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The BA Test Kitchen Meets Meme Appétit | Behind the Meme | Bon Appétit

Jun 08, 2021
Hi, I'm Harry and Will, and together we run Appetit


, you may know us from some of these, contrary to popular belief, Matt Decor does not run this account, we are actually just two England fans, we are like everyone the rest. this video from big BA fans, so we actually came up with the idea for the account after discovering our shared passion. The first Ba videos I watched were actually from 2015, before it existed, but I think the one that really got me into this, was actually the first live episode and I really just want, oh god, oh god, no cuts , cuts and then tragedy for the first time, making sure it looks like that right away.
the ba test kitchen meets meme app tit behind the meme bon app tit
I thought this guy should be in


s like he should be. a meme because it's so funny, the first video I saw was actually Alex eats the whole cheese flakes episode and I respected that. Today we'll be talking to some of the Test Kitchen staff. Let's go after the meme. ah behind the meme hey, what's up guys? What's up guys? How are they? Hi guys. I don't know if this is like a dream or if it's a nightmare, but this is inspired by a John Mulaney parody. You are in a car with your children, you see a McDonald's sign and the children are swimming with dolls, but Donald's McDonald's and then there are three options: you can say we have fruit at home and refuse, you can also get excited and take the children to McDonald's or you can do the same.
the ba test kitchen meets meme app tit behind the meme bon app tit

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the ba test kitchen meets meme app tit behind the meme bon app tit...

Power move of walking in, ordering a single black coffee and walking out and you guys have me in the back saying oh oh oh, that's not right, let's go get a happy meal. I haven't stepped on food in my mind, oh, nothing like almost twin. eighteen years old yeah, no, no, no, I don't go to fast food, just no, we don't, oh guys, guys, that big time, guys, you don't know me, guys. I don't know anything oh God no we're not going to McDonald's well I guess my first question is who did this because they're fired.
the ba test kitchen meets meme app tit behind the meme bon app tit
Oh, Harry, you hurt my feelings. Harry. I think anyone who's familiar with my enthusiasm for anything, it's clear, Sacketts. Has he ever worked he likes to make the pretty obvious deduction that I'm like a junk food kid, that's totally wrong for Brad, thanks Peggy, I filled them in, yeah, he's at the top of the triangle, we have food at home, oh, wait, hey, family show, Delaney's. I have a weird thing like, you know, McDonald's flex, I'm sure I'll say Mik Cafe Coffee is a little underrated. I think it would be that we have food at home.
the ba test kitchen meets meme app tit behind the meme bon app tit
I think you're right. We made great burgers at home last night, you know? It was delicious, we had pretzel rolls and I lined up kimchi and gochujang and everyone was happy, you know, so the only food I've ever had that wasn't cooked by me or one of my fellow quarantiners was when I gave in and I was. to the McDonald's drive-thru I wouldn't be here I would I would like to make my own McDonald's at home but it wouldn't be like that I wouldn't be made to cry sahlan I need another little almost clear bubble I'm very excited to talk to Claire Claire has been quite an elusive figure for us, he's never liked any of our posts, he doesn't follow us on instagram, we feel like maybe he hates us so hopefully we'll find out that's not the case.
I take the stance with a petite meme that I do with the videos themselves, that sometimes I stay away for a long time and don't really watch and then sometimes I like to go over in a day everything I haven't seen. The third day becomes reality. The curse of day three was invented by Dan. It is a total construction. I really relate to this and these similar photos. I'm a little rough around the edges, like I haven't slept enough. whatever oh Delaney Delaney comes to Test Kitchen more than anyone else and it's like five times a day so I'm usually happy to see him but on a day 3 episode I don't feel like explaining to Delaney about the La fifteenth time in that episode, what's going wrong?
I mean, see if there's any way I can get some of Claire's frustration out and she can cross the finish line, maybe I'm the unsung hero of gourmet mashup in that sense, so many people sent me. This wasn't a joke sending me this, it's like we're really worried about this one who's looking at it with a kind of deep expression of skepticism and maybe a little bit of fear. No, no, no, you see them, guys. Totally misunderstood, look, what's happening is we only have one pair of safety glasses in the


, that's fine and unless you're the person wearing the glasses, you like to be left behind, you know that means you're left behind.
You put like a little pot lid protector like whatever. In fact, I was so delighted that she even listened to me. I think this was still in the middle of the climax of that day of filming that I included in my episode on how to make the Thanksgiving season perfect, which went down in history. one of the most disastrous filming days of all time, I didn't expect to be asked to join that season and it was really cool and very exciting, obviously because you know the way that show is formatted, we work in pairs and obviously , I was very excited to work with Claire.
I forgot how overbearing she can be. You know, she's like a tough girl. She's a tough girl for group projects. Obviously, this is a goal she can achieve when you support her wonderfully. He's very close to her and, when she feels bad, when she's in a spiral, she makes everyone feel just as bad and you want to help her. I'm looking at one of my favorites, the Appetit meme. I know I love this one I brought. My eyes filled with tears when I saw him, he made me feel, he made me feel special. Some people text me saying she should save my pasta, water, I keep it in the fridge for other things and it's like no, she's really just there to help.
I think your sauces have been exaggerated a bit, like how much I love pasta water. Braun is a professional wrestler and perhaps you could say that he was at that time the grea


human being we had ever had. I think that even by weight he is the largest human being. who I've done it with consecutively was the first celebrity that the entire production team was crazy about, like Kevin was going crazy. Tyree was freaking out, like everyone behind the scenes knew who he was and was taking pictures afterwards and Of course, you know, I'd never heard of him before in my life.
I have a theory about what this means, but I'm not entirely sure that he is the cu


little puppy that has ever existed in Ecuador. Tobi Goofy was his name. Final answer, you know? Where he is now, the Golden Eagles descend and pick them up. Golden eagle, that was. I think it was my favorite, it's so right. I mean, really like with my current boyfriend, Oz, like you wouldn't do with my parents. It's not going to work, dad, this is Will and Harry, they have an Instagram account like, look at this one. I have seen this one.
Everyone showed me this because people kept telling me I look like this trick, but I don't know who she is. I had never seen Scooby-Doo so I didn't know if I was supposed to be offended or not and then I did a lot of research on Velma and thought it was time she didn't just have an orange. turtleneck, but the day I wore it we filmed like I was 16, so it seems like all I have is an orange turtleneck. Oh, I'll tell you what was going on here. This is a photo of betrayal masked by joy and rock and roll, but really what happened is that he took the call and assumed it was in my prescription.
Oh for the love of God, I swear I have it. It's going to be in my obituary like it didn't even exist. I didn't even understand it first of all Brad discovered sumac maybe max max maybe eight years ago at most, I probably had sumac when I was three months old, so let's not let us establish that plus plus interest rate between Brad and me, like if I had developed hundreds of recipes and Brad has definitely developed some recipes, but I think he knew exactly what would be best for both of us, except for himself for the magazine, for the recipe, and for I don't know most cooks.
This is a photo of evil betrayal disguised as a funny final response and Adam Adam Rapoport, our editor and she wouldn't be happy with that decision if there was sumac in the cranberry sauce, he would like to mix it in, by the way, so, to To be honest, I feel like I protect my breath, but also this photo has circulated and the amount of DMS I use. I've gotten something that has to do with I don't even know if I can say this or if it's going to cut off, but like the beginning of a gay porn between me and Brad, it's like there's too many Those, I actually have one of those plates at my house, one of the pie dishes basically has me working from home.
I miss work a lot. This is, listen, this meme is ridiculous. It's just like you guys. I mean, how do they feel about becoming something like a sex? symbol III right? I'm not entirely comfortable with that. I'll say that. I think originally, the way I read it very generously was, you know, Andy, maybe a snack, but a meal is a full meal, but I'm not. I don't think that's necessarily what you were trying to convey here, but I hope they're not just thinking about that and are actually looking at the food and reading the stories and watching the videos and not just looking at my butt, oh my god, this .
It's like the happiest day of my life. I love babies, they are so cute. I was also feeling a secret pleasure knowing that Brad and Chris had to make gourmet food. You actually have a special guest with us, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, it's Mike and Thea, hi. There you go, there you go, I know I was saying that before, I never thought I'd say this, but it was like I really miss making gourmet dishes, it's like they're taking me back, okay, great, bye guys, thanks, bye , keep doing them. killer means im the meme take a second banana but no one gets a second banana maybe you weren't listening correctly okay once you open pandora's box of more than one banana a day like there's just nowhere else to go because then it's like what are you going to do? like a third banana, you know, a fourth banana, it will be anarchy.

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