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THE ACOLYTE Episodes 1 + 2 BREAKDOWN! Easter Eggs & Details You Missed!

Jun 06, 2024
Welcome back to New Rock Stars. I'm Eric Boss and this is a




1 and 2 of Star Wars The Acolyte as a series set at the end of the High Republic era, approximately 100 years before the events of the prequels. This program is on fire. its own trail as a Sith murder mystery revolving around the cover-up of a scandalous Jedi crime. I'm looking into it so far and I'm going to break down these first two


scene by scene for all the Star Wars Easter


and attention. to detail that you may have


, okay, the opening fan fair of the Lucas film shows lightsabers reflected on droids and metal helmets, Darth Vader's mask, then bb8, then C3PO, then kylo Ren, then R2D2 , then a Rebel pilot helmet, then an Imperial scout trooper helmet, and then a stormtrooper helmet, and then a Mandalorian T-visor helmet, presumably den Jaren's, then the pale blue opening text states that 100 years before The rise of the Empire is a time of peace, the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic have prospered for centuries without war, but in the dark rooms of the galaxy a powerful few learn to use the force in secret, one of them a lone assassin risks death. discovery to seek revenge well, some things here the text is pale, loose and serif and on a space background like a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away and it even has four period ellipses, just like the text does, which It's a nice touch now, we were previously told that this series took place about 100 years before Phantom Menace, which isn't necessarily the same as 100 years before. the rise of the empire because the Empire technically began in 19 BBY, which is when Order 66 came out and the Jedi Purge began, which in Star Wars Rebels is what the Empire celebrates as Empire Day, which is also the birthday of Ezra Bridger, oh the Phantom Menace is set in the 13th years before that, in 32 BBY, it's a small distinction, but if the


is set in 119 BBY versus 132 BBY, it could make a difference in what Characters from the prequel era could appear or be born during the series' timeline.
the acolyte episodes 1 2 breakdown easter eggs details you missed
Palpatine, for example, has a list. birth year of 84 BBY and while we don't expect it to appear in this series for Pablo Hidalgo in a Lucas film story group, saying that the reported birth date was an apocryphal rounding error for 35 years instead of 48 years , might be an easier way. I'm probably overthinking this, but that's what we do here at New Rockstars. The High Republic is a relatively recent era of Star Wars fiction that was launched by Lucas' film starting in 2020 with Books and Comics phases and references in the game Jedi Survivor and even the young Jedi Adventures, but the


is the first live-action series set during this era in which the High Republic spans from about 500 BBY to about now, 100 years before the prequels, the first books included Charles Soul's. light of the Jedi Cavin Scott, the rising storm and Claudia gra, the fallen star, they are said 100 years before the acolyte we knew the two main historical tragedies of that time, spoiler warning for these books, the great hyperspace disaster of 232 BBY and the destruction of the Starlight Beacon space station in 30 BBY, that first disaster was the result of a transport ship the Legacy was racing nearly colliding in hyperspace with a Nill storm ship.
the acolyte episodes 1 2 breakdown easter eggs details you missed

More Interesting Facts About,

the acolyte episodes 1 2 breakdown easter eggs details you missed...

The Nill are a fleet of Viking type pirates led by Maron or Marchion Row who sent a field of debris hurtling towards planets, this was an ERA when hyperspace routes were still being laid out and then 2 years after this the Nill organized a terrorist attack on Starlight Beacon, which was a key symbol of Hope For The Republic, but so far the story detailed in these books hasn't really emerged about the Acolyte and that could be because this show was being developed before these came out. books, but the exception is the inclusion of the vestra character Ro A Mir Allen Jedi, who appears as a young man and a fallen star but appears in this series as an adult Jedi Master over 100 years old played by Rebecca Henderson now technically Yoda is alive during this time, but the showrunner confirmed that we will not see Yoda in the season, it seems that they are using Master Vestra as the Authority Green-skinned Elder of the Jedi Temple, all you really need to know is that the Jedi are at the height of their authority when they were peacekeeping monks who rarely drew their lightsabers after having emerged victors from a past war with the Sith centuries before, while the Jedi thought the Sith had been annihilated.
the acolyte episodes 1 2 breakdown easter eggs details you missed
The Sith lived in secret according to the rule of two, a lineage of Master and Apprentice herrings. I was actually able to attend a press preview at the Lucasville offices in Burbank to watch the first episode with other Star Wars experts who I really admire and chat with. creator Leslie Hedland about her influences on her creative process and sort of hinted, based on my reading between the lines, that she might have originally proposed Lucas' movie as a Ventress spin-off and they ended up saying no to that, but they did it. I like their take on this morally clouded Sith-oriented story and they decided to set its tone in the previous High Republic era they had in development, so when you watch this show, I think it's helpful to watch it as much as possible and then to his mysterious teacher.
the acolyte episodes 1 2 breakdown easter eggs details you missed
He figures as a Dooku figure serving some other Master as Dooku serving Cyas and trying to recruit an apprentice of his own to overthrow his master. We lean towards the planet Eda as a hooded figure that an AA amandela Stenberg faces an island with a The long Rock Bridge already has some interesting


in May's appearance. Braids covering a barely visible spiral mark on her forehead. Chainmail armor hanging all over her tunic. Jedi because in this era the Jedi are stations and outposts in various regions, not unlike the priests of the Catholic Church established in missions and parishes as a way of exercising the authority of the Church throughout the world.
This beggar wears this mask with its orange-red liquid cutting around which could be the same nutrient-rich fluid contained in the brain flasks of the Bomar monks carrying those spider droids on Tatooine first shown in Return to the Jedi and appeared in the Boba Fett book chapter 3 and if it reminds you of the peach-colored goo in the Matrix's Human Farm PODS made up of liquidated human remains, it's okay to make that connection because, hey, we're about to see the car and Moss, this establishment is a noodle bar; in fact, lucasfilm hooked me up with a cup of instant ramen with the actual logo of this joint made by Pablo Hiago's team which I also see as a parallel to The Matrix because in the first movie Neo points out his favorite noodle bar in The Matrix to Trinity and in 2021 The Matrix resurrections Neo picks up food from n King's house in San Francisco, one of my favorite places to eat in the city and it has really good noodles, but these noodles are cooked in this amazing rotating appliance where it looks like another Cook has hot water on them every time they arrive at the Bottom, which has to be a great way to keep them perfectly calm, but May is up against Master Indara Keran Moss Trinity from The Matrix and Jerry Hogarth from Jessica Jones and while these others boys sitting with their laughter, Andara silences them without taking her eyes off of May.
Attack me Jedi Jedi don't attack the unarmed yes you do yes a little hint that this is personal to me the Jedi, including Master Indara, must have hurt her in some way, this entire series is about exposing the hypocrisy of the Jedi Order of who aren't so perfect when they meet Indara slowly gets up letting her beat up all these guys she wasn't with very good friends, I imagine, but the guy whose Blaster sticks to his holster has these amazing bands on their antlers with rings hanging like earrings, finally Indara intervenes and they fight in a hand-to-hand combat that the production of the program has called Force Fu, an unusual fighting style in Star Wars but that brings more elegance to this era.
Observe how Indara does not He immediately ignites his lightsaber but you'll notice that May always reaches for it and Dar notices this too and Grace twists her torso to give us a look at her Jedi robes despite having less access to important Republic stories. The production of this show had access to Lucas Films' designs for the Jedi clothing during In This Age and we already see how Andara's tan tunic is perfectly folded and pleated like a martial artist to allow for maximum flexibility and not come undone, even Andara's martial arts are mostly defensive, she always moves out of the way, blocks and uses force only to Repel but never hit May pulls out a metal sword and then Dar stops her with force and then May does this Incredible move that happens so fast it's hard to notice, he passes his other hand and summons that sword to his empty hand. try to throw that at andara's neck so that he can know the force well enough to know that indara is using the force to hold his arm, not the sword itself, so that he can throw that sword from one hand to the other and use that impulse of hers. another arm to reach his neck and walk as soon as he blocks this and turns to May asking who trained you, yes, the answer could be right in front of Endor's face, perfectly hidden by Mom braids the Market spiral on his forehead, which we know for poster art. and the names released in the preseason match those of Madre Anesa and her coven, which I assume we'll meet in a future episode.
May realizes that the only move she really has against Indara is to target someone else, which is the tactic Count Dooku uses when she can't. She defeats Yoda and attacks the Clones. Indara climbs the stairs to the upper level and we are seeing some really cool wire work similar to The Matrix movies but also in Kill Bill when the bride fights Crazy 88 and climbs the stairs levels. There too, actually, the creator of the show once presented it as Kill Bill and Frozen, which previously didn't make sense to me, but now after watching it, I understand that Indara uses the force to catch the fall of the woman from the throne and then radios this unidentified Force user.
She becomes increasingly aggressive towards May, but notice how when Indara has the opportunity to hit May, she instead grabs her arm and forces her to open up to her as if even combat is nurturing and protective for her combatant. , but finally Indara finishes this round with a small cosmetic. Detail they added to Caran Moss's face, these two small black dots to the right of her eye, it's as if she uses these dots to interrupt people who try to look her in the eyes to maybe give her an advantage in all encounters tense moments that appear in the trailer.
Indara's flashback footage of what the Brendog incident was like. She only has one of those marks next to her eye, so I wonder if these spots could for her connote some kind of level of expertise, but then Indara unmasks herself. What are you doing here? Yes, Indara reaches. to move the braids but May says uh-uh I'm going to show you my marks of my choice and when the mark is revealed you can hear a subtle female vocalization I'm going to tell you that this was like a lullaby from one of May and Las OSHA mothers who died in that fire after forcing Endara to back down, now Endara turns on his green lightsaber.
In fact, in our Q&A with the Creator, she was asked if the color green was a matrix reference and she said no, but Caran Moss really does look natural in a The pose she strikes here is inspired by yido Unlike Kendo, and along with Western fencing, Kendo was a major inspiration for sword fighting in the original trilogy, but the yido approach is slower, more deliberate, and designed to quickly end a duel with a single hit. May shoved her sword towards the cook, forcing Indara to break her focus to try to stop him, allowing May to plunge her second sword into Andara's chest.
Indara drops the hilt from it, and strangely, May doesn't pick up the lightsaber. Andara's lightsaber is the same Hilt that appears in that amazing series poster with a hilt that leaves a trickle of blood, but he may not use it because the master he serves doesn't want him to use weapons at all, so yes, this is the last one. We see K and Moss living in at least this era. I guess we'll see her in flashbacks in future episodes, but it's pretty crazy to kill off who, in my opinion, could have been the biggest star of the series, which reminds us of Scream and Psycho.
A pretty bold move to open the series, she can now make moves to kill the bar owner, but she sees a boy crouched by his leg and doesn't want to leave an orphan behind, probably because sheShe was also an orphan who was left behind at some point, anyway. Not everything is evil, we see the logo of the acolyte with an o formed by two intertwined rings, one red and one blue that reflect the Two Sisters of May and OSHA, so the other sister OSHA awakens. Now we know this is a different person right away because her hair, while also braided, is significantly shorter, you'll also notice this is a recurring thing on the show where the editing makes it look like OSHA is waking up from a dream where He would be watching what his sister is doing.
Now the name OSHA could be a nod to the term Ashla, which is the pseudonym the Ahsokatan uses when in exile, but ashla is also the word for strength in the Latin language and was also the term used for the light side of the force because of the ancient Force-sensitive beings on Tython and because this is Star Wars. there also has to be an awesome little droid this one is pip and i love him if you look closely he has some bait decals now the Lucas movie team gave me new versions of these decals without saying what they are so this one is obviously one I hate the cat, but the one that looks like blue jellyfish is actually a blue version of the red sticker that's on Luke's training helmet in the 1977 movie, now the one with the chess board with the writing on it I'm less of sure.
I was thinking maybe it's a pod racing sticker or maybe. I even looked at a racing sticker from the Old Republic era, but this writing is nothing known in the Star Wars universe, but each of the letters is different.characters, but yes this is a reference to Luke's helmet with new hope, this could be a nod to the Big Stark lighter's checkerboard helmet and who knows, maybe the nine letters spell dark light. I don't know, so OSHA works like a Mech. neck along with phck in this Trade Federation horror, he passes by a first generation gonk droid and phck says that the wild ride to Nal with the poan crew Nar Shada is a smuggling Moon used by the Huts of his homeworld of nalut ABA the Hut and his family. are active at this point in the story, so these two serve the Nords who later aligned themselves with a separatist during the Clone Wars.
OSHA and Philic Space come out to fix the shield generator, which goes against Republic regulations for intelligent life forms. Do this, remember, we see R2. -D2 and the other astromech droids that do this kind of work in Phantom Menace, the Noroian says the fat eaters are expendable, our cargo is not, yeah we never found out what this Trade Federation freighter is carrying, but then It says that this is a region of corpses, which refers to the corporate sect that is on the outer edge governed by the corporate sector. Authority to Thum where corporations are allowed to govern their own territory, a pressure gauge lights up and a fire begins to burn using the oxygen that is in space, I don't know, but the fire takes OSHA back to that memory traumatic where the subtitles reveal what people say in their heads here help yes this is the memory of the fiery incident where both sisters assume that the other di a Jedi starfighter Vector flies past the freighter The actors are the little Jedi fighters with capacity for one or two occupants, they were actually created for the era of the High Republic.
I love the Norse response to this Jedi. Now I remember that Phantom Min started with two Jedi arriving on a Trade Federation ship and so does this series and we meet them. two Jedi my name is yord fand Knight of the Jedi Order and this is my padawan tasila yord is played by Charlie Barnett who previously worked on Russian Doll with Leslie Hedland and tasila is a Zerian race this is the first time we see a Zerian in live action, they were first mentioned in a 1987 Star Wars source book and were considered shadowy creatures of the EU until the Clone Wars, when they appear as part of the Republic slaves story arc in the Clone comic series.
Wars which was turned into three episodes of The Animated Clone Wars. They kidnapped slaves from the Republic and escaped from Kadavo. The Zarian were known for a vast empire built on the slave trade until the Jedi and the Republic went to war with them and outlawed it, but they openly revived their slave trade when they allied themselves with the Separatists in the now somewhat Clone Wars. strange thing happens with the audio mix here this is my padan tasila we are looking for a former Jedi named Osha Ana yes, we are looking for a former Jedi it was definitely an announcement after the fact, maybe because however originally OSHA's description was a bit confusing and wanted to clarify OSHA's relationship with the Jedi Order once again.
The High Republic robes these characters wear are so pristine with a touch of white and gold and notice that above and below their brown belts are colored sashes that reflect what the color of their lightsabers is this color code is It applies specifically to padawans as in the case of Tasi Loa here she must have a blue lightsaber but in the case of knights and Masters the sash changes to white or other darker colors depending on the occasion in which yord uses a bit of Jedi Mind Control to force the Nord to stop lying, which feels a bit problematic.
He forced the confession out of me. OSHA finds Yord in a room and sits down. Suddenly, he opens his cloak so it doesn't wrinkle. Then we see him steaming his robe. As a huge nerd, he's very aware of Rob's wrinkles, but part of that paranoia may be because he can quickly pull out his lightsaber without his wrinkled robe getting caught in whatever we see happening here as he reaches for the lightsaber. light just when OSHA is grabbing pip. he's like a trigger-happy cop, so we learned that OSHA left the Jedi Order six years earlier, which reminds us of Ahsoka at the end of Clone Wars season 5 and the season 7 arc when she works manual jobs for the Martez sisters.
Remember that we do too. We found out that OSHA joined the order when she was 8 years old, which is older for the Jedi Order, they like to take them in when they are 2 or 3 years old, and we found out that she was in mourning at the time, which made things difficult. things. There are also some parallels with Anakin Skywalker, of course, who joined the Jedi Order when he was 9 and had enough memories of a loving mother whom he would miss and then, in Attack of the Clones, went into a state of mourning. . We also learn that Master Indara was the Jedi who advised the council to discontinue her training, but in OSHA's mind she left the order voluntarily, but that's reason enough and then they bring in the witness, the waiter, to identify her.
Now there is a logic problem. Here, if the Vector ships only carry two Jedi at most, how did the waiter get here? Did he arrive with that prisoner transport ship and then when they leave, since he couldn't fit on the vector and he wasn't on the prisoner transport ship? Just stay with the Nord, why does he need to be here? I just think the fact that they dragged him here is very, very funny, like who takes care of his son on Corusant. We see Corusant during the High Republic era and it looks amazing when you compare it.
This shot of the Jedi Temple with every other shot of the prequel era Jedi Temple, the cityscape around the temple is now 100 years earlier, much lower and less developed and you can actually see visible trees. Corusant is less of a towering metropolis at this point. in the story and I love that attention to detail, we meet Master Soul Liang J, who you may know from the squid game in Latin, the word soul translates as son and his opening words embody the power of clarity close your eyes your Eyes Can Deceive You We Shouldn't Trust Them, Many of the characters in this series make quick judgments based on appearances and miss a deeper truth about them.
I really appreciate the mix of human and non-human species reflected in this room. This first child is a tarant from the planet tarant other. tarant that we know in Star Wars includes Senator Kandris in the Galactic Republic of the Obi-Wan and Anakin comics and then L vam of the new Republic who we saw awaken with a force when Star Killer Bas eliminated Hosnian Prime Master Soul describes the strength like a vast ocean that echoes the images of water we saw in Luke's training of Ray in The Last Jedi. The young people described the balance of forces.
Good Life. Excellent. I see fire. Becomes larger. Consume anything that tries to stop it. The soul says that all the forces of nature incarnate differently. aspects of strength, but there is definitely a worried expression on his face. I interpret this as this young Ling feeling in Master Soul the fire that follows him and how, while he pursued the noble goal of spreading the Jedi path to children, doing so would mean burning him. the bridges those children have with their families Soul's fear is that the Jedi are another kind of destructive force, and while the Soul sun can bring warmth and clarity, it is also a burning ball of fire.
Vestra teacher Ro played by Rebecca Henderson tells Soul about the OSHA arrest now. She is a race of Mir Allen, which is the same race as Luminar Unduli and Baris. The book Fallen star shows Vern in his youth when he carried a lightsaber which he modified into a light whip and this series will later show that whip in action in the prisoner transport, this convict is locked with a diic which is a parasitic creature that subdues criminals with terrifying visions that remind me of the facehugger from Alien and Leslie headin confirmed that there will be an alien-themed episode coming soon, but the term diic comes from Jewish mythology is a malicious spirit that possesses that of a dead person its name comes from the Hebrew of dbak which means to adhere or cling you may have heard of the urban legend of the diic box OSHA asks how they are going to stage and Escape if they are currently traveling through hyperspace saying that taking Escape capsules could kill them such Remembering the story of the great hyperspace disaster in Legacy in 232 BBY, a third convict has these cybernetic implants reminds me of the cyborg robot from The Empire Strikes Back or even the concept of the descraciado that appeared in Rogue One and alone this guy hacks the pilots droids and I love how these guys practically transform back into pilot seats and time that handy transition with the light outside the spaceship to just time this moment where the transport comes out of hyperspace and that also means that these droids have to constantly dealing with guards sitting on them and farting on them.
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This first episode is very inspired bythe incredible 1993 film, The Fugitive. and this beat parallels the falsely accused Dr. Richard Kimble, who rushes out of the prisoner bus before the train crashes into them, but heroically decides to save the wounded guard even though everyone else left him to die and the OSHA's frozen accident site in Carlac echoes the cold desert. where Kimble has to flee we meet Master Soul's new padawan Jackie Lawn played by Daphne Kean Either way it's another example of the Jedi tradition of severing all family ties and emotional relationships, it really robs them of the emotional context in which to make good decisions and it's crazy to me that the Jedi Temple in this era has a level of detention like if it were a school with a prison. cells on the ground floor, what does that say about them right now?
We don't know if these prisoners specifically violated Jedi laws or something. They're just happy to keep prisoners in their school, so they ask to bring in OSHA. and Vern says that being discreet seems like their main concern is a political scandal and maybe that's why they replaced Yoda in this character as the authority figure of the temple in the show like Lucasville, maybe they just didn't want to muddy up the history of Yoda's background at this time. with a little sweat of political failure to simply not change any of the context he enters Phantom Menace as OSHA explores the crash site.
I love this shot, it's a solid jump scare and the creepiest thing is that not only did they program this young May to jump into the frame quickly, they somehow manage to do it without leaving footprints in the snow similarly, when OSHA later chases young May through the snow. No Traces in this vision May transports OSHA from the carlac ice to the brenock fire and takes her on this chase to what I assume was her childhood home and I notice that there are two bunk beds, each with parallel plush balls, and then she sings this spooky rhyme, you are with me, I am with you always one, but I was born as two, as above say the stars and below is the sea.
I give to you and you give to me, yes, I let them say the last line because semantically only one sister is giving to the other as if it were possible for them both to sing this simultaneously when they were children, but when they repeated it here it may be. the one who says I give you and OSHA says and you give me only may is giving Osha Osha Osha is not giving may may I'm sorry if this confuses you I only mention it because it implies that may is a dark side The Two Sisters practitioner is offering to the presumably weaker sister the opportunity to discover her true inner power.
Actually, in our roundtable, Leslie Hedin talked a lot about the Gemini zodiac sign represented by the twins caster and Pollock, it also came up in the room that Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy is not only a twin, but she was born on June 5, She and her twin sister Connie are Gemini, that's their zodiac sign, so I don't know, this could be a concept that Leslie and Kathleen talked a lot about when they were developing. The program in this series was able to identify OSHA in May as a dyad of strength. This concept was established in the rise of Skywalker.
It refers to a cosmic connection between two four sensitive individuals where together they can transcend their physical selves and access abilities such as forced healing communication. great distances and instantly teleporting objects to each other Palpatine loves both Ray and Kylo because they are diads. My theory is that this mystery Sith wants him to be able to be in OSHA for the same reason and that those four Jedi could have separated these sisters for that reason as well. well, because together they were too powerful to contain and could have been exploited by some nefarious entities, but in that separation they ended up creating a much bigger mess that everyone takes the blame for, but OSHA wakes up from this Vision in the past. crashed ship, suggesting that everything she saw from the moment she woke up and looked at Carlac was part of that Vision.
It's quite disconcerting to realize that you were waking up in a dream was actually part of that dream. It makes you paranoid. at this point you could still be asleep meanwhile on the ship Jackie and Y were sold. One detail of the production design that I really appreciate is how all the technology aboard these ships has rounded edges, we see pale white walls, sea foam and red, these control panels with these big ones. old knobs on them in 1977 George Lucas and his team went for a dirty, greasy sci-fi look that would reflect the themes prevalent in 1970s America dysfunction industrial pollution economic depression but this series dates back a decade or two before It takes design influences from what we call the retro futuristic aesthetic that used to be retro was just what was considered science fiction art in the 1950s and 1960s, this is when artists still had a more cheerful vision of the future, in Reality is what Disney Imagineers use to design tomorrow. land, so it's a good way to distinguish this older era from what we know more famously as Star Wars.
It also predates the clean green screen opulence of the prequel trilogy, but Soul reveals to the others that OSHA had a twin that I don't. I know OSHA was twin, she's not in the middle row, I notice how Soul moves her eyes like she didn't mean to say this out loud. We're getting a sense of how messy this conspiracy was, how rushed the Soul Yord cover-up was and Jaie follows Osha's trail through the narrow cave that leads to a cliff and yes, we have another fugitive reference here, the moment iconic in which Tommy Lee Jones chases Harrison forward into the dam drainage tunnel.
I didn't do it, I didn't do it. killing my wife I don't care similarly Soul implicitly knows that OSHA is innocent and not the wife when he saves her, just as Tommy Lee Jones removes the handcuffs from Harrison and Ford in the final scene of The Fugitive, now the saber Y light is yellow. color not commonly seen in Star Wars, was mainly used for the Temple Guardians, flashbacks and Rebels and increasingly characters like Ventress and Ray at the end of Rise of Skywalker, really to reflect the variety of the high Republic ERA , this series is expanding the spectrum of lightsaber colors the final scene of this episode takes us to this rocky coast The mystery of May Sith says in a distorted voice under a mask the Jedi live in a dream a dream they believe they all share if you attack a Jedi with a weapon you will miss Steel or laser are no threat to them and then it ends with this amazing line but an acolyte kills without a weapon, an acolyte kills sleep and then the Sith turns on a lightsaber framed red perfectly reflected in the group of titles below the Sith rule of two incarnated always two there is a master and an apprentice or from the girls' poem as above sit the stars below lies the sea above sits the stars a star a sun Alma sitting doing nothing and then lying down below now I was wondering if this planet could be a from The Last Jedi with the main Jedi Temple above and then the Sith cave below, but this rock formation and the water beyond them looks like it could be the same Rock that's off Olega's coast in the opening shot of episode two, so I think.
They may just be on Olega here, but the Sith seem to be using May to attack the Jedi and avoid exposing the current survival of the Sith, although trailer footage suggests future episodes will feature this guy fighting plenty of others. Jedi in kofar, no actor is there. credited to this voice in the end credits, although in the additional voices section, Sam witw appears again, but he and all of these other names appear in the additional voices for all of the live-action Lucas film titles, including Ahsoka and the Mandalorian, and I think it could be like a standard text. credits they always put because his voices are prominently featured in the entire library of audio resources for Lucas films, so who is this person?
Only two Sith are alive at a time during this period of history, there could be other future recruits on the way. to become a Sith, but there is always only one master and one apprentice, this is The Apprentice. I guess Palpatine aka Darth cidus is the master, he was Darth pagus. Darth pl's master was Darth tenebris, based on what we know of history and the general timeline based on the average. The lifespan of the characters would be dark before he had encountered plague, but I actually think this show will condense the timeline and reveal this as pagus and for me to be the first acolyte that plag tried to recruit when he was starting his plot. to overthrow Tenius years before he moved on and found the young Turnip Sheep Palpatine, so yes, I'm theorizing that we're seeing Darth Pagus the Wise, the figure from the story Palpatine told Anakin at the Opera in Revenge of the Sith.
The Sith who came close to conquering death itself and who are killed in his sleep by Palpatine, also known as cidus and pagus in 35 BBY, could be seeking a dyad in the force that would link with Palpatine seeking a death and rise. of Skywalker to achieve the same kind of immortality just by hearing the name Pagus would be the hardest thing for Revenge of the Sith fans and for what it's worth, Amanda Stenberg said her favorite Star Wars movie was Revenge of the Sith. the Sith and I wonder if it had the Opera scene. in his mind because it heavily influenced what is established in this show, the recent Awakened promo gives us our best look yet at the Sith helmet and reflected in the red glow of the saber, its curvature looks like a wide, grinning mouth with sharp fangs.
I'm currently 60% pagus, 10% tenebris and 30% someone else, a new Sith character whose name we've never heard, who is like a current apprentice of tenris or pagus and someone who won't last in that position for long. So far I can confirm that Leslie Hedin told us in the roundtable that this series will show us more than one Sith. She confirmed several Sith. She said Sith characters and I have an even crazier Wilder range theory about who could be under. I'll talk about the mask in a moment but let's move on to episode two of OA May again pays a local to help her get access to a Jedi and this girl throws goods at the guardian droid of the Jedi Temple, this droid is a Guardian Droid double Iris TT L y7 like the only Iris we saw in Javis Palace and Return of the Jedi.
I just like the detail that in 100 years there will only be one, but now there are two and I suppose during that century. The droid models simply did not need two light bulbs. May finds Master Torbin played by Dean Charles Chapman, who Tom and Baratheon from Game of Thrones float in this meditative trance. I appreciate the practical effect of using the drop-down cloak on him to mask whatever was holding him back. Practically for the scene, Torin's face is brutally scarred, which I assume is due to that Jedi cover-up incident at Brenock, but otherwise the casting of such a young actor for this part led to heavy makeup and facial hair. quite strange looking.
I do not know why. They cast an actor in his 20s to play the older version of himself, but May can't hit Torbin with her fists or swords because of this Force barrier he projects and she glides towards the Raptor silently like a Dragon. Hidden Crouching Tiger when Jen hides under the mask to steal the green sword Destiny at night OSHA helps Jackie repolarize the power couplings we see that OSHA has this tattoo Lucas' movie team also gave me one of these they didn't I liked getting a tattoo but they gave me one that I can like, you know, put it on if I want, but OSHA then says they got this during a night out at the SEC corporation.
Visually she's kind of a Gemini symbol right now, there's a little moment where OSHA says she's flexible and Jackie lets out a smile, but then wipes it away when Soul walks in like she doesn't want him to see her forming this Bond afterwards. that she scolded him for looking at OSHA's Hollow. Are we seeing budding chemistry between OSHA and Jackie because there was also an unimpressed reaction from Jackie to watching? and shirtless, I don't know, it might be nothing, but then May meets her conspirator named Kimere, played by Manny Jinto, from the good place where Kir has taken over the local apothecary and we learn that May Sith Master needs the least one of his four deaths to be. no weapons, so for May's motive, this is really a Kill Bill scenario where she seeks revenge against names on a list, but the Sith doesn't have such a personal grudge, he's really just exploiting that impulse of revenge and promising that if one of them can be without a weapon, she will have proven herself to him, we will see if he ends up keeping that promise, but Kier's role in this entire plot is a little more curious, the JediThey justify their galactic dominance in the name of peace and peace is. a lie, I know, wow, then peace is a lie, are the opening words of the Sith code.
The Sith Code first appeared as just a fragment in the Clone Wars episode Altar of Mortis, but was later presented in its full form in Guardians of the Wills Junior. novel peace is a lie there is only passion through passion I gain strength through strength I gain power through power I gain victory through victory my chains are broken the strength will set me free but the Sith are supposed to live secretly only two at a time This time I can't imagine that uninitiated people still in their testing phase like May and certainly not her silly chemist friend Kimere would know this Mantra and just go around quoting it so casually, but I suppose that while Thought the Sith were extinct, their beliefs could have lived on and spread to all anti-Jedi corners of society and Kimer could simply be a free thinker who can be found along the way and can provide him with bunta, a poisonous plant used in the game that apparently grows only on her and OSHA's home planet of Brenock. this is a bit of poetic justice and using a plant native to the crime scene Jedi Soul says that she wanted to save both girls and we learn that she tried to teach OSHA to accept what she had lost many times and I hadn't. a very good student maybe i wasn't a very good teacher yeah soul probably struggled to teach this to OSHA because he had these buried demons about what happened May reconf in front of teacher torbin I know why you took the barash vow you thought this life would give you, the peace you seek, ah.
The barash vow, which is an oath sworn by Jedi who abstain from the entire Jedi Order, functions as a form of penance to atone and re-enter the force. He is named after Jedi Master Brash Silano and was first mentioned in the High Republic comic series Blade when the Jedi Knight took The Vow Dez Ryden May offers him the vial of poison to absolve him of what he did. I see a parallel with Torbin and the character Bud and Kill Bill, he was the only killer on the list of girlfriends who seemed to accept that they deserved what was coming to them that woman deserves her revenge we deserve to die Torbin similarly accepts this poison we thought we were Doing the Right Thing is another example of the series showing the Jedi having doubts about themselves.
Authority, perhaps that sith mystery's true plot could be to purge the only Jedi at the moment who have doubts within the Jedi Order so that the The only Jedi who survive into Future Generations as in the prequel era are those with 100% blindness to any of their own flaws. and vulnerabilities as the Jedi stake out the street we see kir throwing his food wrapper into a woman's shopping basket, which personally reminds me of Rob Low throwing a carton of milk into the baby stroller in Tommy Boy, jaie proposes using OSHA to impersonate her twin sister to get information from Kir a plot we see in every Mary Ashley Olssen movie Sister Sister Episode or The Parent Trap because yes this is kind of a Parent Trap situation if each of the Lindsay Loens will think the other. one was actually dead from a fire.
I may be wrong here, but it seems like a lot of the dialogue that verbally identifies OSHA as a former Jedi in quotes simply seems to appear in shots when the characters' faces are off camera, like glancing at OA. She knows how to use one of these, she used to be a Jedi, are you ready? Now we see moments with soul and Vern and yord where they talk about OSHA's pass with the order, sure, but I wonder if earlier drafts might have had some slightly different verbiage, like maybe they gave it some other term of a Jedi designation which isn't like a full Jedi, but maybe they called her Acolyte and then the Jedi dropped that designation after OSHA left the order, but then the people who make the program look at that again. and they say that might be a little confusing and then maybe they re-edited the scenes to say she was a former Jedi and left it at that, but also Le Jong J learned English for this role and that's super impressive and they could have been repetitions as he was becoming more and more confident with his lines.
Kimer sees through OSHA's charade and the Jedi swarm in Yord again immediately pulls out his lightsaber, but it's really just because he doesn't trust OSHA to be the only one holding a gun during surveillance yord says I have a bad feeling about this ah classic Star Wars line it's actually been a long time since we heard a character say this in live action it never appears in any Mandalorian episode or the OBA book Fett or Andor we only get a half nod in episode 4 of Ahsoka when Jason Syndulla says: I have a bad feeling the last time we heard the full version. of the line was Lando's in the rise of skywalker in 2019.
I have a bad feeling about this and for good measure yord also winks at admiral abar what if this guy is lying? What if this is a trap, then Soul? She confronts May and with Indar and Torbin they remember that May orders them both to attack her with all their strength, but she cannot do this for the soul. She is now on the defensive, so she throws her sword as a warning shot, but her kick stops in mid-air. inches in front of her face, which shows that Soul let her take this clo just to see if she would land her punches and she didn't, and I love how May uses this Force hold as a pivot point to spin in the air using the reverse force of his push causes his body to spin as Soul simply steps back to evade his blows and watches as you attack me without a weapon why it's interesting that Soul feels that killing without a weapon must mean there is some kind of reason for cult by which he Might be familiar with this Passage WR required for Sith indoctrination, so here's my take on who the MK might actually be.
Could Liang J play the mystery Sith Darth pagus or Darth tennis, whether it's a dual identity of Master Soul, maybe Soul himself, or maybe? He has a twin named something like Lon or Lun, which would be a derivative of the Latin word for Moon Luna, which could be the reason why he is so lenient with the Gemini twins and why historically after this, this conflict with the Sith would remain buried with him at that time. we come to the prequel era. I don't know, it's a nice soap opera theory, but you just know he wanted to post it, but like with Indara, he can always reach for the lightsaber and if not he's going to kill someone with it. weapon.
I wonder why he tries to snatch it from her. I think it might be a way to try and give his master a receipt that this lightsaber was never ignited during the duel and that the weapons were not used in much of Soul's maneuvers around May. It just seems to be him watching her so when he pushes her away he turns his back without a care and we wonder why he turned his back on someone he's fighting but then you realize it's because he's taken all his daggers but He also somehow removed his temptation to use a gun to kill, if he's going to do it, he has to do it the right way.
Soul and Yord revealed to May that OSHA is still alive, so both sisters thought the other was dead, those four Jedi. she must have lied Let each sister believe that the other had died and erased May from the reports if the mother is one of her mothers it was just the other mother who died in the fire May escapes creating a sand explosion that throws them towards each other Actually, the trailer footage shows an even more powerful version of this used on several Jedi by the Sith in that heavily forested area on Kofar. OSHA has May in its sights and the two sisters connect, but OSHA shoots past her to let her escape like in Point Break, release the clip, yes, I think we are forced to watch all the Harrison Ford and Keanu Reeves movies to appreciate the spectacle.
Soul is called back to meet with the small council at the temple, which will be fun because you know among the Jedi. in the temple includes Yoda yarel poof oo rancisis and I think plun is around while May reconnects with kir so they head to the planet kofar and that's where in this episode with two scavengers approaching, the language they are speaking is H , that's the language the Huts speak on Tatooine and Narar and Nut wherever the Huts operate, which means these two are part of the Huts' criminal operation, but then Kela comes home and whips out the Blaster, breaks it and scares them.
Kaka is the fourth Jedi Master of the group. a wook played by Jonas Sut, who played Chewbacca solo with the Star Wars story, so yeah, I'm really enjoying the acolyte. Many thanks to the Lucas film crew for allowing me to talk about this show with Leslie Hedland. I asked Leslie if the sacred Jedi texts from The Last. The Jedi would appear as Temple textbooks in this show and she said no, but I also asked Leslie which episode of the season would be the craziest one that everyone would talk about and she said episode 5 was just amazing to enjoy.
Star Wars in the state of fandom with a group of fans of the franchise. I also met Dave Filon even though he walked in right when I was introducing myself and I feel like he did it on purpose because, you know, I beat him up for doing it. the new republic is either too incredibly stupid just to be able to justify the rise of the first order or has no idea who I am, which is more likely, but I'm very grateful to everyone I met that week for allowing me to be among the first to Project the first episode of the acolyte for the opportunity to tour the Lucasfilm campus in Burbank to meet an amazing group of people and then attend the premiere event in Hollywood.
I haven't seen episodes three or four or any of the rest of the season. However, any theory I presented in this video is completely blind. I'm excited because this show has the potential to slaughter all of its characters to keep the Sith a secret and I hope that's how it ends because we have the great hyperspace disaster we have the destruction of Starlight Beacon let's have a third tragedy that ends the High era Republic the curse of brenock comment below with your thoughts follow me on eaos subscribe to all three channels on the new rockstars network for


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