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THE BIG EV LIE. Why They Won't Save the Planet & All About Dirty Electricity |

May 16, 2024
Everyone wanted me to produce an episode about electric vehicles and the truth is that it took a lot longer than I expected. If you were expecting me to spend the next 26 minutes criticizing electric cars, you might be disappointed, but don't worry. There is a lot to rant and there is a lot to say. I must emphasize, of course, that I am not a scientist, I do not have a team of researchers and everything I am going to talk about is based on my own findings from reliable sources. Sources When I started researching my Eevee episode, I was going to focus on all the ways EVs are worse than gas ones, range anxiety, the cost of electric vs gas cars, the environmental impact , lack of infrastructure, etc., etc., and I guess that's what you all want.
the big ev lie why they won t save the planet all about dirty electricity thecarguys tv
I'll rant too mainly because he's an easy target and also because you know you won't face backlash from Eevee evangelists. The environmental argument assumes that changing gasoline and diesel cars for electric ones will help save the


and that is why it is very important, but it will not be very important very quickly. I realized I was missing the bigger picture and it seems that most people and indeed governments are too, although in the case of the latter


do it deliberately, so here is the big statement from this episode: the whole shift to electric vehicles There will be no significant difference in global warming and greenhouse gas reduction if the root causes are not addressed (and right now we are not) and if we do not prevent nations largest on the


increase their proportion of greenhouse gases, the planet will die.
the big ev lie why they won t save the planet all about dirty electricity thecarguys tv

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the big ev lie why they won t save the planet all about dirty electricity thecarguys tv...

Still, converting all cars to electric vehicles will give us a few more months of life on Earth. I don't even have your attention right now. Welcome to cars. I appreciate that it's a more serious episode than usual, but I still hope you enjoy it quickly. Check the definition when it comes to global warming and climate change,


are not the same. Global warming is what humanity through industrialization is doing to the planet to increase greenhouse gases and increase global temperatures. Climate change includes global warming but also includes all natural reasons. For global temperature variation, including cyclical ocean patterns like El Niño and La Niña, changes in volcanic activity in Earth's orbit, and energy production from the Sun, remember that the Earth has been cooling and warming for millions of years before humans were humans now, before we got into the car guys' studio and for those of you who can't seem to get through five or six minutes of our episodes without making a comment, here's an introduction quick to what I'm going to cover this week and I'll also add chapter markers so you can jump to the different parts of this episode one why electric vehicles are not the answer to global warming number two main causes of greenhouse gases and the countries that produce them number three why cars seem to get all the attention number four where does


really come from and number five what are the answers or solutions?
the big ev lie why they won t save the planet all about dirty electricity thecarguys tv
There is a lot to talk about. I'm going into a warm place and I hope you stay first of all when it comes to electric vehicles or electric vehicles as they are known should. Of course I have no interest in this I'm not an evangelist I don't own shares and I don't care about them one way or another I'm pretty sure everyone can see that I'm a head oiler, which of course is a non-threatening historical term, no a statement of activism, I'm happy to admit that I love gasoline vehicles, I like the way they sound, smell and accelerate, they have soul character, they empower us, they liberate us and they have for over 120 years, they are fantastic and if If you're a regular viewer of this channel, you'll also know that I don't mind joining clubs or being part of trendy causes or saying the right things just because it's the zeitgeist that I can. talk about how certain companies take advantage of their own eco-consciousness to pay a lot of money for poor build quality, zero liability, and potentially wildly dangerous software, but in the same way you could also mention incredible performance, super cool technology, and the possibility of being picked up by your Having a car when you're drunk, that sounds pretty good to me, I really don't have a problem with electric vehicles, if you want one that's fine for me and let's face it, they have a lot of amazing technology that makes the life and driving.
the big ev lie why they won t save the planet all about dirty electricity thecarguys tv
It is easier to understand that many of you are buying electric vehicles for purely economic reasons, they make sense for your lifestyle and due to a combination of subsidies, lack of congestion charges and cheaper domestic


, they are more profitable to run than a normal car at this time if I had that kind of lifestyle, who knows, even I might have one. I also agree that if cars with internal combustion engines are replaced by electric vehicles in densely populated cities, this will have a positive effect on air quality, especially in developing countries, there is no doubt that that makes sense In the same way that banning smoking on flights is a no-brainer, so I'm not against electric vehicles.
Yes, I have a lot of gas cars and I want to keep using them, but I'm all for the right to decide if you want to get one. but if you don't, you shouldn't be forced to either. What I have a big problem with is how electric vehicles are promoted as the saviors of the planet. Spoiler alert. It is not like this. I have the problem that governments are ignoring what is real. Causes of global warming in favor of attacks on cars that easily win votes. I have a problem with banning internal combustion engine cars instead of allowing it to be a personal choice, especially when any analysis of the data will show that they are not the problem and will make that negligible difference to global warming and I am also strongly disagree with that special kind of eevee evangelist who thinks they are holy and righteous saviors of the planet and that gasoline car owners should be vilified, abused and censored in all but a few countries, yes you have an ev, you are.
We are still using fossil fuels and ruining the planet, so take off that smug look that is the big lie and this week we are going to explore it in detail, we are all being pushed towards electric cars and we are told that this is to reduce CO2 emissions and saving baby koalas, I'll talk about how electricity is generated a little later, but for now it's important to clarify that unless you live in a small number of countries such as Norway, Iceland and Brazil, the electricity for your car. comes largely from fossil fuels, something that is unlikely to change, especially if we are all forced to use electric vehicles in the next 10 years, there is simply not enough clean electricity to cope with demand and many countries do not even have They will have the natural infrastructure to allow it.
This will happen: All countries that generate more than 90 percent of clean energy are defined by a small number of different factors. They have a small population or are small geographically. They have abundant natural resources, for example, geothermal or they have a combination of the above plus nuclear energy, so that is big and fast. flowing rivers, the ability to dam them, lots of sunlight, wind, etc., so for every other country in the world, the source of that electricity that you think is the answer to reducing our consumption of fossil fuels comes from fossil fuels and currently used around the world is Nine percent of registered vehicles imagine how much energy would be needed if governments had their way and forced us all to do it, and where do you think it will all come from that, given that we can now barely cope with electric vehicles themselves, as many smart people already do?
We know that during their manufacturing they generate a huge amount of environmental damage by extracting cobalt, nickel and lithium and all the other necessary materials and there are not enough natural resources of those materials to make all the electric vehicles of the future and let's not forget the rights abuses humans employed to Extract all the material in areas of the world you don't like to talk about at parties like the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where batteries account for 60 percent of the cobalt mined. It's hard to feel virtuous about your new electric car when it was made with slaves. questionable workmanship and safety practices and if you keep replacing them every few years, say on a lease, which is the most popular way to finance an EV right now, you're making the problem worse, not better, but at least those New batteries are completely recyclable, right?
If you really cared about the planet, you would buy an older, more efficient, reliable gasoline car that is more than five years old and use it until it physically dies. Voila, the smallest carbon footprint for a car. It is a shame that misguided policy initiatives such as car scrapping plans have been stolen. all those cars, huh, but let's assume ethical volume electric cars can be built by 2030 that will offer high-range fast charging, light weight, and won't cover people in acid when they crash. The simple fact is that it will still make a negligible difference in combating global warming because, given that cars are a small part of the global problem, and yet they seem to get all the press and legislative attention, there are much bigger issues that , if addressed they would make a difference and there are many more countries than the UK or even Europe that are the main culprits and if we don't fix them we are all doomed regardless before the pandemic the world was producing 51 gigatonnes of greenhouse gases per year in 2020, which decreased to 31 gigatonnes, reflecting the reduction of the trade and travel industry around the world. billion metric tons or 2.2 trillion pounds, that's nine zeros, so that's 31 billion tons of greenhouse gases in a quiet year. 51 billion in, say, 2019, a typical early 21st century year on Earth and you'll notice I'm not just talking about the UK.
Where I'm from this is a global problem and the UK is a bit small, in fact the UK's total emissions in a year are 0.46 gigatons, so what are the main sources of global greenhouse gas emissions? greenhouse effect? Well, number one is agriculture and forestry 33.2 energy industry 27.4 transportation 16.2 other industries 15.7 percent and buildings 7.6 percent, so surprise, surprise, despite all the focus policy, resources and legislation applied to automobiles, the largest generator of global emissions is in fact industry, accounting for 43.1 percent, followed by agriculture and forestry at 33.2 transportation, including all forms of transport by road, sea and air, represents 16.2 percent of the global problem, given the alarmism in the press.
I bet you thought it would be more than that if you didn't include that 16.2 percent or 8.2 gigatons for the global transportation category. They are heavy vehicles, vans, buses, trains, national and international shipping, aviation and not forgetting cars, and if we remove road cars specifically from the transport category, they represent 45 or 3.6 gigatonnes and yet, we have had draconian laws to ban internal combustion cars and we have added congestion zones to our cities and also many new transportation taxes for cars, so what is being done about the other 47.4 gigatonnes or 93 of the problem global in the UK? The transportation category accounts for 24% of greenhouse gases, but that's only because we have so little industry and agriculture. compared to other countries and we also have a drastically reduced number of power plants and a greater dependence on piped gas, so greenhouse gases are produced in other parts of the world, all this means that the supply figure of energy is much lower and the percentage of transport increases compared to global figures, that is why it is important to look beyond one country and see the global picture, which is the division of global greenhouse gases by category, now let's look at it by country and let's see which ones are the most responsible and when.
When it comes to global greenhouse gas emissions, there is only one place to start: China, China currently has 1,058 coal-fired power plants and is buildingmore than 350 more, according to Edgar's latest study on total greenhouse gas emissions by country out of the 51 gigatonnes of greenhouse gases generated. In 2018, before the pandemic, 13.7 gigatonnes corresponded to China alone, which in 2020 accounted for 32.5 of all greenhouse gases on Earth, the United States was 12.6, India 6.7 and Russia was 4.7, so the top four greenhouse gas producing countries equal 56 of the global problem 56. By the way, Europe contributes 7.3 percent, so 27 countries contribute a little more than India, so now you can see quite clearly that if we don't do something about those countries, there is no point in focusing on small gains in small countries.
Who cares if Europe hits? Their Paris agreement suggests that China has just increased its emissions by 250 percent since 1990, but even that is not the whole story because, in fact, there are two big mitigating factors for China, number one, having a large population. of 1.4 billion and number two, which it already has, and is increasing its green energy far beyond many other countries, so 0.1 means that you would expect China's emissions to be high because it has so many people. The United States' emissions are half those of China, but it has less than a quarter of the population if we look at the emissions per capita, that is, the size of the population China ranks 51st with 9.7 tons per person Qatar is number one with a staggering 66.2 tonnes per person Australia is at 10 Canada at 15 the US at 19 and the UK at 68.
Note that China also produces 30 percent of the world's goods, including a lot of useless Western plastic goods, meaning it bears the greenhouse gas burden of the manufacturer, while the country that buys the goods gets away with it and in terms of 0.2, although China has more coal-powered products. power plants than anyone else and is busy burning the world's coal reserves while investing heavily in renewable energy so it can become self-sufficient much faster than many other nations. China is the largest manufacturer of solar panels and technology. has commissioned 48 new nuclear power plants since 2000 and has 51 in total has two huge hydroelectric projects in three gorges and the z ludu now imports much more gas than coal gas has a smaller carbon footprint and this has absorbed the China's annual total renewable energy up more than 30 percent over the past 20 years, so there's a good chance that China, a country that's easy to demonize because of its energy consumption and emissions, could actually become greener. than all the other larger Western nations much more quickly because the infrastructure is there. and is growing rapidly, while in the West not so much, this is a hot topic and really goes to the core of Eevee's argument and exposes the hypocrisy expressed by many who seek to demonize gasoline.
There is no point in switching to ev if the electricity you use. It is dirtier than gasoline and will actually be more expensive. Many EV owners believe they are participating in a utopian, Garden of Eden-style, rose-tinted vision of the future, in which they are helping to save the planet and that their energy is free and abundant, making them Better than you, I hate these people and it is important to see how deluded they are due to two very obvious factors: one, where our electricity comes from, and two, the current lack of taxes on electricity and the certainty that it will increase significantly as they increase oil revenues. decline As mentioned above and as seen here on this world map, only a relatively small number of countries can claim to have anything approaching low carbon energy.
It's basically Brazil, Canada, Scandinavia, France, Greenland, New Zealand, central Africa and Iceland, depending on the country. Typically, between 30 and 80 percent of your electricity comes from gas and coal, so if you're charging your electric vehicle, you're actually burning fossil fuels to do so. Electric vehicle charging points also do not prioritize green electricity to power them. comes from the same mix as the sockets in your house, we all agree that coal and gas fired power stations must go if we are to reduce global carbon emissions and improve air pollution, but currently in the UK, for example, they still provide 50 of Electricity gas in particular is a major source of energy anxiety because its cost is controlled by another country that can increase it at will.
The reason this is a problem for countries like the UK and much of Europe is because nuclear energy is on the decline and in terms of global warming, that's really stupid because nuclear energy is one of the safest forms to generate energy and generates the least amount of greenhouse gas emissions, even less than wind and solar energy, if they really wanted to save the planet, everyone would be protesting to build as many nuclear power plants as possible, like China is doing In fact, unfortunately, the short-sighted and ignorant anti-nuclear protesters have managed to reverse many nuclear energy programs, especially in France, Germany, but also in the United Kingdom, and how's this for a positive fact if we shut down?
If we knocked down every nuclear power plant on the planet, we would actually emit an additional 2.5 gigatons of greenhouse gases. Why would additional fossil fuel energy sources be needed to balance the remaining solar and wind energy? What about those green saviors that are solar and wind energy? No doubt the UK is betting big on them mainly because our politicians have little understanding of what they are doing. The most important thing to consider with wind and solar power is that they are both weather dependent, so by definition they are not reliable at all if the wind stops. or sunny, but you still need to turn on the lights in your house, what do you do in theory?
Wind, solar and hydropower are the ideal solutions for clean energy, particularly hydropower, but, as I mentioned earlier in this episode, unless you are a small country or one with specific, natural characteristics or climates that do not They can meet all the energy needs of a nation. Look at the UK. It is almost always raining and cloudy and not always windy. There are also other disadvantages of proliferating a nation with such virtuous winds. and solar farms like those needed to clear a lot of land, killing everything there before they kill a lot of birds, bats, and other animals.
Huge resources such as cement and concrete are needed to build them. Solar panels are not recyclable nor are they long-lasting wind generators. Shovels are neither recyclable nor durable, so they can't generate enough reliable power to meet our needs, especially if demand for electricity skyrockets, like if, for example, we all buy electric vehicles. In short, when it comes to where our electricity comes from to power everyone. those electric vehicles there are no clean hands many of these so called green energy sources are not as green as you think nuclear energy is actually not as bad as we have been told all these years and we definitely need to reduce our dependence on gas as we have Done with coal, make no mistake, we are in an energy crisis with rising costs and the real prospect of shortages.
Switching to electric vehicles at this very moment seems like a luxury we can't afford, especially since cars, as we've shown, aren't really the problem. To focus on the simple, they really are an easy target. We see cars every day, so most people can imagine the cumulative real-world effect. If we're told they're all bad, we're used to replacing them, so it's not a big deal. I start thinking about replacing them with an electric vehicle, we are used to them costing a lot of money, so all those taxes are already accounted for, which means governments get away with gradually increasing them and adding new ones, the main causes of global warming are not in our backyard, so we ignore them, the root causes are largely unfathomable and so big that our brains cannot comprehend how to deal with them, and car drivers are not militant and therefore Therefore, they largely accept being bullied without taking obstructive action, unlike, say, climate change activists remember when diesel was supposed to be a good idea.
We were all legislated and pushed to use diesel vehicles in the 90s and 2000s with the promise of better fuel economy, which meant we used less fossil fuels. What a complete lie it turned out to be. Now we know that diesels. They are much more harmful to the environment, air quality and to us than gasoline cars and now we are all being told to get rid of them, they are evil, who would want a diesel? The biggest car I can turn and lie in recent history. I keep wondering if this is the dark future of electric vehicles when suddenly we all realize the true cost of running them on fossil fuel-based electricity and then of course trying to get rid of them as they are meant to be. wind generator blades. quietly buried in landfills, the downsides of electric vehicles will be constantly downplayed until there is a replacement and then suddenly it will be revealed that we were all fooled for years, so we are almost at the end of this episode, what have we learned and that we can? do to help solve the problem well, the answer for all of us is to force our elected officials and governments to focus on the real problems of global warming and not try to modify us with climate facades.
The causes of global warming are huge, global and will require fundamental change in our society and the way we have been living. Did you notice, for example, that this month Royal Caribbean International launched the largest cruise ship in history? , the wonder of the seas, the largest polluting device on the planet, this type of climate hypocrisy has to end, but it has very little or nothing to do with automobiles, which have been a force that has changed humanity for the better and the Advance. Cars and personal mobility are a fundamentally positive force in the world and it's time we all realized and got behind it.
So in conclusion, here are some possible solutions that we should adopt and consider with an open mind and a long-term global vision. Number one: stop demonizing car and truck drivers. Most people cannot afford electric vehicles or do not have the ability to charge them. at home, so stop saying they're evil and fix the problem instead of blocking highways and ironically causing greater greenhouse gases. Focus on governments and not working people. Number two electric vehicles need green electricity or it doesn't make sense if you want enough electricity for people to charge electric vehicles. so we need to massively increase clean energy production for countries without natural advantages.
It's the only way to generate enough green electricity before we break meltdown number three. Focus on nuclear expansion. Reverse the current trend of mothballing nuclear power plants and, like China, begin mass production of new ones. Nuclear power plants also significantly increase the Id for the most abundant free green energy source in the universe, hydrogen, rather than betting everything on number four batteries, except that zero emissions is impossible for humanity to continue and evolve. Some global warming is necessary for the development of humanity and is acceptable, but if we reduce most of it the planet will recover number five let's stop protesting and really get to work making a difference where is the world's concern about helping countries How will India switch from coal-fired power plants to nuclear power plants?
Why don't we help the countries of the world? who are currently cutting down forests like in Brazil and Ivory Coast, after all, that will make the biggest difference in global warming. Number six focuses legislation on things that really make a big difference to global warming. Freight transport. Cruise ships. Industrial buildings. Deep water dredging. Deforestation. Carbon removal. power plants in favor of nuclear energy and finally putting an end to wasteful consumerism and fast fashion, so there you have it folks, not exactly the Eevee episode you were expecting,but I hope you enjoyed it and found it stimulating, I hope so.
I enjoyed this episode, don't worry after this serious direction next week and beyond, we'll be back to Supercar City. Thanks for seeing it. If you like what we're doing in the car, guys, please subscribe, leave comments and like. There will be another episode next week. you

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