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The Empire Was Right in Star Wars

Jun 08, 2021
I was born in a unique time when it came to Star Wars, the original trilogy was completed before I was born and The Phantom Menace came out when I was 14. Did I wear my heroes? They were everyone's heroes, but I grew up, life became more than just alone. the task riding a bike and holding hands, as well as the movies I loved, expanded beyond space, ninjas and laser swords, I saw a dark knight rise, two men of steel fall apart barefoot, many people ride giant eagles, big companies collide with the American dream and a long journey came to a stop and along the way that music came back great just the way they were they weren't the same maybe I became more cynical maybe I stopped being so naive or maybe it was a joke internal film that should be seen all the time it would be an honor if you would join us and yes, I get it, they are movies that reproduce our emotions.
the empire was right in star wars
Logic isn't exactly what it's about. This is crazy, but if you look at things a little less emotionally, don't let your personal feelings get the best of you. in the way that a little more logic comes back to your senses and a little spoonful of real world events, that's


, you see it, you see it quite clearly, you see that the




and just to clear things up before time, I'm just talking. about the theatrically released live-action films, there are no comics, made-for-TV series, or novels, only the films, and while the connection is implied, the first order has no definitive connection to the


and , as such, there will be no direct reference to better or worse regarding the empire and your journey to the dark side will be complete.
the empire was right in star wars

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the empire was right in star wars...

Also, I'm not implying that the sith empire or their associates are perfectly good and I'm not saying that the jedi rebels or their associates are perfectly evil, but rather every opposing force. sits squarely on a spectrum with the empire leaning towards the morally justified side and the rebels and jedi leaning more towards the bloodthirsty child molesting, warmongering side. First, I'm going to


t with an obvious point: what makes Jedi as good as they call themselves. The peacekeepers of the galaxy are guardians of peace but they are quite violent in a new hope obi-wan strikes the first blow against vader and in the phantom menace palpatine tells darth maul not to attack first and once he knows when he is found Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Obi-Wan attacks him first just to compare Darth Maul even goes out of his way to avoid making contact during parts of this fight, but on a broader level, the Jedi initially kept order for the sake of the republic but the republic has deep defects the republic is no longer what it was it has no interest in the common good there is no interest in the common good and it is run by the bureaucrats they are in charge now the same republic also stands idly by as The Trade Federation Sieges Naboo A tragedy has occurred that began right here with the taxes on the trade routes and has now engulfed our entire planet in the oppression of the Trade Federation, but looking at the Jedi on their own I cannot understand.
the empire was right in star wars
What's fair about them is that, at best, they are part of the army of the republic, but at worst they are as good as the republic itself. At worst, they are a cult that brainwashes children at a very young age, as even Anakin Skywalker was initially too old for that. Jedi, he must be trained, so no, he will not be trained, no, he is too old. I'm the four people who find peace through religion, but the Jedi play fast and loose with their timing, look no further than Obi-wan taking advantage of what Luke wants. meeting his father what is your father's lightsaber this is the weapon of a jedi knight and then catapulting the untimely death of his uncles this is a pretty predatory situation to fool someone into a religion but it doesn't end there who says that the jedi are right practically only them for more than a thousand generations the jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the old republic and who says that the sith and the empire are evil practically only the jedi and the rebels destroy the sith that we should send to kill the emperor we are fed a one sided narrative, pure propaganda to say the least and on the other hand it is outrageous to justify the dark side as evil just because it is called the dark side.
the empire was right in star wars
I see through the Jedi's lies, I don't fear the dark side like you, but I'm sidetracked when Luke and Obi-wan arrive at the destroyed sand crawler on Tatooine. Luke makes the astute observation that it was an attack by the Sand People. It seems that the sand people did all this. Well, look, there are clumsy sticks, panther footprints, it's just that I've never heard them hit something that big before Obi-Wan provides a valid counterargument, although in combat formations they can be easily altered depending on the circumstances, but we have to think that they did it. The tracks are next to each other, the sand people always travel in single file to hide their numbers, but Obi-wan makes a rather unfounded comment about how only stormtroopers can be so precise and these last few points are too accurate to the sand people, only imperial stormtroopers are that accurate, but there are some problems with this argument: just because stormtroopers are accurate doesn't mean that others can't be accurate; two, he makes a general statement that sand people can't shoot accurately, although I know some hardcore racers who may disagree with that, and three, obi-wan uses a lack of accuracy. he gives evidence to further his agenda rather than relying on real evidence, but this is where things get interesting.
Luke goes and sees that his aunt and his uncle have been burned to a crisp to death the way the stormtroopers are never seen doing in any other encounter, which is strange. but even stranger, Luke returns to the sandcrawler and Obi-Wan begins the conversation as if he already knew they were dead. There's nothing you could have done. Luke if he had been there. They would have killed you. It's too ironic if you ask me that the last time Obi-Wan sees Anakin, he's burning to death and literally on fire and Anakin's brother ends up burned to nothing but his bones and Obi-Wan seems very close in both events.
Well, of course, I know him. He is me. I will continue this argument later, but now let's get to probably the most misunderstood aspect of the Empire: the Death Star, the Death Star itself is emphatic proof that the Empire is moral and pacifist, this becomes obvious. Due to the fact that the Death Star was already under construction during the end of Revenge of the Sith and not ready until the events of Rogue One, it was under construction for over 20 years for an army with the resources of a galaxy. entire at your disposal and an army that is dealing with a well. -equipped rebellion should have been a build priority unless violence was not the main goal of the empire very interesting once again the separatists have been involved in a civil war against the empire for over two decades not unlike how the States United dealt with it a confederate separatist during the american civil war the key word is war in war unfortunate things happen during the american civil war union general william sherman destroyed the city of atlanta and his troops undertook a 30 mile march towards the Atlantic Ocean destroying everything in its own way, so while the amount of death and destruction is incalculable, it was an event that boosted union morale, ensured Lincoln's re-election, and was a turning point in the war that nearly ended.
Certainty assured the union's victory. What I said about the destruction of Alderaan was insensitive and reprehensible, but like all


, it was an event that showed the galaxy that the empire was willing to go to great lengths to achieve reunification. I feel like a quote from America's greatest president, Abraham Lincoln, further emphasizes this point. I would save the union. I would save him the shortest way. The sooner national authority is restored, the closer the union will be to what it was and to addressing the Death Star more broadly. The target made it very clear that the death


. was to put a quick end to the rebellion with a weapon that would bring a quick end to the rebellion, a quick end to a war that has already lasted more than 20 years and also Alderaan was the perfect target since it was separatist and had a low population that I have chosen to test the destructive power of this station on his home planet of alderaan obi-wan while a clear antagonist of the empire was at least force sensitive, commented how he felt the casualties of alderaan as only in the millions, as if millions of voices were suddenly silenced to analyze that statement further if there were 10 million or more people on alderaan then I would have said tens of millions if there were more than six million people I would have said more than half a dozen million if there were two million I would have said more than half a dozen of millions if there were two million he said a couple of million and if there were between three and five million he would have said a few million the numbers don't lie obi-wan clearly implies that alderaan had less than two million inhabitants as if millions of voices of millions of voices had millions of voices so it makes sense that Alderaan would be the best possible target to minimize civilian casualties and quickly end the rebellion.
It is clear that the empire cautiously and responsibly chose a target with minimal casualties. Princess Leia, on the other hand, showed her true manic nature by being literally unfazed by the events. Yes, she was momentarily distraught that her planet's possessions and loved ones were sacrificed in the name of peace for the empire, but she never makes another mention or sign of sadness regarding the event, in fact the only other time he mentions Aldron. it's punishing a rebel commander for showing his sympathies you're safe when we hear about alderaan we fear the worst we don't have time for a soros commander while we're on the topic of leia what kind of hero is she not a real hero in my book why still here?
She's a legit incest fan and it's not like she was naive about it because she knew they were related from the beginning somehow, she always knew and plus she lied about knowing her mother. very beautiful, kind but sad when we all know that that is a lie and in five damn movies how she uses the force she uses it once and it is to save herself she is also a damn adulterous force look at her she has the face and body of a goddess and she looks at her mate a pretty attractive guy if i do say so myself convenient now look at his son you know i can take whatever i want in the real world carrie fisher was snorting coke from harrison ford's lightsaber if you know what i mean but in the world of Star Wars looks like Princess Leia put some scruffy looking on her nerf shepherd now to shift gears a bit as things go regarding the empire, all logical evidence points to a loving and merciful person towards the government to begin with , see how Vader dealt with Leia and the plans for the stolen Death Star.
He seized the ship when destroying it would have been easier and still kept the plans away from the rebels during the same encounter. At best, the stormtroopers provide suppressive fire and things don't get worse until the bloodthirsty rebels. fire the first fatal shot and let's keep in mind that the rebels stole the plans for the death star, a legitimate weapon of mass destruction and very similar to how the real world wants to keep weapons of mass destruction out of Korea's maniacal hands of the North, Iran and Iraq. Under Saddam Hussein, the galactic empire wanted to keep that technology away from the warlike rebels, but going back to the peace and love of the empire, they are job creators, these huge ships and space stations are not being built for free and, let's be honest. there isn't much indication that life under the empire is that bad after all when i see the empire i see an imperial shuttle parking a polite distance from galen's house i see a gracious host standing to greet his guests it would be an honor if you would join us.
I see the government outsourcing work to private citizens. There will be a substantial reward for whoever finds the Millennium Fault. I see the government helping a young person get a job and an identity. What is your name? Hot son. Which are yours? people I don't have people I'm alone um I just see a secular government crushing religious fanaticism the holy city will be enough for today objective jetta city prepares the ignition of the single reactor I see a stormtrooper guiding traffic I see a trash compactor that is not used like that a creature can live in it I see a government that believes in a smaller government the rebellion will continue to gain support in the imperial senate it will no longer be of any concern to us I have just received news that the emperor has permanently dissolved the council the last remnants of the old republic have beenswept away it is impossible how the emperor will maintain control the bureaucracy the regional governors now have direct control over their territories I see the will of the people coming true as the empire is created by the democratically elected senate and by definition it is the will of the people, the republic will be reorganized into the first galactic empire, but let's move on, the virtuous and peace-loving nature of the empire can best be seen by looking at how vile and corrupt the rebel alliance is there. there will be no extraction, you find it, you kill it.
This is the part where you probably say that being rebellious isn't bad. The United States exists because of a rebellion. I say we fight. Yes. Great point. The United States is the result of a rebellion. Rebellions are built. hope, then again the nazis began as a rebellion the rebellions are based on hope just like the confederation the rebellions are based on hope lenin's communist rise to power in russia was also a rebellion the rebellions are based on hope so was mao zedong's communist revolution rebellions are based on hope rebellion does not always equal good, their fleet are rebel scum and war criminals, but to set the record straight about the American rebellion against Britain, they were the American settlers who fought for their own independence from Britain, as history clearly shows that the British Empire survived the war and there was still a functioning English government in Canada, Australia, India and Britain, the war-mongering rebel.the alliance wants to destroy the empire, the time to fight now is to destroy the government of the entire galaxy, send me to kill the emperor and essentially create a system of chaos, since they don't have the slightest agenda on how to fill the huge power vacuum, but Let's look at the different ships of the rebels and the empire and you will see clearly which one wants war.
There are the imperial ships. They are clearly not made for war. The Tie Fighter has no shields, no side or rear visibility, only forward-facing weapons. It's easily destroyed, it doesn't have faster than light travel, oh it's a short range fighter, it doesn't have droid integration or any kind of bombs or torpedoes. This ship is clearly intended to be used only as a last resort. I know these guys. I used to be one of them. There's no way they're going to waste a Tie fighter chasing a beat-up little freighter. The Empire also has a Tie interceptor. It's in the name, the only purpose is to intercept.
Then there's the talk about the rebellion's big rebels have mon calamari cruisers and the empire has star destroyers the empire gave star destroyers a scary name in order to stop conflicts before they even start seriously ask yourself which name is most likely to scare you as it gives you a reason not to fight a star destroyer or a mon calamari cruiser. I don't know about you, but yes they told me I would fight a star destroyer. I would think twice. A weak name like a Mon Calamari cruiser is essentially begging me to fight it and that's what the hate-filled rebels want.
More violence. Now I have to concede a little to the rebels, they have medical frigates to care for the wounded and the empire doesn't need them; However, the peace-loving empire has no need for such ships as they do not rely on violence to get their way. Violent rebels who crave death and destruction would need a way to serve their wounded, but on a broader level we can see how the filmmakers subtly told us who was good and evil. The empire fires green lasers, meaning go in peace, while the rebels fire red lasers, meaning stop and die, even looking at the lightsabers.
There is further evidence of this in the phantom menace between qui-gon obi-wan and darth maul. Lightsabers provide the same subtle meaning with the color of Maul's saber implying stop, stop, I don't want to hurt you with the Jedi lightsaber suddenly saying, I will fight you. so strong that you will feel sad and go and die, but the rebels are more than just their ships and sabers, a key part of the rebellion is the millennium falcon and his two pilots, han solo and lando calrissian, captain linda karazee, han solo, han solo attacked vader. during the attack on the first death star that allowed Luke Skywalker to destroy the death star, look, you are all clear, han solo is a truly vile person, rebel scum, without any fault, he was an orphan thief in corellia, I ran away and boosted his speeder and in his time of greatest need the empire was there to get him out of corellia and even gave him an approved name we proceeded to transport the id 83 to the naval academy in koreda good luck han alone we will have you blown away in no time , but he unjustly abandoned his position, you are not the imperial army, your thieves are here to steal equipment for a job and I want it, then he attacked an imperial shipment of coaxium lest we forget that he will later release it illegally. the thief and spy princess leia of the first death star i don't know who you are or where you come from but from now on do as i say okay no reward is worth this if one death star wasn't enough to destroy him He also leads the invasion force that destroys the shield generator on Endor.
During this attack on Endor, he recruits the primitive natives to participate in his hostilities which result in countless deaths of natives as well as brave and loving stormtroopers. Then there's Lando Calrissian, I'm Lando Calrissian, the previous owner of the Millennium Falcon, what have you done to my ship? Your ship. Hey, remember that you lost her to me fairly, as well as a thief and a cheater in his own right. Card player. Shameless player. You would like it to be yours. Friends Han and Leia don't trust him, which is very telling in itself. I don't trust Lando.
I don't trust him either, but he makes the right decision by handing these war criminals over to Vader. I had no choice. They arrived just before. You did, but then you betray Vader and the empire by helping them escape. Well done, he then takes it upon himself to destroy the second Death Star, but as for Lando and Han, it's hard to say if they're equally conniving in his thirst for power. or the rebels are simply ineffective but for the attack on the second death star they are both generals general calvin has volunteered to lead the combat attack good luck the general is only gathering his strike team let's analyze why this is bad for starters han solo is a captain during the battle of hoth in which he participated in combat zero captain solo, do you copy that?
Then he leaves the rebellion. You are a good solo fighter. I hate to lose you, thank you general, he's frozen in carbonite, yes, he's alive, thought, and in his The next meeting with the rebels is somehow a solo general general, on the other hand, Lando betrays the rebels by handing over Leia and Han to the empire. Noble and commendable, I might add, I had no choice. They arrived just before you, unfortunately, then he frees them from the warm, loving arms of the empire well done for continuing his betrayal of the empire, he helps rescue han from his hibernation and carbonite and then he encounters the rebels and is a general general also what organized and valid military gives command of a spaceship to someone on their first day with no training or valid credentials beyond someone's word, are you sure you can handle this?
Sir Luke is the best push pilot in the other Rim territories. It seems that getting a ship or a leadership position in the rebel alliance is easier. Instead of having Chewbacca cover his genitals by talking about Chewbacca, it is important to squash a very false rumor about the empire, that the empire is engaging in a systematic slavery genocide and has a pro-human agenda, those are all false in the first place. , but To be clear, there is no evidence that the empire participated in such despicable actions. The proof is in the pudding and the pudding is in the name.
The name is the galactic empire, not the human empire. It was a lot of non-humans that were given to Palpatine. power to ensure continued security and stability, the republic will be reorganized with respect to systematic genocide and slavery. There's no evidence that any of these take place in any of the 10 Star Wars movies, but what about the Wookiees? You say good to start. They are not people in any sense of the word. They live in trees like monkeys. They have not evolved pants. Pants are quite important. They are what separates us from beasts. Well, Wookiees don't have pants and neither do cows.
They have them too. They don't have the ability. for a formal conversation they communicate with moans and grunts no different than what your mom makes when the postman is five fingers inside her while your dad is at work now let's move on to emperor palpatine, let's talk about a misunderstood genius everything is happening as it happens. had anticipated, in the first place, Senator Palpatine was nominated for the position of Chancellor, he did not actively seek it. Your Highness, Senator Palpatine has been nominated to succeed Lauren as Supreme Chancellor, a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one, but when he became Chancellor he sought to take power away from the bureaucrats who ruled the Senate.
A much stronger Supreme Chancellor, one who could control the bureaucrat I intended to put an end to the corruption I promise to put an end to the corruption let's also not forget that Palpatine wanted to keep the republic together in order to ensure continued security and stability, the republic will be reorganized and if Palpatine wanted or not the supreme authority, it was the senate that granted it and as such he became the democratically elected leader of the republic mass proposed that the senate immediately granted emergency powers to the supreme chancellor, furthermore, he was very clear about his love for the democracy and the republic.
I love democracy. I love the republic. Furthermore, I would relinquish control after the separatists stop the power you give me. I will give up when this crisis has subsided it is ironic that the separatists had the goal of removing palpatine from power but it was their very violence that kept him in power it was a hyper violent jedi that escalated things for them the death of general grievous was enough for Palpatine to relinquish power if he doesn't relinquish his emergency powers after Grievous's destruction then he should be removed from office, but that was far from stopping the Separatists, which brings us back to the Jedi.
The Jedi clearly do not want peace once again. The Sith will rule the galaxy and we will, as it would lead to the end of the Jedi, who were needed for over a thousand generations. Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice. remember that mace windu was a jedi, as well as other jedis who wanted to execute palpatine without trial or conviction he has control of the senate and the courts it is too dangerous to leave him alive it literally goes against the rule of law it is treason so but the jedi They are more than warmongers, they are irresponsibly illogical.
Watch Luke Skywalker in a new hope and the empire strikes back. He is seen having a training that does not even last a week and he is made very aware that he has not finished training. Look, you must complete the training, but when she returns to train in exchange for the Jedi now. I understand how they got that name, but I need your help. I returned to complete the training. He's supposed to be fully trained for me. That's a major logical fallacy, but you don't need a PhD in Star Wars to know that Luke becomes a. very dangerous person with so little training the jedi did this on purpose they instilled these violent and aggressive traits in young children which unfortunately led to their unnecessary killing by anakin skywalker if the jedi had been responsible and reasonable in his training all those young people would have been He was saved, look at this young man, he is violent and practically unstoppable due to his training, his training by the way is reminiscent of nothing less than the Hitler Youth, but the Jedi and their corruption go beyond the fact that they bastardized the force, they only study half of it. while the sith study everything if one wants to understand the great mystery one must study all its aspects, not only the narrow and dogmatic vision of the jedi the jedi prohibit attachment and loving attachments forbidden possession is prohibited, which is not exactly a time tested system there is a particular religion in the real world that also forbids its leaders love and attachment on paper it sounds good but thousands of kids with bruised asses say otherwise however the sith are different they allow love allows passion the sith rely on their passion for their strength, they even bring the dead back to life, they could even prevent those they care about from dying, they believe in teamwork and in pairs, they always do it, there is no more no less, so yes, Anakin brought balance to the force, he brought backlove. and the passion of the force that the jedi tried to destroy while we complete things, it is worth noting a common phrase: history is written by the victors and those victors are clearly the empire and we are sure that the rebels had some victories here and there by destroying two death stars, but it's not like the empire simply collapsed after the emperor's demise at the hands of vader as he went mad in his final moments, the first order and supreme leader, snoke, took the reins and essentially took over. became the reincarnation of the empire. yes, the first order is not the empire, as long as it is valid and just on its own merits, it is not the empire, but the rebellion persisted and fought against the first order, as well as the rebellion that as of the last jedi is simply a handful of people, so yes, history is written by the victors, those victors were billions and billions of citizens of the galaxy who watched as the brave soldiers faithfully and bravely defended them until there were only a few small groups of violent rebels and a What's more, how stupid Owen and Baru lars are that they possessed. and i lived with c-3po, but then they bought a droid with the same name and voice and they never thought it could be the same droid, but i was going to the toshi station to pick up some power converters, oh how things would have been different .
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