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The Dark Souls Iceberg Explained

Jun 04, 2021
Dark Souls is a video game loved by many even years after its original release. One of the reasons it becomes so loved is because of its reminiscence of older games where you immerse yourself in a beautiful world and let yourself go to discover where. where to go and what to do with this level of freedom the



narrative often feels vague and shrouded in a level of mystery this vagueness allows the player to draw their own conclusion theorize and speculate namco the publisher of



even held a competition for fans to explain the law of dark souls an


is an image that contains many theories with the most common and well-known theories located at the top of the


, while the deeper you go into the iceberg, the darker and creepier they become theories today.
the dark souls iceberg explained
We'll take a comprehensive look at the Dark Souls iceberg created by Scantia on Reddit. There are a lot of points in this iceberg, some of which are just speedrunning techniques and some of which were simply invented by Scanty himself, so we're just going to go over the most interesting points in this iceberg as we go through each theory. I have a health meter that shows how likely I think the theory is, with a full bar indicating the theory is 100 true and an empty bar meaning the theory is close to impossible to be real enough in the introduction, let's go directly to the theories.
the dark souls iceberg explained

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the dark souls iceberg explained...

Wheel Dog Plague Blighttown was a shantytown and later became a repository site for sewage and runoff from the previously mentioned areas, such as the undead burg, and the deep, one of the most. The standout features are a giant water wheel that provides the player with shortcuts from the poisonous lake below, but did you really know what makes this wheel spin? If you look closely at the center of the wheel, a flaming attack dog is actually operating like a hamster. in a wheel now, if any of you dared to think what would happen if he killed this faithful doggo, then it would sadden you to know that he is protected by an invisible wall and that he is also invincible; however, the Tumblr user's illusory wall prevented this and reduced it directly. the dog's hp to kill it and, as you can see, the wheel continues to spin on itself.
the dark souls iceberg explained
Basilisks have tiny eyes. Basilisks, which are also known as cursed toads, are one of the most dangerous non-boss enemies in the game, as well as being one of the most intimidating things about the game, too, is looking at those huge eyes, but wait a minute, are they actually eyes without battle? These are actually just two bulbous growths, while their real eyes are little black specks underneath, so why would animals have such large growths in real life? The world, like butterflies, birds and frogs, also have false eyes that they use to intimidate. The basilisk may also be using them along with its vocal sac to intimidate both predators and prey.
the dark souls iceberg explained
The great hollow falling basilisk. You may have noticed that when you enter the large gap. Something strange happens, it seems that you receive 400 free souls without killing any enemies. 400 souls is equal to the number of souls you get from killing a basilisk, so there is a theory that a basilisk had fallen across the map somewhere where Jed Lang used a Dark Souls mod. tool to look at the map data and confirm that there was actually a basilisk located outside the map and below where you spawn thanks to the free souls. Buddy Duke's Archives whispers that the Duke's Archives are a later area in the game due to a giant library. prison tower and gardens, if you stand still in the duke's archives long enough, you may start to hear some creepy whispers in the background.
The demon flashlight managed to extract the audio files to make the whispers louder and cleaner. Many fans think that these whispers and screams are from the maidens who were kidnapped by the channelers solaire is the karthus sandwich solaire is a character you find in the undead burg who is searching for the sun most players, including me me, they will meet later with solaire because he has gone crazy and has finally found a source of light, but it is that of a sunlight and a worm that sticks to his face if you kill Solaire and you get the worm, the description of the article says: a lost and a parasite that lives in the isolated lost, is completely immobile but still lives.
The popular theory first written by Wizard speculates that the worm grants its host great power in order to continue living as a parasite needs a living host. This worm over many years transformed itself into a giant worm known as the karthu sandworm that we can find in Dark Souls 3. This theory is probably not true. As soul series creator Hidetaka Miyazaki


on the Japanese podcast No Shukutaku, if you successfully kill the sunlight worm before it attaches itself to the lair, it will return to its own world and bind the flame. He also claimed that the expected solaire result would soon be taken over by the Sunlight Worm.
Personally, I like the theory put forward by Seoul xdd that Solaire has become a chef, which is why in Dark Souls 3 you can find a lot of sunlight metals near all the estus soups. that brings us to the end of the iceberg sky segment with us simply being inducted into the beginning of the realm of theory let's delve deeper into the surface of the iceberg ornstein is an illusion ornstein is believed to be the captain of gwyn's four knights and was destined With the execution of Saint to protect Gwynevere, however, there is a theory that Ornstein was not actually standing guard at the cathedral, but was actually an illusion made by Gwyndolin in Dark Souls 3.
The Dragon Slayer Set of ornstein indicates that ornstein left analondo in search of the nameless king during the battle with ornstein and smo, one of the characters dies before the other and the last surviving character consumes the power of the other and then, when they themselves die, they are the only ones to drop a soul, these two different events result in different outcomes, so which one is destined to happen in Dark Souls 3? Saint's hammer and armor say that he was the last knight standing in the cathedral. This means Ornstein would have had to have died in battle first, so you would never get it. his soul, this helps the case that the ornstein in the cathedral is actually an illusion while the real ornstein is out on adventures to find the nameless king, but this raises the question of how the smoke could become more powerful afterward. of absorbing only one illusion and why Ornstein's illusions might do so. he takes so many hits while other illusions like Guinevere disappear after just one hit.
Dark Souls wiki user butter 100 fly suggested that Ornstein's illusion could be enhanced with a soul fragment from the original Ornstein. This can be supported by Seath, who potentially created the soul of the moonlight butterfly. From his own fragments, Gwyndolin could also have potentially used a piece of Ornstein's soul to create a more powerful illusion of Ornstein while he was away from the cathedral. Jeremiah is the wall-hugging parasite who ventures back to Blighttown. There is a hungry parasite on the wall guarding a pyromancy scroll. Jeremiah xanthus king is a character who has been exiled to the painted world.
Do you notice anything similar? Now there are other similarities besides just how he looks. Jeremiah uses pyromancy while the wall hugger protects a pyromancy scroll. Jeremiah uses a whip and a bullwhip can also be found. near the concept art of Jeremiah hugging the wall, it even has him with some kind of parasitic infection, but that's not as deep down the rabbit hole as to the name of him, Jeremiah is a king, but what was he from? king? He too was exiled to the painted world. but where would he have been exiled from Jeremiah's title king xanthus simply means yellow king which does not help us determine what his kingdom might have been?
Many theorized that Jeremiah was actually the King of Izalith. Jeremiah appears in a painted world which, according to Miyazaki, was a place where a lot of unfinished or cut content was placed. Miazaki also states in another interview that King Izalith would be removed. of the game. Could this be the same king who was removed from the world and placed in a world full of cut things? This further supports a similar theory, but the parasitic wallhacker is actually Jeremiah Frison's son. Seeker found game data folders containing the nicknames of the enemies and the parasitic wallhacker is called prince isilis or rather the prince of isilith si. jeremy was the king of isilith, could he be the parasitic wallhugger? his son the connections make sense havel is not the person trapped inside the tower havel the rock was a bishop who was left hollow and locked in the basement of the watchtower or was it him the theory is that the man who was in the tower guard is actually not a havel but rather a havel follower, this is because if you kill this enemy in the tower a havel ring will drop which is only given to havel followers.
The assumption is that Havel would have been strong enough to handle all of his equipment without needing such a ring. Havel greatly despised sorcery. It is possible that he faced Seath or that his experiments with the maidens failed and he died after defeating Seath if you venture. Back in the room where seath was first found there is the soul of a great hero this could be the great The hero is Havel while the undead in the watchtower could be fake and looted Havel's body. However, I think this theory is quite unlikely since the key to the basement of the watchtower to access the enemy has the description.
There are rumors of a hero who turned hollow and was locked up. by a dear friend for his own sake, of course, this means that someone of great importance was locked up here, not just any regular follower. Now let's take a deep dive into a lower layer to also explain another link's theory that Havil is the stone dragon. formulated by reddit user mistrello assumes that Havel escaped from the tower, ventured to the lake of ashes, and exchanged his stone armor for that of the stone dragon, which is the original description given to the dragon found at the end of the path of the big hollow lake of ashes, but why would he want to? transform into a dragon because Havill needed to defend himself against safe magic and dragons are resistant to magic.
Miyazaki said in an interview that the stone dragon is not alive. The ancient dragons are half alive, half element, so there is no pain for them. Could this? I mean the dragon is made of half havel half stone, however this theory falls apart as far as explaining who would have actually been inside the tower if it wasn't for Havel, but who knows for sure if it was Havel, maybe the real Havel alive inside. all of us calimix is ​​not a cyclops calamita is one of the strongest dragons in the game and appears to have a large red eye in the middle of its head, this as if the bacillus is not true since it actually has two smaller eyes on the side of his head under the big red eye not sure if the big red dot is actually an eye or something like a point of weakness killing calamite without the help of Goff calamis can be found in a giant valley by shooting his fire breath at you This fire breath will almost instantly kill you, making it almost impossible to fight him without asking Hawkeye Golf to help you knock down the calamines so you can attack him with a melee weapon.
YouTuber Kamul 78 managed to kill Kalameet without Goff's help using a strong magic shield and crystal soul spears with The Calimates have a different death animation, but no victory achieved message is displayed, suggesting that the developers They did not expect this scenario to occur. continues and Carth wants the age of darkness to return, however there is a theory detailed by spiritual force that only Carth existed with Kingston Frampt being a false identity made by Carth after meeting Carth who declares Frampt as a liar, you can choose to side. with him and you turn on frampt, if you do you would expect france to get pretty angry but he just goes back into his hole stating that there can only be one chosen undead.
I'll continue my search, it seems a bit strange, doesn't it? Frant would give up so easily when you have chosen to take the opposite side, furthermore when Karth's ending is chosen the dialogue leaves Carth and serves your highness. It is quite peculiar that France changes sides so easily. This theory has a burning question, although why? Doesn't choosing frampt instead of a car reveal that he is a calf and linking fire was never his true intention? The theory suggests that Frampt is actually testing a candidate for the dark lord, if one chooses to go straight to France then they are not the undead that Kath wants and the flame lives on until one appears who is worthy of the title.of dark lord if anyone is curious enough to venture into the abyss and find kath and seek the truth then they are a candidate in Dark Souls 3 numerous statues are erected of Most likely potentially celebrating the binding of fire over and over again , but remember what was said earlier about France being a liar, this is because her true intentions are actually aligned with Carth and her encouragement about the fire bond is just a patient wait. game for its inevitable downfall video vati has made a video about the three Dark Souls paintings in the Ariandel boss area and how they refer to snakes.
This suggests that Carth and Francia would be different snakes, however, the theory of spiritual forces is also open to Frampton Cath. Being separate snakes but having a similar objective now let's dive into the mass that is the body of the iceberg. Object loading still exists. Object carrying is a game mechanic in many games such as Skyrim and Demon Souls where the weight of carried objects is measured and limited to a specific value. Instead of removing this feature from Demon Souls Dark Souls, the developers set the limit of hidden weight in a number that is impossible to reach during a game without glitches, being ten thousand through the use of glitches, such as the amount of storage a player can reach a weight of 10,000 quite easily, if a player tries to grab another weighted item, this item is dropped and the number of dropped items is calculated by the total overloaded weight divided by the individual weight of the item, this is then used to duplicate items.
It is unknown if the remastered version still contains this 10,000 weight limit, as the quantity storage issue has been theoretically removed. This limit can still be reached, you can buy thousands and thousands of weapons to reach this, one of the heaviest weapons you can buy. The Giant Blacksmith's Giant Shield has a weight of 18. To reach a weight above 10,000, you would need 556 Giant Shields and at a cost of 10,000 souls each, this will cost you only 5.56 million souls, as people are using this exploit to duplicate weapons, it seems like now it would be easier to get several of the weapons you will want. duplicate first of all the butchers are women the butchers are non-responsible enemies that appear in the depths and seem to be preparing some kind of meal around this, you find Laurentius who is trapped in a barrel after being rescued.
He thanks you. Saying it would have been a dinner without you, she will invite me to lunch. This is often a place where many refer to the butchers as being women, except that the butchers primarily slaughter their meat and do not eat it behind the first butcher's preparation table. Which seems to be where the butchers deliver their food. At the bottom of the chute there is a giant rat. This would suggest that Laurentius is referring to the rats as if they were eating him alive, as opposed to the butchers, although this theory is quite objective, as Miazaki has stated. that the enemy cooks are also ladies, although this could be some kind of mistranslation.
The rock levers move according to their own direction. The fortress is filled with traps such as swinging axes, traps and rocks that these rocks have placed, they roll down with a lever on the top of the fort that determines which direction the rock falls as you walk through the fortress. senses, the rocks appear to be redirected towards the player's location. The latest dodo bird has video of the rock seemingly changing direction on its own, but it's even more likely that the triggers are actually invisible. When visiting the city under Firelink, if you look from beyond the cemetery, you can see that there is a city at the foot of a cliff.
The appearance and location of the city makes it unclear what it could represent, but could a player visit this location without knowing it? During your game, there are patches of dirt on the walls of Blighttown that imply that a passage to this area could exist. Youtuber crest managed to explore this area using developer mode and discovered that it is not a fully designed city, as you can see there are a lot of initial designs and textures. Here that is not finished and it doesn't look like you can walk in this place, therefore a player couldn't visit this city without exploiting the game.
Tarkus did not die from gravity. The Iron Knight Tarkus is an NPC best known for When passing through Sen's fortress, it is filled with many treacherous traps. His corpse can later be found to the left of the painted world canvas and the location leads many to believe that he became unbalanced on the rafters above and eventually fell to his death with his body being dragged away. the corner next to the painting guardians, but why does someone who has conquered one of the most frustrating areas of the dark souls then fall clumsily from the rafters? Some speculate that he may have been too heavy and fallen, but these beams appear to be the same width as the last beam in the fortress of Sem.
Another theory suggests that Tarkus did not fall due to gravity but was actually overwhelmed by the guards in the painting. in the chapel however with the armor he is wearing the guardians of the painting would probably barely hurt him a theory I liked the iron golem actually threw him into the chapel through the now broken window with targus and then he died on impact Although this ruins the fact that Tarkis is the most powerful of all the dark souls and no one can tell me otherwise, now is the time for us to put on our scuba gear and get to the bottom of this iceberg and move the statue of Firelink starting from the bottom of the iceberg.
We have more of a little-known fact than a theory. Andre is a blacksmith who can be found in the Church Basement in the Undead Parish and was originally intended to have a much larger role in the story. The development team originally planned for Andre to be Gwyn's son and move the statue that would give the protagonist access to the final area. From the game, the Furnace of the First Flame, the statue is theorized to be Gwyn and Gwyn's mother, with Andre being Gwyn's son and Tarzan guarding the door, ultimately allowing the player to progress if they look closely at the statue.
In the finished game, it actually looks like that. could be mobile, there is also an unused scene left in the game, the data of the statue that moves at the end, andre's relationship with gwyn was removed from the final game and now he is just a simple and beloved blacksmith, The Duke's Archives are not the only place you can stop to listen and hear spooky sounds. Players have reported that when they are in Analondo they have heard someone else running through doors. If we go back and revisit the ambient sound files that were captured by the demon lantern, we can actually observe the sounds of footsteps and doors opening, they are actually part of the ambient music.
Some suggest this is because the timeline and dark souls are distorted, so we can hear footsteps from the past, like the whispers that can be heard in the Duke's archives. You are from people who still lived in the city in the past. The open dragon was in Blighttown. If you thought our most popular spot in Dark Souls couldn't get any juicier, you'd be wrong. The Open Dragon is an ancient dragon that is said to have been mutated and twisted due to its own desires to eat. We first meet the gaping dragon climbing into his arena and as a player you will never be able to survive a fall from the cliff he climbed from, but where would this have led?
A dragon scale located in Lower Blood Town might contain a clue about this located in a pit behind the bonfire. It is speculated that this is the well where the dragon actually climbed from, meaning it was originally from Blighttown if we take a look at the 3d. In the map viewer we can see that the areas almost coincide. The bottom half of the red section is the cliff that the dragon climbs, while the tube right at the edge is where the dragon scale is located. I think the location of these locations. They are little more than a simple coincidence the broken arch of ash lake was a portal to bilitaria ash lake is a beautiful and serene place that is often overlooked while playing dark souls the giant arches dominate the landscape and each of They say it contains a part of a world, one of the large hollow trees we can access runs from Ash Lake to Blighttown, while another appears to run from Lost Isolation to beyond the Firelink Sanctuary.
This is used as an alternative theory to how to summon NPCs arriving from other lands. Instead of being transported by the raven, traveling between the great distance of worlds could be done between these trees. Ash Lake acts as a central system for all of these worlds. There's an arch tree sticking out in Ash Lake and it's not like the others. Standing tall, this has been filled but does not appear to be rotten, in fact it looks as if it has been split in half. Bulletaria is the land of demonic souls and there are many theories that dark souls and demonic souls are linked with references and connections. made between the two, unfortunately Demon Souls was released as a Playstation exclusive while Dark Souls was not, so Demon Souls may have had to have been cut from Dark Souls.
Could it have been represented by a tree with its world apparently also isolated from it? rest, I personally believe that this tree does not lead to balitaria, since one of the most supported links between demonic tools and dark souls is that demonic souls refer to dark souls as the land of giants, but in souls dark giants were actually a race and were considered lesser beings, definitely not the owners of the earth. Nito's third coffin. Nito, one of the last bosses in the game, resides above the catacombs and can be found inside the Tomb of the Giants.
You will find him in a huge coffin with an empty coffin next to him. him, but did you know that there is a third of an invisible coffin here? You can barely see it here. Dark Souls' dissecting illusory wall and many other dark soul theorists make many connections between Nito and the often comically displayed pinwheel. Molinete is often said to be an admirer. he is a NATO impersonator and tries to be like Nito himself. A big piece of evidence for this is that there is a skeleton that the pinwheel is working on when you first encounter it.
This skeleton has a long, curved blade attached in place of its right hand. He does this. It looks familiar, it's almost like Pinwheel is trying to recreate NATO, but what if Pinwheel had already recreated Nito before? Perhaps the pinwheels themselves are an attempt at NATO recreation. Many people use evidence from the Pinwheels title track that hears a three-person fusion concept. Art of Pinwheel is also shown as a three-member fusion. Some speculate that this concept art was actually drawn over a drawing from an official art book, but there is more evidence through Pinwheel's Japanese name, Sun in Hoyori, which translates to three-person coat or three-person coat. people. weave maybe nito himself was once three entities and is now combined leaving only the other two coffins behind this theory although it's certainly curious it doesn't seem to fit the whole picture to me why would pinwheel be constantly cloning himself same and why the pinwheel masts that of a family with the teacher, the father, the teacher, the mother and the mouse of a child, the user of the game frag, unbound king, presents a more tragic theory, perhaps pinwheel was member of the gravity lord pact and, through initiation, had to lose his wife and son as did grandson.
In the end, although the father regretted his decision and rebelled, he stole the right to light and fled from Nito's domain. The father attempted to resurrect his wife and his son, but in his attempt he created the abomination that is the pinwheel now in his new form. He is still sane and spends his life studying and experimenting looking for a way to separate himself from his wife and son, but tragically he can only create colonies of himself. I'm not really sure if this ended up being more of Nito's third coffin theory or a pinwheel. life story but let's move on quelana used rapport on laurentius rumba laurentius the man who was saved from the confines of the barrels near the butchers after being saved appears on firelink where he offers to teach you pyromancy if you then upgrade your llama with quelana Laurentius is fascinated by your power and will ask you where you get that power from if you tell him where the queer Lana is.
Laurentius will travel to Blighttown himself apparently to obtain or study this power for himself. Later, if he ventures to Blighttown, you will find him there. Hi there doesn't seem to be any explanation as to why this would have happened or perhaps none that can be easily tested the theory that Laurentius a man who was fascinated by the pyromancy of chaos reminded Quelana of the catastrophe that her mother created and how it shaped them. in deformed creatures, he could see similarities with Laurentius and how he would bedevoured by flame, becoming lost, chelana, then could have used the undead relationship with Laurentius to make him an ally and then inevitably hollow.
Interestingly, the description of the undead report says: the living are drawn to flame and this could be a subtle connection to how Laurentius is drawn to pyromancy, this spell being his ultimate undoing. The last sentence about the relationship between the undead is perhaps the most curious part. It can be used by any gender. There is no gender. Exclusive spells in Dark Souls, so could this hint that both genders have used this spell? You are a male character in the game and Kuailana is female. This could imply that Quelana has used the spell, perhaps even on Laurentius.
A more likely explanation is that he is undead. The relationship is similar to a charming spell and can sometimes only be used on opposite genders, as for Laurentius it is more likely that he failed to see Qualana, which caused him to lose hope and then sink. Now we have to jump into our submarine and hold. The intensity of the 12 kings of dark water boss battle, the four kings boss battle usually consists of four kings that spawn periodically and you have to kill all four kings, however, it seems that they can actually be killed. generate more than four.
The boundary breakers at YouTube


this perfectly. In his video, how many kings can you spawn in the four kings boss battle? I suggest you take a look at this video if you want a more detailed explanation in summary. Weapons that deal extra damage actually only deal that damage to the individual king and not to the total health bar of the four kings, this means that a total of 12 kings can actually spawn during the boss fight. He is a spy sent to kill Logan Kriggs. He is a sorcerer who finds himself locked in a room on the iceberg of the undead he is searching for. for his teacher and can be seen following Logan throughout the game continuously and almost suspiciously, too Greek.
He justifies it himself by saying no, the reason I'm looking for Logan is well, it's really my own vanity now, isn't it? You won't be alone if you had some confusion in understanding what that really meant. I spent an embarrassing time trying to research exactly what this meant and I could still be incredibly wrong, so keep in mind that the word vanity means having excessive pride in oneself, similar to vanity in context. That Griggs uses this suggests that it is his own proud opinion of why he follows Logan and that he won't share that reason with you.
This could simply be referring to her infatuation with Logan and nothing sinister, but this is just the beginning of the more concrete evidence when initially saving the Greeks, she claims that she has an important task at hand, which is a strange way to present an adventure. To find their mentor, the Greeks also use a black sorceress set that has a description used by the secret sorcerers in the dragon school of Vinheim, they worked secretly with sound-based spells and are never revealed. The Greeks also sell certain spells and throw the ring with the crest of the sleeping dragon that says used in secret by a certain syrup that means secret sorcerer in the dragon school of vinheim it seems that griggs has a lot to hide it is theorized that griggs is actually sent to keep an eye on his master Logan with Greg tasks to keep Logan's knowledge a secret, which is why he is so determined to follow Logan through more dangerous areas like Sen's fortress, whose true intention is to silence Logan.
Logan before he reveals too much secret information. Julia is the undead merchant near a bonfire in the undead iceberg. There is an undead merchant who sells the loot he has taken from the corpse. Of the fallen adventurers, she often mentions her companion Yulia as she caresses a barrel next to him, but who really is Yulia? One theory is that Yulia is actually the undead merchant found on the shortcut between Firelink and the Undead Berg. She was originally stuck in the now. broken barrel next to the undead merchant, but somehow managed to escape, this could be what the undead merchant is referring to when he says that you would never leave my side now, could you Julia, possibly he is denying that Yulia ran away from him, crossed with The fact that he could very well be crazy doesn't convince this theory, but the broken barrel looks a lot like the one you find Laurentius, so a person could definitely fit in that barrel.
The undead merchant also warns that Yulia will bite your fingers off. which is really the only kind of defense someone could make if they were trapped inside a barrel. You can also buy the resident key from the undead merchant which allows you to open the room where the Greeks are, but want to guess what else is there? In that room there are many barrels and also a corpse in a barrel. Old habits seem to disappear for the undead merchant. Sen are the crystal knights. The Crystal Knight is an enemy found wearing crystal-themed armor and is minimally mentioned throughout the book.
In the game it is speculated that the man who uses this is in fact the same person who created Sen's Fortress, dating back to the Crystal Knight's armor. It contains quite different design patterns. These designs are very similar to a triple bolt crossbow called the Avalon created by a weapons craftsman. Edis this trait. of multiple beams fired at once only found elsewhere send fortress youtuber agr cactus also points out that the railing design in the duke's archives also shares a very similar pattern, so edius could have been the architect of send fortress , meaning they could have been called edus fortress, meaning edis could have been sen, however it is not clear why they would have changed the name, I think due to the lack of connections between sen and edis in terms of the names and the other pieces of the puzzle are probably coincidence velka is a corpse in the asylum in the undead asylum there is a corpse that apparently met its fate with a sack on its head that blinded them.
It is speculated that he could be Velka or one of his followers in Japanese mythology. The ravens are seen as servants of the gods and are sent as a form of divine intervention within the world of the immortals through this. Connections can be made between the giant crow that transports you to and from the undead asylum and Velka, who had a strong bond with crows. Hawkshaw's theory is that the bag has been placing the individual's head to hide her identity and that perhaps the crow is not actually waiting for you to escape the asylum but was actually waiting for Velka herself.
This is reinforced by the fact that you can trade a sack with the crow for a The Demon's Great Hammer is a great reward for an item that seems of little value as a sack because there is very little concrete information about Velka. There is room for many ideas but also for errors. I think a high possibility could have been the newly placed Sakura. in the prisoner's head before walking through the hallways to meet his execution Lake of Ashes scale identity Lake of Ashes not only contains arch trees and stone dragons there is a massive skull that dominates the landscape of a creature's beach unknown some speculate that it could be the skull of a dragon, however the shape of this skull appears quite different with dragons and dark souls having a rather snout-like appearance.
The skull identity theory is quite complex with YouTuber Hawkshaw creating a very detailed video and I would recommend you check it out. its video if you want a deeper explanation of this in a brief summary, the theories about the skull are that of an unnamed blacksmith deity and the blacksmith has to collect pieces of titanite from these ash trees due to the translation of the rune on a piece of titanite. to the trees that support the earth and the heavens, this, as we mentioned above, seems to represent the arches of the trees. Hawkshaw has done so much research on this that it is definitely possible and I feel pretty bad saying that it is not possible at all, but this definitely is. lead to a realm of overthinking what the developers really wanted while not being complicated.
Many people justify the complex narratives, the use of multiplayer, and the summoning of NPC characters after they have died over time. Solaire mentions that the flow of time itself is complicated. The flow of time itself is complicated with centuries-old heroes gradually entering and exiting. Twitter user Loki has mentioned that complicated time was actually a poor translation of stagnant time in Dark Souls. Time cannot be complicated at all supported by theories about this iceberg like Ornstein. being an illusion and the arcs that connect worlds and for me it would definitely make the law much more exciting with many mysteries and theories still to be solved if time wasn't complicated and takes us to the end of a deep dark iceberg.
Souls, if that Dark Souls mystery hasn't been released for you yet, don't be discouraged as there is much more content with YouTubers like Hawk Shaw and Ilusory Wall that I've referenced throughout this video. I recommend that you review them. And another big thank you to Scantia for firstly creating this iceberg and secondly being able to answer all the stupid questions she had. I hope this iceberg lives up to your expectations and thank you for watching this video and making it this far. It really means a lot to me, especially since this is my first time delving into this type of content, thanks again for watching.

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