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The Complete Story of the Bible Like You've Never Seen Before

Mar 02, 2024
Today you will have the opportunity to explore the



of the Bible Understanding both the Old Testament and the New Testament beginning with The Narrative of Adam in the Garden of Eden to the account of the life and death of the disciples of Jesus, this experience promises to Transform your understanding of the Divine word without a doubt by completing this video you will see yourself different with an even deeper love for the message of God. This transformation will occur as you open your heart to the Holy Scriptures if you have ever struggled to understand the Divine Word.
the complete story of the bible like you ve never seen before
Bible, this video will give you the clarity you are looking for after absorbing all the knowledge that will be shared. I believe the wisdom of the Scriptures will enrich and enlighten you. The journey through the Bible from the Old to the New Testament is a transformative journey that spans from the creation of the world with Adam in the Garden of Eden to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, followed by the legacy of his disciples, this journey reveals not only a sequence of fundamental historical and spiritual events, but also reveals the continuing essence of the relationship between God and Humanity in the Old Testament we are introduced to the origins of Faith Divine laws and the promises made by God to his people culminating in the expectation of the Messiah the New Testament brings the Fulfillment of this promise with the birth of Jesus offering a new perspective on salvation and unconditional love understanding these Testaments is crucial to a


understanding of Christian doctrines and the message of hope and redemption that permeates the Scriptures.
the complete story of the bible like you ve never seen before

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the complete story of the bible like you ve never seen before...



, prophecy and teaching contributes to a larger narrative of faith and purpose, opening the heart to them. The words are not only an act of faith, but also an invitation to personal transformation and a deep understanding of divine will. The Bible in its entirety offers guidance, comfort, and a bitter, inexhaustible source of wisdom to all who seek to understand their place in the world and their relationship to the Divine. There was a time beyond human comprehension when the universe did not yet exist and everything was empty and silent in this ethereal void existed God, a being of infinite wisdom and power whose presence transcended time and space before the stars were lit. and the planets formed God In His Infinite existence he decided to create with a word he brought the heavens and the Earth into existence shaping the cosmos with a breath of his will chaos gave way to order The Darkness became light and the void became filled with twinkling stars spinning in a spiral. galaxies and countless worlds on Earth, God designed oceans and continents, mountains, valleys, forests and deserts, each with a unique beauty and Divine Purpose and then, at the Pinnacle of His creation, God formed man and added Adam from the dust of the earth, breathing into it the Breath of Life.
the complete story of the bible like you ve never seen before
Not wanting Adam to be alone, he created Eve. His companion was taken from one of his ribs, symbolizing unity and equality. Together in the Garden of Eden, they lived in perfect harmony with creation, reflecting the image and likeness of their creator. This is the story of a beginning love story purpose and Hope woven by God Himself in time immemorial in Eden a garden of incomparable Beauty Adam and Eve lived in Perfect Harmony God had created them in His image and had granted them everything except a commandment not to eat the fruit of the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, however, the serpent, the most cunning of creatures, seduced Eve with words of Deceit, surely you will not die, he whispered because God knows that the day you eat the fruit your eyes will open and you will be like God knowing Good and evil persuaded Eve, she took the forbidden fruit, she tasted it and offered it to Adam, who without hesitation also ate immediately.
the complete story of the bible like you ve never seen before
Their innocence was destroyed. They saw themselves naked and covered themselves with leaves at dusk when God walked in the garden. Adam and Eve taken out of fear they hid God, already aware of what had happened, confronted them and with sin came punishment Adam was condemned to a life of forced labor and Eve to the pains of childbirth banished from Eden lost direct communion with God this event marked not only the destiny of Adam and Eve but of all Humanity, inaugurating an era of suffering, death and distancing from God, a legacy that would extend through all generations Once upon a time in a still young world, two brothers Cain and Abel, sons of Adam and Eve grew up learning the ways of Nature and life in the shadow of the lost Eden Cain the Elder was a farmer who worked the land while Abel the younger was a sheepherder they both grew up learning the ways of Nature and life under the shadow of the lost Eden the time came for the brothers to offer sacrifices to God Abel offered the best of his flock lambs without blemish and Cain presented the fruits of his labor the products of the earth God looked favorably on Abel's sacrifice but not the of Cain which ignited jealousy and anger in the heart of the latter.
God in His Mercy warned Cain says: if you do it well, you will not be accepted, but if you do not do it well, sin is at the door and its desire is for you, but you must govern it, however consumed by envy. Cain could not contain his anger on a dark day. He lured Abel to the field and in an act of anger and jealousy he took the life of his brother. This heinous act marked humanity's first murder, sealing Cain's fate with a mark of shame and condemning him to wander forever. The story of Cain and Abel serves as a grim reminder of the human capacity for evil and the consequences of letting envy and anger rule the heart.
In ancient times the Earth was full of evil, men indulged in corrupt acts and Violence covered the world like a dark shadow. God, seeing the depravity of humanity, decided to purify the earth with a great flood, but there was a righteous man Noah who walked with God in the midst of the corruption that surrounded him. God chose Noah for a purpose. extraordinary ordered Noah to build a gigantic Ark, a refuge to save his family and a couple of each animal species. Noah with unwavering Faith obeyed even in the face of the mockery of his contemporaries he worked day after day hammering wood preparing the ark for the imminent flood finally the clouds gathered and the first drops of rain fell signaling the beginning of the promised flood Noah his family and the animals He entered the Ark and the Waters of Heaven and Earth opened, flooding everything for 40 days and 40 nights.
The waters rose, covering mountains and valleys, destroying all life from the face of the Earth. The Ark sailed over the turbulent Waters, a solitary ship. of Hope in a Submerged World Noah, the builder of the Ark, became a symbol of faith and obedience, a beacon of light in times of darkness that guided humanity to a new beginning. After the flood that devastated the evil of the world, Noah's Ark rested on the mountains of Ararat with the Waters receding a new era for Humanity began Noah, his wife, his three sons Shem ham and jath and their wives left the Ark to a World renewed they were the ones chosen to rebuild life on Earth Noah, grateful for salvation, built an altar and offered sacrifices to God in response God blessed Noah and his children, encouraging them to be fruitful and repopulate the Earth, the families grew and with them their cultures and traditions the descendants of Shem ham and Jaff spread throughout the world forming different nations and peoples Shem became the ancestor of the Seites, including the Hebrews and the Arabs, he fathered lineages that settled in Africa and parts of Asia, and in turn he was the progenitor of the Indo-European peoples who spread throughout Europe and parts of Asia.
Each branch of Noah's family gave rise to diverse cultures and languages ​​but they all shared a common lineage and the memory of the great flood. This restart of humanity was marked by hope and a new pact with God symbolized by the rainbow promising that the Earth would


again be destroyed by the Waters. A long time ago, in ER del Chales, Abraham lived, a man of deep Faith. His life changed forever when God spoke to him asking him to leave his land, his family and his home in exchange for a great promise. God promised him. to Abraham that he would make a great nation that would bless all the peoples of the earth through his descendants.
Abraham, although he was already old and childless, believed in the promise of God with courage and faith, he left accompanied by his wife Sarah and his nephew Lot, the journey was not easy Abraham traveled through unknown lands, faced famines, conflicts and challenges even. her faith remained unwavering in an act of confirmation God took Abraham outside on a starry night and told him to count the stars if he could God claimed that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky in a moment of hopelessness when Sarah could not conceived God renewed his promise and Against All Odds gave birth to Isaac the son of the Promise The Faith of Abraham Following God's call and believing in his promises became a milestone in the history of Faith an example of unwavering obedience and Trust in the Creator in the ancestral tapestry of Faith, the story of Abraham's descendants is woven with threads of Destiny and divine promise Abraham and his wife Sarah, although blessed with faith and Promises, faced the pain of infertility in their longing of having a son, Sarah offered Abraham, her servant Hagar, a common practice in At that time of this Union, Ishmael was born, Abraham's first son destined to be the progenitor of a great people, however, God's promise to Abraham still was not complete miraculously in old age Sarah conceived and gave birth to Isaac the son of the Promise through whom the nations would be The blessed brothers Ishmael and Isaac from different mothers represented different lineages, each with a unique destiny.
Ishmael became the pen of the nomadic desert people later known as the Arabs, a Greek nation with its own traditions and culture. Isach, on the other hand, Faid Jacob was also called Israel, whose TW sons became the foundation of the TW tribes of Israel, thus the seeds planted by Abraham flourished into two great Nations, each carrying a part of his legacy and fulfilling the Divine Promises of multiplication and blessing in the tapestry of Faith, the story of ISAC. Rebekah ESO and Jacob are woven with divine promises and choices isach the miraculously born son of Abraham and Sarah married Rebekah a woman of remarkable Beauty and Faith they longed to have children but faced infertility after fervent prayers Rebekah conceived twins Esau and Jacob Esau the firstborn was robust and a skilled hunter loved by Isaac Jacob was born holding Esau's heel he was calm and favored by Rebekah the divine promise however he would choose an unexpected path one day Esau exhausted by hunting exchanged his birthright for a prepared dish of lentils For Jacob, this exchange symbolized more than a meal, it was the transfer of a blessing and Destiny years later, Rebekah, knowing the Divine promise about Jacob, helped him receive the final blessing from Isaac.
Jacob, disguised as Esau, deceived Isaac and obtained the blessing intended for the firstborn. Esau, upon discovering the deception, became furious and Jacob fled to his relatives. Jacob's life was marked by struggles and transformations. He eventually reconciled with Esau and both fulfilled their Destinies within the divine plan that Jacob renamed as Israel became the father of the 12 tribes of Israel continuing the promise made to Abraham in a story full of twists and turns and Redemption Joseph the Beloved son of Jacob became the center of a divine plan greater than he could imagine sold into slavery by his envious brothers Joseph found himself in Egyptian lands far from his family and home in Egypt despite adversity he prospered thanks to his ability to interpret dreams and his unwavering faith, his ability took him to the presence of Pharaoh, where he interpreted dreams that predicted seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine.
Impressed, Pharaoh appointed Joseph governor of Egypt in charge of preparing the country for the coming years of scarcity and famine. devastated the land of Canaan forcing Jacob to send his sons to Egypt in search of food there they met Joseph but did not recognize him after a series of tests and revelations Joseph finally revealed himself to his brothers forgiving them for their past action Joseph then He invited his entire family to live in Egypt, ensuring their safety and livelihood under the protection of Joseph. Jacob's family moved to Egypt where they settled in the fertile region of Gsan.
This act not only saved Jacob's family but also planted the seeds for the future growth of the nation of Israel in the heart of ancient Egypt where the Israelites lived under the oppression of Pharaoh. Moses emerged as a man destined to change the course. of a nation raised in the house of Pharaoh but born as an Israelite Moses was chosen by God to liberate his people after a divine encounter at La Quema Bush Moses with the help of his brother Aaron confronted Pharaoh demanding the liberation of the Israelites . 10 plagues devastated Egypt culminating in the death of the firstborn Egyptians and finally breaking the Pharaoh's resistance.
Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, but they soon found themselves trapped among the Egyptian army. and the red sea in an Act of Faith anddivine power Moses extended his hand and the Sea parted allowing the Israelites to cross onto dry land after the miraculous passage they embarked on a 40 year pilgrimage through the Desert during this journey they faced challenges of Faith hunger and thirst God provided Manna from heaven and water from the rock showing His constant Care on the Mount If Moses received the Ten Commandments establishing a covenant between God and His People The Exodus Journey full of Miracles and trials was not just an Escape from Slavery is nothing more than a transformation of a enslaved nation into a people chosen by God forged in the desert and guided by faith and divine promise.
After the death of Moses, a new chapter in the history of the Israelites began with Joshua, his faithful disciple, taking the lead with courage and faith. Joshua led the people of Israel to conquer the promised land, a territory that God had reserved for them. The journey was marked by battles and miracles, such as the famous fall of the walls of Jericho where the trumpets and shouts of the people caused the fortifications to crumble under the leadership of Joshua the Israelites conquered many cities and settled in the promised land dividing it among the 12 tribes after the death of Joshua there was no central leader and the The Israelites entered the period of the judges, this was a time of ups and downs where the leaders Local people called judges emerged to guide and save Israel when they went astray and faced oppression.
Each judge had his own style and story, from Deborah the prophetess and leader to Gideon, who with few men defeated a large army and Samson, of incomparable strength but with a vulnerable heart, this period was marked by cycles of disobedience, oppression, repentance and deliverance, reflecting the Israelites' constant struggle to maintain their faith and their covenant with God in a time of turmoil and uncertainty for Israel. The people cried out for a king to rule them like the other nations, so God chose Saul to be the first king of Israel. Saul began his reign with humility and courage, but over time his disobedience to God and his growing pride led to the downfall of him and then David.
A young Pastor and skilled musician emerged, chosen by God for his righteousness of heart after defeating the Giant Goliath. David ascended the throne, unified the tribes of Israel and established Jerusalem as the capital. His reign was marked by conquests and prosperity but also by personal failures that brought painful consequences after David, his son Solomon ascended the throne, known for his wisdom and wealth. He built the Magnificent Temple in Jerusalem, but his heart turned away from God, leading him to idolatry. under Solomon the kingdom prospered but also experienced the beginning of internal divisions the monarchy in Israel brought glory and challenges, while Saul David and Solomon had moments of greatness, their failures and disobedience led to lasting consequences that culminated in the division of the Kingdom after the death of Solomon.
The story of the Three Kings teaches about the responsibility of leadership before God and the consequences of personal choices after the death of Solomon the kingdom of isra Israel once unified under its glorious monarchy faced irreversible division discontent with high taxes and the forced labor of Solomon's reign led the 10 northern tribes to rebel forming the northern kingdom also known as Israel Rabom the son of Solomon retained control only over the tribes of Judah and Benjamin forming the southern kingdom known as Judah with Jerusalem as its capital the northern kingdom with its capital in Samaria was marked by instability and idolatry Jobo its first king established centers of worship in Bethel and Dan By distancing the people from worshiping the god of Israel, this Kingdom saw a succession of dynasties and kings, many of whom strayed from the ways of God, leading to spiritual and moral decline.
On the other hand, the Southern Kingdom had a history of ups and downs, some kings such as Assa Josaphat and Hezekiah sought God and promoted religious reforms, however, others such as Manasseh led the kingdom to sin and idolatry. Eventually both kingdoms faced tragic fates. The northern kingdom was conquered by the Assyrians and its people dispersed, losing their identity. The Southern Kingdom after years of warnings from the prophets were taken into Babylonian captivity marking the end of an era in Israel's history. This division and its ensuing fates are a grim reminder of the consequences of straying from God and disobeying His ways in ancient times in Israel.
God spoke through male prophets chosen to be his voices among them were Amos Hosea and Micah each with a unique Divine message for a nation in spiritual crisis Amos A Tkoa Pastor was called to Prophecy in the northern kingdom during a time of great prosperity but also of profound social injustice with courage that faced the complacency and oppression of the rich proclaiming the need for justice and righteousness his words were like a roaring lion challenging the status quo and warning of divine judgment Hosea with his heart broken by His wife's infidelity reflected God's pain for Israel's infidelity, of which his messages spoke of love and forgiveness but also of consequences for a nation that had distanced itself from God.
His words were like sad poetry that expressed the deep pain of God Micah in turn stood out for advocating for the humble and needy he criticized corrupt leaders and prophesied the coming of a ruler from Bethlehem who would bring peace and justice his voice was like a burning torch Illuminating the darkness of injustice these prophets faced opposition and persecution but they stood firm their messages were direct challenges to the leaders and the people who called them to return to the path of God they were beacons of hope in times of despair and their words resonate to this day in a dark chapter of history of Israel, the people were taken into Babylonian captivity, Jerusalem was sacked, the temple destroyed and the Israelites were uprooted from their land, taken to Babylon, there on the banks of the Babylonian River.
Rivers cried, reminding Zion of their lost homeland. However, in the midst of despair, voices of hope emerged. Prophets like Jeremiah and Ezekiel spoke of a return, a Divine restoration. They urged the people to maintain their faith and identity even in a foreign land after 70 years as It was prophesied by Jeremiah King Cyrus of Persia who conquered Babylon issued a decree allowing the Israelites to return to their land full of joy but also uncertainty they began the long return journey under the leadership of Zerubbabel Ezra and Nehema began the great work of reconstruction first on temple was rebuilt a symbol of spiritual renewal and the reestablishment of the Covenant with God then Nehemiah led the Reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem restoring the dignity and security of the city the return from captivity was not only a physical reconstruction but a renewal of faith and identity After years of exile Israel was reborn strengthened by adversity and united by a renewed hope in God.
Between the conclusion of the Old Testament narratives and the emergence of the New there was a period of silence known as the intertestamental period during these centuries many events gave shaped Jewish history and set the stage for the arrival of Christ during this time the apocryphal books, although not included in the Jewish or Protestant Canon, offered glimpses of Jewish life and faith. These texts encompass stories, wisdom, and poetry that reflect the struggles and hopes of the Jewish people. The most significant influence during this period came. with Alexander the Great whose conquests changed the known world with the rapid expansion of the Greek Empire Alexander brought with him Hellenistic culture and language his Empire extended from Egypt to India creating a vast world connected by Greek culture after his untimely death the vast Empire was divided among his generals, but Alexander's legacy endured, a period of cultural interaction and conflict was crucial to the emergence of the world in which Jesus Christ would be born, a world where diverse cultures and beliefs intertwined.
Paving the way for a message that would transcend borders and transform history during the period of Roman rule, the Holy Land witnessed dramatic change under the Iron Fist of Rome. In the midst of this scenario, a complex and controversial figure emerged. Herod, known as the great king of Judea appointed by the Romans. Herod was a skilled politician known both for his cruelty and grand construction. Herod undertook major architectural projects, including the expansion of the temple in Jerusalem, which became a wonder of the ancient world. His buildings reflected both his desire to curry favor with the Jews and impress the Romans, yet his reign was marked by paranoia. and brutality for fear of threats to his power Herod did not hesitate to eliminate anyone he considered a threat, including members of his own family under Roman rule.
Jewish society faced intense political and social pressures. Tensions between the Jews and their Roman rulers grew especially due to high taxes and foreign cultural influence in this context of oppression and discontent grew the longing for a messiah who would free Israel from Roman rule. This was a time of change and upheaval where the old world was disintegrating and a new one was emerging. It was into this turbulent environment that Jesus of Nazareth was born bringing a message that would challenge the power of Rome and transform the world on a silent night in Bethlehem under the bright stars.
Jesus was born fulfilling ancient prophecies. His birth was humble in a manger far from the splendor of the palaces, but he was destined to change the world the son of Mary and Joseph a humble Carpenter Jesus was born in a time of great messianic expectation The angels announced his arrival to the shepherds in the fields and a star guided the Magi from the East to him symbolizing his significance not only for Israel but for all Humanity Jesus grew up in Nazareth developing wisdom and grace before God and men as he began his ministry Jesus revealed a deep understanding of the Scriptures and a integral love for the marginalized and oppressed, he preached good news of salvation, love and forgiveness, challenging the religious and social norms of the time.
His miracles, healings and teachings attracted crowds but also provoked resistance and criticism from religious leaders. Jesus' ministry, although brief, left an indelible mark. His message of hope and redemption resonates through the centuries offering light in the midst of darkness and his life exemplifies the sacrificial love that defines the heart of Christianity in the tapestry of the history of Christian Christianity the apostle Paul emerges as a master weaver weaving the gospel throughout the ancient world formerly known as Saul a fervent persecutor of Christians his life took an unexpected turn on the road to Damascus where a transformative encounter with Christ redefined his purpose Paul became a tireless missionary sailing the Mediterranean Bringing the message of Christ to both Gentiles and Jews he traveled to distant lands from Asia Minor to Greece and finally to Rome in every city he visited. he spoke in synagogues, squares and homes facing persecution but also finding receptive hearts.
Paul's travels were marked by miracles, philosophical debates, and the formation of communities of believers. He helped establish churches and maintained a close relationship with them through his letters, which became a vital part of the New In these letters, Paul addressed theological issues, offered practical advice, and encouraged believers to live lives transformed by the gospel with his vision and dedication. Paul played a crucial role in expanding Christianity beyond its Jewish roots, making it a truly global faith. His journey is a testimony. To the transformative power of Christ's love and divine grace, the conclusion of the New Testament is a mosaic of exhortations, warnings and Revelations that weave the end of a Divine narrative for Humanity.
The General Epistles written by Apostles such as James, Peter, John and Jude circulated among the first. Christian communities that offer guidance, encouragement and correction. These letters address universal themes such as faith, perseverance, love, and the importance of Christian conduct. James talks about active faith and the importance of works. Peter offers hope in the midst of suffering and exalts holiness. John emphasizes love and true faith and Judas. Warns against false teachers These letters are timeless and echo the challenges and hopes of all believers. The Apocalypse written by John is a book of deep symbolism and hope. Reveals spiritual struggles and the final victory of Christ with visions of judgment.
Redemption and restoration of paradise. serves as a reminder of the fulfillment of God's promises and eternal hope for those who believe. These writings conclude the New Testament with a call to repentance, an exhortation to persevere in faith, and a glorious anticipation of Christ's return. They reaffirm the central message of The Salvation of Christianity tothrough Jesus Christ and the promise of a new creation where God will dwell with his people forever.

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