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The Climate Censors

Jun 09, 2021
you should be protected from my videos says this Frenchman surprisingly facebook allows him to censor me the temperature is rising we produced this video about


change titled we are doomed entire ecosystems are collapsing we are not doomed these scientists said it is about doing harm it is about emotion about sending children in protest now Facebook will not show them that video because the so-called fact checker Emanuel Vincent told Facebook that it contains partially false information. Every


scientist I know personally agrees that climate change is real, but wait for our videos. He said climate change is real, but Vincent found scientists who disagreed with some of what we said, only one would agree to be interviewed.
the climate censors
Patrick Brown. What he took issue with was that Brown didn't like that these scientists were saying that the United States can adapt. to rising sea levels by doing things like building dams to hold back water like Holland, do you recognize that? Even though the water is rising, yes, the water has been rising for about 20,000 years, for me, when I watch that video, What I hear is that sea levels have risen. rising at a fairly constant rate forever it's very small no big deal and we'll adapt that's not the view of main street brown says sea levels could eventually rise 200 feet but you're quoting an extreme if I mean obviously if the Sea levels rose 200 feet, that would be a big problem, but the IPCC doesn't consider it likely.
the climate censors

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I mean, I don't know if they evaluate sea level rise in a thousand years, but that's what I'm talking about, a thousand years. Censor me for what could happen in a thousand years my video also questioned the claim that hurricanes are getting stronger the winds are getting stronger no they are not you can take a look at all the hurricanes around the planet that we can. see them since 1970 because we have global satellite coverage and we can measure their power and there is no significant increase that fools viewers, vincent said, but his own critic told me that's true, we don't see a change in the frequency of hurricanes, That is still a consensus opinion, Vincent. you still censure me for reporting it i think it's wrong to criticize you for saying the ipcc they don't claim they are increasing they don't claim droughts are increasing they don't claim floods will increase later Brown sent us an email saying the problem is the omission of contextual information rather than facts being incorrect.
the climate censors
Oh, so his fact check wasn't based on real facts. You get flagged for being, you know, downplaying that it's a problem at all, but I didn't do that. again our video said the temperature has been rising and is predicted to continue rising is a problem what's wrong with saying there's nothing wrong with saying it's a tonal thing? I guess I'm censored because he doesn't like my tone. Our facts. We were right, we have published this document on listing our sources and responding to the censor's claims. Look, there are children who are afraid of drowning and young adults who are not having babies because they believe climate change is happening. end the world so there is quite a bit of scaremongering out there and I agree I get emails from people.
the climate censors
Is it worth having a child to raise them in this terrible world that, you know, will be destroyed by climate change? I'm so scared of the famine in my life, I just answer that and say, you know, look, the reports don't say that, so we should have more debates, yes, but Vincent's group, which he calls, the


of climate feedback debate at least this time. His


saw my video before. Facebook had censored this wildfire video even though they hadn't seen it. One of their reviewers admitted that was a problem. If this implies that we have reviewed the video, then it is clearly incorrect. argued that climate change had less effect on wildfires than poor forest management, well-managed forests have survived megafires, which is also totally accurate, said critic Brown, you emphasize forest management and I think that's totally legitimate.
Anyway, climate feedback smears me and I have no way to defend myself and Facebook just allows them to do this. I don't know, I don't know what the solution is in terms of police information. What kills me is that when climate feedback rates me as partially false, that reduces significantly. the amount of people who watch it and watch my other videos, yes, climate censorship crushes all my videos when they repeatedly label things as fake. Facebook reduces all video distribution, so it's very important to me that it's done fairly. I sympathize with what you do. I'm saying that at the same time, as a consumer of information, I like the idea of ​​having some kind of system where you know that the content can be compared to what experts think the food is potentially like.
Now Vincent plans to grow his group and censor YouTube and Twitter as well. Climate feedback is eager to scare people about climate change so governments will spend money on it. What happens with groups like climate feedback is that they're looking at emissions and nothing happens in terms of policy and then they develop this bias towards what we really need. for you fact check something that goes against the narrative anyone who says there is no climate emergency will be censored now climate feedback occasionally also criticizes alarmism if its ridiculous enough like this magazine cover article from New York that suggests climate change would make the Earth uninhabitable, but the sensors ignore a lot of alarmist hysteria like Time magazines the world on fire there were three times as many fact checks on skeptics than on alarmists yes, yes, I agree with you, then I think that's wrong, they should check the facts on the alarmist side. so much, but Vincent doesn't and because of that Facebook is now hiding many of my videos from you, how dare you?
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