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The End Of The Smartphone Is Near

Apr 16, 2024
so that when something more functional comes along, with a more non-prohibitive price, you know that it's an interface that we all understand at the time and I think that's where it's headed, as a There's been a lot of talk about the fact that it has that front screen that shows your eyes, which, um, yeah, it's weird, maybe even a little dystopian, but I think this is kind of a band-aid until the technology is fixed. For transparent smart glasses and all that, here we are with that transparent screen again. You may not like the idea of ​​smart glasses, but if you want to talk about what the next


could be, it will be the next radical change in the way we interact with technology.
the end of the smartphone is near
I think it's a good bet, because instead of being, you know, tied to a screen in your hand, the screen will be right in front of you, as big as you want, as transparent as you want, with useful information that is displayed. displays as you navigate the world. probably with some kind of helpful AI assistant that anticipates your needs, like instead of having to carry something you just put on your glasses and go about your day, you know the technology would integrate into your daily life and ideally it would become invisible, now that's one direction. That things could go in another direction, although with the same goal of making technology invisible, is from a company called Humane Inc which was founded by two former Apple executives, Imran Chaudry and Bethany Bongiorno.
the end of the smartphone is near

More Interesting Facts About,

the end of the smartphone is near...

Imran and Bethany are a husband and wife duo who left Apple in 2017, a move they did not take lightly as they worked as a designer for Apple for 22 years. He often works closely with Steve Jobs. In fact, he is listed as co-inventor on his patent for the touch screen. Bongiorno was director. of software engineering at Apple, she led a number of notable projects, including the first iPad, and in case that's not impressive enough, before that she was a national physicist, clearly these guys know a thing or two about building smart devices and are also good at keeping secrets.
the end of the smartphone is near
They've been operating in stealth mode for almost five years, everyone knew they were up to something big, but no one knew what. There were a few hints along the way, like a 2020 patent application for a body-worn device with a laser projector and a leaked 2021 investor document that mentioned an always-on camera and lidar sensors, and in April of this year they finally revealed what They had been working on a TED talk and we agreed, I'm sorry, this is my wife, I'll have to understand this. Hello, since that revelation, they have given it a name: pin AI. Although I have a feeling they think people will drop the A and just call it the i pen, but whatever their goal is with the AI ​​pin and Humane's mission statement in general is to make the technology invisible and get rid of the screens entirely on your top chaudry called screens an additional barrier between you and the world and claims that Humane wants its technology to fade into the background of your life as it works. a wearable device that sits on top of your shirt, either with a pen or a magnet, and when you're not actively using it, monitors your environment and helps you navigate or provide information when needed, interacts with it with his voice. and with gestures and when he needs to show information like he saw in that clip where she made the phone call, he just holds out his hand and IT projects it onto his hand with lasers.
the end of the smartphone is near
The idea is that it is a small artificial intelligence assistant that he can use. to interact as if you were a person who listens to and anticipates your needs, so if he's hungry he can suggest nearby options, as I noted at one point in Ted's talk before he made that phone call where he says the word wife and a small light turns on. on his little AI pin, so the AI ​​was listening and knowing that it was time to make a call to his wife or it was someone off screen, you know, activating it remotely, it certainly seemed like something intelligent was paying attention and acting appropriately, which is the idea that Chaudrey talked about that technology is environmental and contextual and that is what was shown by a piece of technology that silently waits observing the world around it until it can be useful, as in a moment of the demo that used a double finger tap to use. the PIN to translate your words into French was easy and the translation was in your voice using generative AI which is great for all Travelers out there, it's true we've had Google Translate on our phones for a while but this is just one more step. also um again without the need for a screen it can also serve as a personal assistant managing your email in your calendar catch up and Oliver asks about football this weekend according to them it is fully customizable with gestures and prompts you can show him what you wanted do with machine learning and because it learns from you the more you use it, the more efficient it will become.
What does get a little strange is the fact that your camera is basically always focused on the idea that you know if you're watching your child take their first step, you wouldn't have to take out a phone and experience it through the screen, You can just be present and enjoy it and then when it's over you can tell the device to save what just happened, which I understand, I mean, that's great, I understand the reason behind it, but you definitely have some privacy concerns. , although I mean we all have cameras in our pockets all the time, now there are security cameras everywhere, but it's another thing when someone just points a camera at you, like next time you're somewhere, just take your phone and do this at the next table, yeah, people don't like that and the cafeteria won't let you.
When I came back, it allowed you to go back in there, which, by the way, was one of the problems people had with pressure glasses and Ray-Ban smart glasses, just the fact that there's a big camera looking at you. people when they're trying to talk to you, so I'm a little worried that it's smart glasses or, you know, always digital assistants like the AI ​​pen that really becomes a thing, could change the way people act , what it might sound like. I think it's cool if you think people are bastards in general, the idea that maybe they'll act a little nicer and civilized if they know they're being recorded, but I don't know if I make video content for a living and I can tell you that. people just act differently when there's a camera on them and yeah, I'm a little worried that over time, if these things become ubiquitous, people will just adopt a layer of fakeness in our interactions with each other.
We'll never really be sure who we're talking to, whether this is the real person or just the Persona they adopt for the camera, what I mean is to reject Humane a bit, if their stated goal is to eliminate screens. so you can connect with each other more fully, this might be a hindrance to that, anyway, the TED Talks link below, feel free to go watch it in its entirety. Humane's AI pen is expected to come out later this year. The company hasn't even hinted at it. It has a cost but if you want one you can go to to be on the waiting list we're going to have to work on that, the idea is interesting and I'll keep an eye out to see where that goes, but I think that the big question comes down to whether we've reached peak distraction because the whole premise of this company on your device is that we're all clamoring to get off our phones and reconnect with each other, which I mean, I think. you can argue that that would be better for society and maybe we have reached a point where things have gotten so out of control that there is a movement or trend away from technology and screens to unplugging and touching the grass while I mean, but I think there's also a strong argument that people really like distraction, okay, so this is a segment that I like to call Joe defeats the whole point of this video.
I mean, let's face it, there's nothing stopping any of us from setting these things off and staying away from them right now, but we don't, our phones are more integrated into our lives than ever and maybe an intelligence assistant artificial clip-on phone could take over many of the phone's main uses. and free us from our dependence on them, but I mean come on, let's be honest with ourselves, most of the time we spend on our phone is just mindlessly scrolling through some feed or playing some mindless game, it's a delivery device of dopamine, so yes I had to choose between these two options.
I would probably go for smart glasses or glasses because they would still allow you to engage in that sweet, sweet distraction whenever you want or maybe we all have the AI ​​assistance we use. to navigate our world and all that, but we also have a screen of some kind, a phone, a tablet or a computer that you can consume content or work with, or maybe my whole thesis is flawed, maybe we arrived at the perfect design . pocket device that you can use to communicate with anyone in the world and that contains all the knowledge in the world, maybe that's enough science fiction.
Hi, I got my hair cut to talk about today's sponsor Hinson's shave. I get it because your product cuts hair, not because I recorded this later, not because I had another sponsor originally set up to post this video, but they backed out at the last second and then Henson was cool enough to step in and help us thanks to Hansen. I can pay my team now that they like that. Well, here's the deal with Henson, not only are they fantastic partners in this channel, but they are also doing the world a service by pointing out how badly the shaving industry is screwing us over because people in the past used to buy good razors. shave and then keep them for their entire life, you know, just replace the blades, which were super cheap, but then shaving companies realized that we can make a lot more money if we trick people into buying super razors cheap and then we can create disposable cartridges that they have to keep buying for the rest of their lives, but instead of just charging a few cents, we could charge two, three, four dollars each, you know, make what they keep forever Be super cheap, but mark the things that have to be kept. buying for 200 or more and it worked probably most of you use these cartridge blades and are getting ripped off, you could be spending 10 cents a blade instead you are probably spending two dollars each and that's because of the discount blades, but they might be saying uh yeah you're paying more but you're getting a better shave so it's worth it but that's what's not.
I mean, I'm sure these cartridges may have four or five different multi-blades, but they are small, flimsy blades. They only rest on the ends, this causes them to flex and jump on the skin, that's something they call chatter, it's this chatter that irritates the skin and causes burns and wears down the blades even faster, but Hinson designed his shaver to way that supports the blades all the way to a depth of only 33 microns and its angle allows it to graze the skin at the perfect 30 degree angle and they can do it with this kind of precision because that is exactly the experience with which they started making .
Aerospace parts that are now on the ISS and Mars, so you save money, get a better shave, and it's better for the environment, too. These individual blades are stainless steel, 100% recyclable, with no landfill-filling plastic, even their packaging is free. Now I know that shaving is something of a ritual and that people can be hesitant to try something new. All I can say is that I had doubts too, but I gave it a try and honestly, I never looked back. I have received suggestions and pills, it is something you have to try, so if you want to try it, just visit, choose a razor that you like, they have a variety of colors and styles to choose from and then grab a pack of 100 blades while you're there and then when you go to checkout enter the promo code Joe Scott at checkout you'll get this 100 blade pack completely free and these blades last between five and seven shaves so I probably won't spend a single cent more on shaving for at least a year, as this chart shows, it pays for itself super fast, so once again, just for fun, attention and our code Joe Scott for the 300 blade pack and thanks to Henson for be a big supporter of this channel.
Thanks so much for looking. Like and share this video if you liked it. If it's your first time here, I'll put a little video here, maybe link to the most recent one. video I made about the oldest sound ever recorded because I talked about how the invention of the telephone led tothe invention of the gramophone and recorded sound, so it was an interesting little story, but you can check it out anyway. Check out any of the other videos that may appear in your browser tab, check them out and if you enjoy them, I invite you to subscribe.
I'll be back with videos every Monday, that's all for now, come out and take a look. -Opening up the rest of the week, stay safe, put on those glasses, we're leaving as you walk and I'll see you next Monday, love you, take care.

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