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May 11, 2024
Today we are playing the



on Roblox, how easy, very, very easy, to cross the bridge to get the trophy, but why is this Smiley looking at us funny? Hey? Not sure, buddy, cheering you on. I don't think it will be easy. It's probably a I know, sure, I feel like this


is a troll, but let's cross these wobbly boards, it could be a trap, boom, wait, what a trap it falls, that's crazy, okay, just get the trophy and this will give us will give an easy victory, wait, what no way. In the end you won.
the easiest game on roblox is annoying
What would happen if you tried to do something else? It means we don't really win. Our goal now is to get all the endings right. I know. Let's push the happy face off the cliff. No, what does it say? Oh, he's back, oh, good morning. good morning so you can stop pushing me or pushing, yeah, but something has to happen, eh, he's invincible, that hurts, oh god, um, mole, should we keep pushing, do it, do it, mole? Sorry, Moon Smiley said, do it, whoa, whoa, wo wo, brother, oh. I would change my voice um Smiling guys I'm afraid to go well keep pushing it I'm sorry what happens if you try to push them towards what are they going to do with the red ball they just bark oh no they just say Bruh Bruh Bruh what are they?
the easiest game on roblox is annoying

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the easiest game on roblox is annoying...

What are you going to do about it, nothing is right, sorry bro, we have to see if this is unlocking the badge or something that hurts. I don't think this will do anything, you might have to push it towards the trophy, you know what? I'm sorry for constantly pushing you, so it's true, we're going to get you. No, no, no, we are going to help you understand. Oh, it's not that easy. Now it didn't work. This will be a challenge as a single. gamer game come on, come on, come on, you did good, come on, come on, we'll get you that trophy, the BR ball or wait, that looks like a secret hole, wait, no way, okay, but what about the trophy ? unlock a secret hole where Wa ball, what the hell are you going Dynamite?
the easiest game on roblox is annoying
We have to save you, come on, this is crazy, save it. R oh, there is no skeleton, sorry, I have to go, we have to move on. I think we're going to die here. something around here is a bit mysterious here we have 90 seconds before this explodes uh-oh guys I think we're stuck W we should continue we should have jumped into a random dark SP we should have learned from Minecraft never jump random holes the Second time's the charm, right, bro, ball, we'll let you stay with us, stay, we won't let you go, stay safe here, I don't think we're going to be safe there and we just have to wait for this. dynamite to explode, but while we wait let's not fall into the hole again, the hole that literally killed us, we have diamonds around here or something, no, we can't collect anything, there's a dead skeleton here, imino, you push Bro Bell by the lunar sky. that's very mean but she's got something on her mind guys I'm so sorry for ending up like I got hit in the head patience bunny ball BR do we have the energy to get back up? sad, this is karma, please, brother, we're sorry, come back up here, we believe in you, we just want, we have a purpose here, robot, I don't care, stay down there, alone, cry in the rain, Fang, I guess yes.
the easiest game on roblox is annoying
I'll wait for it to explode, either we're going to fall together or you're going to open a new magical place, yes, I think it will be number one, okay, no, two, 2 1, come on, Moment of Truth, they joined us, oh, so there. There was nothing here is that what you are saying is the


ending of the game, the secret ending, the ending, the collapse, what an anticlimactic game. Instead, let's go get that bag of money over there because we'd like some cash. Boop, I think that's the real prize. I know, it's true. The trick is how do you get up there we need a bra ball for everything oh no are you really going to be ours?
We're going to need your head, so put your butt on that, wait, wait. that brother ball brother oh what wait pink you turned pink pink ball hello pink ball hello pretty it looks smaller sorry, we need you to be careful with me hey sorry pink ball cross carefully let's use your head and I'm a bubblegum, yes, hold that in the corner over there, you need some gum, yeah, you just need some bush gum, no, it's a gum, oh boost, May should jump, wait, we should, yeah, jump when it's pink, jump when it's pink it's a gum forest or a waterfall Hello, bye, come back here, bye, bye, we'll join you, go, go like a W potion, that's everyone.
I present to you the fruit that Luna likes the most, grapes, it's true, it's tolerable, tolerable grapes, grapes, wow, delicious. If that gave grapes, that means this is Apple, are you a lemon? Letum is that cheese, golden bar, oh cheese, wait, the cave here is different too. What should we do? You're right, so many things, how about we take the cheese first, yeah? The cheeses will go back to being yellow cheese it's just cheese before we continue our quest let's see how many endings we have guys I don't think we can finish all that big cheese Big Cheese wait temporarily disabled what does that mean?
Total victory for me, you can't turn it off, it means they don't exist. Well, we want to go to the world of cheese. Hopefully the inner cave is full of cheese. We're talking cheese, OES cheese rocks, but what kind of cheese? is this, it's too yellow, sharp talk, oh you need the yellow ball, guys this ball is more giant and it's lagging in the game, that means we can use it to get the money bag right, we can, there is no bag of money, it is there in the money. bed yes, it is gigantic there is a small yellow cheese B we want red we are looking for the red it is very difficult to cross this red ball H you have to be very attentive we have to be very concise keep staying on top of the blueberry muffins let's take his hand okay, come on, you're just crossing it's like, you gotta walk, come on, oh, this is going to be while we go, come on, come on, come on, you did it, it's going to fall, it's going to fall.
I'm going to fall it's not funny catch it funny oh my god stupid tomato you and there's a strawberry tomato now you're an apple I'm sorry, I'm sorry for calling you stupid, it's just that that app has problems, let's get the Apple, okay? Guys, why does this red place hurt more than the yellow place? I don't know, it hurts my eyes, although ending with Apple is a boring ending, please, too bouncy, it's the slowest. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, very serious. brother, be gentle, brother, you, me, me, stop, thank you, are you serious, oh no, is there an invisible staircase?
There is no dramatic music team, as long as you believe that you can always go far, that's right, how do you spell it? team, team, you can't jump, get to work and you still don't get the money bag. I feel like that thing is a troll. Yes, and we lost our red ball. What happens if you step back and walk around the entire edge? You walk away like that. Yes, and you jump. You walk along the entire edge. How do we get up? There is no way. There is no way. H impossible. right, it's impossible, well, we could try one thing, let's destroy that single tree over there with this BR drop, come on, brother, we're going to use you, yeah, throw it right at the tree, this tree, come on, BR ball Come on, it's inside. our way, broal, you can't keep missing the ball, bro, this is really awkward for both of us and don't look at me like that, like it's my fault you're missing this, imagine you're a bowling ball and it's okay, our objetive. it's there bro get the strike you gotta believe in yourself bro come on bro you can do it bro that's cool BR is like bowling you missed no Str bro ball bro , ball, b, it's like bowling, maybe it goes left, left, it doesn't.
I don't do anything I think we're on the way, it doesn't hurt the brain if you restart it we'll get a free ending, okay, thanks, I need one. I need an easy win right now, let's see if our little cheese ball can pick up the cheese. cheese cheese ball you like fresh cheese maybe I'll make it bigger man cheese ball I think you can do that we're not best friends just take just the cheese eat the cheese what not you have to go the other way the platform goes in the cave well, let's see if the cave is different it's not still the same cave without anything there's a secret here if we stay here it will protect us oh oh a clever lunar idea okay we become the skeleton we'll see I feel like we should dance, okay, dance, give us that cool badge, please, let's dance with so much style, the money, I want the money, but I don't know how to get it, so I feel dead inside, dance, dance, um, dance, come on, let's go stall. are you going to dance um, when can we stop dancing?
We've been vibrating for about 30 seconds. Okay, come on, we have a dance party, but who cares about a Bruff ball over the dance party? We just want that bag of money up there, but how? How is it achieved? How is it achieved? Hey no maybe we should push the BR ball towards real bro broal you and I can't get over this let's go ahead and push I hate this let's get you that. trophy, it worked, wait, super win, hey, a super trophy, that's cool, we just got a super win, okay, big push, but then it's always like oh, it's gone, no, that's good, God, it works , do it, hurry up, relax, relax, he did it.
Okay, are you going to stay here? You are going to stay here? Actually, you know what, I know he's a little mad, you stand there, we realized you're funny, funny, stop, stop, stop, we have a piece of cheese, now we know why we eat it? I think I just fed the cheese ball, wait why is there dramatic music? Guys, what are you doing to the ball? Wait, wait, wait, no, it turned into a grenade. What, oh, that was great. What a hate, you ate, he was hungry and ate aggressively. You know what the problem is guys, we found out that you push the cheese guy here, you jump, then you go here and you click on this cheese, this cheese right here, you keep clicking on everything, you keep clicking on it until you get a cheese. mhm, strange sound and then this thing is addicted to eating cheese so we hide it well to be fair, also the cheese, I mean who doesn't love a beautiful piece of cheese?
He almost ate it, let's hide it. Cheese ball, drop one. easy plank get to the thing before the cheese ball BS nice oh my god my god it finally happened how we left this now I don't know thank you money is fine don't fall whatever you do hello beautiful money bag, have you been waiting? to us Tada you're mine now you're ours it's worth it and I know we've been through a lot of hard times BR ball okay but that hurt we didn't even touch you yet yeah I like how you didn't He even pushed the ball yet and they said that we were here to be friends okay so we're gonna take you to spawn with us because you're cool if you ever turn on the reset cheeseball come on little cheeseball just get up there.
I've been falling Don't you want to be a real player too? You want to be a real Roblox player. You almost made it. You almost made it. You can be a real NPC now. You do not understand. You've had enough of your bra. go up these stairs thank you thank you where are you going what wo wo woah believer don't fall don't fall don't fall I'm trying to pressure it I'm trying she's too short I'm too short press her with your mouse, what guys, what's going on, I don't know, I'm scared, where are we, it's magic, um, what kind of ball, the ball is gone, I got rid of the ball button, we finally did it, no, no, you balance, funny.
Now what do we get out? That was a challenge. You can literally slip, you can slip and fall. Oh wait, did you mess up? Oh my god, did we mess up? What do we have here? No, the trophy, shall we collect the trophy? What do we do? we play this don't go through the hole what's going on here 90 oh no never uh-uh oh hell you don't want us to play almost 100 times you're stuck you know what I'll be stuck honestly I'll be happy With this easy ending I'll stay here.

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