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The Comedy of Darth Reygueis: The Rise (Part 1)

Jun 05, 2021
Somehow the semi-colonizer returned after nine films, finally the Skywalker trilogy is complete or, well, a more complete version. Return of the Jedi wasn't good enough for some fans and the endlessly greedy corporation tries to exploit a nostalgia under the guise of a repackaging for the new generation. which inspired you to build a sequel trilogy right next to the amazing original opportunities, so I'm really glad that Disney stepped up to say that dead horse is not going to stay dead and I'm glad that JJ has returned to direct the conclusion of this. The Ryan Johnson Trilogy almost ruined everything when it undid the ending of the previous movie, left out all previous character development, fertilized the college stakes, and then got rid of one of the only characters anyone cares about in the silliest way. possible, fortunately, JJ is back. to put an end to all that, let's see oh him, faraday and the super final conclusion really this time star wars the


of skywalker dead speed crawl palm down we already know force the star oh you meant that guy really dead actually alive, the one who should have died by being thrown down a well and vaporized, teleported?
the comedy of darth reygueis the rise part 1
So yeah, Palpatine's back somehow, somehow, Palpatine comes back, they better have a really good explanation for this, you'll do it first, oh, cool, okay, so it's zombie rust cloning. secret, wait, so he's a claw, many abilities that some consider unnatural, so he's immortal, what the fuck is he? Well it doesn't really matter, it's all bullshit, it wasn't for shadow to even remotely be in TFA or tlj because yeah, this was a last minute desperate attempt to include more of OT in the Disney sequels, the return of Sidious is as damning a confirmation as he confirms the worst.
the comedy of darth reygueis the rise part 1

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the comedy of darth reygueis the rise part 1...

Disney didn't plan any of this dumb shit, they spent billions to buy Star Wars and millions more to produce it. more installments and zero plans on where to go with this, where are you taking this and you thought your life lacked direction? Of course, this was always a larger-scale cash grab, so the passion for good storytelling was never there, but come on. How is it possible that Disney didn't even have a basic outline for their trilogy? We have a plan. I'll tell you a little secret, buddy, the mystery box was always empty. What's in the box is an illusion.
the comedy of darth reygueis the rise part 1
What's in the damn box? A trick to play. creating intrigue by anticipating potential rather than putting in a lot of work and plotting these types of narratives that TFA needs. All JJ and Lawrence Kasdan had to do was vaguely point out directions in which the story could take a good question for another time and then leave it at that. for the audience to assume the best that worked when it came time to follow all that pointed to a real conclusion. Well, JJ has been known to get a little lost like crazy thinking about the guys who copied and pasted a new hope that didn't have any great ideas. on his own when Ryan said that Disney gave him no basis to label, well yes, you saw his movie, but if that wasn't enough to convince you that no one was running this ship, then here you go, somehow, Palpatine returns somehow now to be.
the comedy of darth reygueis the rise part 1
Fair enough, it's not like the original trilogy had a big comprehensive plan behind it. Leo wasn't making fun of his brother because Lucas tried his best for Star Wars, Lucas has Japanese influence and everyone else just didn't know Leia was Luke's sister, but somehow I can't spell laya without a lifetime of In some ways Disney Star Wars continues the tradition of flying the ship by the seat of its pants. The problem is that they crashed it and now we are left carving a ship in the shape of the remains. but Palpatine has been back in the books for years, which books now we thought Palpatine was gone because for all intents and purposes he was gone until Disney decided he wasn't because they wanted another billion of his money, no one has vaporized him really, but that.
It begs the question: how is the race supposed to get rid of this guy? That's very important to what's at stake in this movie. Make all the excuses you want for Palpatine's resurrection, but if they're going to resurrect him, they should. set up a way to actually kill him how much do you want to bet that they were smart enough to do it? you've bet on bad odds, okay, we're two sentences into the movie so far, moving along at a good pace, so it starts on some red planets. and Kylos are making it even redder and racking up those style points.
He's there for this Chaos Gem which is actually a GPS that leads to Palpatine's hideout, a planet called EXA col Palpatine, leaving his address out there and a Kaos Gem seems a little counterproductive, but don't worry too much, this one. is a movie about space wizards aimed at male children. Kylo appears at objective X and finds nothing less than helping us. I've been very busy being a dad, and he smokes a whole bottle. hanging out in these mad scientists' tubes if you thought your Snoke theory was bullshit, why do you still have cigarettes lying around, friend P?
You better not do anything weird with them, she helps talk and promises Kylo an empire if he kills the last Jedi forming a fleet. of a thousand star destroyers fresh from earth, this genius spent the last thirty years planning and building these things beneath the surface of this planet, presumably, but he forgot to install the hangar doors, which blows up the brain power of Laxton makes up for it with firepower because each destroyer is equipped. with his own death star laser cannon hitting five planets at once with some shit now they can drive across hundreds of billions of planets take that Empire while you can, Kylo, ​​there won't be much left.
I thought it was a bit on the nose. call the fleet the final solution, but I'm not one to talk openly and Chewie is with the Falcon on some space iceberg, they are there to pick up some message from a first order spy hmm, someone who could possibly be the only first order officer order that has a name the messages that Palpatine is alive in some way I'm sorry, is this new, did you not understand the message that Palpatine sent to the entire galaxy already in fifteen days? Lagrange, the spy, also tells them about the super Death.
Star Fleet, which the resistance obviously can't hope to even begin to defeat, so why bother sending this message to it? Discs because it's a trap. Immediately the Tie Fighters rush to blow the comrades into pieces. Poe and Finn don't realize they were prepared. They got up and took their time saying goodbye to this thing before continuing to maneuver across the ice JJ took one look at the OHS trick and said that's a good trick, it's the first thing I want the Falcon to do, but Ryan doesn't do it. overcome JJ introduces his new trick: what are you doing jumping Lightspeed when you can go Lightspeed over and over again in quick succession and it just works?
Yes, he breaks hyperspace even more than he would have thought possible, but look at all this coloring. pictures they give us Oh, it looks like the Thai fighters can do it too, so it's not very helpful how SPO is going to shake his tail now, oh, so they'll be too slow to react to the huge mouth of the monster in front of them, well , I can't. be stupider than this oh no it looks like she's now flying with floating rocks surrounding her while meditating to connect with past Jedi lives I think I'm doing it wrong haha ​​hey at least Ray isn't right about you know what since she fails at something, sure he can now float on the power of his own vanilla-scented farts, but that's nothing on Gary Stewart, who was forced to float face down while balancing Yoda on his foot, frustrated by his charming imperfection, He tells Leia his thoughts about you.
I think it's impossible for the voices of the Jedi who came before Slade not to say that if Rey has no limits, she could call him mom, a man, she dominates him, the bitch, Gen Ray, comes to training and they stop the Choo trains, no , she. trains now I guess she trains now, watch out lightning bolt, you might fall, it whistles like a boomerang, damn it was just a stick and that slot ain't anything special, but we have to assume she worked her way up to being that special, so it's not. Well, like Luke, remember when Luke shut up in his third movie, all dressed in black and throwing people around like it was nothing.
Ray doesn't need a costume change to fake character growth and development, so Ray abandons training to read some of those sacred Jedi texts anyway, as they turn pages and, once you know it, there's a section about chaos gems, in which Poe shows up with a burning race ship, in case you haven't noticed, the movie pretends that Ray and Poe are characters. who have interacted beyond his introduction at the end of tlj, then Poe drops the bomb on the resistance somehow Palpatine came back, wait why is everyone so surp


d? Palpatine already notified everyone. I really like how dramatically Poe delivers all this exposition like he's in a movie or something and how everyone else has no better direction than to stare at each other awkwardly.
These next lines of dialogue have been delivered by a Sherlock, so Palpatine has been out there all this time pulling the strings always in the shadows of the from the beginning if we want to stop him we must find him we must find him x''k Oh no, damn shit , Ray tells Leia that he just conveniently read about the Kaos gems. I need to finish what they started, find X ago, find the Emperor, no, shit. I mean, no, come on boy, what else were you training her for? Ninja Warrior Rey rightly takes her down and insists that she will do what you would do.
He doesn't mark his friends about to leave, except Rose Rose. Last chance the general asked me to study the specifications of old destroyers so we can stop the fleet if we find it JJ, do you know the rose character or something? specks of old destroyers so we can stop the fleet if you find it made a back of the bus. I almost feel bad for her, the general asked. Me, to study the specifications of the old destroyers, yes, let's study Asia again, she doesn't even get her BM AF relationship out of all this. I guess it didn't really go down too well for the Chinese, but can we really say end friendzone Rose?
If they were barely friends in the first place at least he invited her and gives her a little ride on the shoulder that's so much what I want to tell you to tell me when you get back that's a death flag and that should be completely destroyed there hasn't been any attempt To explain how it got from this to this, it should at least show Ray fixing the damn thing. They then show Kylo fixing his helmet. Wow, JJ. I find it a little funny to think that Kylo made the virgin go back to the elevator to pick up the pieces from the floor while avoiding eye contact with everyone Kylo shows up at the first order board meeting to show off his new mask this guy the ball starts to speak ill of Palpatine the general pride is that none of that is felt the fleet will increase our resources ten thousand times such a range of power corrects the arrow Starkiller base someone is finally bringing up that was a mistake wasn't it? thanks for saying it pride always found you're the voice of reason in these movies by the way where the fuck did you come from baldy tries to start shit again what is he asking for in return?
Yes, how dare you question Palpatine's benevolence? Ranko flies to other desert planets. The Star Wars galaxy is full of sand. You are sure it is so. Oh no, sorry, comb the other one's hair. I don't plan it, you're high, burning the man, he's being held here, so probably some little alien kid gives Ray a little festive necklace to mark that she's a tourist who can be robbed later, then Ray gets dragged away. a forced call with Kylo as someone. who he likes and relies on a good number of jokes about cut music. I found this transition quite funny.
I will put what you are good at. Kylo wastes no time seducing Ray. We'll see, oh no. I'm kidding, now we know where. The zoo historian said that if this force-calling feature is so interactive that Kylo can grab entire objects through it, why not grab Rey's neck with a little chokehold? She would be interested. Kylo has the necklace analyzed because I assume they have an intergalactic necklace. experts on board and discovers that it is from a specific desert planet among the tough sixth of them. I know it seems incredibly coincidental. Ray was given a necklace that could lead Kylo directly to her just seconds before he called out to her but closed the door.
Hell, the first order had to be for Burning Man, only it turns out they already have forces on the planet enjoying the festivities, anyway, this stupid clone trooper immediately finds Rey without Nancy Drew's deductions and triesstop the last Jedi and his friends without If there is any backup, he is suddenly killed by a mysterious arrow because the stormtroopers' armor is made of fucking styrofoam, the massive crossbowman is a great moment of revelation, old Lando, in all the drama class, Randall was here at the festival and saw Threepio, the sexy android. the mood shines from across the desert well actually I just called ahead she just forgot to tell Ray that Lando was there and has extremely pertinent information for their missions it's almost like JJ wants to This was an epic reveal and it didn't.
I don't give a damn how it fits into the story. Lando was surprised when Poe told him that they were looking for his former gol leh. I just forgot to mention that heaven help you a woman. Lando tells the kids that he came here years ago and years later. a Jedi assassin named Ouchy who had a lead on one of Kaos's gems, but they never found him or his lead, only his ship, the gang headed towards said ship pursued by stormtroopers on wheeled bicycles. I guess they don't fly now, what's next. It's a boring, low-octane chase sequence, it never seems like our intrepid zeros were ever in danger.
Ray drives while he shoots simultaneously. Finn throws some rope and everything works until a brilliant stormtrooper finally decides to try using rockets, which works, but only the explosion. sends the gang flying to become comfortable quicksand's pillow is completely unharmed, however, Ray forgets that he can fly now or use a force pole to make them all sink and die anyway. The quicksand deposits them inside a bunch of tunnels below. Sand magically doesn't settle in the tunnels because sand is nice and soft. and it doesn't get everywhere I like sand, okay, the clue they needed is exactly where they accidentally ended up.
It's a dagger with the coordinates of a Kaos gem inscribed on it, and you might wonder why anyone would think of inscribing these coordinates on a tool. intended for orphanage children, but that's not even the half of it, there is a problem: the coordinates are written in Seth and Threepio can translate, but is otherwise prohibited from speaking the translation because Seth is hate speech, in that case probably They should have removed the language from their data banks completely, but what do I know? His Threepio is also prohibited from writing the translation, at the very least, you should be able to leave clues properly and I, a giant sandworm, somehow sneak up on them.
Ray viscerally decides to caress him and everything. can heal massive wounds with a touch, that's novel and doesn't seem to wind it up at all, that's powerful, but we can't say that lightning is in the air, you say that's why, everything is possible with the force and lightning simply as a conduit to Yes, I totally get it, this makes the force seem a lot more inconsistent and fickle than ever before but honestly, what did you expect? She is feminine. I guess Obi-wan hadn't trained as hard as Ray, no, don't cry, Obi, he was. It's always happened, this next sequence of events is interesting, see if you can follow it.
Branko decided to leave on a ship that is unlocked and still flyable, it's too convenient, but whatever we call that, it's a detail, but then Ray senses his boyfriend. The forest and he runs out to find him in the middle of the desert alone, no one even tries to stop his attack. Chewie goes to the follower with the dagger, but the Knights of Ren are already here on the ground, how come they captured Chewie but ignore Ray? and ouchy ship strike two then ray plays chicken in the desert with kylo ship and strike three where and we were all scratching our heads when we saw this shit in the trailer but even I thought the movie would know try to set it up but Not even a little ray goes out into this desert to stare at Kylo for no good reason and Kylo inexplicably lunges at her like he's running over pedestrians that came up to him and GTA, but you don't run over people when you're fucking flying and I thought Kyle wanted convert it to the dark side, not roadkill.
I'm going to find you and I'm going to turn you to the dark side. Ray tries to flip because it's a good trick, well he's fucking dead. He then does what he does secondly screaming helplessly as he watches his friends being taken away. Hello, they have Joey, thank God. Ray has other plans now. I know some of you might be tempted to say that holding a moving spaceship in place is a MarySue move and I might even cite evidence like Yoda struggling to hold some pipes that time and well yeah, but you guys forget there was a character in a video game who plucked an entire Star Destroyer out of the sky, hey, that's not even canon you might say, so what? about when baby Yoda stopped the charging rhino and he's just a baby, oh I get it just because they're dudes, they probably don't understand the hate ray, is that sexist?
Well, Kyle lived somewhat feeling left out, enter this game of Tuggle force. It didn't work out so well the last time something has to give, but then something magical happens. Ray accidentally kills Chewie by shattering a lightning bolt, yes, a lightning shark. He tries so hard that the dark side energy he didn't know he was holding back gushes out and explodes his friend into big, furry brown chunks. More Thai fighters appear in Rey. Even though she can blow them all up with a super beam, now Rey cries a little about killing Chewie because it means she's destined to be the Sith Empress or something typical historical. but maybe there's something to this, Ray maybe secretly hates Chewie because he always accompanies her, we all know how he feels when guys hold his hand, maybe that silent contempt translated into a couple million lightning bolts by accident , who knows not even a minute later, yeah, Chewie. who was on another transport ship the whole time everyone just missed that Finn actually saw which ship Chewie was loaded on and just diverted everyone on which way to go Finn, well the gang doesn't know what to do after losing the dagger Threepio reminds them that they already read the dagger so they don't need it true inscription they head to a place called Koji I to find a guy named Babu Frick who can rewire Threepio to say the SIF translation one capture will erase all his memory no one worries about how bb-8 reactivates a droid on the ship whose name I can't remember and the character isn't important enough to include on the Wikipedia page.
The droid acts scared and Rey reasons that he was mistreated. Someone treated him badly. This is directly. after the scene where the group decides, without any hesitation or reluctance, to have Threepio clean up for the Sith translation and complete what two terribly dangerous and sinful acts they performed by waiting, well, let's do that, we're all in this until the end, except you, tan head. drinks the damn bleach in Cugini, the gang is found almost immediately by a helmeted lady named Zuri Bliss, but she's actually really angry that PO once stood her up to join the resistance, yeah, sorry, everyone seems to pose with a cyst if Zoe had tried to convert the man. with his men, but Rhea beats everyone with ease and holds Ori with a saber pointing szura's answer is to say that he likes ray, nothing matters to you, but I think you are fine, no, no, before you get married, they say that They come out of the fucking wood on Mary Sue.
They are instantly liked by everyone who knows this is actually a clever guy for his Orie to lower Ray's guard and it works because Race turns off his lightsaber without Zouri lowering his weapon just kidding Zoe thinks better of frying Zouri's brains. this girl on the street and takes it, we make it for Babu, we make him translate it, he won't remember anything. I feel a little bad for Threepio here we are doing his Threepio, taking one last sad look and my friends don't consider him a friend and he is flat out a nuisance to Poe, this scene could have had some seriousness or some real movement if only one of the characters expressed the slightest reservation.
They were killing his friend, but they don't do it. Nobody talks. None. There must be another. The way we make it translate it won't remember anything, let's make it so that Threepio is just a tool for them and nothing more, yeah, they completed the supposedly emotional scene with a character saying straight up sad, I don't think I've ever seen that. before, well, the procedure works through Pio, it translates where the chaos gem is from Annie, there is no tragic music, there is no sadness, there are no tears, just you, it's okay, that will be a problem, true friendship and If you still feel a pang of loss for Threepio, don't worry.
That, damn, talk about chewy lightning, it can feel chewy alive all the way on Kyle's Star Destroyer, which begs the question of how he didn't realize he didn't actually shut down his life force here mmm must have happened unnoticed by their radar. The gang heads to the Star Destroyer with a super special coin to get any free destroyer coins which Zora simply gives to Poe because he creamed his spacesuit when he gave her this look. They want to come with me after free parking. His brilliant plan is to run out of money. in the landing bay completely, I'm skewered and I shoot everything that moves, it works and no, not because Ray is wearing armor soup or something.
Luke Skywalker did the same, how exalted. I guess there are no cameras, so safe, right? you want it's okay that we're here you're relieved that we're here we're looking for a prisoner and his belongings okay so go ahead and tell them to release Chuy or not the cameras stay up so there are cameras but when to shoot them it will alert anyone who is monitoring them great, come on, the dock is on the ship, we need it. Why what to feed. Oh, a feeling, the last time he had a feeling, he ran off to play with Kyle, oh, and he supposedly killed Chewy, so maybe they should try that. to stop her I'll meet you at the ray house, you can't, we're not stormtroopers, we're so fucking useless, but one manages to hold the bow in his arm and that's enough for the captured Rey to burst into Kyle's room. to sniff her sheets, but he gets caught in the act when Kylo calls out loudly to her again.
Kyle Busch's foray into remembering his parents undoes all of his hard work to pressure his memories of them. Surely your memory is hard work like waiting all our lives in Jakku. having his parents come back just to see them again, we're jumping into the dark side of fools to find out who they really were, only now that Kyle Lohse whispers something bitter in his ear, can he handle the truth about his parents obviously, but yeah, his parents? They were no one by choice to hide Ray from Palpatine because she inherited his and her granddaughter's power. Oh, finally, she's Palpatine's midichlorian count coursing through her veins and now that we can explain Rey's incredible aptitude for the force, well, she can't be a Mary.
Sue racist checkmate she's a PUD friend, he tried to stop this maybe years from now people will see it but it's not that day yet. I'll never lie to you, your parents were nobody, well no, you said they sold her for drinking money, so they didn't. They really valued her a lot. They liked her, why would they try to sell her if they were protecting her? there had to have been a couple more options before the success of indentured servitude on a desert planet may be an alien orphanage on a slightly more temperate planet maybe a space convent he will leave her I can't bite that much at least those slave children They probably have air conditioning and horse dogs by the way I'm the spy no I really knew tell him we found out the spy can't hide from fry but wait killing the supposed suspect wouldn't make pride look super suspicious not if not you think about it Kawa proposes shooting one more time and continues with something called ad ad, which is a bond in the force that makes Basically, one who ran, Kylo, ​​is destined to sail the clock ship, so he says that this he should team up and defeat the palps with their combined strength and you know, as long as he tells the truth for once and it's not a bad idea.
Palpatine is the biggest threat. right now with the Death Star Fleet and Ray can reasonably assume that Kylo can catch up to him, so maybe he'll just go to the dark side for a while for the greater good, that would certainly be the most interesting option for his character. win and abandon the light to save him not only that, but it makes your visions of a sudden and inexplicable turn to the dark side a little more believable that you don't, not at all, in almost every way I can imagine, the fact Ray temporarily going to the dark side makes for a better, more cohesive story, so he jumps into the Falcon and jumps, then crashes into the moon of Endor and that's what's left on the Death Star, good luck finding its chaos gem, children work for you oh no, no, no, no, no, yes, yes.
Ray uses the dagger that has been cut into the shape of the Death Star wreckage to determine the location of the Kaos gem against the Death Star wreckage.Death, damn it, another major movement that damages the brain, think about this, someone cut a knife, Wyatt, in this place in this specific place. angle, how exactly did Ray know to come here anyway? When was this maeín dagger? How did the remains of the Death Star remain perfectly structurally intact all this time since then? This prevents the reactor fuel from melting the steel beams, no, we have to stop thinking that we are going into the red, but how did this planet survive being hit by something so gigantic and indestructible?
My brain can't stop it after destroying the Falcon. The protagonist can't reach the Death Star without braving these evil waves, so repairs begin with a new character named Jonah and his gang. Jonah reveals that she was a top recruit just like Finn, so they join up even though Finn has coldly murdered countless. Recruits like her might as well kill her for all the purpose she really has in this story. Rey, impetuous as always, goes out and effortlessly braves the treacherous waters on her own, now she sails, which is not a MarySue move because of the way she trained. his whole life for this with all that fatal ray sailing he finds the emperor's old throne room and hey, the chaos gems right next door no one, not a single person must have thought to check those remains of the Death Star in all these years Rey is the first scavenger to rummage through the Emperor's throne room, that's bullshit and I don't believe it.
Darkrai makes an appearance and shows off some of that old British dental work to scare you, but it's no big deal, the moment the focus shifts she disappears, the implication here is That Dark Trey is a figment of Ray's imagination, so if that's the case, did Ray invent this folding saber design? I guess we find something that Ray isn't very good at operating Kylo because he must have had a death star dagger; then crushes Ray's. The Chaos Gem leaves himself the only option to be ready to stop Palpatine, now she will take his hand for the greater good or not play too hard to get Paolo to beat her in their saber fight because the gah rant .
These are precisely the moments when Leia forces calls to her son, Kyle can't hear her, and her nandi adds connection, but Ray believes she is calling. A younger woman becomes angry and stabs him in the chest while he is distracted, then Leia dies. My brain hurts again. It seems Leia uses the latter. of his life force to call Kyle Oh to contact his son. Now he takes all the strength he's ever had and in the wildest coincidence ever it ended just as Ray Sucker was tasting his boy, but that's not how I interpreted it in my first watch.
I thought Leia connected to Kylo through the force and the sudden trauma of her son being skewered overloaded that connection and killed her the way the scene is edited, doesn't it look like Leia reacts to the stabbing? I choose to believe that Ray killed Leia. It's more fun that way. Ray instantly regrets it, heals Kylo, ​​and then steals a The ship may be perfectly parked next to them, which somehow wasn't swept away by the giant crashing waves. I'm not sure why I'm poor on the show and more. Ray abandons everyone so everyone returns to the base.
Kylo becomes useless and sees Han, but Hans is not a ghost, you understand that it is just an illusion of Kylos, but what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it, my son is dead, Kalo forgives Kylo for taking a cheap shot at the real Han and that's it, Kylo it is. Well, that's all there is to it, Kylo and then shoot, it's an extremely useful weapon. The Death Star Destroyer destroys Kazemi, Zouri and Babu. He teleports. Leia mostly makes Pogge hold back his crying. Rey flees the island world.
Andrey makes Luke's tlj bow in about 4 minutes. The ghost Luke appears. and she gives the lightsaber to King Leia she already has her brain, they're going to give her all the stops, she gets all her sabers, she gets her damn ships, the only thing this bitch has is hers like a stick, a fucking stick, a fox. Ted Ray magically surpasses herself, a gem of chaos. survive the fire magically the ghost luke lifts his ship out of the water magically a boat waterlogged for years it just works magically lightning goes to the golan x feels the resistance the resistance of the flight path plans to blow up the death star fleets because the fleet cannot go up, it can.
They don't climb, they don't fly now, apparently not without a navigation tower to tell them how well, a single hugely convenient oversight that the good guys can exploit, destroy the bad guys, nothing new in Star Wars, an escape port, a generator shield, a woman. and this time direction ah, maybe it's me, but ships built to fly should be able to take off and continue to rise. I get it, it's because these people have been trapped beneath the surface of the planet building these things that they've probably never seen before without a roof. Not even a hangar door, no wonder they're confused, there's no shields, no way out, why don't we blow it up? is always one way to do it, we think that hitting the cannons might require taking down the main reactors, we need to do some transportation.
Mass maneuvers aren't a bad idea Mary, if a relatively small, tough ship can lightspeed through a mega destroyer and take out a fleet of about 20 other destroyers then surely there are some resistance people willing to go to total jihad for the cause we need to put some Wait the new vism do some real damage come on that move is one in a million never tell me the odds are one in a million a guy with a big shot , who was one in a million, what an aviator. Luke was betting the resistance's survival on such bad odds.
Oh, he would be beside himself. You've bet the resistance's survival on bad odds and put us all at risk, but you know these odds aren't even that bad. All things considered, they succeed only once and who knows how many ships will. being taken out so close don't be so quick to fire the man Finn it might work but now you've got me wondering how you can mess up the whole dome maneuver you just point your ship at something and hit it good it's that simple Even the worst admiral ever timing could do it and if you don't manage to crash the first time try again, it's not like hyperdrives necessarily need time between jumps anymore, just jump with Lightspeed until you crash into something and take out everything around you. favors the bold Oh, instead, Finn's plan is to have Lando and Chewie call for help across the galaxy.
Leia's call was completely ignored last time, but this time they thought Lando has some real charisma to make it work. Luke rejected the first order on his own. It's not enough to motivate all these aliens to move, but a call from Panda for Lando to bring the hottest EXA coal in the galaxy and have them fire the Death Star's cannons, which in turn will blow up the aliens. destroyers. Well, that's a video game. weak point, if I've ever seen one, they even glow red, the resistance disconnects 2 times ago and arrives right behind the beam somehow, they head straight for the navigation tower, but as the final order changes to another tower NAB on a Star Destroyer, the resistance then heads straight for that one and they drop Finn Jonna and some nobodies on top of the destroyer to let them run on horseback, in response the final order just tilts the ship a little and slides them off.

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