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The BOTTOM Of Skull Cavern! - Stardew Valley

May 29, 2021
Hello everyone, something that people have been asking me forever is that what is at the


is the



and the truth is that I have no idea, but today we will find out and we will do it together, but before we get to That, I just have one thing to get out of the way which involves marrying Leah again and then we have to have one of these and give it a proper name. Yes, it looks like it will work fine. Hey, you know that prismatic shard I was going to have? I give you today everything went well and it's no small sacrifice one is part of the family we are very lucky yes everything is going very well I can't wait to get rid of that little guy and here we go no race in the cave of


s is complete without making a sacrifice fitting, sorry Leah, but to be fair it was there in the name all along.
the bottom of skull cavern   stardew valley
It's amazing what I can accomplish in just 10 minutes, uh yeah, just to celebrate. I'm going to bed, you know? Nobody will have a productive day today. This way we'll be sure that everything goes our way today nothing gets in our way and by today I mean tomorrow I'm not going to go to the skull cave at 9:20 a.m. that this doesn't make much sense now in a more sense serious note a lot of people have been asking over the years does this coal


actually have a


and that was something I asked myself for a long time.
the bottom of skull cavern   stardew valley

More Interesting Facts About,

the bottom of skull cavern stardew valley...

We know that normal mines bottom out at the 120th floor, but the mines also have a very useful elevator once. you get to 120, you can just take the elevator back here any time you want and it's a bit of a process going down 120 floors as it turns out the skull cavern has quite a few more fun facts - they used to be an exploitable glitch where if you used a bomb right here, I'd give you a straight ladder to the skull cavern because I considered it or 121, since it turns out that the skull cavern technically has a bottom, there's a floor that no one can go through, but it's a little too far down and not many people have seen it or will see it, this is what floor one looks like, not much to see here, a couple of annoying enemies, mostly stones, a solveable puzzle on the wall, a bit of ore and because it's a good luck day I have a pit 7 floors later we are on floor 8 which is pretty much the same the floors don't change much until you start getting some kind of depth every 10 floors , is when the iridium odds actually change and the iridium is kind of like what your extremes call cavern 4, so you want to go as deep as possible to maximize your iridium chances.
the bottom of skull cavern   stardew valley
You can't find it within the first 10 levels, but it's pretty rare and in a typical Good Luck, on a day like today I found five Iridium Notes on the 12th floor. This would be pretty rare, but it happens that there are five Iridium Notes plus one. axis on the 12th floor, which will give me a total of 16 iridium or a prismatic fragment which could be the luckiest lower floor anyone has received here after the 20th floor, our iridium odds have increased once again, but still thus all the lower floors do not have a great chance of iridium.
the bottom of skull cavern   stardew valley
You might get lucky like me and get a bunch in one area. but consistently you won't find much, but let's say we had some kind of fun mod that would help us skip, say, a thousand doubles. If we do that and go to floor 1021, we suddenly find ourselves with more iridium than anything else because this is possibly lower than you could ever get to regularly in the game. I think I've gotten to five hundred levels before people have done more, but getting to a thousand I'm just not sure is possible, so then. How about 10,000? There are not many changes we make to a gold mineral, but it is largely iridium, so it will help both floors. 50,000 if we are close to the bottom, but it turns out that we are not, we still have a lot of iridium, we still have annoying enemies. but we're still nowhere near the bottom and one thing I've noticed is that from the 1000th floor down it's pretty much the same, it's going to hit a lot of iridium all the time and even just one of these floors probably has the same amount. iridium, since you're really going to need it anyway, this successful race for the 100,000th floor of the skull cavern comes to you thanks to the sacrifice of a small, innocent child, so clearly we can go down 100,000 floors, are we close to the bottom but not at all because, in my opinion? information, the bottom of the skull cavern is this floor, floor 2 billion 147 million four hundred and eighty-three thousand five hundred and twenty-seven, that's right, two point billion floors below the surface, so for anyone who has ever felt Curiosity, this is the bottom of the skull cavern.
You might be wondering about that staircase over there, well we'll explore it in just a few minutes. I just want to take a moment to enjoy this because it's something I've been wondering about for quite a few years and this is the first time I've actually ever been here and the skull cavern wouldn't be the same without these annoying things. By the way, radio bats are actually more annoying, but we see them much less, they are not such a big factor, there is another staircase. All this is tempting me to go one more floor. I think this is probably the only deeper thing Marnie's business needs with Mary Lewis in Stardew Valley, so what we have is a bunch of iridium, no wonder it basically looks like any floor. after the 1000th floor maybe even a little shallower, where does this staircase go and why are they still gray rocks?
Here we are two billion floors down. You think we would have gone beyond needing normal rocks, but those always seem to show up anyway. Can we go deeper than floor 2.1? Any billion. No we can't, the game just won't let you go one floor deeper. So what's up with that? Beck's ladder doesn't work either. The game seems to be trying to react, but it just doesn't want to. to let you go deeper now, if I understand this correctly, it's because the skull cavern is basically procedurally generated and the playfield is procedurally generated beyond two point one four billion times something along those lines, it's because that there is simply nothing beyond this floor. as many floors as I can generate, but obviously I'm not going to give up here, let's blow up everything on this floor first of all to see the value of the lowest floor in the skull cavern, essentially to try to find a pit because maybe the games will give us they'll allow us to jump into one of those and take us to a floor that simply doesn't exist and will probably just break the game, but I'll enjoy trying it anyway if I'm not breaking the game. just not trying hard enough, luck seems to be on our side on this floor, we already have 3 prismatic shards and we've only covered maybe 60% of the floor, so the prismatic shards seem to like to appear down here there's another prismatic 2:5 shards on the lowest floor 360 radius and 5 prismatic shards, a lot to find than on any other floor now, unfortunately, we don't find any shaft here, all we have is another bat flying out of the dark to bother me, but I have a button. it takes me to a thousand flowers automatically, so let's get to that and we even want to wait to guess what's going to happen, let's find out right now.
Nothing happened. This won't let me go any further. I try it and it sounds like I'm dropping the floor, but nothing really happens, it physically can't give me any more floors. Honestly, I'm a little disappointed with that because I at least wanted to break the game, but this firmly confirms that this is the bottom of the skull cavern. You just can't go any lower. I can skip floors, do all kinds of crazy things to get to this floor, but once I'm here, this is below the line 2 billion 147 million four hundred eighty-three thousand five hundred twenty-seven, maybe someone in the comments can expose the real scientific reason why this is the lowest floor.
I would love to pin it. I just don't want to bother researching it or explaining it myself because I don't care much about it now. a painful maneuver that we're going to give up, we're going to give up 2.1 billion stratagems of progress, not that I work particularly hard to get there, but it feels strange. I usually work so hard to reach the depths of the skull cavern and just give up. 2.1 billion floors is not a big deal and what is the value of the lowest floor in the skull cavern? Let's do everything in the offer and find out the best part of everything.
I have this big house to myself, so the value of that crazy thing is fifty carats of gold from the cave. I got a little more from the clay, but forty-nine thousand for mining, so the value of just under fifty thousand in gold will vary depending on what floor is actually generated there, the layout will change and the larger ones will obviously give you more money because we will have more things about them 360 radio or thirty-six thousand gold. Five Rose Matic fragments was thirteen thousand which is a really good value for a single floor in the mines, of course you would never get there legitimately because there are so many floors below that even if you could physically get there it would take so long that you would be an old person when you got there.
Actually, correction. I think you'd probably be dead. Someone should probably check the math, but I know in general. when you get to the billions of anything, it's so long it's absurd, so another one we've seen the bottom of the skull cavern. I want to do it again. I want to see if the floor looks different. I guess it's still procedurally generated. stuff so it will look different every time you use it, but I want to play with it one more time. I want to see if I can find an axle because the capsule maker who made me this mod said he managed to get down but the game crashes it tries to take you to the floor at negative eight and he doesn't like that very much so it crashes so I really want to see if we can make that happen mainly just because then I can say I've been lower than the lowest floor in the skull cavern and that sounds like something I'd do well, we're on floor 1001 and now we get to the starting floor I was actually on searching for a while and I admit it was because I pressed the wrong key.
I was looking for this one back to the lowest floor, oh we have a well, okay we have the well on the lowest floor, let's do a quick run around the donut to see what else is hiding down here, it will probably mostly be the same. I don't think there's any meaning to this floor and it turns out it's the last one you can land on and there always is because it's called a cavern and there will be enemies that will bother you if you do too much damage to it. it moved too fast, so again, just to confirm the ladder, there's nothing more to it than just make the game slow down and the axis will do something.
It will jump. Well, there is nothing. We dropped seven doubles up to here. What if we do it again? Seven novels. Well, we're continually in a loop eight levels, we have a little more on that one. It will be interesting to see how eight levels seven seven eight eight eight seven levels work again I don't know why it's bouncing us between seven and eight, I don't know if that's because it's the last floor and it just doesn't know how to react after these five levels , okay, it's three levels, okay, it started out very consistent now it's jumping all over.
Well, have you ever wandered around randomly? What if he is young with the axes continually? How many floors will it take you? Usually not many, a few threes and fives, but not 13, 14, 15. I think 15 is the backs, three is the minimum. is the maximum, well that's kind of interesting, there are 13 levels, that's good, very rarely do 13 levels fall, so for those of you who have been wondering and wondering, the deepest you can go into the cavern of the skull is 2.1 billion and my horse is no longer. has a house and for those of you who are still here watching just a heads up, my videos are going to be a little slow for the next week, maybe two, you'll probably only see two, three videos a week and then I'll be right.
Back to my normal schedule of one a day, especially when the snowball arrives on October 24th. I will be making all kinds of mobile videos. I can't wait to try it. I hope you like this one, thanks everyone for watching.

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