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The Bride That Wasn't - CBS Radio Mystery Theater

Jun 06, 2021
Florence, Florence, listen to me, Florence, you will kill yourself, light a match and the gasoline fumes, the Florencia vapors will explode, you are right, she likes those things, she will never make it out alive, Florence, will you listen to me? please listen? oh God, she has done it, a house this old, he will go to ruin like a haystack. a dry haystack everything is going to die first alive oh we don't have to try we have to see when we will never get to the hospital there has to be something we can do it has to be what they are the neighbors neighbors will see the house burning call the fire department oh what we What remains is to rescue us, get us out of here, Amy, honey, they don't know we're down here, wait a minute, there's a chance, just a chance, Joe, tell us no, no, I told you so.
the bride that wasn t   cbs radio mystery theater
Florence took the cables out of the box on the wall. We have to see. Can we connect it again? You think you can? Or Jack? Thank goodness you set up your office down here with a phone if we can reconnect. those cables let's open this wall box do you have any tools down here top door on my desk one of those little kits here what do you want back here oh no what what three cables red blue and green three poles to connect them so connect them backwards which cable which, oh, go try something, what do you think I'm doing, I see red on this pole, stick this one to this one, bring them here, okay, looking for a dialogue, no, nothing, try again, don't move it, put the red here , green in this one. pool okay, anything, jack, that's it, that's it, I have a dial tone.
the bride that wasn t   cbs radio mystery theater

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the bride that wasn t cbs radio mystery theater...

I will use it. look for the operator, this is your operator. Can I help the operator? I'm calling from a burning house 37 Hilliard Street, the fire department just arrived, but they don't. I know we're in the basement We're in the basement Amy I've got Joe in the ambulance unit over there They're really patching up his leg, isn't that wonderful? I think I have the most wonderful brother in the world. Well, I think he has the most wonderful sister in the world. Sorry, sorry for Florence. The Lord knows I do too, but it's better this way. Mom, mom, are you okay?
the bride that wasn t   cbs radio mystery theater
Even the rose garden disappeared. The heat killed everything. Maybe that's better. Also mom, oh how could it be, oh, I'll see to it that you have another house, another rose garden without the memories that accompanied this one, memories that we will all do our best to forget, so what started out as a


created by florence morton ended as a tragedy for florence morton and perhaps for the better as jack said he is now at peace and if in death he has not found a better world as we hope he has, at least he is out of this one that brought him so much. unhappiness I will be back shortly Jack and Amy Morton are happily married now Amy no longer teaches at least not at school because she has two children who keep her more than busy the boy is called Joe the girl Florence as for mother Morton has another garden but not roses vegetables well everything costs a lot these days our cast included janet waldo and seymour laureen tuttle bill quinn and bernard barrel the entire production was under the direction of hyman brown this is, for example, marshall inviting you back to our



for another adventure in the macabre until next time pleasant dreams so you can
the bride that wasn t   cbs radio mystery theater

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