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The Best of The Big Bang Theory Season 6

Mar 20, 2024
Oh, sure, Miss Jensen, before we begin, can I offer you a soda, water, coffee, tea, a marijuana cigarette? No thanks, I'm fine, no, is she sure everyone is smoking them? I think they are the


. I don't do drugs, great, yes that was a ruse, they are not the


, physics is the best, yes by the way, coffee was also an unacceptable choice, so I see you are from Des Moines, Iowa, you are summa laude in theoretical physics from Stanford University, and two years ago. You had a persistent ear infection. I hope you haven't caused any hearing loss.
the best of the big bang theory season 6
No, of course not, how did you know? Hear intact good looking dr. Cooper, I really want this job, it would be an incredible honor to work for a man of your brilliance, yes, flattery won't get you this job Miss Jenson, it's not flattery if it's true, oh well, thank you, welcome aboard, look , there is something I need to say. you oh yeah, it's okay, I don't really know how to say this, you say it, it's okay, here goes mm-hmm, you slept with him, I don't know what else to do, you have those big sad eyes, I'm sure you didn't have choice. he looked at me like that that's all it takes it's good that you don't have a dog ask if you're going to replace Wolowitz I need to know a little more about you okay Wolowitz went to MIT what's your educational background I went to art school equally ridiculous, come on Sheldon, are you sure you want to take Raj on your date night with Amy?
the best of the big bang theory season 6

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the best of the big bang theory season 6...

Oh, absolutely, I have a contractual obligation to provide Amy with casual conversation and physical contact, but nowhere does it specify that I can't outsource. let an indian find Waldo hurry up find him find him trying not to yell at me my god he's wearing a hat and glasses and a red striped shirt I know what he looks like oh there's a guy laughing how could you not find him? because it's hard to find, it was easy to find the books they would be called There's Waldo, have you noticed that Howard can take any topic and use it to remind you that he went to space?
the best of the big bang theory season 6
An interesting hypothesis, let's apply the scientific method, perform an experiment. Hey, hey Howard. Any ideas on where we should have dinner? Somewhere on the space station. On a good day, dinner was a bag full of meatloaf. Hey, you don't go there for the food, you go there for the view. It is fascinating. Let me see if I can duplicate it. the result Howard I always thought the lemon was an underrated fruit, careful to weigh, not really, well, you know, people say the Soyuz capsule is a lemon, but that baby took me to space and back, thanks, it's like when I started doing chin. meetings I didn't want you to see until I could make one FYI, I'm very close, thanks now, behave and have dinner, maybe later, if you're lucky, you'll be able to sleep with a college girl, really, because I went to four years of college and five years of grad school that never happened once she was taking a shower this morning new when I thought about it I started drying myself with what I thought was a towel but it turned out to be Howard's mom's underwear how did you do it ? take another shower it wasn't enough nothing will ever be enough do you like bread master oh I love riddles what does Sheldon Cooper do but a black hole has in common they both suck Peter I don't care about your friend he's being rude to me you have to ask him to leave, Amy, I can't just ask Wil Wheaton to leave, he's a minor celebrity, why should I explain who he is?
the best of the big bang theory season 6
A lot of people recognize it well, so maybe I should leave, you could solve everything, you are the best. I'll see you for dinner tonight, surely you wouldn't rather have dinner with your friend Wil Wheaton, come to think of it, would you like that, little lady, you're on fire? Have you ever noticed that Sheldon always disappears at 2:45 every day? Really he probably only goes to the bathroom not really he goes to the bathroom at 8am. m. with optional follow-ups at 1:45 and 7:10 on high fiber Fridays it's sad that you know that, oh that's just the tip of the iceberg of sadness, maybe you should tell her Oh, what am I supposed to say ?
I can not talk now. Go out with my boyfriend. England sucks. You stink. United States number one. Good. Go out with my boyfriend. He talks to you later. Happy. Yes, thanks. I make you write that I hate this guy going where you're going we just told you yeah I just told you now you didn't do it right it's your word against mine I see you in court you're wandering around live and looking through the peephole I'm I'm trying to watch this guy come to Penny's house. To be honest, I didn't know he was here. Hi Dr.
Hofstadter hi Alex, call me Leonard dr. Hofstadter is my father, my mother, my sister and our cat, although I'm pretty sure dr. boots Hofstadter's title was honorary no, they are doing it your hypothesis is completely refuted by all the data you are just clinging to it out of intellectual stubbornness no, you are showing a shocking ignorance of the subject mummies and zombies are exactly the same oh Yes, The mummies are wrapped in bandages that have gone out of style. How are you doing a little sensitive, but it's not bad since they always take so long. No, they usually don't have to go out and get more wax.
I feel like I'm five pounds lighter. only five there is nothing you can do to help you Sheldon oh yes they are I mean why am I warning you Sheldon your threats are empty nothing can move me that's it I'm calling campus security come on we should meet someone who can do manly things like this Oh my God, what's wrong with you guys? It's not our fault. Our father never did anything like that with us. What my father never was was an anthropologist. The only time spent between father and son was with a 2,000-year-old skeleton. The Etruscan boy hated that child.
Mine just took me to his gynecology office. I got so bored and put vaginal lube on the bottom of my shoes and pretended I was ice skating. Yeah, well, my quality dad sometimes spent my teenage years looking out the window waiting for my dad. come back someday, yeah, it's okay, Howard wins

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