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The BEST Of Richard Ayoade On The Graham Norton Show

Jun 03, 2024
So asking, ladies and gentlemen, you'll probably love i awaddy in iwaddy, a book by


iawaddy that explores the work of


ayamadi, that's right, how do you describe this book to people? Well, you know, it's a joke, the fact, um. the fact that I make that joke no, it's very funny it's very funny it's um we have our first date it's not intended to be a serious interview with myself the idea is that I thought it would be funny um that we could be treated with the same reverence of the great directors who are interviewed at the end of their careers like Awesome Wells or Scorsese and you get these huge books of interviews asking them about the craft and I thought it would be fun the idea that I was I asked without knowing anything and without great achievements, trying to talk about my legacy Now I thought it was a fun idea, but some people bought this thinking it's going to be some kind of autobiography, you know, Richard Iowa is a little boy and I.
the best of richard ayoade on the graham norton show
I know I already bought it It's already available It's available It's possible to buy it A lot of people have said that there might be a lot of interest, which for me is as good as a real purchase, yes, but that's just to explain. What's better is that you could surprise him or something he could read. Yes, it's a good idea. Well, essentially they're a bunch of thematic jokes about a movie that could be a description. I can read it. Okay, read it out loud and then yeah. and we'll have a taste too okay so in it I interview myself throughout the book um and you know there are some dramatic scenes there's a speed boat chase at some point uh and in this my version of the interviewer you of me, yes, if, so to speak, you asked this question, then I will make a little lower voice for myself, less nasal, I will leave it behind.
the best of richard ayoade on the graham norton show

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the best of richard ayoade on the graham norton show...

Do you feel like your work is easy to label? That's good, thank you at all, that's why people try to label it, they can't pin it, so they want to put a label on it. I think people who tag should be tagged, they should be tagged as taggers with a little tag and then someone should put a pin on them. I don't. I don't like being tagged or pinned, I won't allow it. Do you like being tagged? I don't think so. Do you want to put a label on this rubicunesco? He leans down and kisses me softly on the cheek.
the best of richard ayoade on the graham norton show
Our eyes meet. The kiss becomes full. probing with my mouth and deep we end up making love when I wake up arjuna is gone I peed that didn't happen that didn't happen in a way he did it well the book is a love story with myself, but is it strange to be in a chapter ? I like selling the book because one of the things about the book is how silly the interviews are. Yes, I am not a brilliant salesman of anything that has to do with me. Okay, which is a suboptimal position to put both of them in. us currently and I must apologize, I'm mainly referring to you, you've had a strange experience where in the crowd you thought you were playing a character, well, I did a lot of research for that part, um, uh, where I play a geek.
the best of richard ayoade on the graham norton show
Um, I logged on and that's what it was also Graham who wrote it, he said, I'm, you know, I've written aside, it's for the nerdiest person in the world. Um, I thought about you, so that was like that, really, yeah, there were no voices. um I think well it would have been your own voice yeah I said do you want me to do a voice? um to be the nerdiest person, he was, no, not just yours, but Moss Moss is one of those characters that delights people and even this Halloween. uh so people were dressing up as moss from the IT crowd and uh you may have seen this photo there was a girl do you know him well?
Look, it's a cheap costume, it's a Czech shirt oh no, no, no, no I won't ruin your dreams, I won't. This is a little girl in America and she is a big Halloween fan of hers. She was like moths, she looks at what she has, the computer, the calculator, she looks and everything, yes, that's good, right, the emotional range is too big. although you need to dial it back, I also talked to her, I told her you have to get there because Richard Iowa has written a book, yeah, before I talk about it, I'll say it because it's true, it's really funny. book, I say that because it may not initially be obvious when you start talking about what it is about.
Yes, thanks for anticipating my poor salesmanship. Because I tend to talk people off of anything that has to do with me, so yeah, well, you're very kind. Say it's really funny but now you need to tell people what it's about okay and let me do some damage now so to speak it's about a Gwyneth Paltrow movie called View from Above I mean she plays to the stewardess This is the poster. Have you all seen that movie? Have you seen this movie? It's just that I saw her. It's a real movie. I saw her. Yes Yes Yes.
It's a real movie. I haven't seen it well. Fasten your seatbelt. I need to see her? Maybe to read it. It's literally not necessary if you've seen any movies, you've seen this movie, it's very similar to all the movies, William Paltrow plays a manual laborer, um, I don't know what research he did, maybe on whole foods and dreams. From becoming a stewardess, she becomes one, that's the movie, but here there is a dilemma: can she be a stewardess and maintain a romantic relationship with Mark Ruffalo? oh yes, no, no, the demands of being announced are too onerous, she has to hand out salted nuts, um little. unpleasant thing she has to prove that she is a nightmare so they separate for a while what should she do? you're literally the opposite of being on the edge of your seat she manages to make up with mark ruffalo oh happy ending even though the salty notes are an attraction and then at the end there's a big shootout but this is essentially some kind of academic reading , as if it were a classic.
Yes, I watched this movie with my wife, that's not a joke, I think someone would choose that I watched this. Movie with my wife and I were so tormented by this movie that it took me three years to exercise my system and I went through the book in forensic detail explaining why it is so important and intertwined it with things in my life. It's really very important to give this movie the respect it deserves because people haven't seen it people aren't arguing about it can you believe this is the first book about this movie that's the first one that people don't Do you take it seriously?
Great, it's a whole book and we need to have a conversation about this film, but yes, but also, as you say, you weave in other things, there's a beautiful evocation of your childhood Christmases in Ipswich, yes, and they celebrate Christmas in Ipswich until the today. Did my mother like a very clean house for Christmas? We would have to clean everything before handing out the gifts, which was on Christmas Eve. My mother was Norwegian, but she really was a ruse to increase the housework and, um, she baked. a bunch of cookies Christmas cookies that I found out don't exist, no, she, when you say cookies you mean cookies, we put out cookies for Santa, okay, yeah, well, we have cookies, I needed the cookies to give me energy. to clean the house, I just thought: what does God know about this?
Does Gwyneth know about this? She still hasn't sent me an email. Don't know. Maybe she's, you know, in the middle of a cleanup. Very good.

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