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The Beach Boys and John Stamos perform on | Fox & Friends

Apr 13, 2024
Yes, the Beach Boys have been surfing in the US since 1962. And now they're available with a new box set of Sailor and Mike Love's new Christmas album, the reason for the season, all while they're currently on a Christmas tour. across the country with the one and only John Stamos. If that's not enough, they're also getting ready to set sail on the Beach Boys' Good Vibrations cruise, which you two can join in March right now. The Beach Boys and John Stamos, good morning to you. Good morning buddy, I didn't really realize you're a


boy, you've been playing drums since '85, well since I was Blackie on General Hospital, that's pretty cool.
the beach boys and john stamos perform on fox friends
I'm more of an obsessive fan that I can't get rid of. with really good seats, yeah, I'm very grateful every day and to be able to play with these guys, you know people need this music so much right now, we need optimism, we need fun, we need good vibes and they are delivering. Hey, no joke, and Mike, uh, you've got the reason for the season, which is fitting, as we see it here in New York City, who knew, it's snowing, it's falling pretty hard on this moment, it's our season. Tour, earlier this week you were. We played Carnegie Hall and it was fantastic.
the beach boys and john stamos perform on fox friends

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the beach boys and john stamos perform on fox friends...

We have an album in this box that says there is a live album from Carnegie Carnegie Hall 50 years ago. That's great. Look, there are six different albums. This thing weighs 75 pounds. We had to have a forklift to take it to the studio. You know, Bruce, one of the things that really shows is that you have succeeded as artists because you have your own cruise. What is it like to command a cruise ship with five thousand people? Mike and I are busy, we have to know exactly what we're doing, assigned like a thousand or two thousand frames per image.
the beach boys and john stamos perform on fox friends
We are going to work all day, every day. I was looking at your website, uh, the


boys, and everyone takes a photo with you. It's just amazing that we do it and everyone can try one of our Club Kokomo spirits. Oh, actually, this is a good thing now and one of the things you and John have been in and out of the news recently with your support for law enforcement. in the Los Angeles area I've always known where that is where that comes from uh well my uncle was the chief of the highway patrol in Los Angeles so that was uh I didn't know that explains the sunglasses um I made a um I I did a charity event the other night because there were some recruits running in Orange County, near Orange County where I grew up, and a car hit them.
the beach boys and john stamos perform on fox friends
They probably talked about it and, uh, 25, they're pretty serious, but these kids didn't have health insurance yet. no, and a couple of them were kids trying to get out of gangs and get away from that life and it's a tragedy, so I showed up for that for sure and speaking of tragedies, I hate to mention this, but it's been less. Over a year since your friend, yes, Bob Saget, we have events next week, yes, I know he was here a lot, he loved it here and it was fun and you guys didn't have to push his button, okay, no, he only. he had a lot to say I would say Mike when you go around the country and you guys have been entertained for 50 years now it's all in this bowl 60 okay even better I missed 10 years you should learn math it's the new math that got me The people who come to see you are disconcerted, they simply have to love music because it takes them to a happier time and there are several generations, we can have great-grandparents, grandparents, their children and the children, music for children from my point of view is that.
It's music from the heart, that's why you see kids and you know it, because you don't have to think about it, it just goes over your head, the brand goes straight to the heart, it's happy music, that's what you're all about, thank you very much for joining us, uh. What number are you going to do for us? Let's do our when well, we were doing surf songs and Carson, so we gave Santa a hot rod crack. It's called Little Sand Deck, okay, ladies and gentlemen. The Beach Boys and John Stamos. two three The Earth where the air gets cold there is a story about Christmas for you mentally and a very famous cat dressed in red and spends a whole year exercising in his sleigh it is incredible Ness runs with reindeer the reindeer glasses because the snow really flies foreigner very good

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