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Jun 05, 2021
we're making a super delicious nell's




I lost seven pounds, I know I said it the other day and I was fine technically 6.28 I can't kill a guy for rounding I'm still eating great and I'm drinking Moderately holy man SH, that one Alcohol really has a big impact when it comes to weight, you wouldn't know it because that's not your thing, if you know what I mean, Max also prefers other things to alcohol, what's the word, get up, what's the word? relax at night, I'm right, yes, why do you say it so embarrassed and of course you didn't realize it, but I feel better and one of the benefits I didn't expect is that I don't feel full, oh, all the Damn time, I really don't?
the best bbq bourbon chicken sam the cooking guy 4k
I don't say, come on, I start






. I'm going to skewer it, you don't have to skewer it, but there's a reason I'm skewering it that will become apparent shortly, we're using barbecue sauce and brown sugar and why I should, but I'm telling you, when this is over you're going to want to be well, that's what you want to do because it's going to be really good if you make it a little bit of sauce max, do it, let's do it, we start with maybe Oh, a cup and a half of barbecue sauce, any will do, a generic one is absolutely fine, to that We add the next big pinch of kosher salt and pepper, of course I like it. a little garlic powder here in a decent amount I like a little yellow mustard here for a little Tang for a little heat I like sriracha for a little sweet I like brown sugar and look how beautifully crystallized it looks everything, it's something amazing, much more molasses flavor much deeper flavor try it sometime I think you will like two more things, let's learn something okay look at this here is the dark brown sugar that we are using now here is the light brown sugar look that There is a difference that it becomes sweet with the sugar brown, of course, it becomes sweet with a lot of caramel in the dark brown color.
the best bbq bourbon chicken sam the cooking guy 4k

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the best bbq bourbon chicken sam the cooking guy 4k...

I wouldn't always use it, but in this case I'm looking for maximum sweet flavor in a really delicious way, so I will and it's beautiful to see that it's all crystal clear and shiny apparently I like shiny things you have a really pretty mouth two more two more things a little bit of avocado oil I just like what it does to loosen everything up and then about a third of a cup of bourbon oh yeah and then we mix it to the max do you see the oil on top? I love that it will help add a little shine to all of this.
the best bbq bourbon chicken sam the cooking guy 4k
I love it, it's like my style of stirring, yes, the spoon goes in one direction. I give myself with the other hand, a delicious and fast taste, son of a bitch. I swore, oh shit, that's incredibly delicious. I could just drink those things I'm going to take out of the bowl. I'm going to put them in a delicatessen to make. it's easy when we're at the grill so this sounds boom and now the chicken I'm using chicken thighs and we just had a big discussion about thighs versus chicken breasts you want to know what's interesting this plane is very loud. from someone in the comments, this chicken conversation we just had reflects 100% how Max and I see what we're doing here.
the best bbq bourbon chicken sam the cooking guy 4k
Max's argument in favor of chicken breasts is that they make a prettier photo. My argument for chicken thighs. It's just that they are something tastier to eat. I don't always win, but this time I won just because I showed up with this. If there had been an argument before, it might have been because you know you're using a lot of chicken thighs, maybe you should. I have a chicken breast or two from time to time and I could do it, but not today, we cut them first so that they are perfect bites. on the skewer and then a secret that won't be a secret once my Aunt plays, it's not that big of a secret, don't get too excited, it's not like we're giving away another secret for Father's Day, and we probably shouldn't put That's our only goal right now is to cut them into sort of bite sized pieces of ash and for me they'll be about an inch square or something like that.
He looked a little fat at the moment, it doesn't bother me at all if it bothers you like it bothers my brother-in-law Tony every time. you mention fat, you mention because I know what Uncle Tony does and he'd like to ruin his food by cutting off every bit of fat, so just cut these guys out and then we'd move on to two little squares about about this big as this big as we get it you got it you got it you got it next is our secret ingredient which is thick cut smoked bacon it's thick trust me it's thick you want thick that's what she God thick bacon let's cut this and then skewer it about the same size because we're going to put one between each piece of chicken now we skewer and for our purposes today I'm using it again.
I wanted to just like do that one of these long skewers that are fantastic, it's a skewer, don't worry, so we took a piece of chicken, we skewered it like this and then we took a piece of bacon and we skewered it like this and then repeat chicken bacon chicken bacon chicken bacon chicken bacon chicken bacon chicken bacon chicken bacon bacon chicken with bacon I don't think I need to keep saying these words max I think we all understand what's going on here so let me continue? I'll build we get up our set of these and then we'll start to grow and we're down and beautiful oh just wait you think they're pretty now just wait we're not going to put sauce on yet just a little bit of avocado oil for when it goes on the grill because yeah you put something sweet on it right away it's going to start burning right away and nobody wants that so flip these guys over do the back and then it's time to grill and let's go. turn them down, we're not really going to mess with them yet, once you turn them, that's when they start to get the sauce, that is when it makes a good sound.
I'll tell you I'm on medium-high, so now you're just chilling and waiting, so if you've got a little flame, just move the kid next to you a little bit, so it's been about a minute and a half tops, let's take it. Take a look at this guy and let's see how Look, that makes me happy. Now everyone can start flipping, so these guys got a little bit darker because of the flame, but that's okay, now we can sauce and we have a lot of sauce, so you can be a generous sauce often. often and sauce well and you can put this in the refrigerator for all kinds of things you want to make, it's always great to have a little extra sauce and when you've spent a little time and made something extra special, that should be the one that you're grabbing, well, I think it's time to flip again and I think we have a link with these wide skewers that I think really make a lot of sense and if we don't have a link below we'll put one of those skinny ones just because I can't work too much, too many things fall off Oh, max, let me tell you what's going on here, look at this little bit of black, the edge, that's what you want.
Oh, I'm very happy, so you're taking your time. It's a good time for a cocktail. There's something about grilling with a cocktail in hand. That's perfect. We need to do a cocktail show. Maximum, I will enter a clean part. from the grill let me tell you something that happens really delicious when the bacon meets the grill and there is barbecue sauce involved, this should not be rushed, if you rush it you will end up with a disgusting burnt chicken and no one wants that, the fact that Re use thighs will do it, but rather, what's the word I can use? tender. tender.
You do not know what I mean. tasty. No, I mean wet. Be juicy if we don't ruin it because it's the thighs, but I just want it all to come, wait, wait, wait, look at this, see this? This is what you're going for, oh, and I'm dripping with heat. Man Max this is what you are looking for they are amazing so take your time perfect omg perfect opportunity for a beer or a cocktail on the grill. It's roasting, who says you can't? I have a whole bottle of bourbon. Right there I could if I wanted to, but I haven't lost six point eight pounds drinking bourbon at the grill during a photo shoot.
No, I mean, I haven't done it before, not drinking cocktails. It's all good, let's finish this and then. You're already there and now I'll see, are you kidding me? This is all I want it to be, so I'm pretty sure that bag that gave me shit for the way I cooked the Chinese barbecue pork sandwich cha su Philip is going to piss him off. head over and give me on the desk I couldn't ask for anything more beautiful than that and when they're beautiful beautiful you pick them up, you take them down and you put them down sup guys look at that and maxi I always like to take them and give them a little bit of final paint.
I just think they could use a little sprucing up. It's not that they are too beautiful. Look at them with this smell, honestly. And I'm, I'm getting bourbon. I'm getting the sweetness. I know I'm getting the spice from both the mustard and the sriracha when I take a bite, so max, please, it's okay. Oh, sorry, a little more on the back and sides, there you go, now look how. beautiful this kid is look at him little runway model there you go beautiful everyone grabs their skewer get some salad you get a muffin you get any cornbread do whatever you want this is a fun thing to do and here's one thing you need to know you absolutely could cut your chicken skewer your chicken skewer the bacon chicken bacon chicken bacon prepare these things the day before two days before wrap them very well or an hour before and then on Showtime a little bit of oil is applied to them and then you start drizzling that It's called making your life simple, my goodness you must have done it, there could never be a more tender and juicy chicken and ymax 5a thighs and B the mecha thighs, what does that mean?
Yes, thighs and B I didn't cook it in a raging hell, holy, okay that first. bite I felt comfortable doing like this this no, now I need a fork, but look, there you go, bacon and chicken, no idea, maximum, careful, you have nothing bad to say, both thighs not now, I have nothing to say, period , yes, very good, what? I mean, I promised something magical happens when BBQ sauce and bacon meat on a grill is amazing, so good, the spice of the sriracha, the little Tang and the mustard on this, it's all tremendous, well, we've done a good I work here today and I have nothing else thanks for putting up, thanks for subscribing, liking and telling your friends about us, we are getting through this ladies and gentlemen, oh and by the way, God, it's like 1933 and you're watching this , we are overcoming a small thing.
We call pandemic we had in 2020, don't worry about that, now ask yourself what they will do and then what precautions we will have from now until 2038, I mean 2033, damn, we know they could travel in a time machine. forward and then back to dock into the future, okay, I'm all a mess, I'll just stay here and eat my chicken and my bacon.

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