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The Drink Off VS W2S

Jun 19, 2024
of taxes. These look classy, ​​so I sit down. Well this could work in my favor if I can serve them well. I think, what does that alarm mean? Sorry, it's time for our next game. I lost my bald cap, but give it two years. There in this game I'm going to ask you a question, if you don't answer it you'll have to try, if you answer it I'll have to try, okay, I won't answer here, so I'm quite happy if you had to replace a member of the companions with a beta squad member, who would it be and why, oh no, oh no, would it bring bits?
the drink off vs w2s
I'll bring it for JJ. Wow, he barely appears in the videos. Anyway, right now we need someone who is always more full time, yeah, yeah, he's all these more important things. I want to go in my panties because Chunks is busy. I'm just trying to distract myself after this, he's busy. Stephen, tell you what happens if you just open your mouth and you'll be able to tell me when oh, I can't actually hear you wow, you know we'll let him eat that one, we'll let him have that one, you don't even need to try it, it's beautiful, it's actually pretty good. , oops, oops, Stephen Dun won it.
the drink off vs w2s

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the drink off vs w2s...

It's not like he comes back a bit. It's not my place to judge. It's up to Santa Claus to judge. Am I not supposed to make two one for myself? I thought he was doing two. I thought no, you just do it. one, which means one of them will have to go somewhere oh no, they looked better before, honey, what are you doing? If before. I like the separation. I am a child of divorce. I love separation. Okay, I'm not going to lie to you. I think I'm almost done, that's not bad, can I just say you only need one?
the drink off vs w2s
Alright? I haven't made two


s, yeah you just make one, oh yeah you sucked it up, do you know what I'm doing? In fact, I'm quite happy with it. Overall, I'm pretty happy with it. Do you apologize for that? It's okay, it's okay. I was trying to move it and that's higher than that. It is wonderful. It was actually a very good


. It really was. And maybe not. I know the same, I'm really sorry, it's dirty tactics and you expect it in these extremes Harry, we have prepared our drinks, yes, now it's time for them to be adjudicated, yes, our expert, we have the only one, thank you, it's Santa Claus. ten thousand dollars definitely everything there is your special day I hope you feel very special leaving that for last because it looks horrible but taking the notes of uh of lemon and cherry who is this what is it we don't know whose it is I have taken the notes, yeah, not much, it wasn't like a baked cherry pen, oh, I love a challenge, not very well though, oh, fake cherry dough, come on, I'll have a drink, I'm a swing, I'm a swing, after all it's Christmas.
the drink off vs w2s
I have a little sweater imagine this with a meatloaf oh you're saying Chris Vince buys cheese try it guys if you haven't I felt like a bag but didn't have much taste on the taste buds oh Santa, that's not a bad can of drink I can smell it, please take as much as you want. Is it a bad idea. It's lovely. Oh, Merry Christmas, Santa Claus, I always say, hurry up. Merry Christmas, Santa Claus, what do you think? Santa Claus, who is the winner. They were very similar. from one that gives me hair on my chest oh and that's good, that's good, I hit puberty during this video and I, Joe, when I hit puberty, I loved it, this is a loser, take a loss, yeah, I think it has to have been the one I finished and unfortunately there is a lot of it left.
Merry Christmas everyone, Harry is the winner, well then hurry up, if you're going to do it then do it, yeah fair play, it was a bad idea. Merry Christmas everyone, thank you. Thank you so much for watching, look at these guys, George Clark, that's just my Make-a-Wish, Harry Rosa, for sure, and Chris MD, the returning favorite. God bless you and have a Merry Christmas, stay safe, very condom and, uh, finish, finish, means two things get cozy. and also cover you, welcome back to Merry listmus um Chris, yeah, you can choose another topic for us to discuss, uh, it could be anything you like, bodily fluids, you're weird, why?

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