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The Bruins Are In BIG TROUBLE... - Brutal Injury Update | Boston Bruins News

May 12, 2024
the Boston Bruins fall in the third game against the Florida Panthers once again for the second game in a row, once again they were brw Leo cha and we're going to touch on this game here, what went wrong, you know, the whole game in general. as well as a



on Brad Marshan's


and then what's next, you know the Bruins are in a tough spot, down 2-1 and two


losses, so let's talk about what this team needs to do, but Before we get into all this


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, you're in the right place, be sure to hit the secondary button and join me as we cover this team through the rest of these playoffs, as well as a very busy where we will see a lot of changes, but like I said, let's get right to our first topic here, that The Bruins are in


, you know, I hate to say it. I've said it before, but the Bruins are in a pretty tough spot here after losing game three to the Florida Panthers in much the same fashion as game two, but I.
the bruins are in big trouble   brutal injury update boston bruins news

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the bruins are in big trouble brutal injury update boston bruins news...

First of all, we'll put the box score here as you can see there's not a lot of action in this game, some pretty good games from some players I'm not going to go too deep into this because we know what happened, we know which one. what was the full story of this game and are we going to see some changes in the fourth game, um, most likely, so I just wanted to get this out there, show you Jeremy Swan, another tough game, but again, not too much about it, just Brad Maran. 10 minutes on the ice after he left the game due to


on what was a sucker punch by Sam Bennett and the rest of the lineup, you know Andrew Peak is back in the lineup and you can't really complain about that. . but you know ideally you'd like to get playoff artist Jake de brus win one by one us in one and one one goal one assist here in this game, but other than that, there's not too much action on that front, but raise the card of statistics. actually, you know you'd want to put this out just to show the performance of the game statistically.
the bruins are in big trouble   brutal injury update boston bruins news
I guess it doesn't always show how they performed on the eye test, but in statistics and analytics, this is the best way. to lift him up Mason lowai Jake de bruss David P Charlie makoy highlighted this is a very good game Charlie makoy here after what we had seen in his performances in these playoffs, this was one of his best, but Derek by Brandon Carlo Uh, the lights lows on this list, Derek couldn't make his third playoff game or in his third playoff game, third game after returning from injury and it wasn't the best once again on his part, but either way we moved on , we have to go. in the next game, uh new, a new idea, some new ideas, new thoughts, some new plans, I guess you could say and if that means Derek moving forward in a lineup, bring in Parker while there's a boom in the game, I really don't know, you know, the Bruins got a There's a lot to think about here in this game and going into game four and whatever they choose to do, they really have nothing to lose right now.
the bruins are in big trouble   brutal injury update boston bruins news
They're not supposed to be here. They're not supposed to win this series, so they have to go. On this we will continue as The Underdogs, but let's move on to our second topic here, which is the brutal Brad Maran injury


, as I'm sure you know, and that b s call that was, I should say that there is no supplemental discipline for Sam Bennett here. in this game, but this is a tweeter I found from someone named Bradley and this is exactly the way I think a lot of people saw this play. It's really crazy how Bennett throws that punch but it ends up on Maran's head.
Here I can. I don't think TNT didn't realize this. I know I would have been the starter at Central if the roles had been reversed and this is absolutely correct. You know whether or not you think this is an A A Sucker Punch, if you think it's just a hit. followed to the head or not, you know, I'm not going to go too deep into that. I think it's a bit of both. I think it's a bit of an unfortunate situation, but that hand definitely got into Maran's head, whether it was or not. It was intentional and I'm not going to touch on it too much like I said, but if it was Maran throwing that punch at Sam Bennett, the media would have gone crazy.
It really shows the bias of how many media corporations, how many you know PSN. Whoever ESPN Sports Net is, whatever you watch, considers Brad m to be a dirty player and you know he has that history, but that's gone. He is no longer the Brad Maran we see after the World Cup in 2016. Brad Maran has truly come into his own. game and we know that because he is the captain of this team now he is a very good leader and that is correct, although if the rules were reversed, Brad Marshan would be, you know, on the gridiron, almost everyone would completely destroy him. and he's even currently about to take that hit, so I just completed another nonsense and I'm kind of in the mindset that this is the reason there was no supplemental discipline on this play because of the Bennett hit, um, and this is what David PD said at some point, uh, something.
The referee could have and Slash faced all this justice, love and playoffs, it seems, but you know, from Derrick Ryan's dick hit or Sam Bennett's punch, you know either way something could have come of it , a fine, I don't know if it's a suspension. worthy, I think there definitely should have been a fine, but you know we didn't see anything and I'm thinking a lot of that is because it's Brad Marshon that's getting this, but if we lose Brad Marshon, who is considered Now, day by day day, after this hit, this will be a tough loss for the Bruins.
Brad Maron has been one of the best players, whether or not he's with the puck on a stick, whether he's on the ice, but his role is integral. on this team, being that guy that no one wants to be on the ice, versus being the guy that's always trying to get under your skin, taking a penalty here, you know, taking a penalty there, and he's really the one. leader of this team. The team needs right now and everyone right now should try to model their game after him at this point in the series because Brad Maran is the type of guy that, like I said, you don't want to play against him, he's really going to try. .
Get under your skin, he's going to make you take a penalty and from what we've seen with the Bruins right now, I think that's what this team is going to have to try, try and you know, take some penalties. on the power play, but either way we have to do something here and it's going to be a tough loss if he's in favor of um for the fourth game, but let's move on to our final topic of the day and a little bit of a broad section. So what's next? What will happen in the fourth game?
What should the Bruins do? And like I said, I really don't know right now and I don't think J Montgomery or this Boston Bruins team does right now. We've seen that I don't have it as a tweet here, but Lenus Alar was the first one off the ice here today in practice, potentially leading to him starting a fourth game, but one thing I know we can do now is limit. The Florida Panthers penalty kill four power play goals in the last game really shows the power, the strength that team has, how good they are on the even strength power play and it really shows how this team can take control of a game if you lose it and that has been very evident in games two and three.
Another thing is you know we need to take more shots in the first period. We need to do what we did in game seven against the teammate. Leave four more pucks in the net in any scenario. you can't go out in the second period with three shots on net in the first they were being outshot I think it was 12 to 3 or 15 to 3 here in the first period of the last game that can't happen you need more shots in that . but that's just the top of the line, you know there's a lot of things that are going deeper and deeper that you're going to need to work on, but I have this screenshot here from a sports article that says some of the changes.
For the fourth game now I'm not going to read all of this, but if you want to pause and read it absolutely, do so, but I will read the first paragraph here, say it's too early to be able to do that. talk about changes Montgomery said we have to do our due diligence and look at the game again, see who is executing and who is playing with the effort that the media has asked about, kind of blink if you miss a change of momentum in the third period that the Bruins expect take it to game four and that's really what they're going to need to start, you know, the same way we did in game six, going into game seven of the last series, take this game , this third period of game three, begins the same way.
When game 4 had some N shots, turn the momentum in your favor and try to hopefully go out and get a win, at least split the series in Boston, come back as a z00 series to Florida, you know that's really what only thing the Bruins can do. At this point, other than making some deeper changes here and there, but right now we have no indication of what that might be, Jim Montgomery hasn't said it yet, but I'm pretty sure we'll see some changes here in game four. , whether it be lenus alar that it appears to be or whether some other list moves.
I honestly have no idea at this point, but let me know what you think in the comments below because we're going to have a very interesting rest of this series from another point of view and I could probably air it tomorrow on Mother's Day in Newton on North America, so potentially, but I'm not too sure, but other than that, let me know what you think about this whole um, this whole thing. I guess you could say from the Bruins' point of view here. loss on Brad Marshan and what you think they need to change for game four.
I'm going to talk about that again here in another video soon, so like I said, let me know what you think, but that's all I have here if you didn't. Don't enjoy it, make sure to like the video and press the secondary button. If you enjoyed it, let me know you're enjoying this, the news and the content, but I said that's all I have here. I'm signing out, thank you. you for watching I hope you have a great day see you later

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