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Apr 30, 2024
alien making a fool of both Goku and Vegeta Frieza hires a cook and a waiter and then abandons his spaceship as to where he was headed, no one really had any idea, meanwhile, Beerus went into a complete frenzy after casually wasting his


supply of instant yakisoba, he's really in a bad mood now, but on the other hand, he's currently on his way back along with Goku and Vegeta so they can make some instant yakisoba, but now there was nothing left at all. Beerus contacts with wheezing, listens with the yakisoba. The stock was stolen while he was sleeping.
the entire black frieza finally confronts beerus arc full original movie
I want you guys to go back to Earth and get more. They also bring me some premium yakisoba prepared exclusively. I'm really angry, I mean, hungry. Whis would respond. What do you mean it was stolen? Who stole it there? He stops and everything for a second and then says that he was freezing his bullies hearing this, we just laugh and tell Goku and Vegeta that they would need to take a little detour, well it looks like Lord Beerus really ruined a year's worth of yakisoba, so come on, I want some pudding too and so, they took them back to Earth, of course, Beerus was also annoyed by how easily Whis was able to see through his lies as he continues and says: Damn you, Whis and don't forget to take my pudding too, later Goku asks wheezing, well, what if it's true?
the entire black frieza finally confronts beerus arc full original movie

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the entire black frieza finally confronts beerus arc full original movie...

Frieza has a natural knack for annoying people. I doubt we were surprised that Frieza never got into Lord Beerus' bad behavior. He knows very well the consequences why he has been like this. a significant period of time ago. I'm not sure if he wields Black Frieza's power, Vegeta says, but is it possible that Frieza is now on the same level, if not stronger, than Lord Beerus? We don't supply it at all, in fact, since Lord Beerus converted. The destroyer of universe 7 hasn't used his


strength yet, but what do you think would happen if he really used his


the entire black frieza finally confronts beerus arc full original movie
Don't know. Goku says we'll have to get stronger and force him to use it. wait, what do you mean it's possible for Lord Beerus to become even stronger? Vegeta asks precisely us, the States, if by any chance someone can force Lord Beerus to use 100 of his strength, not that that is the end, the only reason why he does it. But continuing to get stronger is because he has yet to face anyone who can push him that far. Meanwhile, on the planet Beerus, Beerus was having a migraine attack due to the absolute lack of good food and the anger he had felt.
the entire black frieza finally confronts beerus arc full original movie
He wonders if he should just go destroy. A few planets to vent his frustration, but that was when he sensed a spaceship heading towards his planet. Normally he would have destroyed the ship considering the mood he was in, but his appetite could almost exclusively feel the undeniable fact that there was something delicious on board. That ship was the only one that aroused his curiosity even though the ship in question was Frieza's, from what it seems, he let it land peacefully on the planet. Beerus himself was sitting at a distance watching the ship with his left eye anticipating who might walk out the door.
It opens and a waiter dressed as a butler comes out of the ship, that's right, his oil is just casually strolling around the Planet of Beerus, but his anxiety stats were through the roof at this moment, when he got off the ship he had already lost probably around a hundred pounds and his hair had completely fallen out yet he continues and walks directly towards Beerus, there he presents him with an invitation. Lord Beerus, if you wish, Mr. Freeze has prepared exquisite cuisine just for you, the food and the table are already prepared, please allow me. to guide you there, the oil says he aged probably about two years just by standing in front of Beerus, at this point he heard Beerus just pushes him aside and walks into the ship alone, he didn't need any direction, he could smell where the meal.
In less than a minute he had already found the dining room table, of course, Frieza was sitting on the other side of the table, but that didn't matter to him as long as the food was good. Beerus was willing to let almost anything slide here. "I accepted our little invitation, Lord Beerus. I have gathered top quality ingredients from several galaxies and my new cook has been working tirelessly to achieve the best possible taste," Frieza states, shut up and let me try it. If it's not good enough, I'll do it. Destrozate Beerus replies that he didn't expect anything better than yakisoba, all he really wanted was something to ease his appetite for the moment and allow him to calm his nerves.
He sits down and takes a bite of the dish that looked like yakisoba to him, the first bite wasn't really good, but then he took another bite and then another bite with each bite. Beerus was getting hungrier for some reason, he finished this dish, the next and then everything else that was on the table, Frieza noticed that they needed more food, so he instantly called dead Maki and told her to continue cooking and yeah, don't forget to add the usual ingredients, he tells her before she returns to the kitchen and tells the team to continue. cooking a Frieza I really wasn't in the right state of mind when I started eating, but you better not be planning something, otherwise, you know what would happen, right, Beerus exclaims as he continues to fill his mouth, oh, come on, Lord Beerus, we'll be back.
A long way Frieza says I just want to ask you a small favor and it's natural to be polite when asking for a favor. I just thought you'd appreciate a nice meal more than anything else. I could offer you a nice meal. You say


. Ass, ninety percent of what I ate were powerful narcotics, where did you get those? Frieza just laughs as expected, lord


. I can't sneak anything out of you if you're planning something, forget it, the worst thing these things can do is make me want to go. sleep but I can still expend extra energy to stay awake for as long as I want Estates beer oh don't be like that Mr. beerus what's so strange about me being nice?
Frieza says but small talk was the last thing Beerus wanted. At that moment, when something instantly destroys the inside of Frieza's spaceship, he was planning to destroy everything in his sight, but for some reason Beerus was feeling a little bad. , it's definitely what Frieza added to his food. He then looks at Frieza and asks, ready to Speak now, unexpectedly, Frieza foresaw this, so he had already prepared another ship that would come to pick him up at his signal, but he knew that walking for too long could give his existence a run for his money, for which affirms the reason why he came here.
I only have one question for you, Lord Beerus, how can I become the next Destroyer? Don't tell me I'll have to defeat you, he declares, unlike a few moments ago, he was now getting bolder, oh, so that's what it's about, just go for it. Well, boy, I like this job and I'm not planning a successor at the moment. Beerus responds. This is met with a full minute's silence from Frieza. He just stands there, but then Frieza takes out the big guns and transforms into


Frieza. like I'm a threat or a challenge to Beerus now, well what if I'm already stronger than you?
Mr. Beerus, it says impressive, but let me warn you, Frieza, even if I'm half asleep, I can still destroy you several times. Enjoy the food. So leave or you want me to delete you here and now Beerus declares that he was as serious as he was sleepy. Calm down Mr. Beerus. I just want you to recognize my new transformation. Let's be honest. I have much more potential than those two Saiyans. Monkeys, how about you train me for your butt? Forget it, the food wasn't as good as what I get from Earth, go and start making really good food instead of relying on narcotics and I can consider it.
Beerus replies, have it your way. I will make you recognize me even if I have to use force to say this. Frieza, out of his mind, charges straight at Beerus without any reservation, as he knew that any half-hearted approach would result in instant death. He tries to distract Beerus using his tail and then launches a high kick, but Beerus easily counters it with his elbow and as Frieza flew away with a punch to the stomach, this is what I tried to warn you when I'm sleepy, I can't control my power, you can't stand it opportunity Frieza leave it and let me sleep beer He says this is important Mr. beerus tell me how I can become a destroyer once I get my hands on that hakai energy I'll be golden I mean, well, whatever Frieza says I think I have a nice Good idea What you are planning after becoming my successor, you will wait for me to sleep and then kill my Supreme Kai.
Beerus right says so, you will become the new destroyer of universe 7. The symbol of destruction and fear simply. As you always wanted, right, oh God, how clever of you, Lord Beerus, but my plan just isn't there. Frieza answers. I know I can still get stronger once I have a solid understanding of hakai energy. I will train to death all day. every day for an extended period of time I will eventually become a better destroyer and the higher authorities would have no choice but to fire you. Interesting, yeah, that wouldn't be bad, but I'm curious what your plan is after that idiot.
Will you do it once you become the next Destroyer? Well, isn't it so obvious? Over time I will become even stronger, there would be no one stronger than me in the


Multiverse. I will make that great priest surrender to me and I will become Frieza's next. The sentence is cut off as he experiences a devastating punch that lands on his stomach, but before he can regain stability, Beerus grabs his throat and leaves him unable to move. I get tired of these schemes. Frieza, goodbye. I doubt anyone will miss you. Beerusa serves while he prepares. to unleash an inevitable explosion of hakai, however, for some reason, Beerus was unable to conjure the hakai.
Hey, what did you do? He asked Frieza. Frieza tries to speak, but Beerus is squeezing his throat too hard. He lightens his grip only to yawn and Frieza uses that. opportunity to explain what is happening all the food you ate has some of the darkest particles I could find in the entire Universe your energy gates are fundamentally blocked you have no choice but to sleep, otherwise you will not be able to conjure any type of energy sometime Frieza declares oh so that's what's happening, you were naive, Frieza, you don't understand anything about destructive power. Beer says as he lets Frieza lose Beerus and then proceeds to hit all of his energy gates all over his body from start to finish. and all it took was about 30 seconds within that amount of time, Frieza had completely checked the energy flow throughout his body, which is the essence of the Destroyers technique, so Frieza, you annoying rat, you brought this on yourself, are you ready to do it?
Experiencing absolute extermination Beerus states that he was already beginning to conjure up that Hakai Frieza can instinctively foresee the elimination of him when he begins to panic and decides that it is not worth losing his existence to learn the Destroyer technique, so he He asks if he can. He uses a distraction to get out of here, fortunately, he gets the chance right away. Goku and Vegeta immediately appear with a stupid amount of yakisova and quite a bit of pudding on board as well and at that moment the beer subverts their eyes to look. that delicious food on board and Frieza just takes advantage of this moment to disappear hey, wasn't that what Frieza says Goku, so he stole your yakisoba?
Wait, what happened why was Frieza here? Vegeta asks oh nevermind Beerus says just let me have some of that pudding and get some sleep while Frieza is seen on a nearby planet that he barely escaped alive this time but was ecstatic for some reason now that he had seen the mechanism of the technique in action, he was sure that with enough time he could do it. You will be able to create your own variant of this destructive power and Frieza had temporarily moved to a nearby planet thanks to his extraordinary speed, but his location was still within Beerus' range.
The Beerus incident overcomes his yakisoba mood swing and can send instantly. a hakai blast from there and completely and Frieza forever, Frieza obviously doesn't know about this, but he does understand the danger of staying close to Beerus, so he broadcasts across multiple galaxies and to a relatively secluded location. segment of the Universe 7. on a planet that has not yet been properly named throughout the history of the universe, it has always been called Planet that you were. wondering what happened to Frieza's forest or I guess the ones that came to Beerus' planet are just built along with oil and Maki at the time Frieza transformed, and the one stationed nearby was also told to go ahead and start the preparations for thecook somewhere.
Otherwise, it seems that Frieza is planning everything carefully here, he may be reckless, but he is no longer a prisoner of the Aryans, meanwhile on Planet Ass, send me back to hell? This place is crazy. I have never been sick in my entire life, and yet, during the two weeks I have been on this planet, I have already vomited an unknown liquid not just once but several times. Cool says angrily I know that all my previous troops were wiped out because of the stupid Planet but I knew that if anyone can survive it is those of the same races I Frieza answers yes well I don't want to live anymore just kill me now more cool answers I just want these stupid migraines stop oh seeing you in such a pathetic way The state only makes me happy Frieza laughs, just shut up and give me more, whatever that was.
I need this to stop the cooldown. States, ready, go, Frieza says as he throws something fish-like. Eye in the sky. I swear I will give it to you. The moment I regain my coolest composure.he responds while jumping into the sky to catch the things before they are destroyed by the atmosphere meanwhile on the planet beerus uh Hello Mr. beerus you still haven't told us about what Frieza was doing Here Goku continues to irritate Beerus until he


speaks, but Beerus is still busy with the yakisoban pudding, so he continues to ignore Goku while Vegeta is engaging in missile gymnastics to try to connect the dots here.
Why was Frieza here first? He got them both using his new transformation and then he was on the planet Beerus like you. Our Saiyan Duo can be expected to be overly baffled by this recent turn of events, which was also somewhat curious, but probably not because he already did his research right, so back on Planet X, Cooler continues eating that fishy substance. , whatever Frieza is giving him and he's


back to his cool once again, listen, you lukewarm piece of trash, you need to get over these retreats. I was planning to start training right away for something, but you ruined the mood like all the other times.
Frieza says, look, it's not my fault. I've been addicted to this since before you were born, I blame Our Father for not hiding whatever this is, in fact it's your fault for taking it away from me not just for a day or two, but for two whole weeks of course. I'm going to help the retreats Cooler Answers Just shut up How am I going to take down the Grand Priest and those stupid twins if you're not a man? "I'm serious," Frieza reiterates, but inside he feels somewhat relieved to see that Cooler didn't retreat. even though he not only had to deal with the ridiculous conditions on the Planet plane, but also had to go without his usual food or drug, it's true, his brother was recovering, old Frieza would have hooked his brother even more to that substance. just to make sure he never steps out of line, but now he can see the bigger picture and see which pieces are crucial to his plan.
Cooler has never thought negatively about his addiction, but after training with Frieza he realized that he cannot participate. In prolonged battles and similarly, he cannot experience the same level of exponential growth as Frieza. Every time he does it, he always suffers from intense seizures along with diabolical migraine attacks. Frieza also wonders about Beerus adding an incredible amount of the same substance to the food Beerus had and what if he starts craving more and comes after him too? Hey, looks like we'll have to lay low for a few days, so don't make a big deal about it.
I don't have any more of those things. for these States you don't have to tell me that at this point I can last a whole week without this there is no problem this planet however it is still a problem I don't think any of us would have survived if it weren't for our new more interesting answers on the forums Transcendent is that he had already started to regain his composure, I know, but if we can learn to live effortlessly here, we will be able to survive and thrive anywhere which would be an ultimate use of our genetics, the ability to survive under any possible conditions.
Frieza says damn Frieza I had no idea you were such a nerdy and cool MOX, but Frieza just stares back blatantly and says hey, why didn't you name your new form silver? Is it because silver is inferior to gold emox, of course not? and platinum is also a color a nerd should know are cool answers oh shut up my new form is stronger than your metal shell anyway stop responding and help me practice a new trick let's start when we're done my team I would have already done it. I prepared an endless amount of really healthy food.
Frieza says well, mine is cooler anyway, get straight to the point. Did or come up with any ideas after invading the old beards while Planet has a fresher ass when listening to this? Frieza pauses for a second, looks him straight in the eyes and firmly says yes, I did. Cooler instantly enters the area and meets Frieza's eyes with a similar intensity to what he was in now. One of the main reasons he invaded Planet Beers is to get some kind of information about the power of destruction. Now, using that information, these two will grow. Even stronger over the next five days, Frieza starts to reflect the same kind of mechanisms that Beerus used, but even though he can destroy things, it just doesn't feel as cool, on the other hand, he holds up much better even though he They have done it consistently. been engaging in high intensity duels on such a crazy planet, then we would go and cut to Planet Beerus, the yakisoba and puddings are gone now Beerus is taking a deep nap and so is Goku, while Vegeta asks him what he thinks about everything Frieza. situation well, I looked into it and he seems to be training with his brother, it seems like I'm wondering how he revived him, although he answers what you mean by cooler he's also been revived.
Vegeta's ass is strong now too or oh well, he's definitely not stronger than Frieza's current weeks replies, but he seems to be at or around the same level as Frieza during the tournament of power, although his body seems somewhat unstable, which which has slowed its growth. Vegeta faints momentarily, as it took him a minute before he could do so. He fully processes all of this and before he can say anything, Beerus wakes up after seven consecutive days of rest and says: Should I take care of them? Frieza made some bold statements when he was here, but the clown ran away the moment I caught my eye.
Outside of it, that's what I'm trying to ask, tell us what Frieza was here for. Goku asks again, he wakes up right after Beerus does Birasama, when has there been a time where you eliminated someone just because he was a threat, he gasps and this? The question makes Beerus smart Hmm, you're right, no matter how strong they are. I never need a reason to eliminate someone, so if I have a reason then that defeats the purpose. Let's ignore them for now. Goku and Vegeta should be able to do it. handle them I don't really care Beerus says yes, but tell me about the statements he made Goku says you never give up when it comes to asking Beerus those questions shut up I just don't want you idiots to get any weird ideas beer supplies, wait, let's see, what?
Is it because Frieza declared that he will become the Emperor of the 12 universes, is that something he would say? Vegeta, but everyone stays silent for about 10 seconds, but then Goku breaks it by saying, "Hey, Lord Beerus, does that mean according to?" Frieza's statement at least it is possible to defeat Zinno at the high priest. I want to fight them. Goku brazenly declares though of course he is immediately kicked in the stomach with enough force that he can barely stay conscious. Listen to YouTube. Beerus says angrily. No, I don't care what his intentions are. I do not want any of you to ever consider the idea of ​​surpassing the great priest or Zeno.
I no longer have the best relationship with the other destroyers and if they continue to cross the line not only are they going to alienate us, Lord Zeno may also have a sudden move and we don't want that because that means an instant goodbye to everyone and everything you've ever known, including yourself, you got it, wow, Mr. bassist, I really put it. I've thought about this a lot, haven't I? Goku answers yes and that is why from now on there is a rule that you absolutely must follow. He says don't continue and I repeat that under no circumstances from now on do you get involved in anything. outside of our universe, not until you've at least surpassed both of our brewing states.
Surprisingly, this only further invigorates the ever-persistent desire for growth within the hearts of these two Saiyans, but Lord Beerus, do you realize that Frieza used memes from Universe 6 to not only make himself stronger but also revive his brother us? , the saints, okay, now that's a reason to put those two clowns in their place, if other universes get involved, we have no choice but to eliminate them, let's go while we head to the beer supplies. Damn, what are you doing? a stalker, you seriously know everything about what Frieza is doing, besides, don't leave without us, Goku says and Vegeta definitely backs him up here, we cut off our light laughter, he says well, it's true, now that he's gotten so strong, It is a legitimate threat.
For the survival of this universe, if it crosses the line somewhere, the best case scenario would be a slight alienation from the other universes, but at the worst case, that would mean the end of our universe and, seriously, no. I want to miss anything. puddings and so on, whis beerus Goku and Vegeta go to Planet X to face Cooler and Frieza. It has already been a week since Frieza returned to Planet X. He initially planned to train continuously for five days to develop his own version of The Destroyer. technique, but on the fifth day something really interesting happened.
All this time they thought that Cooler's destructive tendency to consume liquefied plasma was preventing him from further evolution; However, that may not have been the case after all and it was only through Frieza's rigorous rehabilitation lessons that he cooled down. He was able to look beyond his previous conceptions of force and energy, in that moment, for one miserable moment, he felt his own existence vibrating with the entirety of matter around him, he felt as if anything was possible, literally anything, even Frieza notices his presence suddenly fading. nothing, but then he goes back to normal in the span of a single moment, hey, cool, what was it that you finally went crazy from withdrawals or something?
Frieza immediately gets how cool he is, just laughs, replies: I don't know what it was, but this. Soon I will be even stronger than you, Frieza, by the way, it's just a matter of time. Did you just call me by my name? Frieza shrugs and they return to training. He still had that shocked expression on his face, but in his heart, Frieza was. smiling, it's not enough for Frieza to get stronger, he needs his brother to stay well or else they will never be able to defeat Beerus, much less the high priest's huff. Two days after this moment is when Beerus and the others left and are on their way to Planet of Planet This is when Whis would stop and ask: Lord Beerus, you destroy the stuff of existence, but what would you say about stopping it?
In the sense that Goku is obviously confused and the same goes for Vegeta but in a different way, however Beerus would continue with the State, well that's a silly question, what benefit is there in stopping matter? In what context are we even talking about counting detention time? To stop matter is to stop all physical phenomena in the body. He also tells, this doesn't make any sense. Whis would respond: I know that well, but it seems that something similar happened on Planet Yes, they have been there together for the past seven days, inadvertently hinting that it was those two who caused such irregularity.
Returning to Planet X, the refrigerator is too depleted to even be alive. Now, in addition, he is also angry at Frieza because before the start of this training, Frieza stated that it would only last five days, but since Frieza has failed to master the Destroyer technique, he refuses to take a break for the last seven. Days when they hadn't eaten anything, they hadn't stopped either, even if it was colder and Frieza. The wild atmosphere of this planet has definitely exhausted all of its resistance at this point. Thatthe hell is wrong with you, Frieza? I've started receiving those. the devilish migraines again don't hurt me, let's leave it for a week and go to that place where your goons have been preparing a kitchen for us.
I'll also need more of that liquefied plasma to stop these withdrawals. Cooler says Frieza was going to respond positively, but just then he says that it is the presence of four individuals who will set foot on the planet at any moment, this infuriates Frieza, he knows exactly who they are, damn it, and I was like this. close to Greatness, I guess we'll have to talk. We got through this Frieza continue listen, cooler, don't ruin this, all I want is for you to not say anything, I'll take care of this, unfortunately, cooler is barely hanging on at the moment, it's very possible that I'll eventually lose him in any moment. in any way to fight at this time, so any mistake would mean the end of them.
Normally Frieza would never have made such a huge miscalculation, however, the unknown perplexity of Planet X definitely influences cognitive abilities. Wow, what's up with this place? Goku says I feel like I'm going to throw up at any moment. I know. Vegeta answers. The steak I had three weeks ago. Something wants to come out. It is in this place, as expected. Even they are having problems here, but come. his lack of attitude Frieza approaches and


Beerus Mr. Beerus, what brings you here? I apologize for the last time, since you can see that my brother and I are not in a position to stand our ground, much less plan something suspicious, he says, stop the nonsense, Frieza, do you know exactly?
Why did I come here also for the liquefied Plasma Freeze? I definitely wouldn't mind that, but first let me clarify something. What did you do when you were in the Beer States of Universe 6? Well, to be fair, I did do something to get it. You've heard about it before, right? But I guess you can say I was just looking for ways to get fresh. Frieza answers honestly. Beerus knows this isn't worth worrying about, but when he considers the potential danger of releasing Rome's current freeze without restraint, he instantly remembers the words Frieza said when he invaded the planet Beerus Frieza tell me once again how high are you soaring? what is your ambition depending on your answer I will have to get rid of you right now beer sass calmly Frieza knew what he said last time and he also knows that he really can't say the same things again, but his current Pride doesn't allow him to lie and so he answers Lord Beerus, I just want to be stronger than you through my own strength and once that is taken care of, I will set my sights on the next target, aren't you being too paranoid right now?
What about me getting stronger and Goku intervenes? He is right. Lord Beerus, even I want to go fight with the high priest. One day it stops being so serious. Beerus immediately punches and destroys Goku's face. Listen, fools, it's time you learned that some things are supposed to be impossible, okay, Frieza, I'll take you, he says, but Lord Beerus, I'm in no state to fight. Are you seriously going to fight a half-dead man? Frieza answers. He was right and Beerus asked that we used to heal them both, however, just as Whis was about to heal Cooler, Frieza unleashes a powerful key blast at Cooler with the intent to kill.
Normally, Cooler wouldn't have been able to survive that, but since Whis. was going to fully heal him in the next moment, Frieza would conveniently take this opportunity to further evolve his brother through a zenkai boost by almost dying before being fully healed so it seems like I took a page from your book. Han Vegeta Frieza laughs, this would take him further away and Vegeta takes the next step. Lord Beerus let me handle this last time. Frieza caught me off guard but I won't let the same thing happen again. Cooler, on the other hand, he looks at Goku and asks him if he would like him. to exchange some blows and of course Goku was ready, the battle would begin then.
Lord Beerus, we. He says I'm not sure about Goku, but Vegeta would definitely lose to Frieza. I know that Frieza is indeed the strongest mortal in the universe right now. The Broly kid may not be up to par with the beer stock, and sure enough, while Vegeta's body was still trying to adapt to the conditions of this planet, Frieza had literally been to hell and back, continues delivering one near-fatal blow after another, but Alter Ego intrigues him. Hey Vegeta, what's up with this new form you've been using? He asks, uh, well, I guess you can say I learned it from Lord Beerus.
Vegeta responds upon hearing this. Frieza sees the glowing earlobe on Vegeta and then notices the same type on Beerus. This was huge. Uh-huh, moment when he instantly deforms in front of Vegeta and literally rips off his entire ear. I guess I'll take that, that's all frozen. He had to say that Vegeta fills him right where it hurts, but he endures it and steps on Frieza's tail, however, Frieza had already done it. I put on my earlobe, that's all. I had both the display and power mechanisms down, but the final piece seemed to be missing, although everything has now clicked into place.
I can finally fight Beerus on equal terms. Frieza declares: he shuts his mouth. Frieza, I will do it. be the one who defeats you today Vegeta says the look in his eyes getting sharper as Goku seems to be overpowering Platinum Cooler quite easily with his new form, he lands one strong blow after another and Cooler can't really do anything. more than Defending Goku, honestly he was also getting tired of that, the truth is that he would prefer to fight with Frieza, that one is much more interesting, but just when he is about to deliver the final blow, something in the air breaks at that very moment , the same thing happens. again, for a singular moment in time, Cooler becomes one with everything else and uses that wholeness to counter Goku.
This results in an almost sickeningly brutal blow that leaves Goku in a state of temporary delirium. It was too abrupt. Goku just didn't have time to do it. understanding or even the instinctive ability to completely counter it we send beer, both observed would happen, hey, this is like Ultra Instinct Omen, but in a slightly different way, how does it work, beer, ass, let's see. I'm not sure I noticed anything strange. Cooler's body before, but this instance confirms it, there are certain irregularities, for example, his energy flow is not limited only to his own body, he can also subconsciously become one with the environment and use them as parts of his own body.
Honestly, this doesn't make sense, but That's What It Is, shocks us, doesn't have to make sense. I feel like my head is going to explode at any moment. Now everything has become so free. I can feel the universe. No, I am the universe. The entire planet turns


and white the same color as Cooler's newly acquired form. This time it was intentional to have gained mental clarity from him. Cooler finally found a way to put this strange ability to good use, as this is due to my addiction to liquefied plasma. I will go. Go ahead and name this plasma cooler, I have no idea what that means, although it laughs colder and it wasn't just him who experienced a crazy increase in power.
Frieza was the same, his earlobe gave him the last piece of the puzzle and led him to unlock his own Alter Ego technique thanks for showing me the ins and outs Lord Beerus and thanks too Vegeta. I would like to dedicate this Evolution to you two. Behold the strongest being in Universe 7. I feel like I can beat anyone right now, literally anyone, Frieza. declares that his Vibe instantly sends a wave through the Multiverse, all the other destroyers couldn't help but notice that something strange is happening in universe 7. Even the high priest is intrigued, but as for Beerus, the man's anger reached a record.
Beerus would do it. He continued to snap her neck as the look in his eyes sharpened profusely. Huh, well, snort, I guess it's time for me to reach the next level too, otherwise these clowns will still have big heads. Beerus proclaims that everything about him, no matter how much, reeks of rage, terror, and destruction. At this point, this was it, no matter if you are a mortal, a destroyer, or an angel, the battle to decide which is the strongest being in Universe 7 will finally begin. The battle to decide who is the true strongest being in Universe 7 officially begins and as you can probably guess he is just a spectator to all of this, so Beerus will begin by unleashing an extreme amount of rage and shake the planet with an air of terror. and destruction.
This wasn't just a bad mood, he was really angry and everything he did. He could see in his eyes the lifeless bodies of Frieza and Cooler. A really angry Beerus is something I've never seen and I don't know if we ever need to see it, so tell us exactly how strong Lord Beerus is. Vegeta asks that he wasn't in a good mood either considering how Frieza just casually ripped off his ear. That's a good question, but Vegeta only knows that the reason Lord Beerus couldn't complete my training is not because of his incompetence simply because he simply doesn't care, even I don't know the true depth of his power, which states that Sure enough, Beerus immediately disappears from sight, reappears in a matter of a second and kicks Frieza so hard that he effectively levitates off the ground for a few moments before his body realizes that he'd even been hit oh come on, Mr. beerus, are you so sure about hitting me so hard for what I know about Ultra ego?
This will only make me even stronger for his butt and Beerus says as he grabs Freeze's tail. and he doesn't throw it, he just rips it off, cleans Goku, Vegeta even cooler, everyone is completely speechless at what just happened one moment Frieza was still wagging his tail in the air and the next moment he wasn't anymore everything that was left remains. That place is a blood sprinkler. Now what follows is, of course, a painfully creepy screenplay made by Frieza, so tell me, Frieza, that must have hurt a lot. Are you still getting stronger? Beerus states as he delivers a low kick to Frieza's skull, only this time Frieza just barely managed to block that he wasn't going to give the Destroyer a field day considering how much he had trained for this moment hey, cooler, it seems. that Lord Beerus plans to fight us alone, come and give me a hand, freeze your ass, but it was cooler.
I'm not listening to Frieza, what is this feeling I feel? Invincible Cooler declares, oh yeah, I mean that to my face, Beerus Ass, suddenly appears behind Cooler and slaps him on the shoulder, unfortunately, Cooler proceeds to make the worst mistake of his life. Beerus' hand outside the current refrigerator is dripping plasma and he can sense the presence of his surroundings, but what he doesn't know is that he has substantial misconceptions about the limits of his own abilities. It is possible that he suddenly inquired about the power to influence his environment. but it will take you a million more years to be truly productive with it.
Pooler focuses his energy on a singular point and then unleashes it on Beerus. He first compounds and the size becomes more massive than the planet itself, but suddenly he once again begins to grow. contract before finally returning to that singular point, take this lazy cat, this little drop of energy can wipe out an entire galaxy, colder laughs, we slap and for beerus, just open your mouth and inhale what was going to destroy a galaxy whole, right? I have ever heard of the gamma ray burst. Beerus, humbly, was still in complete shock from what just happened, but he decides to respond appropriately.
I know it's like the loudest, brightest explosion in the entire universe. In fact, I heard that it takes a black hole to produce. One Cooler says something like that, but that usually happens when I fart. Beerus states that when Cooler was born, he would never have dreamed of the day when these would be the last words he would hear. Beerus would unleash a similar attack but with a truly destructive effect. The energy he envelops is colder and he begins to dissolve it into what appears to be a vortex. Frieza can only hear his brother's screams while, slowly but surely.
He fades into nothingness. Do you have any idea how much time I spent raising that idiot? Frieza takes photos of Goku and Vegeta. in anticipation as Frieza becomes consumed with rage, it's not that he enjoyed his brother's company, not even close, it's that he spent too much effort trying to help cool down or reach a level where he can actually help him conquer the Multiverse, but all it takes is one crazy cat for their entire plan to fall apart in real time Frieza lets out a scream that sucks the living matter out of the planet below oh no, he could have gotten even stronger than Lord Beerus if we helped him to gasp Goku's ass.
Let's not just wait and watch, we were surprised, but Goku's assumptions were correct, he had already fought Beerus a couple of times, which was why the current range of theFrieza's energy actually made his instinct scream, it was even stronger, seriously, even Broly wasn't that intense. Like Frieza, Vegeta responds Beerus looks around to properly assess the skill of the situation. He is pondering how to counter Frieza's incoming wrath. Well, well, maybe it's finally time for us to see what Lord Beerus has been hiding from the United States, but this is a bit more. He angers Frieza's anger, interrupts the flow of time around him and accelerates at a stupidly fast speed and yet during these nanoseconds, a certain sensation was overwhelming his senses as he tore off Vegeta's ear, it felt so good. , but when his own tail was torn off. that same euphoria did not occur Beerus relaxes all his muscles and prepares to counter Frieze's weight in the background Beerus was still underestimating Frieza even if his eyes can see it, his own sense of self would immediately reject the fact that someone who I was So far below him a moment ago he could become so strong, so fast that Frieza's instincts realize that you underestimate me at your own peril, you sleazy cat.
Frieza laughs as he shapeshifts in the air and grabs Beerus' incoming punch until neither Goku nor Vegeta even break. whiska believes that what they just saw Frieza wasn't playing right at all, so in that infinitely small period of time he focused all his strength on completely crushing Beerus's elbow and he did it, crushing the man's arm, cutting it off even and then He used destruction to completely erase him from existence. The level of silence that followed this moment was overwhelming. Beerus was surprised at first but the pain he felt was very real. He uses his left hand to grab Frieza's neck.
Absolutely silly, do you have any idea what you're doing? I just made How am I supposed to eat burgers from now on? Beerus expresses himself. He really liked that arm. Hey, do you think I can get myself a new arm somehow? Beerus sincerely ass. I'm afraid not. Lord Beerus, the high priest, observed this momentarily. battle, he wants this to serve as a reminder to you to never act carelessly again. He has currently forbidden me from restoring your arm, although he said that if you still want your arm you can come to Zeno Palace any time we have sensors calmly.
Hello, Mr. Beerus, don. Don't just kill Frieza I want to fight two Goku yells Beerus responds not with words but with a threatening look Frieza coughs as he responds I have no obligation to follow your orders today I took your arm tomorrow your life this is what happens when you cross paths with him emperor of the universe, you sleazy cat, it's almost scary how honest you are. Hey, Vegeta, come and finish him off. Beer Estates as he finally lets go of Frieza's neck. I don't understand why you don't do it yourself. Lord Beerus Vegeta. He says Oh no, but the spirit comments when he appears and instantly grabs Vegeta by the face and slams him into the ground.
Well, you're really in a bad mood today. Round 2 begins and only Frieza enjoys it. Goku asks Beerus a genuine question: "Lord Beerus", when I first fought you as a Super Saiyan God, how much of your power were you using and then during the Battle Royale with the other destroyers? stopping Even then, Beerus decides not to respond and simply continues watching Vegeta being washed by Ultra Frieza there. Fortunately, his answers allow me to answer your questions. Goku, do you ever feel pretty sluggish when you wake up from a longer-than-usual nap? The same way with Lord Beerus when he fought you, he still hadn't gotten over his morning blues, that's why he slapped Bulma back.
Luckily you managed to help him get rid of that sadness and then there was the Battle Royale with the other destroyers. how when you start exercising it takes a few minutes to finally get into the element it's called a warm up, if the battle had continued for longer and the other destroyers hadn't attacked you you would have seen something much more sinister than anything that happened. Today the high priest didn't want to look for a new destroyer, so he stopped the Battle Royale about five minutes before things got really rowdy. Goku takes a moment to process all of this and as he continues, you see that Goku's destroyers can passively. become stronger it's impossible for anyone to beat them at their own game Frieza just chose the wrong pursuit of strength he can't beat Lord Beerus with the Destroyers technique it's fundamentally impossible Goku more or less understood what he meant by this and deep down he also realized that he will never be able to breathe hard simply by seeking a more nuanced understanding of ultra instinct.
He has to return to his Saiyan roots and once again evolve as a Saiyan, just at that moment Vegeta comes flying from above and crashes into Goku very impressive Frieza still manages to subdue our Prince of all Saiyans even after everything that happened alright I guess now I'll give you the courtesy of dealing the final blow beerus States oh shut up I'll destroy you donkey Frieza claims we have size and Goku simply laughs as Beerus proceeds to create a vacuum of indefinite terror and destruction and sends it upon Frieza. . Frieza is instantly consumed by what almost appears to resemble dark matter, but that's not all.
Now enjoy drowning yourself alive for all eternity. The punishment serves as an example for the other miserable clowns of this Multiverse. Beerus declares that it is true, no matter if Frieza tries or not, he will never be able to get out of this void. I swear I will come back, I will come back and destroy everyone. You monkeys, beerus, gasp or even the high priest, the next time I go out, no one will be able to disrespect me. Frieza states before finally losing his voice as well and those were his last words, say hello to Vegeta, little spear, let's let these sands fall. on their planet I'm going to have to take a nap for the moment and this would exactly make Goku and Vegeta heal again and return to Earth while Whis and Beerus return to their own planet, damn it again.
The one who defeated Frieza Vegeta says angrily, yes, but now you understand it too, don't you? For us to ever be stronger than Lord Beerus and gasp, we have to find another way. We wish our Tails back, Vegeta. I had an inspiration for something. I want to try Goku replies Vegeta would cross his arms, smile and just like that, these two Saiyans embark on their next quest to become even stronger, meanwhile, just before Beerus falls asleep, he comments that those two better have become much stronger next time. I wake up and he says oh I'm sure they'll surprise us.
Those two are always up to something.

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