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The Build a boat Incident EXPLAINED

Jul 02, 2024
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ing a ship for the Treasure private server. Once this quick YouTube summary of


ing a ship for Treasure came out. I went out to make videos about this and overall it's just a creepypasta inside Roblox. I built a ship for Treasure. I made two videos to explain exactly what this was talking about and what it all meant. The black figure. The


itself. The name of the private server. all I went into in detail and in general all you really need to know is that someone created a private server called help me, which you can see I did it myself in one of my videos and when they actually joined it with their friend , his friend. was not there when you joined and then you saw a tall black figure in the distance in the trees that you guys saw earlier within the clip, people have been uploading their sightings of the black figure in the


building to search for treasures that they can De In fact, I see right there, people have been seeing this within their game.
the build a boat incident explained
There have been a lot of shorts going over this and a lot of them have been showing different sightings in different places, so the last question is if this is a real thing. This is actually something in build a ship for Treasure, if you saw my first part of this series I would inform you that it can be built randomly last month on the 23rd. Now around this time, right after the game was updated, a group of people started seeing sightings around the map and the story came out that they had the private server call help me with all that and well there have been a lot of sightings since then but it's real you guys are probably wondering if this is really real when building a ship for Treasure.
the build a boat incident explained

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the build a boat incident explained...

There's no way this is real and well, my conclusion I'm coming to is that it's most likely not real at all, it's just a made up story within the game, but I have some pretty interesting information to go over with you. It's a little scary and it's possible that this is actually in the game, so it's possible, it definitely is with some of the images that I want to show you, so stay tuned, okay guys, this is my last time. I'm officially renewing my call to the private server to help me, which apparently you guys have been seeing sightings within my videos and stuff, so I'm joining this one last time to completely debunk this and just show you that this is the most important thing .
the build a boat incident explained
It's probably not real, so I'm in here right now. I'm inside the pro server, help me on a private server and I'm just showing you guys right now that there's really nothing in the spawn area. Let me change it to night. time because when some people saw this at night, so I'm basically going to discredit you guys that this is basically not real, okay, look at this, I'm looking everywhere. I'm going to come back here behind the spawn. In fact, I'll also go up inside the trees because that's where a lot of players have been seeing it, especially on this side of the plot, so I'll go up like this and zoom in.
the build a boat incident explained
I don't see anything on this side. I'm looking around between the trees. Maybe it's rare to find this. Honestly, I don't know, but so far I haven't found it yet, I mean. I'm looking this way, I still don't see anything and there has also been no official announcement from the owner about building a ship for Treasure, as if nothing has been said within the game practically since the beginning of the RB battles, so unless an analysis is done, it really was done. I put out that hidden update as it was, you know, I showed you before that it could have come out, maybe it was to fix bugs or maybe Trotrow added something, but don't worry.
Thrill is known for adding cool secrets like this into building a treasure ship. in fact he added Bigfoot to the game which I covered in my last video debunking the black figure so you guys know that Bigfoot was added to build a ship for Treasure and there were multiple encounters with this, if you got close to him your screen would blur and you would see the figure within the distance of the trees and the team plots are something like now inside the game with the tall black figure, but we know 100% that Bigfoot was real not only because it has clear video images, but also left codes in-game with the footprint that you can redeem for free in-game items.
Now we haven't seen anything like this for the figure seen inside a previous build for Treasure. so it's hard to know if it's officially 100 real, but we do know that Bigfoot was real and was inside the game and it was very rare to find this, so looking at the original footage that came out you can see that this is what some of the sightings were. They look good, so this one here has a circle. I mean, this one isn't that tall or it's actually taken very far away, so it might be taller up close, but this one looks a little different.
Another one I want to show you, you can see this one is also from the original video, which has a black figure, but the screen is very blurry, like it blurs with Bigfoot and it builds up when you find it, which is nice. From the connection I'm drawing here, maybe Bigfoot has returned in a different form, but you can see we can't really see exactly what's going on here, all we can see is some sort of shadowy figure because this screen is too blurry. , this is honestly. probably the best screenshot and quality we're going to get where you can actually see this figure, it's almost as tall as the tree and this is from the original also short.
I went ahead and went around it and I mean this. I mean, it looks like a build build, but it could also be an image at the same time just thrown over the top or, as I mentioned before, I could be completely wrong and this could actually be something that can be built, but most likely be very unlikely. for this to happen unless like I said the troll release has revamped Bigfoot and added a different guy within the game but there have been no codes or anything like a 100 drawing that is authentic apart from all the stories scary in the game. apparently you can only see the black gear if you're looking through a camera so I have both types of cameras here, I have the 360 ​​degree camera like this and then I also have the normal camera here so I'm looking around the map at this time.
I see nothing. Maybe I can connect the camera to my avatar. I don't know if this is real or not. Neither of them like this. I definitely mean, how could they just see it? through a camera, that would be a little weird, but hey, let's try it here, so let's play some cakes, connect a camera to our Avatar so it's like we're looking at it through the camera and oh god, it's the pivot. That's so high, so I'm looking around inside my chamber right now, maybe I'll also place some candy so we can get to the top of the trees here and so far, so good I think, unless I'm missing something, Let me know down in the comments if you see anything inside this camera shot here, but so far I want to say it doesn't really look like much, it just looks like normal build mode.
I'm actually a little scared right now maybe there's something inside this hole right here uh where did that hole go? Oh God, the sensitivity is so high, wait, wasn't there a hole right here? Let me get off camera real quick. I could have sworn there was a hole right there oh wait what was it, it disappeared they fixed it why I could have sworn there was a hole there inside the game but you guys could see inside the chamber right here. I don't see anything outside the game. normal everything still looks normal inside the game so I honestly don't know so guys I wouldn't worry if you join a private server called help me.
I mean, if you play building a ship, obviously, chances are nothing is going to happen. It should be completely fine, it seems like this is pretty much an in-game horror story which is honestly really interesting and, I mean, it's cool that there are so many people making videos about this. and things like I wasn't expecting this at all and it's definitely like a scary Creepypasta within the game, so who knows, maybe there will be more of these in the future, but I still don't think they're real, although I definitely could. Be real, I personally don't think it is, but there's still a pretty crazy story behind it and all.

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