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The Demonic Doberman: Harvey | Full Episode | It's Me or the Dog

Jun 06, 2021
meet the Wallis of Bolton Bill Jane Olivia Emily and her two dogs Shih Tzu ladies absolutely no problem Doberman Harvey absolutely it's him fighting, jumping, urinating and causing major family problems Can Victoria take control of this


Doberman before he ravages to the family? I have solved all the problems six months ago. The Wallis and their wife, their pampered Shih Tzu, lived a relatively stress-free existence. Well, Jane, I used to go to the gym and spend half the day there and then maybe do a little bit. After shopping, Jane fell in love with the idea of ​​getting a bigger dog because she wanted a dog we could walk with, for example, a prescription.
the demonic doberman harvey full episode it s me or the dog
I like romantic walks together on Sunday afternoons. The reservoir dog she chose was Doberman puppy Harvey. and it didn't turn out that Jane and Harvey didn't get along at all instead of having a pet dog, she ended up with an uncontrollable monster. He is too strong physically since we became happy. Just ridiculous with Bill working. It is Jane who must look. Following him during the day on walks, Harvey hates other dogs and at home he bullies the lady and treats her like a toy. It's okay, although Jane and Harvey don't get along. Bill lavishes him with attention, especially when he comes home from work.
the demonic doberman harvey full episode it s me or the dog

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the demonic doberman harvey full episode it s me or the dog...

Belle loves Harvey and Harvey's love spell I'm very soft on her, not really, I'm just giving her a hug and just reassuring them that I'm back home, sometimes it even seems like Bill prefers Harvey to Jane, it's going too far away when the last person Bill Kisses at night is Harvey, in fact, they have become so attached that Harvey Pines and then urinates everywhere, the wind fills. Yes, I am the lady. mop I have never mopped so much in my entire life Harvey was meant to bring Bill and Jane closer together, but with all these problems he is now driving them apart.
the demonic doberman harvey full episode it s me or the dog
You like it more than me. I haven't solved all the problems I created. Canned dog trainer. Victory Stilwell Hall in this hellhound and reunite this family before it's too late. When purchasing a second dog, he should research not only the breed but also the dog's personality. Getting it wrong can mean big trouble for the whole family. something Wallace discovered quite late in the day, so can Victoria turn things around for them? She's a big dog, where are those manners? Okay, let's get in. Victoria witnesses firsthand how attached Harvey is to Bill. This is a love festival there.
the demonic doberman harvey full episode it s me or the dog
She just loves it. but Bill isn't the only one getting attention, she's obviously now telling you to go away, she doesn't understand dog language, there's no other problem, she's peeing on the floor, so is this her normal going out routine? Although yes, he would sometimes be in the kitchen with himself. but he would be following me fine until he left, right now what was interesting is that immediately Bill came out, moaned and peed, this is definitely separation anxiety. Next Victoria wants to see what Harvey is like on walks now I know you don't normally like him. walk him but I have to see what he is like and how receptive he is to you, okay your hands are red I can see it and he is a very strong dog, if he became faster he would just run now I just can't.
Keep it up, we don't know what would stop you. Walking with Harvey is clearly a stressful event for Jane, which is made even worse with other dogs. The big toy is interested in seeing how Harvey reacts when he is around other dogs, so they call Bill. to try to control him if things get bad, she wants to get to that dog and what he would do physically when he got to them, no one knows because that never happened. It was interesting to see how the hairs on the back of his neck stood up from his neck to his tail, he is very insecure, I don't know what his reaction would be if he could actually greet another dog, suddenly Harvey lets go of his leash and he heads towards the other dogs, it's a complete surprise, there are two other dogs there, but he Listens to you dad, I mean you exchange news for that, so it's very encouraging what I saw.
There was a dog who doesn't have dog manners. His hands were raised. He was obviously quite stressed. Very unsafe, but what was really fascinating to see is when he accidentally. He let go of the leash and starts to go towards the dogs, but as soon as Bill called him, he came back and that says a lot, he doesn't really want to go out and kill any of these dogs, it's clear that Harvey doesn't want to. knows how to behave with dogs, including the other couple in the family, Mrs. Victoria believes that Bill and Jane are making this and his other problems worse.
The question I want to ask you is how do you think Harvey feels in this house? I was happy I think Harvey is happy in one way but I also think he suffers a lot of anxieties in another you are his number one when you leave he urinates that's not spiteful it's because he's anxious number two is insecure outside with other dogs because believe me, all that display That makes your hair stand on end or that's all from a dog that is lost. Dobermans were bred for God, they were bred to be guard dogs, they are excellent police dogs, that is what they are used for, they are tough dogs and they need to have real direction in their lives.
I don't think you've given him the direction he needs. I think you've given up on him and I think Harvey has become an annoying dog to you. Life was much better. when he wasn't here and I think you're trying to make up for that by being the one who gives him all the love, gives him the attention, you have to take a step back, you have to take a step forward and be exactly on the spot. same page because in the end Harvey doesn't speak English, he talks about dog training. I think it will be very difficult for them, especially Jane, because she has given up on her and it will take a lot to motivate her again to be able to transform Harvey from an antisocial Beast.
Victoria will have to get Bill and Jane to work together first. She wants to work on Bill's gentle approach to his uncontrollable dog, who believes he needs firm boundaries using the right commands and body language. Victoria demonstrates how to take control, okay, come on. He, go, honey, good boy, stop, good boy, good boy, yeah, listen to her like you never do that Carozza, let's hope so because now it's Bill's turn. I want him to understand that when you say "stop" and we extend our hands like that as a signal. Let him stop, it's okay, let him go.
I want you to stop like this. I wanted to be real. Finally Bill controls Harvey. It's so amazing it was really the best. Jane has never really bonded with Harvey because he is too difficult to handle. Victoria wants to do it. transform her relationship by turning Jane into a safe dog to help. Victoria brought some tricks of the trade. I really want you to be able to walk him and I really want you to be able to enjoy the walks with him because right now I can see that he's an absolute nightmare for you okay so I'm going to start walking him forward.
If you have control of his head, the dog can't pull because as soon as he pulls, his head automatically turns, good boy, this strange new head. It will take Connor a while to get used to what a good boy, if you take Harvey out more they are less attached, he will be Bill too, he will be more focused on you because now it will be mom taking him out for a walk, not Bill. Make me yes with a new head collar Victoria wants to give Jane the confidence to control Harvey, which means he can finally leave, good boy, you're motivating with a voice now you're getting a lot more exciting as you take control and when taking control gives you the confidence to control Harvey and have fun together it's a real breakthrough for Jane to show that he doesn't hate her after all continuing with the training will pave the way for a better relationship between the two things it would be even better if Jane She didn't have to clean up Harvey's urine every time her husband went to work.
Victoria believes lewd wing is caused by separation anxiety that can be common when dogs form a strong bond with an owner, as Harvey has with Bill best to deal with. All I want to do is convince Harvey that staying home alone won't be forever, so the training I want to do is desensitize him to the fact that you'll both come out if we go near the door and all I want you to do is get out. for a little bit okay, so let's go out, we'll wait a minute, like 10 seconds, and then we'll go back in, okay, let's do it again with repeat.
Harvey will eventually learn that they won't abandon him leaving Jane with dry floors. Okay, you gradually increase it if in two weeks you only have ten minutes, so be it, but it's already ten minutes. Victoria believes now is the right time to address Harvey's most serious antisocial problem. Other dogs at home with the lady. He's a boisterous bully. but outside with big dogs it's World War III Victoria believes that the root of Harvey's reaction is fear and that is due to the lack of socialization with dogs his size with the help of an advertisement in the local newspaper and with the approval of Bill and Jane. a puppy meeting in a nearby park now I have to say a warning here we don't know what is going to happen everything is going to be done in the safest way possible but he could react badly although Victoria thinks he is more excitable than a dangerous face The meeting Face to face with the mastiff Poppy could get nasty, but without taking any risks, Victoria has put a muzzle on him and is taking control of Harvey, although this could be dangerous.
Bill and faithful Jane are worth the risk. Being friendlier is worth the risk, but as Harvey gets closer to Poppy, things quickly go south. from bad to worse


repeatedly makes him lunge with just his muzzle keeping his teeth bad i think it was a big fear you have to be successful in this technique is to be persistent and keep reintroducing


to the other dog until he no longer sees him as a threat afterwards After ten minutes, Harvey finally begins to calm down. It's amazing that he is walking closer to a dog than ever and that he isn't being as reactive.
Now Harvey is starting to be social. Victoria feels confident enough to introduce him to another dog. and let Bill and Jane take the lead. I am very happy because this gives me confidence that in the future he will have some dougie friends. That's how important it is. Harvey's first attempt at socializing ended well. He never ever walked the same size dog. He got goosebumps and he looked a little more relaxed and I thought he was very, very good. It's time for Victoria to leave the Wallis to practice training on their own. Jane and Bill have realized that I'm not going in with a magic wand. and make everything better because training doesn't work that way, training is a lot of hard work, it takes a lot of time, commitment and patience, and I hope they have that, but Bill and Jane will have a lot of work ahead of them to train a dog Like Harvey.
Bred as guard dogs, Dobermans are valued for their physical and mental abilities, although they can be incredibly loyal and devoted pets. Dobermans are not for weak-willed people. If no one gives them effective leadership from an early stage, there will be big problems. Harvey is Certainly, he lives up to the hellish race stereotype of him in Bolton. The Wallaces are tough implementing Victoria's training techniques on her intelligent Doberman, even with her new head collar. Harvey is still working hard on the hikes, but things are looking up. Jane is still nervous walking Harvey. other dogs, so Victoria connected her with a local dog trainer to come with them, which boosted Jane's confidence and gave Harvey the socialization she needs.
I'm happy with him because he just wants to play and he's not being aggressive and it's just calming him down. controlling when you're walking him is a bit difficult now Harvey has a friendlier attitude towards dogs his size he's starting to relax with Mrs. Bill he's finally getting his priorities right he's more hands-on with Jane less hands-on with Harvey and when Harvey left him alone urine flow has stopped completely she doesn't even know that Harvey is not weaned on the floor anymore she is no longer the lady. mopping, so it's a nice positive move now that Victoria is back to see any progress for herself.
I have to say it's really nice to see him lying on your lap and sleeping on your lap. He doesn't like me any worse than always wanting to be with Bill. well, happier, I'm happier, yes, I think the fact that you've stepped up so to speak and taken more control and have more confidence exercising it more and that a lot of these other behaviors have disappeared, Victoria wants to see what James is like as he confidently controls Harvey, I have to tell you that I'm really impressed by the control you've gained, darling, compared to when I first came here.
This is really good, it's a big step in the right direction, but there is still work to do and Victoria believes that if the Wallis keep up with the training, things will go from strength to strength, it's really windy to see that this family is no longer is divided by her dog, they have an equal and more balanced approach with Harvey, the real recipe. To achieve success, we have thought of giving them away,They really hurt in every way, but you know it adds a lot to the well-being of the dog's family and we all get attached to it.

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