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The Caste System in India

May 30, 2021



is a traditional form of stratification in Hinduism that classifies people into four different groups. The


one is born into will determine his social status, his job, his diet and his behavior. This 3,000-year-old


still has a significant impact on the Indian population today. society the sociohistorical origin of the caste system dates back to 1500 BC. C. When the Aryans from Central Asia invaded India creating the system as a means to control the local Indian population over the years, the system was transformed by the ruling elites and became part of Hinduism, the most common religion. great of India in the 19th century, during the colonial period, the British saw the caste system as a way to maintain social stability and used it to their advantage, the British separated people of different castes and attacked those of lower castes as explained by writer Shashi Tharoor, caste had been much more confusing and a much more fungible identity in the past, the whole notion of the system being imposed as the only way the India was because the British saw it this way, so the British in the whole process of trying to understand India classified and codified things, it was a means of controlling India after the British left in 1947, The Constitution of India was drafted and the caste system was formally abolished, but this social structure still affects Indians to this day.
the caste system in india
The explanation for the caste system is that each caste comes from a part of the body of the Hindu creator god Brahma. According to Hindu mythology, they believe that every human being they came out of is one of the most prestigious and one of the creator god Brahma, huh? They believe that the human being itself is divided into different types of work. He is like your head. He is to think about. So they believe that the upper castes that emerged from the mind of Burma were the Brahmins, which is the first caste. The second group of people who came from his shoulder were the Kshatriya.
the caste system in india

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Shah dreaming through those who can fight for you, then they believe that from the stomach brahma of the stomach they came out with the third cast that is of poor quality, voracious, these brushes are from the businessman, then they discover the legs of the legs, it came out the fourth or lower caste. It was the sudras historically there were forecasts. The Kshatriyas and Visayas Brahmins are known as the general castes or upper guests, while the Shudra were the lower caste. An additional lower caste was recently added to the system. The Daleks, which I will talk about later, the lower castes are also.
the caste system in india
Known as B C, which means backward castes, each caste is divided into 25,000 sub-hosts. Each subcaste has a designated profession that its members must theoretically follow, for example, Mali is a subcaste of the Sudras and they are gardeners. It is important to know that caste determines jobs but also social life, for example one is not allowed to marry or even have social interactions with someone from another caste and people who face discrimination today, the easiest way to knowing someone's caste is by looking at their surname. So if someone has the surname Mali, this means that he is from the Mali caste.
the caste system in india
At first, people were assigned their caste according to their abilities and the next generation would inherit their parents' cast. Initially there was no social mobility meaning one would die in the same caste that he or she was born in. Basically the way it works is that if you are born sure you should draw and do the jobs they should prefer men to do. as brahmins are meant for you. I know they speak the Word of God, they are meant to advise the kingdom and they like people in religious matters, the Kshatriyas of the warrior class, maybe the nobles will be involved in politics and the walls, but you can't have a Kshatriya was converted from a Convertible sudra, sure that all are supervised into a car sustainer, but those of the lower castes were not allowed to ascend socially after the legal abolition of the caste system in 1950, to the People were allowed to do any work regardless of the caste system. still exists socially and there is no social mobility, this has not always been the case in the 18th century when the people of India ruled by Maharaja were allowed to change caste if permission was granted from the king, my goodness, the gartner before can finally listen to my homework was not a child's, so my great-grandfather didn't want to fight, so they went to the manager and said we don't like the job, so this is what you like, so my great way of learning, Obviously, we like to cultivate and then the softer. okay, you must do it - to the gardener, but now we come gentle Marathi gospel has no power you can change the job although changing caste is not possible it is possible for people to rise economically there are some rich people who come from backward castes as there are for the people of general castes;
However, even today the vast majority of the rich belong to general castes, while the vast majority of the poor belong to backward castes. The caste system also has its positive aspects: it has helped keep alive the skills that are passed down from generation to generation for royal families for wall painting on food and some of the famous ancient temples the last 7 the lesson is too simple miniature hanging military bases and you do it because your forecast does become especially touched, that will be the specialty To do painting work, I was born in my family, so then I am older, so I see all the time the colors of the paintings in my house so my hobby also becomes this way so that's the reason it's easy to choose it.
Life is very helpful because my brother, my uncle, my father, they are all in this morning, so I play with the colors and then I am dressed up, so it is very easy to choose the race in this week. The different casts also have different customs and traditions. for example, people from the two highest castes, brahmanas and cafeterians, should not eat meat, drink alcohol or smoke, these habits are considered impure, they should only be adopted by the lowest castes, people from the upper castes , you know it's most people, mostly them. They are the priests that you know always live in the temples, you are always very close to the gods, so they are not allowed to eat meat, if they admit it in front of people, people will be angry with them or they will also want it, too do.
I don't want to eat the meat and lower caste people eat the meat, you know, because those people you know in the previous time were working with those bodies. I said, you know, you know they couldn't find any jobs, so sometimes. They have no food to eat so they started eating meat too, however as India progresses people care less and less about caste diet restrictions. Now it doesn't mean that we still have the same system, but now they don't believe in people. people nowadays are very well educated, they are like this, they don't care about these things, they never try to follow these things, but there are few people they can follow, but the new generation who don't care about this kind of things in the past, the color.
The turban was determined by caste today this has changed and people wear what they want and all the people play totally different music like the yellow ones they used for the warriors who were theater entrepreneurs Brahmins the religious caste has a unique hairstyle called Sica like the one you're seeing right now and they wear a piece of rope around their chest. The fifth caste that was recently added to the system in the early 20th century is the Dalit caste, also known as the Untouchables or the Harijan. This caste is considered to be. The jobs of an untouchable outcast include things like handling dead animals and humans, sweeping streets, and handling any form of human waste such as blood, feces, urine, and saliva.
By doing these impure works, they are considered spiritually polluting in India. Dirty and impure are two different concepts, garbage on the floor and rats can be seen as dirty but not impure, so anyone from any caste would touch them, while fresh human waste or dead bodies are considered impure, so that higher caste people would not touch them. This leads to untouchability which is the practice of excluding and not touching the dalek group hence the nickname The Untouchables to this day the people who do these jobs come from the dalek caste the men you are seeing now are responsible for taking the bodies of dead cows to a landfill they are all from the Dalit caste today the untouchables represent 16% of the population of India and this represents more than 200 million people, although untouchability was banned throughout the system of caste in 1950, it is still practiced to this day, especially in rural India, in urban areas, it is not, but it is in rural areas.
The areas are still where most of the cleaning work is done because in India, as you know, many villages do not have sanitation facilities, so they are using the public toilets and this cleaning of public toilets and everything that they still do the lower caste people and they have their separate colonies, they have separate houses, which is not along with the normal laboratory, so if all the upper caste people are inside the city, these people stay outside the city, so even today in most of their village areas, these people have their colony is separated where most of them have no services like water, no roads, no sanitary facilities, they don't even have security systems like they have a palace and all, but most of these colonies still need more points to worry about.
Historically, untouchables have always been at a disadvantage compared to other castes, they were not allowed to go to school with students from different castes and people refused to work with or for them when India was the British colony, at that time time lower caste people were not allowed to get education due to rigid mentality, as I mentioned before, they were always considered untouchable, they are not allowed to mix with others, they are not allowed to play with them, they are not allowed to go to school, they are not allowed to enter temples. It's all that has emerged, the kind of work they were involved in to keep that humanity in mind, but when India got independence, the first thing they thought of was to remove untouchability, so Gandhiji, I think you all know the personality that emerged and said how untouchable he is.
There is no word we can use for them, so they have started calling them hydrogen, hydrogen meaning the son of God. This name was given by him and in the Constitution they gave equal rights to these untouchables, although the constitutional states of people of all castes have the same discrimination of rights still prevails in the Indian society; Generally, higher caste people don't want to be close to untouchables, so higher caste people don't want to be close to lower caste people so that their predictions are highest. the caste were the Brahmins who wanted to make intellectuals, the second was the warrior caste, the third was the emergence and the fourth was the cast who used to do all the manual work, so they say that the merchants and the warriors got along well with the warriors and the Brahmins got along well, but the Brahmins we want to mix with the lower caste until the 1950s, the upper caste Indians did not go to restaurants because they were afraid of untouchables working in the kitchen and They could touch their food, but as India develops at a rapid pace, people's mentality is changing regarding caste relationship.
An inter-caste friendship that twenty or thirty years ago would be considered inappropriate is now becoming more and more normal. This new generation is the most open about the caste system ever. I have four fives. friends who are lower caste so I don't mind at all as super low class. Could do it. I would love to have a friend like you, if I know, I will try to be with me if you try to turn on you. I, so I have many of you who know the Muslim Shia Muslim friend. I haven't lost any family friends so I don't care, not because I'm open minded.
I can say that there are still some people in my towns who will do it. They discriminate against me because I have dynamic lower class friends who discreetly because they say, come on, distribute, they know you're from a very high class family, so you're not supposed to do those federals for suspended classes, but I don't care at all absolute because I am very open minded in 1997, kr Narayanan was elected president of India. He was the first and so far only Dalit person to be elected president. This was a big step forward and showed that Indians are becoming more progressive and open to ending discrimination even today.
He remains one of theMost popular Indian presidents of all time. He was accepted by everyone as president and people were happy because he represented a large sector of the population. You think you can change people's opinions about different castes for the better, but not everyone is open-minded. for a change there are still many people who discriminate against people of the dalit caste even if they do not work with impure things they believe that getting in touch is being close and untouchable is polluting and that will lower them to the same level as the untouchables Omarion I saw a turkey this crest in Komara kercadiou Burton's hotel now nice sector or Yugi's like mine a bullet a kg to hum in mid-March any captain the example I Latina who are murdered Otto attends to cotton this little D 910 would you let me? children be friends no, no, I really don't like it, but I would shake hands with an untouchable person, know why, because you know that in my culture it is ours, in my culture it is not allowed, we just touched hydrogen and I know which is hydrogen so I go home and take a shower yes because there were kings, I know I told you before because they are cleaning the street and they clean the bathroom, they have a very special card because this is why we call it hydrogen.
Everyone knows that when they are little children they know this very well because still today in about 30 percent of rural villages are public. Health workers refused to enter dollar houses, untouchables were They are prevented from entering police stations and Dalek children are not allowed to sit with children of other castes at school when the Daleks disobey authority, the consequences can be drastic each week, 13 points are killed and 5 dollar houses They are burned. in that case, it may be nice to beat him to death, it happens or he may not be concerned but forcefully, drag him out of there and come here to try to compensate the historically disadvantaged.
The Indian government has special reservations for a Dalek people for educational seats in the parliament and the public posts in the Indian parliament, let us have twenty four point one three percent of the seats reserved for them i.e. 130, one in every 543 seats in education, students who come from backward castes can be accepted into university with lower marks than one from a general caste in schools students from backward castes get scholarships reservation addresses historical oppression inequality and discrimination faced by the people Dalek in the first reservations were a stopgap measure that was adopted after independence and was only supposed to happen for ten years but still happening today for $1 to get a reserved spot they must apply for a certificate, the process to get the certificate It's long and bureaucratic and they make the certificate even this and some people will somehow come to your house and ask your neighbors too. there of caste or not when I applied for my caste certificate if it happens to people came to my house and they deserve it so I have that certificate too, this controversial program has been a topic of debate among Indians in the In In recent decades, some argue that this helps lift Dalits out of the cycle of poverty, while others argue that the system is not fair to those who work hard and to our part of the castes in general, and this is bronze, for which we never think that they go to the same The building is useful for the school because medium speed English is very expensive in India, so the price of one year can be 70 thousand rupees, like a thousand meters higher, so that I can't make any effort, but thank God I am in a lower caste, so I have a certificate for the lower one. caste, so I show that certificate for private school, they give me a scholarship like 50% off, so thirty five thousand rupees a year, my only son is excellent, so they both weigh 70 thousand rupees, so I get by because I know the value of education, you know? when I do puja, they will not oppose each other, it will jump you, but turkey cutlet or I made a cool authenticity circus, you see, it seems to you through how it can be that this is the anatomical poet good brand a goddess is malleable back or play their game: the tsunami poem can make a mocha, meanwhile, nowadays they also have opportunities to do other jobs, but what happens, for example, with a family of so many orals how to take that family out of the house, Has your entire family been understudy for your last five sixes? generations, so what do you think like this, the Sun, what is the in this century, the new generations are also uneducated and everything that they are learning from their parents, what they see their parents doing, do you think that this is our future until, unless they have another opportunity which is like our government certificate and have the opportunity to study in Tokyo, otherwise they can't go.
His family doesn't earn enough money to send him even to government school which is free, they only charge 10 or 20 or 100 rupees for a month so they can't even afford it, that's why it's like those people have been forced to do that work. There are still people, mainly from general castes, who do not agree with this programme. They argue that because the caste system was abolished, all Indians have equal opportunities, so the system should be based on meritocracy these days, as I told you, there is no more meaning of the caste system, all these systems they almost disappear, so now people are rich or not rich, he said, it depends on their quality, degree of ability, not because of the cost oh no, I hid the concept of reserves honestly as I think it should be, there should be a meritocracy, regardless Where you come from, no matter who you are, what you do, if you can prove that you are capable, you should do it. that they allow you to be in that university, you should not depend on your birth, nor your nationality, nor your religion, but you know, and it is not only that, but also the fact that when they receive these reservations from Dalits and you know others castes, it is not the The needy Dalits who are discriminated against are the ones who get the seeds, they are the rich in the community, then they manage to get hold of them and often, because they are rich and can, they have access to these universities, they can get in with lower grades, so it's a completely broken situation. system in my opinion, another common argument is that reservations should be given according to the economic status of people, other class, this should be based on economics not castes, so if you want to give reservations, give reservations to those who are economically poor, no.
Those are based on caste or peace. If Romeo and Juliet were set in India, there would be no Montague or Capulet. Instead, there would be people of different castes according to Hindu tradition. Marriage should only occur between the same caste. This was not short. Arranged marriage is a tradition where parents choose their children's partners 20 years in advance, just like you, who are the parents, Buddha and his house, and we choose the girl, yeah, and they didn't see that child, but now, 20 years ago, people do the same task. because the expectations of each of the children are the strong smell that parents get angry, but before it is what a parent chooses now, as India develops and people become more open-minded, today in day we see more and more inter-caste marriages. 5% of all marriages are between castes I'm a bit cottony C heavy I like the middle class so when we got married in trouble in Milan hearing his father's mother say get out of here and my father and my mother say why What didn't you do with something similar?
Movement is the problem. Your parents attended your wedding. Did they go? they didn't go a month and a half in my house and he is always me please make me a week my husband just called I love Rishi and I feel suspicious but my mom said no it's a different community and the toggle lock doesn't okay, yes, today only one in five millennials is against it, but especially in rural areas it is considered shameful to marry someone from another caste and the consequences range from ostracism to beating. death but people still get married cooking different costs or they have never been met it never happens I don't know then what happens if they get married then maybe in some extreme cases young people have committed suicide after their parents forbade them to marry someone of a different caste to try To make inter-caste marriage more acceptable, the Indian government provides many facilities to inter-caste couples, if you have it in inter-caste marriage, the Indian government provides many facilities, for example, if you houses, if I marry someone from another caste I get better Privilege and my children have more privilege than any other child so in India as a piece of clothing it promotes it but some people think otherwise but is changing rapidly.
The caste system is connected to almost everything in India, even its health problem in the Indian subcontinent. It is by far the richest and most developed country, but it has a higher infant mortality rate than Myanmar, Bangladesh and even Nepal. The reason for this has a direct link with the caste system. India's sanitation is still inaccessible to seven hundred and thirty-two million people. to toilets and which represents 56 percent of the traditionally destitute population have always defecated in the open open defecation is when people relieve themselves in a field, on the side of a road, on the bank of a river or In a forest for example, they do it not only because of poverty but also because of human feces.
They are impure and should not be indoors. Today around fifty percent of Indians defecate in the open. This rate is 10 percent higher than the rate in some of the poorest sub-Saharan countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. and Uganda the problem with open defecation is that no one collects the feces, so after it rains, the bacteria will fall into the streams and crops, thus contaminating them. The local population who depend on those resources eat and drink contaminated water and food, which causes many diseases like Guinea. worm typhoid cholera and dysentery there is a type of toilet that is used to solve this problem it is known as a pit toilet this pit toilet has a latrine that is connected to one of two pits people will relieve themselves and the faeces will travel to the pit to through the pipe, the well will take two to five years to fill depending on its size, after one is full the family will start using the other well, all they need to do is connect the pipe to the empty well when the second well is full. full will be enough time for the feces in the first part to have decomposed and this becomes manure this makes it spiritually clean and safe for people to handle human waste 20 composition becomes a manual that is a good manual but it is not They do I want to touch on that phrase Suman, the Indian government is now building this type of toilet for the people, however, mainly due to corruption, they often only build one pit instead of two, this defeats the purpose of avoiding handling human waste fresh because when you cheat on the well.
There is not enough time for the feces to decompose so they will have to handle fresh human waste. In response, many people who have single pit toilets in their home prefer to continue defecating in the open. Another big problem is that many people do not want human feces to be near their homes because it is spiritually polluting, so even if they have a toilet with two pits, they will defecate in the open. That's why awareness is as important as building toilets before construction began. We raise awareness among the people of that village. where we started and after becoming aware they started using templates, otherwise if you build the toilet and the people who will sometimes use this toilet, they will turn it into a shop in neighboring Bangladesh, a country much more impoverished than India, suffered The cholera pandemic 20 years ago was directly caused by open defecation.
Since then, the Bangladesh government has started building single-pit toilets, like in India, for the people. The only difference is that Bangladesh is a Muslim country with no caste system, so after the offer all people will handle fresh human waste and dispose of it safely. Surely Bangladeshis don't like doing this dirty work, but it is not spiritually polluting for them and they do not face discrimination, so they do it because they are good. The caste system is now becoming less critical for Indians than during colonial times, but discrimination is still there, it is affecting everyone in all aspects of society and as long as this system remains in place, inequality in India will persist. .

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