages to freeze PB in her tracks, but the now frozen princess falls and breaks into pieces. Things seem hopeless, but thanks to Dr. Ice Cream, PB recovers, but due to the lack of gum to put her back together, she is now 13 years old again behind the scenes without Ardor knowing it and PB the Lich is still alive in the form of the wandering snail we saw before, the malevolent Mullis lies in the weight, which he really does for the most. from seasons 3 and 4 until the season 4 finale, titled Lich, the episode begins with Finn having a nightmare in which the snail Lich attacks Billy, which scares him and awakens Finn knowing that the untold power of L feels that his nightmare might have been more of a premonition dreams that the Lich seeks revenge on the legendary warrior the duo tracked down Billy Billy wakes up what the hell are you guys doing in my rift and warn him about Finn's dream Billy listens to his concerns and suggests that Collect the various princess ooze crystals and even the ice king's crown crystals so the trio can fully fuel the en kyian which, as you probably know, was the hero's guide given to Finn in season 1.
When the book is fully lit, it can open a gateway to the Multiverse in the Time Room Dimension, which is the domain of Prismo, the Wishes. Billy's plan is that if they hide the Lich in these intermediate worlds, then he will no longer be able to cause any harm to life and will be trapped in a dimension where his power is significantly reduced. weaker, the plan works smoothly until the last crystal is needed. PB's Crown Crystal, she refuses to hand over the gem to the couple who begs her and ultimately ends up taking the gem by force, but when Finn and Jake flee, PB shouts a warning that Billy is actually the Lich Finn, not that one.
It's Billy, it's Lynch, huh, when a Gumball Guardian notices that Billy is at the edge of the Candy Forest waiting for Finn and Jake and then attacks Billy under PB's orders. This explosion cuts off half of Billy's face, revealing the lid just as PB warned, it seems that Finn's dream was correct after all, with a completely powerful enyan nearby, the Lich is desperate for him and tries to manipulate Finn into to give it to him, even offering him immortality if he cooperates with the book. Finn, give me the book. Finn refuses and decides that the only sure way to prevent the Lich from infecting the Multiverse is to destroy the eny ridian, but instead of destroying it, he activates it and opens the gateway to the world of Prismo and, without missing a beat, the Lich dives into Finn. and Jake desperately cling to him trying to lure him back to his Dimension, but the pull is too strong and they are also pulled into the otherworldly Dimension.
The season 5 premiere titled Finn the Human begins with a pair still chasing the Lich in the Prismo dimension. but when they are about to reach him inside the Prism Cube, it is revealed that the Lich wished for the extinction of all life, yes, I wished for the extinction of all life and I did it, I guess he changed his timeline or something, what a goop and as its name suggests, the Prism wish granted His Wish by thinking quickly to undo the Lich's wish. Finn wishes the Lich had never existed, which is also granted, which is how the World Universe farm was born basically in the Lich's absence, if you remember.
Since before I mentioned that while his Essence was on the planet he needed a mutagenic explosion to release it well into this universe, the Ice King or Simon Petrov uses the power of the Magic Crown to stop the mutagenic bomb, which means we will never reach the planet. land of O, but this universe is also not far from perfect and Finn has to deal with a lot of new problems, like the destiny gang, these troublemakers. Finn is urged to use the magical crown on himself to save his family and rid his home of the gang. Destiny does so, but the power of the crown is so strong compared to him that he loses control and inadvertently detonates the bomb deactivates and brings the Lich's essence to life once more.
The Lich finds form through the Farm World Universe version. from Jake, but back in the Prismo dimension, the real Jake has been relaxing in a hot tub while all the madness finally subsided, although he notices the commotion in the Farm World universe and wishes that Finn was safe, that Finn was okay. . I wish to save Finn. but Prismo warns him not to wish so randomly, since after spending time with Jake, the cosmic being has grown fond of him. Prismo tells Jake to change his wish and that the lich's original wish is for Finn and Jake to return home safely.
Prismo rips the Lich from the Farm World universe and throws him back into Prismo's prism, in which you cannot believe that he has been hit again, so once again L decides to wait until the opening episode of season 6 titled Wake Up, where it is revealed that the Lich. He is still in the Prismo dimension, but all this time he has remained in a paralyzed state while Jake and Finn discuss the news that Finn's father, Martin Mertens, is actually alive. I found out that my human father is still alive, but the only problem is that he is located. in a place known as La Ciudadela, withoutknowing where it is, Finn and Jake return to Prismo to wish to find Finn's father, but Prismo warns the Paar and tells them that the Citadel is a cosmic prison, you don't want to go there.
Seriously, the only way to get into this is to commit a cosmic crime, but as we know from the last time we saw Prismo, he has a sweet spot for Finn and Jake, so he sets them up to commit the perfect crime, waking up the old man. whose dream is responsible for Prismo's existence, the duo don't really want to stop their friend from existing, but Prismo explains that it's the only way or was when the Lich suddenly springs into action, knocking Finn and Jake down and claiming Prismo's Guardian. for himself, the Lich. He destroys Prismo and his Guardian in a fit of revenge for not granting him his wish to destroy all life, but before the Lich can do anything, he is frozen in place and imprisoned in a citadel.
The Guardian, as Prismo said it was a crime that would catch Finn and Jake. at the Citadel, so the determined duo grabs the frozen Lich and is taken to the Citadel. The next episode titled Escape From The Citadel focuses more on Finn and his father, but the Lich still manages to make the Lich's power known. He is as strong as Even when he is imprisoned, he can not only free himself but also other prisoners. The now free Lich finally sheds Billy's skin and his true form is revealed once again and tells Finn and Jake that with his new army of prisoners he will travel to billions of Worlds until the universe darkens before his mighty hand. , reaches out to touch Finn in his hypnotic dream spell and just as he is about to eliminate Finn, Finn splashes him with Citadel Guardian's blood, this blood has magical properties that regrow the muscles and skin that the Lich now infected.
He screams in pain as Finn pours more and more blood on him until he transforms into a giant baby. This, of course, is the birth of Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea will soon be dropped off at Tree Trunk's house since, after all, he's just a baby and this. is where the Lich remains virtually dormant for the rest of the series inside the body of a huge sweet pea. He's a character in his own right who really has nothing to do with the Lich and everything changed in the season 6 episode, Gold Stars, where The King of Vu and his friend Toronto border on Sweet Pea's bully to the point. that the Lich resurfaces and reminds them of the past that possessed both the king and his friend to the point that it has them screaming for their lives, but the Lich never quite arrives. takes hold and sweet pea outbursts are usually attributed to bad dreams, the Lich makes his next appearance in the season 7 episode crossover, well, not our Lich, but the old farmer hybrid Jake I talked about earlier, since yes, that


universe has still been developing. next to the land of oo basically Jake Lich did the same thing AR Lich did by asking farmal Finn to collect crystals to power the enky ridian to destroy all life once again on prismo's back and sends Finn and Jake originals to the farm universe to fix their reality, but they also have to deal with a corrupt farmer with ice powers thanks to magic Crown the Lich reveals his true plan to the farmer Finn telling him that he and his family will die again and again in universes infinite at the hands of the Lich, your family will all die shortly after he attempts to infect the original Jake with his essence, but Finn's grass sword is activated by severing the lich's arm, freeing his friend, but the Lich's severed hand lich falls into the open portal of the Multiverse and appears in all existing universes.
Fortunately, Prismo has given Finn a device to destroy the World Lich farm's body, which he uses to full effect. However, the hand of the World Lich farm lives on in the show's main universe, where he travels in search of sweet peas, this brings us. until season 9 in the episode Whispers, where the hand hopes to join forces with the sweet pea to wake up the real Lich, sweet pee notices the hand nearby and decides to run away from home in a panic until he runs into Finn and Fern notices how upset he is and the two try to calm him down.
The three children decide that it is best if they stay together and spend the night camping so that Sweet pee can have some protection from the dangerous hand of the Lich, but the hand soon finds where the children are. They are camping and he waits for them to sleep before whispering in Sweet Pea's ear, trying to warp his mind and control him. Finn notices the Lich's hand and chases it to the same cloak the original Lich used for his power well. The hand sneaks up on Finn. and tries to push him into the well, but our hero's quick reflexes keep him out of Harm's way.
The sweet pee approaches and for a split second looks like it's about to join the Lich's hand, but he turns his hand, hitting it with Finn's sword and ridding the Vu land of the illuminated well, the world's version of the farm anyway, the lich's final appearance in Adventure Time was in the distant Land Special together again, where it is revealed that another farm jakelich hybrid hand is now known as the New King of Death of the dead worlds, it's not So. It's been 100% confirmed, but there's a bit of debate about whether this hand is the one that came up when the hybrid hand fell into the enyan portal or whether this hand is the hand we saw killed with sweet pee and technically that wouldn't be the case.
I haven't gone to the dead world afterwards, but yes, back at the Lich, the Lich's hand orders a new death to destroy the already existing dead worlds, as this prevents souls from being reincarnated, but a dead Mr. Fox then used a Kiss of Life item to bring a new Death. This sounds crazy. I feel like I sound completely crazy right now, but you know the Lich doesn't stop there. The hand tries to change its host by manipulating Mr. Fox until Jake finally throws the Lich's old appendage into the pure darkness of the underworld and whatnot. It was the last time Finn Jake and all of us saw the Lich, but not the last time he appeared in his universe as in the funa spin-off series and Cake the Lich makes his presence felt once again during his tour of the Multiverse Fiona cake and Simon.
Petrov stumbled upon a universe where the Lich's original wish had come true and all life ceases to exist. The Lich also appears in Billy's body, leading us to believe that perhaps this Lich is the same Lich we saw disappear into the Prismo Dimension so long ago. The real OG Evil King is now overwhelmingly successful, it seems like this Lich is on the verge of depression without any purpose. I lost all purpose and let Simon use his body as a battery to power a spell to return Fiona and Cake to his world. However, Simon the Lich and The Beetle are accidentally transported to GB's Dimension, where the Lich complains to Gulb about his lack of motivation in the world now that he succeeded, but the job is never done in GB's mind, Therefore, due to his defiance and rebellion, Gulb transforms the Lich into one of the blocks. that surrounds the head of the god of Chaos and that was the last time we saw the Lich.
Which ending just became a block. Wow, the Lich character really has this incredible potential and can return at any time and for any reason. It's clear why so many people hope we haven't seen the last of this character, but how menacing the guy was in just a few episodes. I must say that I myself am really looking forward to watching season 2 of Fion and Cake to. See if the decrepit monster man returns to the land of the living for the last time, as always, thank you all so much for watching, let us know below what your favorite Lich moment is and what you'll be doing with the character next too if I have a suggestion for another character for us to cover in a video like this, then let us know too, but for now we'll see you all next time.

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