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The Burning Crusade Episode 3: The Lore... At The Time | Complete History of WoW

Jun 05, 2021
Today we are going to exp


the story as it was understood in 2007, a


when Outland was the first mysterious step into this great cosmos unknown to many players. Since then, of course, the story has changed significantly, let's just say with things like the reintroduction of illidan. and we literally met sargeras, but the way we appreciate


has changed even more. We were small characters in a big world, a world that contained far fewer answers than today, so the story of World Warcraft has changed, we have changed, and the game itself has changed. has changed a lot, so let's step back and get into the mindset of a budding Karazhan raider or arena challenger and present the story as you understood it in the past, from the fall of Sargeras to the construction of the dark portal, to all.
the burning crusade episode 3 the lore at the time complete history of wow
Well, the new


and the new concepts that Blizzard introduced with this expansion now we're about to reveal our big Patreon revamp, but suffice to say if you go there right now you'll see a ton of new content, new podcasts. hours of content, including our new


podcast, also physical loot and a ton of other cool stuff, so head on over to that patreon to support content like this and let's go, okay, let's back up because right now we know exactly who sargeras is. and all that stuff, we even helped put the guy away, but in the



, all people had were fragments of text and old game manuals.
the burning crusade episode 3 the lore at the time complete history of wow

More Interesting Facts About,

the burning crusade episode 3 the lore at the time complete history of wow...

True history buffs might have known that Sargeras was the villain looming in the background of Knacks War of the. old series, but until the



, it didn't really exist in the game, suddenly the burning legion needed to be much more real in World of Warcraft, we discovered that the titans had proclaimed themselves the task of ordering the cosmos, but the demons, a kind of wild native force of the universe, it would just appear and destroy all their work, then we learned that the titans appointed sargeras to wage war against the sad demons. Now Sargeras quickly discovered that demons do, in fact, reappear in the twisted abyss. making his whole war feel a little pointless now, so the seat of doubt in his head was resolved by himself and he went back to imprisoning demons, but this was a temporary solution because the demons were infinite and Sargeras's doubts only grew. and they grew over


the burning crusade episode 3 the lore at the time complete history of wow
Continuing now, the older lore essentially had Sargeras fall into despair over this change in the pantheon of titans, potentially being a possibility that the Nazi regime helped corrupt him. Know that at that time all of this was extremely shrouded in mystery, very far from power. to open the Warcraft chronicle today, but despite his doubts, the sarcastic doubts manifested themselves physically splitting his metallic skin revealing this furnace of pure hatred, so he decided that if the war against the demons was useless, that order was of made it crazy like concept that basically he along with this. infinite army of demons that he would release and subjugate that would cleanse the universe and that's what was established from the burning crusade, but quite a bit more happened because well, a lot of lore was about to change, sargeras knew that destroying the cosmos his legion would need leaders the nathrezim found the world of argus the eredar and their great arcane civilization driven by the arcane so sargeras personally approached the three leaders of the eredar of course archimonde kil'jaeden and velen and as we know he promised them power beyond your wildest imaginations now this is all history we saw we played first hand in patch 7.3 but at the time this was new this was new and this was a departure from what people really thought regarding the eredar and the legion because previously there was a question about who came first sargeras or the eredar some of the early theories said that the eredar were actually natural demons and that they corrupted sargeras there was even a point where on the official Blizzard website they existed both versions of the story, one version with the eredar always being demons and then the new burning crusade story where of course the eredar were corrupted by sargeras, were actually housed simultaneously even though they were in conflict at the siege from Blizzard in the past, all good, let's go back to the story, so the four eredar velen saw sargeras. betrayal and tried to warn the other eredars archimonde and kil'jaeden, but their power struck down velen, so velen asked the cosmos for help and this is where a sentient creature of light known as a kur approached and offered a way to escape, so of course Fallon and his followers boarded Kur's dimensional ship which was called the Genodar and escaped from Argus while the other Eredar went and joined Sargeras and the Burning Legion.
the burning crusade episode 3 the lore at the time complete history of wow
Those refugees took the name of Dranai exiles in their native language and they traveled. the cosmos for thousands and thousands of years always one step ahead of his legion hunters until they ended up crashing on Draenor. Now this is where it's interesting because at one point the game's history, I think, with Ocandune suggested that thousands of years had passed. in the world of draenor and the orcs had pretty much gotten used to them always being there, but in the rise of the horde, the novel actually says that it had been over 200 years since the draenei had been there, not thousands, and that line approximate time is what Blizzard has.
Actually, as of now, an arrow on board that ship called Door was directly killed by the crash and some people even speculated at that time that the crystal that found the most grain in the black rock mountain, the one that was purified in the bearer of ashes, which was actually a fragment of a dead narrow, so this is all a big fresh new floor with these new narrow creatures now, as for kur, well, kuer was buried inside the janitor and was about to fall in its empty form, so to avoid converting, kur began to influence the religious. practices of the planet's natives, the orcs who then offered holy water and prayers to the naru, basically preventing Outland from being nullified and consumed, the kosharg orc festival was even relocated and they gave the ganondorf the name oshugun, of course they didn't. they made.
I didn't think it was a strange alien spaceship now the draenei had no way to leave this world then they built their civilization now everything was fine until their past caught up with them kil'jaeden now a demon lord of the burning legion had been chasing velen for thousands of years and was angry at Velen for abandoning them in the legion, with, of course, the draenei trapped in draenor kil'jaeden realized that this time he had enough time to play and actually ensure their destruction, from what he saw promise in the orcs and decided to use them as instruments of his revenge.
We know the story, but it was retold for the burning crusade, so we knew about the first war and everything that happened in Draenor, but in the burning crusade it changed for the draenei. You see, the draenei were previously referenced in a single sentence of the story, but now they were central to telling that story, there was a massive expansion of draenei lore on Draenor and that came along with TBC, so via gul 'dan kil'jaeden. he slowly subverted the decentralized orcs into the militaristic gul'dan horde then gathered the shaman orcs into oshugun to convince them to become warlocks and instead worship demons as if that were not enough and before deciding their fate by drinking Manoroth's blood, the orcs fought. their great war of extermination against the draenei they burned their cities, killed their civilians and brought them to the brink of extinction, then Velen took some survivors to the Zanger swamp, where they would hide for the next 20 years, so we had these draenei hiding, those draenei were different than what players previously thought the draenei were, which was a chamber and their broken companions, but we will continue with that, so with


domination of the planet, the shadow council, which are the warlocks of gul'dan, built the dark portal and with the help of Medivh, invaded Azeroth while all these things were happening.
Sargeras' essence, of course, was trapped within Medivh. That's why Medivh did all those bad things. When Anduin Lothar killed Medivh during the first war, well, the essence of Sargeras was there and that meant it. that sargeras was banished to the twisted abyss, meaning he essentially couldn't interact with our realm for a time and that left archmonde and kil'jaeden in control of the burning legion, the horde fresh off their victory at stormwind then turned to lordaeron, but this is where the alliance forces led by of course khadgar turalyon lyria, where they actually fought against a really strong defense that eventually turned into an offensive where they pushed the horde back through the portal dark back to Draenor where they came from now at the end of the Khadgar War destroyed the dark portal, but there was a problem because the gap between these worlds could never truly be broken; that bond was essentially always there now, the horde that was now in disarray fell back under the influence of ner'zhul, who had planned to basically open dark portals across Draenor.
Now this great spell essentially ripped the planet apart, spitting sections of the planet into the great darkness and turning Drowner into the broken world of Outland, which is where the burning crusade would take place. Now Khadgar knew that the destruction of all this would actually leak back to Azeroth due to the link between the worlds and cause untold damage, so in a moment of final sacrifice he decided to close the remaining portal to the siege of Draenor that had left him. trapped him and his friends. draenor while dondran or khadgar and velen simultaneously asked the cosmos for help and this is where the army of light heard the call and they sent the dimensional fortress of Tempest Keep to Outland, this is why Tempest Keep ended up in Outland for the next two.
After decades, Outland would essentially become a Burning Legion backwater dominated by Magtharidin, so you have these Legion people, you also have Lothar's sons trying to hold on there, and of course Valon and his Dranai. , now the Straits, as we know, have felt some importance with Outland and had sent their dimensional fortress of the tempest and the funny thing is that it means that the army of light was technically helping us before we, the players, knew that They existed. Now you'd be forgiven for thinking that. the legion is the main antagonist of the burning crusade, but for outland they really weren't and this is something that confused many players because while they both looked a bit demonic, illidan and the legion are not friends at all, the love triangle between illidan.
Toronto and Malfurion were more prominent in those older versions of the lore where feelings despised Illidan joined the nobles of Ashara's court just before the War of the Ancients, now the nobles were dabbling in dangerous magic and Illidan actually seemed to support the summoning of demons in azeroth. It didn't even impress his Gary that much that Sargeras gave him the gift of that great power, but of course Sargeras returned his eyes now, although the Highborne considered Ildon an ally, which will be important later, we know that he Ultimately, he was working as a double agent and of course was instrumental in ending the First Legion's invasion.
The thing is, though Ilden couldn't accept the destruction of the Well of Eternity as the price for victory, so he ended up drinking seven vials of the water from it. now when he attempted to recreate the well of eternity by pouring three of these vials into a lake on mount hyjal malfurion and night elf society in general was basically furious and imprisoned illidan deep within the mountain, later Ildon, of course, would give him a vial of eternity. lady vash with an extra vial used to create the sun fountain and those vials of eternity would of course be something people would get as part of their attunement in the fiery crusade.
Now, of course, there's one notable standout we haven't covered. However, we know that goes for lady vash, so let's talk about how ten thousand years later, when the legion launched its second invasion in the game warcraft 3, tyrande freed illidan in the hopes that he would be a key asset in the war. Malfurion was uncomfortable but willing. To give him a chance, unfortunately, Ilden was quickly tricked into absorbing the powers of Gul'dan's skull and was tricked by Arthas, this vile infused illidan had extreme power, that's where he got his great demonic metamorphosis power from now. Onwards, the legion was finally defeated at the top of high gel with archmonde dying while attempting to consume nordrassil's energy now this left kil'jaeden as the supreme commander of the legion forces now, although illidan fought against the legion, thefoul magic changed him irrevocably and he was banished from kalimdor for this into exile, he was actually recruited by kil'jaeden to kill the lich king, but illidan would need allies to do this, so he called into the depths of azeroth and summoned the naga led by lady vash, who would become the first lieutenant of the illidari, their new army now the plan was to literally shake northrend with a ritual performed in the ruins of dalaran while vash came into contact with kilthes and the blood elves who, of course, now quickly joined the illidari.
The ritual to destroy Northrend failed and instead of facing Kil'jaeden, Ilden thought his best chances were to simply run, so he used a rift across the twisted chasm that was created from Archimonde's summoning and escaped to Outland along with her new friends of course, one of which lady vash would receive a vial of eternity and that's how kel'thuz and lady vash have the two vials and those are the vials that are needed as part of your melody that finally leads you to the high gel attack in the burning crusade well now we know how illidan and the gang ended up in outland but we have to talk about blood elves because at that time they were called high elves and right before everything this actually served the alliance, so the victims of the scourge of arthasis the high elves ended up renaming themselves blood elves to honor their fallen and are now done after the events. from warcraft 3 when the scourge had been unleashed and all that as part of the alliance helping the alliance trying to defeat the entire scourge now this was a big devastating war and they were thrown into impossible odds on these alliance battlefields that They weren't happy in order to overcome these impossible odds, Kelpass ended up having to ally himself with a group of naga he met just to survive the alliance command.
He really didn't like that, so the alliance imprisoned these elves just so that lady Vash freed Kel'thuz and that's how the Kel and Vash class met and that led Illidan to promise Kel'tha a solution to his people's magic addiction. Yeah, the alliance didn't seem like the right choice anymore, so he basically switched to team illidan. Some things happen and of course they end up in Outland, so the gang is in Outland and the Hellfire Peninsula begins. The Illidari fought a campaign to close all of the Legion's portals in Outland because they wanted to expel the Legion and claim the world as their own, but the Legion still had something super. important black temple the illidari were massively outnumbered and needed a way to break the temple and this is where the gang meets akama akama was a roto and a roto is basically a type of devolved draenei and this is something that happened after great the extermination of the draenei, so the broken are a separate group, it is not the same group as vellen even though the broken were initially called draenei and this caused a lot of confusion, but the point basically is that the broken They were really angry with the legion. and the leader of that group of broken akama was more than happy to offer his services to illidan where, in exchange for ridding the black temple of the legion, he would return to the village of akama and basically understand the difference between warcraft 3 and the fiery crusade What you really need to know is that while Warcraft 3 was happening, Velen and his people were basically hiding in a mushroom and we didn't know they existed, that's essentially the quickest way to figure out the whole thing, but it caused a bit of drama at the time. due to their new lore and was seen as a bit of a ratcon now, of course the recapture of the black temple was successful, the broken infiltrated it, shut down its defenses and left the gates open for illidan, his naga and the blood . elves to break in and capture the pit lord magtheridon illidan of course refused to immediately return the black temple to akama, instead choosing to use it as his large base of operations while the leoladari team conquered the rest of outland of course , the legion would not fall like this. easy kil'jaeden saw this happening and manifested right in front of illidan in an upper black temple telling him that he could not escape and that illidan's last chance was to march into northrend and kill the lich king and that time was of the essence. because arthas was planning to take the helm of domination for himself, which would have dire consequences for Azeroth and also for the legion's plan, so ilden had to personally assault the icecrown citadel to get out of this difficult situation where he faithfully adorned arthas and lost, and here it is. a great distinction because in the burning crusade the result of this jewel's story was that illidan went


ly crazy, so the skull and really Ildon talking to the skull represents his madness and that is why the scene where illidan crushing that skull into legion was a pretty powerful representation of the new direction of history it's like he literally destroyed the old symbol of his madness.
He's fine, he fails against Arthas and is forced to return to Outland with his tail between his legs. What happened? Illidan returned to Outland after having failed, so he knew the Legion would come for him. Because of that, he decided to make the planet defensible. He ordered Lady Vash to seize the planet's scarce water reserves. That's why his naga built a fang depot in the heart of Zanger Swamp. I had to start accumulating water to control it and then Kels and her blood. elves were sent to the tempest tower to capture this great void ship and then were limited to a regiment of blood elves then known as the sun raiders who attempted to conquer the city of shatwrath, but as we know, they actually changed their side and joined the chatar.
The diabolically illidan began experimenting with magtheridin's blood creating his own legion of bloodthirsty fel orcs now akama saw all this happening, you know bad things about the army of light, all the bad experiments and although he once freely served illidan, he realized it all just went too far, he switched sides, he spoke to maya's shadow song, illidan's old jailer and that's where illidan's downfall was orchestrated, so we have team illidan having a bit of conflict and they trying to prop up the planet and while this was Continuing with Velen and the surviving draenei decided it was time to leave their great mushroom on Zangermarsh and travel to Netherstorm where, of course, they captured a wing of the storm tower called exotar from the blood elves who had captured her and managed to escape. planet only it didn't go so well because the draenei were dragged into yet another crisis because some of the blood elves were still on the exodar and had sabotaged its engines, so the engines exploded and this ship crashed into Azeroth, this It might have seemed like a big setback, but it was actually the first step in truly saving Velm and his people because well, it brought them into the alliance and takes us to the beginning of the burning crusade, so that's basically the lore you need. know to understand the setup of the birding crusade, but I want to do a quick quick analysis of some of the breeds and concepts that were introduced because they are pretty important as they were now a really big inclusion in At the time, seriously and Blizzard really tried to fit the tight everywhere, even in Ashbringer, where the developers literally told us at the time that the naru were the most powerful entities or at least some of the most powerful entities in the setting, but of course, personally.
Since then, I defeated three of them and saw illidan. I passed on another of their leaders to death, so yes, this close tradition was possibly the first steps on a kind of path, I guess that takes us to the chronicle graph and since then. It just continues with the cosmos getting bigger, more mysterious, more dangerous, and then more explained. uh, pumping the cosmic elements further than the ethereal ones, they were weird compared to most World of Warcraft factions, and I mean we'd be lost. without their transfiguration services today, but in the fiery crusade they actually played two key narrative roles: first, they told us that our universe was actually full of strange and interesting races;
Second, his origin story of the void lord dementius who ate his entire world was very mysterious. a very extreme tradition that made us question what other threats were out there and also think a little more about the void as something dangerous, then there was the grom, it was only hinted that the soils were ancestors of orcs and ogres, but their existence Well , allowed us to speculate about the creation myth of the orcs. This, of course, is all still speculation until Warlords of Draenor and then as for the orcs, we got to see the maghar in this expansion and seeing them really underpinned the transformation of the orc people. the magnetic heart serves this baseline of what orcs really are and similarly the arakoa were introduced as another race to fill out the list of natives of draenor, their lore wasn't particularly appealing, basically just a fallen civilization ruled by a tearock godking. but they had with them some very interesting story hints, some interesting rewards and of course a ton of endgame content and while there's more to cover here I think this is what you need to know for the burning crusade and a bit context of how to do it. things changed and changed because this was a strange expansion that fleshed out the story of Outland, but in a way that was considered a bit messy, the new broken draenei eredar stuff that confused many of the older fans of the rts journey and ildon were I really didn't like much of a waste of a villain, one of course that Blizzard would rectify with the legion expansion and the Illidan novel that came out around the same time, which is a novel that is specifically undoing all the madness after defeat at the hands of Arthas, a narrative that remains to be confirmed.
I actually ran into a strange situation, so there you have it today, you have really learned what you need to know to be confirmed as a raider. You'll start in Karazhan by traversing Medivh's creepy tower and then take on Illidan's gang, which we've covered a lot today before finally ditching for some Kil'jaeden, that's the story of The Burning Crusade. I hope if you're just jumping into Wow Classic for the first time, this video helps you figure things out. enjoy them a little more so I hope that happened if you want to support our team you can check out the patreon and with that being said there is the two part series that we did on the full story of this expansion and it continues for a while. hour and a half, so if you have some time to waste or just want to listen to something, I recommend you do it below, greetings and see you next time.

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