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The Big Fat Quiz Of Everything 2017 (Full Episode) | Absolute Jokes

Jun 04, 2024
allowed smoking and they were trying to get them off sugar, that's EXA exactly the right answer, oh my gosh, take a was originally designed to stop people from smoking, I finally asked you to complete the Valentine's Day poem The Rose is Red Violet is blue uh no Fielding's Ghost G toast toast okay Katherine Ashley we put uh roses or red violets are blue sugar is sweet and you have type two diabetes I mean, very good yes Jonathan Davis the Ros is red violets are blue, you take it? flu is the part of the flu is that part of a chimney flu is the part of the business end of the chimney that you need to clean a little bit so what would that mean?
the big fat quiz of everything 2017 full episode absolute jokes
You're a sweet chimney, yeah well, the answer was uh, red roses, blue violets, honey is sweet and so are you, are you okay at the end of that round? The scores are Katherine and Ashing have 24 n and Richard have 27. Jonathan David in the lead with 34 thank you, thank you. Join us after the break to confirm your suspicion that people have to tell you that you're a lot dumber than you look in a little welcome back to the big




this next round has to do with crime and the scandal. The OJ Simpson trial is divided in public. opinion with some people saying he did it and others saying he didn't do it right one thing is for sure, he definitely did it.
the big fat quiz of everything 2017 full episode absolute jokes

More Interesting Facts About,

the big fat quiz of everything 2017 full episode absolute jokes...

His wife cut off John Bobbit's penis while he slept afterwards. John Bobett became a porn star, well, not immediately afterward. immediately after yelling for a week, okay, last set of questions, this is former NASA intern Thad Roberts, he made headlines for stealing moon rocks in 2002, he was sentenced to 8 years in prison, why would he did? Hey, he sold them and bought those shorts that he owns. the moon I think it's n I think I'm probably the main good in 2007 Peter Addison was arrested after he broke into and painted a campsite in Stockport, earning him the title of Britain's dumbest criminal, how did he get caught?
the big fat quiz of everything 2017 full episode absolute jokes
Camping in Stocko, wouldn't they write your answers? What was Jimmy's name? His name was Peter Addison. If you're watching, I'm sure you are now a reformed character and regret this terrible incident from your past, but it was stupid. which service launched in 1937 was declared by the London Evening News to be useful in urgent situations such as if the man in the flat next to his is murdering his wife or if he has seen a masked robber appear around the house chimney. of the local bank building, the cat thief actually used to wear masks when they walked ahead of time.
the big fat quiz of everything 2017 full episode absolute jokes
Very heavy mask. Well, now it's up to Darcy Busel, who has a question for us. Darcy now, like the rest of the bidders, likes a bit of gossip. He intrigued me to learn about the biggest celebrity scandal of 1926, it involved over a thousand police officers and on Front Page News I saw Arthur Conan Doyle visit a medium in an attempt to help and what do you think happened well? What was the big celebrity? scandal of 1926, do any of you have any ideas? Because I can give you a clue here, it was someone, someone disappeared and it was ironic that they haddisappeared, it was, it was a big mystery, ironic for a, I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it, thanks Jimmy and it's finally time from another, so what you see, look at this, can you figure out which famous conty is being spelled here?
I'm good with this cash, don't say it out loud, don't say it out loud 'cause that gives it away, it's pretty satisfying, no, come on Ashley, who is it, we got it, we got it, Jimmy got it, dude , bang, double, wow. give us the trophy now you've done well everyone's done let's have some answers yeah okay I asked you what Roberts did with the moon rocks he stole what do you think he gave them to his girlfriend who sold them on eBay and here's how they called him, okay, he gave some to his girlfriend Katherine Ashley, we weren't sure, we thought maybe he tried to smoke them or maybe he tried to sell them to a different planet and now I'm thinking maybe he likes it high. a creationist, okay, no, Richard, what did you think?
He hid them initially and then on eBay, okay, well, I can tell you that he put them in his bed and had sex with his girlfriend on top of it. No, how do people find out he had sex on the Rocks unless he I told everyone I think he told everyone I think you would tell everyone if he did it on a moon rock . What a boast, a big deal because they actually had sex on the moon, they didn't have sex with them, they had sex on the moon rock. and he got his ass out, puppy, could you F, that makes


funnier, okay, no points for anyone there.
I asked you how Peter Addison was caught after he graffitied a camp building. Uh, David, you seem pretty sure he wrote his own name under the graffiti. He signed his own graffiti, okay, what do you think, Catherine Ashley? We said Peter was here, you have the right idea and no, Richard, he filmed himself and put it on YouTube is Boom, Jimmy Boom, he wrote the words Peter Addison was here on the wall, a look. also wrote Birds in the British Garden is okay, it's pretty good, so um points points no points I asked you what service launched in 1937 was said to be useful if the man in the apartment next door is murdering his wife or if you've seen A very yellow cat thief looking around the chimney of the local bank building, what did you put in the place? 999 99 they introduced the service 999 9999 service 9999 9999 you got all the points all around okay and then Darcy ble asked What was the biggest celebrity scandal of 1926?
What did you get? We obtained. We thought it might be The Disappearance of AGA Christie, but we think we're probably wrong about that. What did you write? Well, we write. I thought it might be some guy. of deception and Sherlock Holmes disappears and I said Sherlock Holmes can't disappear because he doesn't exist, okay Catherine, actually what you get is what we wrote down, he was trying to solve his own murder so you thought the answer was him. his own murder yeah no ok no Richard I thought it was something to do the cing pH but actually I think you're right I think AGA Christie disappeared he did it he did it but I don't know if it was them and I think that's what happened.
They are the fairies, the loving fairies, you know ARA with. I think you might be right, because he investigated these girls. He had photos of fairs. Well, you didn't write it so you wouldn't get the points, but you were right. It was the disappearance of Agatha Christie, okay Jonathan David, you get the points. Agatha Chrisy went missing for 11 days, sparking a nationwide search for men. Okay, and finally, you say what you see, what did you say? Katherine Ashley, we have man three on the oar. Scandal man. three in P scand ok no ok Jimmy no Richard cash to trade dollfish or question Double Scandal or Scandal Questions no uh what did you get Jonathan D X for Honor Scandal is the correct answer yes points for Jonathan and David , okay, now it's time for the big question, please welcome my very special guest, the London Philonic Choir and their conductor Neville cre, yes, yes, that's right, we've sorted things out a bit.
Okay, thanks for joining us tonight. Nothing excellent. Now you're going to be. playing, you're going to play four, I think, R&B and rap, classics, oh, lovely, uh, in your own style, yeah, all you need to do is write the song and the artist, four songs, that's it, yeah, so the first song. Listen to the first song that was the first tune, okay, so we need the artist and the song, okay, next one, hit it, go with it, get sexy in your sexy, so we need the artist and the song, okay , the third, paste it ex a. guy with one in the yeah I did it yeah he told me who the hell he is and CH I mean you make it okay the last SK okay I got our last batch of answers okay so the did you get?
No, Richard, yes, four, artist four. songs, what do you have? 50 Cent in the club 100% yes, in the club brown girl in the ring I mean, no, no, some Tony Monopoly. I didn't know which one I knew Tony Monopoly was. We have the last one. The last one is vanilla. vanilla rice I know, okay, so you have four points, okay, Jonathan David, what did you get? He said 50 cents, it's your birthday, it's your birthday, that's what we call it, okay, so you get one point and then Elliot gets the second one free. no you're wrong on both counts, so we thought it was a Rihanna Riri thing but we didn't know what, and then you thought you had one, you have a point, Ashley, foreign twerkers, we knew it and by the way, great job. y'all so you got them all yes yes we did so what do you got? 50 Cent In the club, okay, just in Timberlake.
Sexy right bat, Nicki Minaj, super base and Vanilla Ice Ice Ice Baby, eight points for a


house, well done, yes, that means. The final scores are last in the field and Richard Iard with 32 with a very creditable 34. Katherine Ryan and Ashling came pretty close to winning the big question of all Jonathan Ross and David Williams. I'll give you your I've earned, gentlemen, a big thank you to our amazing, wonderful, all of our special guests and thank you for watching good night, w oh.

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