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The Complete Story Of Ash's Charizard

May 31, 2024
This is the worst moment in a Pokémon's career, how a Pokémon that was at the top of the league during its best years fumbled and threw everything away. This is the


of how Ashis Charizard, who was once an Allstar Pick, Rose fell and Mayy rose. Again, but to understand where this all started, we have to go back to season 1 of the Pokémon anime. This season takes place in Cancer Region, where Ash is our main character on his first Pokémon journey and, for lack of better words, he's dumb. He is a new inexperienced 10 year old trainer who doesn't know how to raise Pokémon, but the thing about Ash is that he is a kid at heart and when he sees the Pokémon dying in the rain, he will go save it. and that's exactly what happened to Charmander at the beginning of Ash's journey.
the complete story of ash s charizard
He meets Charmander on a rock. He looks quite sick and sad, but he doesn't move at all. Ash tries to catch this Charmander and take him to a Pokémon Center since he is sick and clearly in need. He helps, but Charmander refuses to move from this rock much less get caught after multiple failed attempts to save Charmander's life. Pikachu approaches and lets the gang know that Charmander says that he actually has an owner and is waiting for him to return. Skeptically, the gang stays. at a local location to keep an eye on Charmander waiting for his owner to return.
the complete story of ash s charizard

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the complete story of ash s charizard...

When The Gang stops at this place they meet Damian and listen to him talk about how he abandoned a Charmander because he was too weak and this is crazy to me because Imagine in real life if you arrive at a hotel and a group of people they claim they beat and abandoned their dog, with Ash and Brock being the only two sane people in the room. Brock approaches Damien and presses him. Brock tells Daman that he should go back and get his Pokémon because he is going to die since it is raining outside and when the Charmanders lose the fire in their tail, they die.
the complete story of ash s charizard
Damian just doesn't seem to care, so Ash Brock and Misty go out and rescue Charmander when they finally find Charmander. They discover that an army of sparrows is beating him to death. Pikachu uses thunder against the sparrows and they wrap Charmander in a blanket to preserve the fire in his tail so he doesn't die. Charmander clings to him for dear life. They manage to get Charmander to Nurse Joy and she heals him immediately, but later that night, Charmander escapes because he is shocked that Damen really abandoned him. Charmander unfortunately developed Stockholm Syndrome where, despite the abuse Damen has given him, he still wants to get back with Damen since he feels at home and to be honest, Damen is lazy and hurts such a powerful and loyal Pokémon. like this, especially in the canal region.
the complete story of ash s charizard
Damien definitely fumbled around for whatever junk he had on his team while Charmander was wandering around and runs into Team Rocket, who has just captured Pikachu. Charmander uses a flamethrower to defeat Team Rocket and free Pikachu by paying his debt to Ash and this homeless Damian. he was lurking around the corner he saw how powerful Charmander really is and changed saying he wanted Charmander back on his team Damian started gaslighting Charmander making him believe he was looking for Charmander the whole time and would come back. Charmander is fed up with the lies and refuses to join Damen's team.
Damen gets angry and curses Charmander that he would never come back for him and Charmander, weak and useless, recovers by hitting Damian with a flamethrower and joining Ash's team in the end, since Ash was the only trainer kind to him and that It should be the end of that


. Ash saves Charmander from his abusive trainer. Charmander joins in. Ash's team that they get along with are loyal and become best friends and a star Pokémon on Ash's team, but not all stories have the best endings, while Charmander was traveling with Ash's team, he was actually very grateful to be on the team and helped Ash a lot. and listen like all the other Pokémon, they even had a really wholesome moment where Ash was stranded due to a blizzard and Charmander saved his and all the other Pokémon's lives by keeping them warm due to the fire in his tail ever since.
Charmander seriously. became Ash's number one Pokémon, he used them constantly throughout each episode, defeating tons of Pokémon that he seriously shouldn't have defeated like this Golem and was way ahead in level compared to all of Ash's Pokémon . Charmander could honestly 1D5 against them because of Charmander. Competent dominance in Ash's team. There's an episode where they go to a city with a group of enforcers. Charmander uses a flamethrower and defeats a group of enforcers, giving him a large amount of XP, which made him evolve into Charmeleon in the beginning. This would be considered a good option.
The truth is that Pokémon evolution is always good, but the once innocent, loyal and strong Charmander that we once knew was now gone because Charmeleon no longer cared about Ash, this was the beginning of his downfall if you've only seen Pokémon anime, you may have been confused as to why Ashes Charmeleon no longer wanted to listen to it after evolving, but if you played the Pokémon games, you may know this feeling all too well. In the Pokémon games, there is a mechanic that determines the number of gym badges you have as a trainer.
It directly correlates to how strong a Pokémon you can use, this is to prevent new trainers from using super high level Pokémon that they really shouldn't have access to and that's basically what happened to Ash. Charmeleon redeemed Ash, unworthy of his power and simply stopped listening to him. In Charmeleon's eyes, things are going to work out on his terms and only his terms and he doesn't really care what Ash has to say. The chameleon's rebellious phase was getting out of control and Ash realized this throughout his journey. Ash wanted to help another. The trainer evolved Paris from him and sent Charmeleon to help in a friendly keyword battle.
Charmeleon just didn't care at all and wanted all the smoke and went


ly overboard with this Paris after that mishap, Charmeleon shot Ash, it got so bad. Ash had to send Pikachu to deal with Charmeleon and prove that he's not that guy. Ash was quite sad about this since his once beloved Charmander, who was once a staple on his team, is such a snotty Charmeleon that he wouldn't even listen to a single word. instruction Ash decided to give Charmeleon one last chance against Peris to help him evolve and when he came out Charmeleon became even crazier and if he didn't run into Paris's poisonous needle, Paris would have been dead after that Ash had to decide to make Charmeleon. take a little bit of a backseat for now and let it relax and find out what's really going on with this Pokémon and that was it for Charmeleon.
Ash made the smart decision to not take out Charmeleon for a long time and the only time Charmeleon saw the light of day is when Ash was in a life or death situation and had to take out one of his last Pokémon, Charmeleon. Ash was being chased by fossil Pokémon that wanted to kill him and when Charmeleon finally came out, he just seemed satisfied. He didn't care about Ash's life, he didn't care about the situation and he just wanted to sleep. One of the fossil Pokémon, Aerodactyl, was a threat and kidnapped Ash and Pikachu and crushed Charmeleon on the way out.
This chameleon's ego hurt so much that he challenged. Aerodactyl at 1 V. Aerodactyl didn't really see Charmeleon as anything and just got excited about him again and this made Charmeleon very angry, evolving him into the Charizard we know today and this Charizard was a beast that was so powerful that he was able to defeat. Aerodactyl and even saved Ash for a moment Ash thought everything was back to normal, Charizard saved him from the bottom of his heart because his trainer was in trouble, but in reality Charizard only evolved because his ego was hurt, not because Ash He was kidnapped, so nothing.
He actually changed with Ash in the Charizard Dynamics. Charizard was still in the back of Ash's team as this wild card used to be and not the Forefront, but this all changed when Ash went to the seventh gym leader. Ash challenged Bla, the leader of the seventh gym, to a Pokémon. battle and sent his Charizard out with a risky move and Charizard just relaxed and didn't care until he saw Blain's Magmar, this Magmar stopped a volcano crisis earning Charizard's respect and Charizard challenged him to a 1V considering Magmar. his first worthy opponent and in this fight we saw the true power of Charizard, he and Magmar faced each other even fighting in lava and Charizard revealed his signature move, seismic throw, ending the battle and proving that he is the strongest fire Pokémon in the world.
Blain Island. It was nice for Charizard to finally consider someone a worthy opponent and show us how powerful he really is. To be honest, Charizard should be at level 60, while everyone else is at level 40. Then Ash was named fire badge for sword, finally maybe something he would do. Being able to prove his worth to Charizard, but even after Ash was fired, Charizard didn't respect him at all and goes back to his old self. Charizard can't get over the fact that this 10 year old could and will get better. I always see Ash shorter than him. Now each side has two stories and we never look at it from Charizard's perspective.
How did Charizard develop this ideology? It's simply because of the trauma he received from his former coach. Charizard was abandoned because he was considered weak and not. good enough and now that he finally has the power and is strong and can body practically anyone, he's afraid that if he gets complacent and listens to a trainer like Ash, he'll end up weakening him and he'll be abandoned over and over again. cycle, so we didn't see Charizard for a while and the only other Pokémon we saw Charizard fight after that point was Mewtwo and its clone Pokémon, where Meww is obviously the strongest Pokémon in that region and Charizard had to challenge itself to itself. in the Pokémon movie against Mewtwo and the Charizard clone in this Pokémon movie, if you didn't know that Ash really died and turned into stone and Charizard and the rest of the Pokémon cried and this is very monumental for the character of Charizard already This is the first time we've seen him show genuine affection towards Ash since he lost his life.
It's pretty sad, but Ash came back to life and Charizard was back to his old self, but this takes us to the top of the chart. Charizard's career, the Indigo League, a tournament where trainers from all over the region come together and fight for the chance to try Elite 4 and prove who is the best of the best in the Caner region. This is a big moment in Ash's career and an even bigger moment for Charizard, as he just wants to see. Strong Pokémon, so only strong Pokémon should be here, the Indigo League had over 200 participants and Ash brought Pikachu Pidgeotto, Bulbasaur, Squirtle Krabby and Charizard as the sixth Pokémon on his team and Ash took this tournament very seriously. , falling out of the top 200. one of the finalists in the top 16 and during all the battles leading up to this he did not use his Charizard once he knew it was a wildcard and wanted to play it safe by using his loyal and trustworthy Pokémon which could have been his The fall of this round of the top 16.
Ash will face a boy named Richie and they have their last Pokémon left. Ash only has Charizard left, while Richie has Charmander and Pikachu and to be honest, how did this kid make it to the top 16? with his weak team, but I digress, Ash takes a risk and sends his Charizard in front of thousands of people at the live tournament event and Charizard listened to Ash; He actually defeated Richie's Charmander with ease since Charizard is much stronger than Richie's entire team. but then Richie sends his star Pokémon Pikachu or Zippy Charizard was not at all impressed with their matchup, he has the power to beat this Pikachu, but he is disappointed that this is what led him to face a couple of first levels and second stage.
Pokémon instead of fighting against strong Pokémon like Magmar that he met on Blain's Island, so instead of Charizard quickly taking care of this Pikachu so that they can fight against stronger trainers the further they go in the tournament, he chooses the option nuclear. Charizard throws everything away. at the peak of his career and refuses to fight against Chara's actions, resulted in Ash being eliminated from the Indigo League, something they were working for for so long in all their pride, now that's where the story would have ended for most traders, including me. If I received so much disrespect in front of a tournament, that lizard is off my team, but that's not where it all ended for Ash.
Ash still had a little hope in Charizard and kept him on his team, he didn't treat him any differently. was patient with him and worked with him on the Orange Islands the following season after the Indigo League, there was a glimmer of hope for Charizard. Ash faces off against a pretty strong Poliwrath and sends out Charizard, but Charizard doesn't want to.listen until you beat Charizard. When Poliwrath was frozen and defeated, this is one of the first times Charizard felt true defeat. He lost a fight due to his own incompetence even though Ash trusted him, but Ash didn't dwell on Charizard's loss at all, he was actually more worried.
Charizard's health since he received a full Ice Beam from Poliwrath and is potentially dangerous for Charizard. Ash stayed up all night healing Charzard by being with him and keeping him warm and Charizard realized that Ash really cared about him and Ash wanted the best for him and He didn't care if he won or lost so since Charizard he finally saw the good and Ash, he threw his abusive pass to Damian and looked to the future with Ash and when they came together they were stronger than ever the next day when they were. Working together, they finally fleshed out Poliwrath and Charizard.
I ached for both loyalty to Ash and his loyal Pokémon and they were unstoppable. Charizard was Luca's gift from the Pokémon League. This guy was unstoppable ever since they joined forces and even won the Orange Islands together. Things were finally steadily improving for this lizard. Nobody. It was really a challenge for Ashton Charizard and they even went to reason jotto and that was even easier for Charizard. He basically had no threats in the entire region jto. Word spread quickly that Ash was a trainer who could tame this powerful one. Charizard that they were invited to the charific valley and everything changed from that moment on the charific valley is a place where only the best Charizards live, they eat, they sleep, they fight alongside each other to only improve like Charizard.
Liza is the leader of this valley and she wants it. to test Ash's abilities on Charizard to see where he compares to the rest of the Charizards and Ash's Charizard was the weakest in the room, seriously, there was no Charizard that was stronger than him in that Valley, they even wanted test Ash's skills as a trainer. to see if he knew how to fly with Charizard and they were unable to fly together. Charizard was just a lucky break fighting against low ELO people and when he finally made it to the big leagues he proved that he really wasn't as good as he was.
He thought he was once Liza saw Charizard's performance, she actually banished him from the kingdom since she didn't believe he was worthy of training there or even being around these Charizards. Charizard spent the entire night reflecting in the water on how to improve and become. a better Pokémon, even Team Rocket felt bad about Charizard being kicked out by his own people because they helped Charizard return to Charific Valley by staging an attack by Team Rocket and having Charizard be painted as the hero who saved everyone because of everything. This is what Charizard got. invited to stay in the charific valley to train and become as strong as possible and with new opportunities presented with Charizard that just means that some doors have to close and unfortunately the door that has to close is Ash traveling with Charizard.
Charizard was quite depressed just by denying it. the offer and continue traveling with Ash, but Ash knew that it was best for Charizard to stay with Charizard to become stronger and be the best he could be. Charizard was quite surprised by Ash's response since he didn't think Ash would want to go. stay with these Charizards, but Ash knew it was for the greater good and was left speechless, leaving Charizard behind in the valley Charizard promising to meet again as friends and Ash traveled through many other regions and periodically met up with Charizard throughout Along the way with few cameos and even in Pokémon Journeys reuniting with his original gang for the sake of all time, this story shows how Charizard was able to overcome Damian's emotional abuse and end up trusting humans again.

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