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The Best Munchies - 6 Quick & Easy Recipes | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

Feb 27, 2020
combination of kosher salt, freshly ground pepper and garlic powder, that's it, that's it, we sprinkle both sides quite liberally. It's a thick piece of steak and it's not like you have pieces like this to cut like this so you only get a little bit of the seasoning, you have enough, clean up the leftover that's here, don't waste it and put this in a small baking sheet and in the toaster oven, the guy comes out here, the guy is


an expensive steak in a toaster oven, that's one way to see how it turns out and come on, okay, I'm set to 275 degrees 275.
the best munchies   6 quick easy recipes sam the cooking guy 4k
What? the 275 does it, it cooks it at a low enough temperature that it won't overcook, there will be no grays or dark spots, the perfectly medium low room temperature cooks it beautifully and at the end about 45 minutes, maybe a little. longer, probably not a little less because I've done it enough times, I know it will be perfect, medium-rare, top to bottom, side to side, this, my friends, is known as the reverse whey method and then, if If you want, you can throw it in a hot pan to give it color and stuff, but you'll see what we'll do with it, it'll be great, there'll be fire involved and everyone will like it because in 45 minutes you'll be like a saint and we've got something else to do while We wait and what we call ramen with cheese, ramen with cheese sounds crazy, not a little bit, but noodles and cheese is called pasta, we have it all the time, this is just a


version, so I'm starting with a small cup of noodles Asians, you know, and this flavor, by the way, is a pot of food, a pot of food that is a French stew, the last flavor that you would expect to be in an Asian cup of noodles, so this is what you have to do.
the best munchies   6 quick easy recipes sam the cooking guy 4k

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the best munchies 6 quick easy recipes sam the cooking guy 4k...

In this case we open it, take out the flavor packets or whatever they are called, notice what is inside. I like this one because there are other things. Now we open these little flavor packets and add them back as such. I don't care where you are at your 420 celebration. You have this, you can handle this and we add water to the line. You can see the line. Hot water. This was boiling a second ago. Don't go too far because I don't want it too watery and we'll stop it, go ahead and now we wait, just stay here with my hand on it, but I'll put this towel on, you want it steaming inside itself, it's


or filleting 20 dollars a pound of prime tenderloin and I was thinking I didn't tell you when it's ready, well it'll be ready for me when it reaches 130 degrees, it could be 128, but I'll know because I'll use my excellent instant read thermometer, it's the only way to know if you can do this. you know this, we know, this is what they say back in the day, it never worked for me, but if you make a circle with your thumb and index finger, it's weird that when you push down on the pad under your thumb. that softness that's weird, like you're pushing on top of a stake, switch it to your middle finger and it gets kind of weird, switch it to your ring finger and it's well done and no one wants that and if you do, I think it's because I haven't eaten a proper steak, so rare, medium rare, well done, that's easier and definitely more accurate, and when the time has passed, you take off the towel, open the lid, remove the paper and examine the inside, of course, the correct thing is to mix it, thus breaking up the noodles, making them more receptive to what is to come, that is, we reserved a big hit of sweet mozzarella cheese and now you just mix, look what is happening here, very nice things, things very pretty, look at that cheese melting in and around the other noodles oh, you're still waiting four minutes, but you're making something very special with a pretty simple little product, look at that cheese melting there, that's what you want, just give it a couple of good stirs, then have a bite, I mean we've all had cup noodles, but with cheese like this, you see that's the magic here folks, it's a simple lift, that's what It's, we all love cup noodles, we've eaten them. all our lives, but these cup noodles were necessary from here to here.
the best munchies   6 quick easy recipes sam the cooking guy 4k
The crazy thing is that there is a lot of controversy over where the idea of ​​cheesy noodles originated. There is a crazy story about a doctor in Canada who invented them in the 70s. It is possible, it is possible, no one knows, it could be an urban legend, but if it is, it is delicious, by the way, we have a new line of t-shirts that we think you will like the most. can you put them on the screen? Please check them out so one in particular would have been super appropriate for tomorrow or today if you're watching this today if you're watching this on April 20th I mean it's the bake and by the way whichever one you buy this weekend will give you 20 off just to get them out and have fun with them just use the promo code below cool cool and we were hoping to have them in time to use one of them for today but of course someone on the other side left drop the ball and we don't have them, but we'll give you a little preview of what they look like, so here's one, here's two, here's three, I really don't know what to do and here's four and now I feel like an idiot , what will he do?
the best munchies   6 quick easy recipes sam the cooking guy 4k
It's going to make me feel better will be the steak and here it is oh it's hot of course it was in the oven okay so what you're looking at is a beautiful little steak and it's tender God it looks a lot like this pad fat woman. right there, which is funny, well, you can't always tell, but the color is not exactly what I want, so we're going to help with that a little bit, so we're going to use this torch to give it a little more color like this . a little bit more sides and now while it's still hot this is what I like to do I like to spread it with a little bit of butter why max why not exactly more freshly ground pepper and look at it for a second and feel proud and happy?
Well, watch it for a couple of hours, but I'm saying you've worked hard for this, you've waited 45 minutes, so technically we should let it sit for a few minutes, but I don't care and by the way, if you're anywhere near where I think that you should be or are you after your 45 minutes of waiting, you don't want to wait either, so we're going to have a bite, so it comes, we cut against the grain, the grain runs this way, you can see it. the ground here, this is how the grain runs, this way we cut against it and that shortens the fibers and makes it more tender, but here is our cut, I think I promised perfection from top to bottom, side to side and tip to tip, and that's what I've done, let's not forget folks, this crazy little thing came out of a toaster oven, a fucking toaster oven, can you take all the beauty shots you want?
Can I have a bite? Oh my gosh, steak, salt and pepper, okay, call it two ingredients, it's really just one, but for the sake of argument it's called salt and pepper, garlic powder and butter, by the way, the salt, pepper, garlic in powder are all in one container, so it's actually the steak, salt, pepper, garlic powder and butter, three ingredients in a toaster oven in 45 minutes while you're edible well, well, while you waited, it's been a Good morning, I hope you are having a good day, let's visit again. Remember we started with pizza eggs lovingly cooked with leftover pizza and then we made that crazy ass? omelette in a cup in about a minute and a half, maybe two minutes, we move on to the crispy captain and bacon, just add water, pancakes with pancake mix, then we try that manic sausage waffle dipped in pancake batter, a fried combination that It was ridiculous, moved to cheese. ramen invented by a mad scientist in Canada or so the saying goes, now we finish with our perfectly cooked tenderloin, all with one thing in mind, you and your cravings on this special day, whether it is April 20 or tomorrow, special day because you needed a head start that's all don't forget something we're here for you comment how subscribe tell us what you want us to do because we've got your back no one else has your back I'm your dad I'm not kidding I'm just Getting it, I'm just kidding people call me Dad, who is your dad?
I didn't mean any of that, although I've got your back.

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