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The Breakdancing Dad Situation

Mar 02, 2024
brother? So there's really no excuse for anyone not to be


. All your daughter wanted you to do was step up and be a good father, but all you did was step up. streets, if I ever saw a video of my dad break dancing in a Bitcoin t-shirt, I would never recover. I would need the help of all the therapists in the world. I think, how can you still live a normal life after seeing that guy too? like I would never abandon you for break dancing now look at this. Then she ends the video of her reading some funny comments she saw on his daughter's Tik Tok.
the breakdancing dad situation
My mom abandoned me when I was a child to join a renaissance fair across the country. Oh, she waits, no, it doesn't matter. Sorry, he actually ends it with a separate clip of him break dancing and as several people have pointed out, he's already taking to Twitter to defend himself by saying you're not a lazy dad while encouraging your Twitter to get your Twitter FNS, oh my god but go on.Twitter to say you're not a useless father to convince your crypto twitter brothers to go and kill your daughter, that's probably the most useless thing a father could do.
the breakdancing dad situation

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the breakdancing dad situation...

I'm not a useless father. My daughter lies to get attention. Absolutely wild series of events dude and I'm not going to sit here and say I know the inner workings and details of a family I don't know personally, but I had to talk about this because I think a father abandoning his family to break dance . It's objectively funny, I think there is a positive side to this, although some dads leave and you never understand the real reason why they left, but in this case at least there is closure, at least there is purpose, at least you know why what your dad's gone and it's break dancing you never have to stay up at night wondering why your dad's gone you just have to stay up at night wondering where your dad got that shirt where he bought it I think the only way to solve This whole ordeal is with a dance If the daughter wins, Benny Hana has to burn that shirt and if the father wins, he just has to burn that shirt and it doesn't matter what the result is, that has to go well, a few more things happened.
the breakdancing dad situation
I thought that was the end of break dancing. dad Saga but I guess that's not the case in the first place Benny Hana quote tweeted Elon's response before wow Elon just commented on my post I love you Elon thank you for saving free speech and civilization I don't think he did any of those things thank you for saving freedom of speech I love freedom of speech, except when my daughter does it. Benny Hana posted another video on his Twitter. It's a half-hour response to his daughter's response to his response to his original video and he goes on to say that it's impossible for him. a bad dad because he has a bunch of home videos of him hanging out with his daughter, okay, so let's make the tape to see what childhood was really like for my kids.
the breakdancing dad situation
He then goes on to post a bunch of childhood home videos, a strategy as bold as cotton. Let's see if it's worth it in this video he denounces the people who are harassing his daughter he tells her to stop which is good I don't want anyone to attack or intimidate Maddie and then he says that he suggested flying out of Los Angeles to visit his daughter so they could collaborate. I also suggested to him that after my response video he could fly to Los Angeles and then we could do a collaboration video sitting down together and discussing these topics.
People would love what I said, but like my man. How can you not see that suggesting a collaboration before simply suggesting a regular private conversation with your daughter to discuss the problems you two are clearly having within your relationship? How can they not see that that is a warning sign in itself and quite revealing? your character, I really want to fix this relationship, but only if Elon has to fix the rest of the video, it appears as a bunch of receipts and scrolls to show all the text messages between them and stuff, and claims that he's been helping her financially . even like until recently during the writers strike that had just taken place so I agreed to pay him $250 a week while the writers strike was still going on and you know what he almost had me for a second he almost had me on his side for one by one but then out of nowhere he started going on a weird rant about how men shouldn't get married and when you think about it it really doesn't make financial sense for men to get married anymore and then he says that his daughters got washed the brain is their mother and that is why they feel that way towards him.
There can be no other reason why girls cannot form opinions and thoughts about their own women are evil. Yes. Maddie was brainwashed by her mother for 19 years. That is true in a divorce


, the mother is the one who really ends up raising the children, so it is the father's job to provide the money, while the mother, the ex-wife, is with the children almost all the time, abandoning the father. and if you think that was bad, just wait, but now there's another element: kids are also being brainwashed into leftist madness by schools, from kindergarten to college to college. postgraduate.
Girls in school are taught to hate men to see themselves as victims of the so-called patriarchy and they are taught that there are many genders and why not consider changing your gender. Schools should teach reading, writing, math, science, and marketable skills. They are absolutely how Twitter has to be to genuinely think. that children like gender homework, what are you talking about? Oh yeah, I woke up from math later. I forgot to do my estrogen homework. Are you talking about friend? This guy is so lost to be ironically from a young age. Girls are forced to I believe in the so-called patriarchy and literally just before I said I was complaining that in divorces it's usually the mothers who get full custody and the fathers are the ones who are left just paying for the stuff and it's like, dude, why do you think it works that way?
Dude, why do you think it's been like this forever? drum roll please the patriarchy you idiot it's true like I'm so close to getting it dude this is it that Eric Andre meme then in his video responding to his daughter about him being a bug queer. he continues to complain about gender ideology and how the woke virus is infecting the school system. Almost nothing of value is taught in schools. It's all political indoctrination into woke ideology. Yeah, you're not weird at all, but it gets even worse. Don't send your children to college or even school as schools are pure poison.
Educate your children at home. Instead of spending $350,000, sending your kids to Harvard or some Elite College, just have your kids learn a marketable skill for free or almost free online. That's dog advice, they don't teach you anything of value in school, so just homeschool your kids where you can teach them to break dance all day, that's so bad, don't homeschool your kids. , okay, stop it. you know what happens when you homeschool someone, that shirt, that shirt happens if you show up at a public school with a button up Bitcoin shirt, dude, you're getting bullied a lot and that shirt will be in the trash at lunchtime, so I think the public school system is good for at least one thing and after posting this video, Candice Owens' quote tweeted it and said, "I honestly hope the relationship changes, but having this happen publicly will encourage a discussion much-needed social debate on the male treatment of divorce and will wake up the lefties in society.
Her daughter was brainwashed against her father, he privately asked her to delete the video and she refused despite using her real name and thus causing him harm in the real world with her lies was reason enough to for him to respond publicly and then his good friend Elon responded. to this video too and said that most people don't realize how much the woke virus is poisoning their children's minds. It is better to remove them from school than to allow Soviet-level indoctrination to take place. Dude reading this makes my head spin and not the way to dance brilliant dude God everyone is an idiot and Benny Hana quote tweeted it and said thank you Elon I love you then again thank you most of all for saving freedom of expression in the defense of civilization, friend, I said, I love you, friend, I bet you never.
He forgets about Elon's birthday but as crazy as that video was I have to give him some points because he didn't finish this video it's just a random clip of him break dancing just kidding so in conclusion I hope In my opinion, everything he said. his videos that could have been used to prove he was a good person went out the door after he went on that weird stupid transphobic misogynistic rant for no reason so Benny Hana how about you quit break dancing and take a break of the dance? Elon's cock in the balls and the ass hole out of your mouth and then maybe you can communicate better and that's all I have to say so I don't know how to end the video now that's all I just want to do nonsense with a bit of a silly style in this because I thought it was very funny, don't send hate or strange comments to the daughter or the father, I just don't want that to happen so don't do that please, that's not not cool, that's it.
It's not very B boy to do that, okay, thanks for watching, if you enjoyed this silly little video, hit the like button, uh, because believe it or not, a like equals a spin I'll do in my head, oh yes, leave a comment. Let me know if I want more short and silly videos like this because, this was Goofy, it was fun, hit the subscribe button if you haven't already, do it and as soon as you hit the subscribe button, you will become a valued citizen of the city from Curtis yes I didn't know that Curtis Town is the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor of Curtis Town so you have to be nice to me, it's the law.
You can check the description of the new merchandising. Go check it out on my podcast too. down there my Instagram all that fun stuff okay that's it I would stay but unfortunately I have to go I have to go buy some ethereum pants hey B what I prefer to talk about is Bitcoin and why Bitcoin It's really the only hope for freedom's survival

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