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The Blaze live at Aiguille du Midi in Chamonix, France for Cercle

May 22, 2024
Thank you very much The Blaze for this incredible experience. It was really beautiful. I would like to really thank you. I am a big fan of your music and I am very happy to have welcomed you to this incredible place. Thank you, thank you for inviting us! This place is crazy. Did you enjoy playing here tonight? Yes, it was exceptional! A view like this, especially at sunset... I must admit it was special. No surprise! In music videos that you direct yourself, you can carefully choose every shot and take into account every little detail. Whereas here we were


and the conditions were harsh: we are at 12,605 feet high, so it is a challenge to breathe, because of the cold and for many other reasons.
the blaze live at aiguille du midi in chamonix france for cercle
What state of mind were you in when you arrived here? We arrived this morning from Paris and had barely discovered the place when we started playing. So we had little time to contemplate the landscape, which is beautiful. It must have influenced us. It created the perfect setting for something contemplative, almost meditative for the music in a place like this. - We think our music was made for sunsets, so I think the background suits it well. Exactly. I think I heard you scream with joy several times during the set! I wanted to ask you: you necessarily have a cinematographic universe, you are film directors as I said before.
the blaze live at aiguille du midi in chamonix france for cercle

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the blaze live at aiguille du midi in chamonix france for cercle...

By the way, I will focus this interview on both the music and the video, not just the music. What do you find most interesting in the way you bring your musical and visual worlds together? I think what's interesting about video and music is that when you combine them, you can seek out and evoke a deeper form of emotion, which might be missing if you just have music or video on their own. For example what you do in Cercle with your


shows. But I think that's essentially what drives us, to go further in the production, to find the perfect combination between the two, that allows us to feel the particular emotion that a good combination of music and video can convey.
the blaze live at aiguille du midi in chamonix france for cercle
So conveying this particular emotion through the stories we tell, the actors we have, to convey it to our audience. Yes, it's true, I feel the same. And sometimes I wonder, well, I don't know if you have noticed or if you agree, and in electronic music and particularly in the music that we call underground, it seems that there are not as many music videos as yours, which are not as many. Electronic music artists who take the time and energy to make music videos. Why do you think? Because I think electronic music is particular. The image we usually have of electronic music is associated with techno, it is repetitive.
the blaze live at aiguille du midi in chamonix france for cercle
Maybe some people find it difficult to feel that level of emotion in electronic music, although it undeniably is. That's what we try to do when we write music. When we make music, we already try to tell a story, convey emotion. It's true that there aren't too many music videos in electronic music, so we try to create them and combine music and video. What film directors inspire you? In music video, film, anywhere? Yes, essentially in music videos. Well, in the music video it would be Romain Gavras. Great inspiration. Who else... - Daniel Wolfe? Daniel Wolfe, kills him.
Who else... - Ah! The shoes: pass me this. It's not The Shoes, what am I saying? The knife. It's not The Shoes, it's The Knife and I don't remember the name of the director... Johan Renck. In reality, any music video director who conveys something human, who captures the human being in one way or another and conveys a certain form of emotion and poetry, will move us, inspire us. I can't continue this interview without mentioning Covid-19 and everything that happened. I won't go into much detail on the subject, I would just like to ask you a question: on a personal note, what have you learned the most during this confinement, this crisis?
I don't know if it's something I've learned, but it's getting back to the field. It's a bit strange, but I would recommend anyone to get out of the city and into the country. It's amazing, it's peaceful, you can relax, it's inspiring, there are lots of things to do and I think Covid-19 pushed people to get out of the city and focus more on themselves. So I would tell you, escape from the city to the countryside. I have also drawn the same conclusions in general. Despite all the misfortunes it has brought, it helps you realize that life is better when it is simpler, in the countryside.
Beyond that, everything we have learned in terms of humanity and solidarity. Has it inspired you, musically speaking? Yes, sometimes. But in any case we are used to this, well, we are often isolated in the studio. So the lockdown didn't necessarily stop us from working. So we keep working. In one way or another it has inspired us. Thank you very much Blaze. - Thank you, thank you for this experience. Thank you very much Blaze. Thanks to the technical team that has worked on the show and made it possible. I would also like to thank the Heritage Foundation and the GoodPlanet Foundation.
Don't forget that we have left a link in the description to collect your donations because the cultural heritage and the cultural sector in which we work is in danger due to this crisis. We hope it has made you dream, because the entire sector is affected by this crisis. So we hope we've made you dream a little tonight. And then the Mystery Box, let's not forget it! The Mystery Box offered by the Aiguille du Midi, so I will take this opportunity to thank you as well. We have been discussing this collaboration with them for over 3 years, so thank you for trusting us.
And then the Mystery Box is the little box over there. I usually give it to you, but I can't risk upsetting this one too much. So I'll let you open the Mystery Box. Yes, it is a small gift from the Aiguille du Midi. Maybe I'll let you introduce it? Good evening, it's a little gift from Chamonix and we hope you appreciated your visit to our place. So it's a little gift so you can visit our locations again whenever you want. Let me tell you that tonight I discovered you, I didn't know you before. I thought it was a two-person concert, but this afternoon I saw three people play;
Not everyone is a person, both you and the Mont Blanc Massif. It was extraordinary. Thank you and the Compagnie du Mont Blanc thank you for visiting us here. Thank you guys, thank you all and thank you to our partners who will appear on the screen soon. See you soon!

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