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The Easiest 250 Horsepower I've Ever Gained...

Jun 05, 2024
Hell yeah bro you're on the pleas P FR Freedom month YouTube channel guys this is my 2023 Ford Raptor R well unfortunately I hit a damn deer the other night with Mr. Sam we were doing about 70 just smoking , it ruined my fog light it ruined my bumper and luckily Jack ordered all that stuff for me and I had to get a new engine harness because some damn squirrels eight my engine harness oh and oh here we go this came with the butt we also had to get a Whipple supercharger with the right bumper kit, yeah I had a box that said check here Whipple 3.8L supercharger kit okay so insurance covered all of this oh absolutely fine okay cool so I'll tell you to my wife that the bumper was bad, the supercharger was bad, we had no choice but to stick this piece of Whipple deer hair in there and take out the super exactly, so here we have a 3.8L American Freedom Whipple supercharger and , as you know, watch the bone stop, this bad girl made 550


at the wheels with 37 inch tires right when I bought it 557 557 and she has been a strong and healthy team for 15,000 miles, well who It came out with this supercharger kit and since my bumper was damaged, we simply couldn't refuse the change, are we going to do the swaero?
the easiest 250 horsepower i ve ever gained
This week all you have to do is change the supercharger, let's open it up and see what we have. Can't say I've seen the 3.8 L yet, yeah we don't have one that big yet, not even the blue F-. 150 doesn't have a 38 it has the 3 this box feels heavier that's for sure a big box looks big it has an extra Le there it almost looks similar but it has almost another ladder oh yes it's big oh look how much Higher, the lid it's oh my god that's huge, get that suction cup out, oh my god Whipple dude why AOW did my bumper go bad?
the easiest 250 horsepower i ve ever gained

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the easiest 250 horsepower i ve ever gained...

This is crazy. I know, man, I can't believe insurance does that these days. You have to place the order in the right place. this is a team right here, oh my friend L, Jesus, pick it up, I'm going to take it out the way Z, who's in love with the Box guy who's a pig, holy shit, let's look under her, my God, L, what Okay, so they? You're totally dude, just from here to here is huge, look at that look there, there's some action there, power, there's a big gap and it says my stock engine can survive this, uh, the way you drive, no, You have to be the biggest Whipple in the shop.
the easiest 250 horsepower i ve ever gained
Isn't this the biggest Whipple in The Daily's store? Okay, so I wasn't going to do this. Whipple told me about this. I told him, man, it's my diary. I don't know if I want to modify it because then. will ruin my diary and then they sent me pictures of this Dino graph, you go from 560


which is what mine and the one they had on their test Dyno made up to 7.99 horsepower at the wheels just by changing the blower. no fuel system, no, nothing, just change the supercharger and I said, well, if you just change the supercharger, how can I lower it?
the easiest 250 horsepower i ve ever gained
I guess this is the test, can you just change the fan and get 250 horsepower? find out Zach how long this will take you uh all combined I mean it should only be four or five hours tops but all combined probably a couple of days yeah okay look how small the accessory box is that EAS is in St. usually the parts box is as big as the blower box that box is a third the size sometimes the truck has


ything yes, sometimes there are s


al oh, there are a lot of things, although there is the instruction box for the refrigerant lines, The sticky instruction stickers on the box with the pulley button.
I'm saying it's the important box. I'm curious to know what this is all about, a couple of police officers. Oh, new elbow for the driveway. Oh wow, the hair is there. What is tuner? Portable tuner. Okay, what do we have here? Oh, they do change the throttle. Big Dog body Okay, interesting Tomahawk V2, well if that doesn't tell you something right, that's why you pick up 250 Tomahawk, the D Tom and then the air filters, there's your pulley, I'll go, damn, not really It's so small, oh, big old blower. I mean the blower, we'll almost hit the cabinet, let's have the little one, oh no, no, let's run, let's have a little little one, let's run this one, man, if this thing makes 800 wheels, we're absolutely dialed in, we don't need any more, this is going to be . savages alright guys I'd say we're about to overload the truck but we're about to overload or shift the truck so let's go to the time lapse oh oh oh oh brother the Whipple is fully installed how Are you feeling Zach?
Very good. nice it looks a lot better now mate oh honey it looks original it really doesn't look that crazy there no it's a lot wider although compared to what you had here the little one thought we'd call this a small yeah. I can't believe he's a little guy now, but he looks tiny sitting there now, well the truck looks much better put together, not all my parts are missing in there, now it's just a moment of truth, you wanna hit the key, yeah , I've been. waiting for this all day, okay, do it EXA, I'm ready, I have our engine cold, the tank and our supercharger, the tank, a little acceleration there cold.
D, well, it sounds basically the same, you can hear a little more noise from the rotor hitting there, oh. Yeah, that's cool dude, dude, he got the Whipple in the Raptor, it's really supercharged. The daily guy double checks the supercharger reservoir to make sure it's full, so he didn't have to change anything with that reservoir or the pump or anything that marks the lines in and out of the supercharger that you cut off you cut it there. and then you put his line on it and then you cut the other Factory line and you just put his Factory line on it hey, pretty easy, I mean literally cut two Ls, yeah, okay, I'm excited to speed up.
Go up a couple of times you want to do the honors I think we can speed it up go speed it up a couple of times I want to hear some supercharger wine oh yeah oh yeah much better a couple more please how did I say this perfect truck Yeah, somehow it got better, somehow it got better, give me two more, that's Rowdy bro, that's really Rowdy, that's Rowdy. I like it, can't wait to drive it, ah, we threw a little Co on top, no big deal, okay. I got a flash of tuning from Whipple. This is still the factory tune.
We didn't have to change anything on the injector map, so it still works with the factory tune, but we have to put its calibration in there just to make sure it works perfect. before putting it on the dyno and doing some street ribs, well guys you saw the truck run, but now we're showing off a little hotter tune up for this big ol' supercharger. Very well, there are our old robust ones who don't have any. as much displacement as the RTR wheels, so that should give us the clearance we need to get on the dinosaur, here we go, she's strapped in, adjustments on it, adjustments on it, we're just going to let the truck warm up for a second and let's hit. data log what gear are we doing this pull in fourth quarter that's what I did last time we're good ready I'm ready if you're ready I'm ready first pull here we go first pole with the Whipple on the raptor r oh man it sounds Wild oh god mine 756 703 omg bro what are you doing 756 buddy first survey it's very hot in here first B no way first B let me stop the data logger that pu is making boring it never comes out can I Be a Chevy guy and without a doubt this It has to be the best truck B with this blower now it has to be perfect.
I mean, I can't think of anything better, that's enough of your horsepower, we have to go. for a ride, I can't even, I'm not even going to be able to deal with this guy's ego, now the representative truck on Tuesday, note that we have a 37 inch tire 37 not light, not light 37 and it just made 756 horsepower, did you hear that's crazy she was screaming that line outside the truck it's crazy oh, she's loud I'll tell you this, it's not like we were making any more tunes, I mean we finished, that's all we needed and ready, yeah because the melody doesn't change, he gave me the final melody, they already tried it on his Raptor arm, yeah, okay, take this off, let's go for a ride, let's go for a ride, man, the torque is all there time, brother, that's wild.
That's disgusting, okay Zach, how many hours was it just the blower? Replace only the blower. I think we did it in about 7 hours. 7 hours. Okay, so it's a business as usual day, but unscrew the old blower. Screw on the new blower. The same fuel system injectors. The same map sensor. even the same belt the same belt the same tensioner the same coolant lines water lines we just added I mean that's gross bro let's look up TR. I'm not going to be able to say anything to this guy now. I literally just


over 200 horsepower so fast it's crazy. the blower, yeah you don't have to do the fuel system, nothing else, that's crazy, that means this pup had a lot on the table, every r raptor needs this kit, let me drive it first, yeah, here it is, it feels different, it's okay, it's okay.
Oh my gosh, Lise, man, you just got 200 horsepower, yeah, like our fuel system with heat, do you have this? Do you hear the little blower? It's nothing small, yes, stronger, much stronger, much more powerful, you spit it out much more. powerful oh my god it left some black parts that thing was a black track for sure it usually just leaves some little spoofs and I hit it at low RPM. Wow, it sounds clean and crisp, it feels like the Factory feels like it drives the same. I Ain I'm going to lie to you like you can't feel it's tuned and all that, you know how you can ruin a truck real fast, oh yeah, yeah, so they don't drive so good, let's just have a normal normal trip to ride like hell .
I know the 3L B screw drives absolutely perfect. Wow, I didn't think this truck could get any better. Alright, 40 years, 40 years, there, that's some kind of big truck, there she is. 137, that's a lot of truck to move around like that guy from Holy Smokes, sick. I want to do one more pull from a stop. Might as well go ahead and ask for two nits for the back of this. I'm going to have a lot of fun. I'm curious how your gas mileage will compare. It should be approximately the same. Still, I imagine what gas mileage really is like, yeah, I mean at 10 it's not good anymore, oh my god, oh my god, he would literally do this all day, he'd calm down for a second, really I didn't think you could do anything to improve this. that's perfect, I mean I mean the fact that it still drives like the original but it only has 200 more horsepower, it's not unpleasant, you usually don't understand that, you usually get that weird modified car that feels kinda cool that makes the car less than Ideal, it's perfect right now, heh, we should probably stop hitting it.
I thought he was literally going to do this all day, he was going to kill this. I need to stop, well guys, that's awesome, that's amazing, I'm sure this water blower, oh. It's not that bad, yes, to make 20 PS, no, I'll send Whipple this data log. They're probably like OMG we just put the tune in, made a Dino pole and then went and made 30 PS and it works great. Big thanks to Whipple for working with us as always on the latest and greatest things and it sure beats my journal getting 200 horsepower out of these on a hot day.
I bet it's a good 250 horsepower on a winter day, but that's all for now. Thanks for watching, do it for Dale, see you later, oh.

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