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The Bully Bulldog: Pugsley | Full Episode | It's Me or The Dog

Jun 08, 2021
the great british


is traditionally a symbol of national pride but not this one this is


he is a


he treats the family home like a public toilet and is a sex addict if there is anyone who can make this dog change his victory. Stilwell, she has been a dog trainer. for 10 years and she still hasn't failed, what the hell is she going to do with this Bulldog? He is something to England, he is not. She meets Pugsley, a three-year-old pedigree Bulldog who lives with Nick Chantal and his two sons Tyrone and Travis on the Welsh borders.
the bully bulldog pugsley full episode it s me or the dog
He was once a cute and adorable puppy, but then he was discovered as soon as they entered. I just know we have one right away. Then he won't stop trying to ride them until the moment they leave. He will continue to ride people. to the mountain people and the mountain people and he won't stop he won't stop he won't stop despite his bad behavior his dad still loves to spoil him, he ruins him, he eats him, he bites him all the time and he spoils him, you too you have a discipline that and I think you're too soft on him and despite the arguments Nick can't help it, it's just those puppy dog ​​eyes.
the bully bulldog pugsley full episode it s me or the dog

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the bully bulldog pugsley full episode it s me or the dog...

I guess the biggest complaint in town, his weak plugs, these bathroom habits make my blood boil, he really does it every night. Iggy and poop everywhere I face it, this caused a lot of arguments between us, I mean I've been in tears for 12 years, what are you upset, it bothers me that way, but I feel like you don't take it as seriously as I do. I'm sorry once or twice each though, Pete, when we were in bed, but when you're not there, you sneak upstairs and pee all over the bed, you just lay in bed and that's not the only way who gets scared when 13-year-old Tyrone really gets scared. from my own dog, which sounds pretty funny, but gets a little cruel to me.
the bully bulldog pugsley full episode it s me or the dog
I don't want my children to feel like they have to be afraid of him. We are friends. Get rid of it. I don't know. I don't know. I don't want to get rid of something I know I love. Victoria Stilwell has been training disobedient dogs for over 10 years, but does she have what it takes to cure this sex-obsessed stray? Male dogs should be taught to control their impulses. humans are simply not available and ultimately the answer may be castration, for starters, Victoria will simply observe Huxley's behavioral training tomorrow. Pugsley, you're pretty magnificent for yourself. I think I'll fall in love with you, that in love a few minutes later.
the bully bulldog pugsley full episode it s me or the dog
Pugsley will find it. A few more victims, but it's not just Travis and Tyrone's friends who are harassed by Pugsley. He has a serious crush on neighbor Craig, so you come here a lot until he started fucking me every time I come. Suddenly, Pugsley is tempted by some fresh meat, the sound requesting to pump is not just a sexual behavior, it is also a way for dogs to exert their dominance, he is a persistent dog, it is something for England, isn't it? So? Even worse, thirteen-year-old Tyrone is being bullied and bitten relentlessly. I get this regularly and then it bites me, but it seems like it's just a big game, it's just poison for no reason, okay, you know, this is an absolute game, but it's a hard game, it doesn't know how much, because yes, of course .
What can a trip be? He doesn't do that to you. No he does not. He has never played. Travis is scared so many times. He has bitten me. When he bites it, I feel like he bites it quite hard without warning. Pugsley, the rough play is getting out of control, so just do that now, yeah, what were you doing? Right on point a little, my nose, the naughty boy Pugsley, "is really in the doghouse, now he's never done that before and I'm just at what a point of biting for no reason I don't know why he's doing that I can't believe what I just saw it's absolutely outrageous no wonder Tyrone is afraid of Pugsley we need to change the way Pugsley sees Tyrone and the way Tyrone Victoria's thinking needs to evaluate Pugsley's exercise regimen Pugsley, not the lack of one.
What we normally do is not mention the word "okay" and then show the delivery time, come on, mistakes, this is a bit of a game of cat and mouse or something else, so what? I have to do is put it in the main dance and then from this point it's a drag, push this way, come on, pugs, buxley, come on, bugs, here we go, come on, you don't really want to get dizzy on Tom hugs you have. go for a walk come on nobody go for a walk Tim that's the routine the routine mm-hmm what should be something so pleasant do you think it's really unpleasant a bigger problem for the family is the Pugliese offensive bathroom routine I've seen something of pee in there, that's where he pees, I mean everything that poops in here too, you know, and I get really angry about it, no, it makes us argue like that's not bad enough.
Pugsley also urinates on children's beds. leaving his scent as a sign of his dominance while their backs were turned ugly has relapsed into the kitchen Pugsley what is that what is it hey dog ​​bad dog but it's not just Pugsley who is behaving badly daddy really isn't helping the situation dragging a dog where he is he got into before but having the nose close is really very bad and the reason is that dogs have very, very short associations between a behavior and a reward and the behavior in a correction, okay, yes, it seems guilty because if You come close to me and when you're a bad girl.
I would go, that's why he looks guilty and affectionate. Dad also for the high jump for allowing Pugsley to eat whenever he wants. He had never seen so much food like this in a bowl before. I mean, is he there if he wants? Eat it, you know, so if you didn't have regular meal times and just ate throughout the day, would you be able to tell when you were going to go to the bathroom? This is when he decides to go to the bathroom, isn't it? It really is that. No, Nick also lavishes it with greasy treats.
I like to give Punky some scrambled eggs as a slightly varied diet with lots of eggs. You put them there, twelve, you are giving him 12 eggs. 12 actually seems to enjoy it, but it's not alone. eggs her mounds of butter milk noodles and a mountain of cheese this amazing city this is you are very naughty when it comes to health there is a lot of fat and it doesn't end there there is still dessert I like to give her a good pop she is a right triangle banana yogurt oh , you spoil him oh my goodness, later that day I emerge victorious it's the Pugsley Zoners down to read them the riot card you have to stop spoiling him spoiled dogs are not nice to be around sporty children I'm not nice to be around and this dog is a spoiled brat who gets his way, so you're the soft one and you're the hard one, not many of our arguments are without them and it's because we can't, we can't be in the same. level with him, then this is not helping him, is it because you can't praise him once and then scold him another time?
That's very confusing, I can't do it, so we have to be on the same level as Optima. He has to be, if not you might as well give him two, yeah, yeah, because he'll never get better until you're at the same level. Pugsy worries me about her behavior with Tyrone because she is afraid of him and you know he is a reason to be. You as the owners of the dog should keep an eye on him every time Tyrone is with him, yes we are fine, he should be clear about what he can do and what he can't do and that's it, but there is still one more thing. to board, do you really hold on to home?
Yeah, look, that really makes me feel a little hurt because his claws are hurting my leg right now. I mean, that's very harsh. Will we have to castrate? I don't know if you talked about cutting off my dog's balls. You're talking about cutting my balls because that's how it feels and I'm not going to let you cut my balls. It's not your balls that are being cut. Your dog's? If you think about how it is. having all this testosterone coursing through your body and not being able to do what you're actually programmed to do, but I'm losing your Ted's on this, it's not something to think that the worst thing is the risk of an operation or there's the risk of your dog being euthanized anyway because he hurts a child by keeping him ridden, one day he's going to knock a child over and that's when he gets serious, yes we could say no he's not an aggressive dog but they're not going to think that. victorious is how fast we know, you just got it with a castration, no, no, no, but I'm going to fall every day.
You're warming up to the neutering part and you might not even have to get to that. I know it but nope. I know, but I'm adamant about geldings, yes, but we just saw how it goes, didn't we? The next day it's time for a complete life change for Pugsley and for Nik, the spoiling has to stop and from now on Pugsley. He will be on a time controlled feeding regimen, you will no longer feed him for free, this timer will tell you when you have to take out the food, if he doesn't eat the food after 30 minutes, you pick up the food and throw it in the trash and he doesn't feed until the evening, there you go Pugsley, this means we are going to schedule when he eats so we can have a clearer idea of ​​when he will need to relieve himself.
From now on he will be taken out regularly to the bathroom and his access to water will also be controlled so that he has water with his food, but after six he can have some ice cubes during the night, we don't want to feel it. the need to urinate, so if you give him five or six ice cubes overnight, that's enough water for him to become liquid, but slowly, with Nik so opposed to castration, the pressures for Victoria to find a technique to curb their humps and who better. to try the training that Craig Pugsley, he is the number one crush.
One of the best corrections you can give your dog is a vocal correction and the vocal correction I always use is this one because it's short and sharp and it distracts the dog from what he's doing, if he goes up to fuck someone, then it is your responsibility to take steps to get it out of that person. When you do that and he gets excited, you should always praise him for the action of coming out, so he remembers that you are really going to do it clearly. He delineates what he is doing wrong and what he is doing right.
I want it as soon as he gets up again. You're there, so let's make this whole thing unpleasant for him. It's time to throw the bait. That's all, good boy. I want your body to jump out of the chair I want you to take real action, tell him and praise him, good boy, remember the time, you have a second to correct, you have a second to praise a lovely dance after 10 minutes of training. It seems Pugsley is getting the message, he doesn't jump, so that's good, so Craig, you become charming, cool, sleep tight, move on, walk away with him, you can see where he started.
Pugliese's passion has been quelled for now, but how long before he resurfaces? Maybe a cold. the shower will be the answer Nik and Chantal are desperate to stop their Randy Bulldog Pugsley from mounting all his friends, but Nick isn't prepared to neuter him if you're talking about cutting off my dog's balls, here I took a big hit on my Porsche, so Victoria has to keep Pugsley under control without giving him the cut, wait, but he is still


of testosterone and takes out his aggression on 13 year old Tyrone with pinches, slaps and bites, it's time to put an end to it, it really is interesting Do not do it.
Don't bother anyone else, except you know we have to figure out a way to give you more confidence so you can play with him without him going totally crazy, so I just want you to be calmer when you're with him because he can read. your body as if you wouldn't believe it you should no longer show fear because there is nothing to fear from it. I've told him that pugs, he could sense that you're afraid of him instead of going around like that trying to catch him. down or going like this, what I want you to do is I want you to cross your arms, turn your back on him and let your mom and Nick do the work, you'll never be able to run away from him, so if we go down and see what it's like.
It's going well, yeah, things don't start well, yeah, that's exactly it and that's exactly what you shouldn't do if you just walk very calmly, he's less likely to get angry and jump up and try to bite you. Ah, Nick steps in to make an effort. a bit of parental control now remember, turn your back on him and that's it, by crossing your arms you are protected that way you are not going to prompt him to play with you all the time you have to be calm and relaxed about these things You can't bother him too much, you can't playing with him too much, you have to take a step back, yes, once Tyrone keeps calm with Pugsley, the change in his behavior is dramatic, he is totally worried, now he completely ignores me.
When I'm like this, if I walk faster than I affect this attention and he walks away from me, right? Yes, it helps, it's a good result, but Victoria believes that part of the reason Pugsley is playing hard is due to his lack of exercise, she is determined to get him out for a walk. I think one of the reasons he doesn't want to walk is because this has been used before. These choke chains can hurt a lot and make what should be pleasurable very unpleasant, so I think. We should literally throw this in the trash, put a normal collar on him and take him out and see what happens, but getting him out the door isn't that easy, we're just going to wait with a combination of encouragement, praise andpatience.
We should get out the door and we should get it off the green. He's already over the first hurdle but he's not going any further, so Victoria asks Nick to take him to the green. He's still really nervous, yeah, so I just want to hang out. Victoria introduces games to help Pugsley associate being outdoors with fun, but 20 Minutes later, Pugsley's nerves have calmed enough for him to walk with the lead and he heads away from home, but later that day , despite previous success, Pugsley "is fucking" reappears and Victoria's initial technique seems to be falling on deaf ears, it has its Fixation on healthy abortion should be short and quick and have a quick effect.
Don't keep doing it if it doesn't work. Go to something else. Can you get those two pot lids up there, please, when he does that to me, hit them real hard? With such a horrendous noise ringing in his ears, Pugsley was soon distracted from his humping, don't look at him, it's important not to look your dog in the eyes when using such a dramatic sound aversion because you don't want your dog to associate fear with the noise with fear of his owner if he doesn't help me then tell him good boy that night with Pugsley on his new schedule there is not a cocked leg in sight but Victoria is still worried that he is not getting enough exercise the more you exercise him the less he goes to hump, so she came up with an inventive solution and, more importantly, for Nick, this is the right way to spoil your dog.
She's taking Pugsley and the family to some farm dog training at the local hydrotherapy pool. The reason a hydrotherapy pool is great for Pugsley is that it's a way to get exercise and it's fun. He is equipped with a series of opportunities that make the dog swim very far against the fluff. Hydrotherapy. Allow your dog to exercise in a controlled environmental sense but with a 12-pound session. Alternatively, you can try taking your dog to the dog-friendly venue now that Pugsley has had some exercise. Will she help him control her desire to ride Tyrone and Travis' friends?
The training seems to be working although he still jumps. Pugsley responds positively to the sound. good boy version the exercise she gave him seems to have cooled his passion that was very good because he approached the children and instead of screwing them and jumping on them he walked away what a difference there is relief for now it seems that Pugsley will I can keep his plums and two weeks later things have improved. Pugsley is now happy to go for walks regularly. Tyrone's relationship with Pugsley has completely transformed me once, so yeah, I'm not scaring anyone and Pugsley's new routine means he's stopped using the house. as his staff seems to be doing well and that's brilliant, he started seeing things right away, he didn't like them, yeah the instant Victoria comes back to check on them, there's just one little thing Pugsley is fucking, maybe not It may be a level of danger, but it is not completely. gone, you still have a problem, yes, what would be the ideal scenario for you now?
Well, honestly, they would put me in jail. I don't care if it's still later. You know, be really persuaded. Maybe castration would decrease that fucking behavior. I think we would. I love to seriously consider it. I have seen a huge improvement in Pugsley. He is a much better behaved dog. He fucks less, but it's still a problem. I can't make Nick do anything, but if Pugsley were my dog, he would opt for neutering, so now. the balls in your court nick

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