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The 50 Easiest 3-Ingredient Recipes

Jun 29, 2024
In today's world we are given everything we want almost instantly, so naturally everyone wants the quickest


possible, but good food sometimes takes time, but even if the recipe is quick, I see a lot of people complaining, so today we will end that. That's why today. I give you 53




s that you can easily prepare at home. There is one caveat: I don't count tap water, if you don't have tap water you shouldn't be watching a YouTube video now, why don't I count salt two? Reasons why all of these recipes will work without using salt, they just won't taste as good and if you have the salt that you like best, you can add what you already have and before we start, all of these recipes are written in their entirety. website, the link will be in the description, now let's do this: we are going to make sweet and condensed milk ice cream along with some vanilla paste, beat until combined and then just keep this in the freezer while we make our whipped cream .
the 50 easiest 3 ingredient recipes
The cream goes on your stain. mixer that's cold heavy cream let it rip I know I'm using a spot mixer here okay before you complain let me tell you you can do this with an electric hand mixer or a good old fashioned whisk once whipped , it should have nice soft peaks. sweet condensed milk we have our whipped cream, you're going to add a little bit of that and fold it in. I would also suggest adding a pinch of salt and finally the rest of the whipped cream, so you'll need a loaf. pan and you're going to carefully pour essentially what is your ice cream batter right in there, you don't even have to churn it, just put it in the freezer and enjoy it once it's frozen, just do what you do, take it out, enjoy it, possibly.
the 50 easiest 3 ingredient recipes

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the 50 easiest 3 ingredient recipes...

Best Rice Krispy Treats Ever Salted Butter you're going to use this on medium heat so we're going to deep brown this butter once it's completely melted keep it on medium heat and let it cook and toast the milk salts in this Stirring from time to time with a small spatula so they don't burn, look how it starts to brown a little, it's starting to foam a little, that's good, but I want it further away, I want it almost burnt, that should smell nutty, it should smell delicious. , so that's perfect, you're going to add a bunch of marshmallows and stir a lot.
the 50 easiest 3 ingredient recipes
We put it on medium low heat and we will continue stirring once it is completely melted and there are no solids left. your crispy rice and fold it in gently, that's a beautiful thing, just pour your Rice Krispie into your prepared 9x13 pan, spread it out and just pat it like this, we want it to be tight in the pan, let it sit until it comes to room temperature and then you can slice it , you can cut it however you want, you want some little rectangles, great, you want to make big guys, great, God, beautiful macaroni and cheese, big pot.
the 50 easiest 3 ingredient recipes
I'm going to add half and half of the game. medium high just a little bit of water just a little bit of water just a little bit of salt to taste once it's boiling you're going to add your mac directly here's the trick we're using here we're boiling the pasta in what's going to be the sauce you can see that much of the liquid is gone turn off the heat you are going to add the cheese please use freshly grated cheese stir until you hear the symphony don't forget to taste and add salt as needed just do it A beautiful moment in a bowl that has to be the macaroni with cheese the


I've ever made.
Teriyaki chicken. This one is a little difficult. Chicken thighs that have been boned and skinned. Why does Josh have skin left? Well, we need oil. Remove the skin to put this in a non-stick pan over medium low heat and just let it release its oil into the pan. Let's take our chicken thighs. Let them brown for 2 to three minutes per side, don't worry. cooking it all the way through I just want a color that should look like this now that it looks good, place it on a cutting board. Now I do this because I wanted to release some of its juices into the pan, so now you're going to cut.
Yes, raw cubed Put it back in the pan, you will add the soy sauce and honey, stir gently, now boil over medium high heat, then reduce medium and let it reduce until it becomes syrupy and glazed after reducing. for about 15 minutes you should be left with a glossy sauce that coats and sticks to the chicken. You can serve this with rice if you wish. You can also serve it directly. You can add a little avocado for visual effects. You always can. add a little sesame seed whatever you want to make it look prettier three


s pancakes, bananas, we're going to mix that with the whole eggs until it's as smooth as possible all the sweets need a little salt, there's no added sugar . just the sweetness of the banana, so the riper the banana, the sweeter the dough will be.
Now we're going to add the flour directly into the lid and this time we're going to blend it over low heat until it's mixed with a dough, maybe. a little faster now, once the dough is ready, you will mound it on a griddle or non-stick pan now while these cook, which brings me to today's sponsor made in cookware madeen offers a wide variety of cookware from high quality, including this carbon steel. iron we are using here I love this, I use it all the time with my restaurant experience. I'm incredibly picky about the cookware I use and there's a reason I love doing it.
Its carbon steel griddle combines the heat retention of cast iron with the control and maneuverability of stainless steel coating, so if seasoned properly it's essentially a nonstick alternative. One of my favorite things about this is that it is also open fire compatible. They have small legs so it literally goes directly over the fire. We can also use it on gas, electric and induction stoves. Oh, and don't forget to flip it when it's golden brown and cook for a couple more minutes. I have been using maen cookware for four years even before becoming a partner with them and I am happy to have this. iron in my Arsenal In fact, I also have one at home.
I have two. I've got four. So don't forget to check out their kitchen utensils at the link in the description to save on your order. All that being said, if you don't have one. griddle available, but you can use a non-stick pan but you will have less kitchen service. I'll tell you, look at all this now, once you're done, you can serve this straight up, but obviously syrup, butter, all that stuff. are they optional or not, because guess what they are delicious on their own and there are three ingredients, banana bread, bananas, eggs and the secret ingredient, a very high quality yellow cake mix, bananas, so you're going to let this break down into top. speed until it is as smooth as possible with the bananas from here you will add your two eggs beat them finally on low speed you will add the yellow cake mix half once it starts to incorporate add the other half and very easily you have a banana bread dough perfect and delicious.
See the benefit of using yellow cake mix. It has all the ingredients, salt, sugar, everything you need in one for our dough to be ready. Get a small loaf pan, line it with some parchment paper. evenly from edge to edge and put it in a 350 F oven for 40 to 50 minutes, okay, then you'll take it out, let it cool for about 5 minutes here and then once it's cooled, take it out and put it in. a rack to cool the rest of the way ever feared that a banana bread you made might deflate try cooling it on its side, you're welcome.
I should also clarify that otherwise you will have to flip it halfway through cooling. one side will be bigger than the other, does this make sense? It's completely cold, you cut it up and enjoy it, it's banana bread mozzarella sticks, so your spring roll wrapper is going to go on a work surface. the mozzarella stick goes around the bottom third and starts to roll it up nice and tight once you get to the corners of your springle wrapper then you'll bring them in and then you'll continue rolling it's basically like a burrito. Now, once you get to the top corner, you'll do a little tap. of water and rub the edges you seal like this, then simply rinse and repeat with the rest.
Drop these bad boys into a bowl heated to 350 F once they are fried to a light golden brown. Take them out and place them on a rack to drain. Look at these. little ones buddy let them cool oh oopsie this is like a new kind of mozzarella sticking out of the mashed potatoes cooked Yukon Gold potatoes have been boiled in salted water before draining. I'm going to add unsalted butter and half and half anyway. We're going to heat this over medium heat until the butter is melted and hot. Meanwhile, we come here with our boiled potatoes and I'm going to drain them real quick, you don't even need another bowl. put them in a potato masher, you can also use a hand masher, that's fine rice, those bad boys, hot cream and butter, along with salt seasoned fish, you have beautiful silky mashed potatoes, bites of dates, you're going to split one of these.
The bad boys open and squeeze out the tasty meat, you will get one of your dates, these are pitted and split on one side so they open like this and you will take some of your lanesa meat and stuff it now once. They are stuffed, you will take a piece of bacon cut in half. I'm going to carefully wrap it around your date and secure it with a toothpick, grab your air fryer that has been preheated to 325 F, pop that bad boy. Open it up, have some foil on the bottom and then just load it up, close it and let it rip for 15 to 20 minutes. 20 minutes later you have small bites of dates, tomato soup in a medium saucepan and I'm going to add unsalted butter, heat it over medium heat.
Heat and once melted you will add a small slice of yellow onion, add a little salt to help the sweat cook through, once they soften about 3 to 4 minutes you will add a 28 ounce can . of whole peeled Marzano sand tomatoes and you will crush them slightly and add them followed by all the liquid, stir, add about a cup of water and then bring to a boil over medium high heat, now let it come to a simmer. for 10 to 15 minutes. I want the onions to be so soft that they basically fall apart when you look at them. You can serve them like this for the record, but if you want an extra smooth immersion blender and blend until smooth. physically possible, check the salt, you will probably need a little or more.
From there, you'll add a good tablespoon or two of unsalted butter and mix it together. It looks beautiful, luxurious, a beautiful bright orange, you can literally serve it straight like this. I'm going to add a little more butter on top, melted, just spooned on top, this tastes like there are a lot more than three ingredients in here, this might be one of my favorite recipes on the entire list, Hot Chili Butter Crunch, butter, is completely softened. now we're just going to help beat it up now we're going to add a lot of freshly graded raw garlic, just the solids of a spicy crunchy chili, add it to the butter and then just beets together, make sure this is fully incorporated, it's well, put this on a steak, put it on mashed potatoes, put it on hot rice, put it on a vegetable, put it on your uho, take this little guy in the refrigerator and it can be used for almost any crusty bread, we have bread flour, add fine sea salt. the flour just mix that by hand and then separately, I have warm water here, we keep it around 90 to 100, the instant yeast goes in and then it's added.
I'm going to do a little division in the flour, a little water with yeast, mix by hand. and you're going to form a kind of claw, you're just going to mix until all the flour is absorbed, form a little one of these and you're going to go under the dough, pick it up, punch it down and just rinse and repeat, look, it's not nothing strange just do it for a couple of seconds and you will have a shaggy dough and that is actually most of the work you will have to do, cover it well this will be left to rest at room temperature for 8 hours so you can do this just before you go to bed, wake up and then make your bread.
We have preheated it in an oven at 500 fahit. I actually have a little flour on the bottom so it doesn't stick. Place that little one. there, put it back in the oven and let it bake for about 20 to 25 minutes to bloom, then we'll take the lid off, then you'll drop the temperature to 425 and let it bake for another 15. to 20 minutes a little bit of extra deep browning look these three ingredients and you don't even need to make your own sourdough listen oh, someone at home Nutella pretzel shake vanilla ice cream Nutella and pretzels in a blender vanilla ice cream one long fat pretzel a good helping of She lets it break apart, let it find its way and then speed it up a little bit now just pour your smoothie into a nice glass, it should be velvety, it should be beautiful if you were using the giant pretzel that you are You'll take that and dip it in Nutella and just scoop out a dough, but no we are going to expose, don't do that, you will get a nice velvety dough and that put the batter on the partbottom for a little surprise and you'll have a Nutella pretzel shake.
The Humble Bean and Cheese Burrito, this is a saving dish. If you ever go to a Mexican restaurant, they give you a lot more refried beans or any type. of beans than you need, you take it home and put it in the refrigerator and when you get hungry, all you need are three ingredients, cheese, the leftover beans and a large tortilla, first heat up your tortilla. I'm going to do it directly over an Open Flame just to be flexible. I would also recommend using heat resistant gloves. The tortilla goes down for the leftovers. beans in the bottom third and then this is the key to a bean and cheese burrito and that's a lot of cheese shredded Monterey Jack cheese so let's roll it up boom get a skillet heat it up on high half.
Heat this seam. it has to go down first okay let's seal this and just relax you don't even need anything in the pan a good tortilla should have enough oil to toast that will take about 2 to 3 minutes and you. Let's turn it over carefully now you'll see how it's sealed. You'll repeat that on the other side, you may have to keep flipping it, you may have to do other sides, but keep doing it for about 2 minutes per side until the cheese is completely melted. a cheesy bean burrito is a delicious and glorious cheesy bite one of my favorite dishes cheap and easy three ingredient spicy avocado toast spicy avocado half twist oh my goodness there are still people who are completely grown up and don't you guys know how to make this quarter and then just peel keep your cuts even toasted bread you'll toast this in a toaster sliced ​​avocado get yourself some crunchy hot chili you'll put the crunchy solids on top and then drizzle on some of that oil and that. it's a spicy avocado toast, peanut butter, cinnamon toast, crunchy peanut butter bites, we're going to start heating it on medium low heat and then I'm going to add a lot of honey, this is wild flour honey, let it heat up completely, it should liquefy and combine.
It should run a little, cut the heat and you're going to add your Cinnamon Toast Crunch, fold it carefully and try not to crush it too much. We have a loaf pan prepared that goes right in there and then you just press it out. as hard as you can without crushing it, spread it out and let it cool completely, take that bad boy out, turn it over, take this off. I'm going to cut SE into a stick that are beautiful jalapeños, so you're going to take every jalapeño. cut off the tops and cut them in half, you will scrape the inside of each of your jalapenos, even a small cavity, once you have done that you will take some bouron cheese and shape it into a log. and stuff inside each cavity, take a little piece of bacon and wrap it around the center and then from top to bottom stab right in the center and then repeat with the rest, put it in an oven.
I get it at 450 fhe for 20 to 25 minutes you have jalapeño fettuccini aluro roasted and toasted, you're going to need alente cooked fettuccini and salted pasta water and you're going to take out the pasta, okay, put the pasta water in there. I like salted butter. Add that to our pan. we're going to throw let it emulsify a little more butter as it melts we're going to add our grated parmesan regano finally throw throw throw turn off the heat look at that creamy luxurious beautiful flavor seasoned with salt and add more butter and cheese as needed , from here you can add additional parmesan, regano, black pepper if you like, but this is served as is, they are simple and delicious cookies, how could you have them with only three ingredients?
The secret is the self-rising flour, the cold cubed butter goes right in and you just press and twist to help break it up into little fluid pieces. You don't want to do this too much. You want random pieces of butter. You're going to add some heavy cream with a fork. It's very important. I'm going to throw this out while it's still Shaggy. I'm just going to knead this bad boy together, don't need it too much, you don't want to melt the butter with your hands, spread it out into a rough rectangle. to fold it over itself once like a letter roll, again cut out as many rounds as you can using a cookie cutter, now you can put the remaining dough back together, roll it up and you will get more cookies, isn't it so cute? in a c iron skillet, yes, in the oven and then they should come out of the oven beautifully look at the flakes in this one look at the layers that are a small, flaky brownie powdered sugar cookies goes in a large bowl and also all over your hand that's good cocoa powder, mix them with an electric mixer once it's incorporated, just add the egg whites and also the salt.
Salt is important for dessert, but you can omit the salt and it will still work. You can use a spoon. You can use a cookie scoop to place eight8 evenly spaced tablespoons let's bake these at 325 F you have the sweet and sticky inside the crispy exterior I would have no idea it's gluten free that's crazy and only three ingredients boil corn oil in Hot Pot, shake it around add the grains, turn the ones around, touch the salt and sugar well, the lid is put on high heat and you are going to shake the pan constantly, don't stop, you will hear noises, that's good, we've already started, ah, once the coverage has decreased.
I'm going to open this bad boy, she's still, oh my gosh, watch out vickram, get a nice simple boiled corn right there, potato chips, peel your Russian potatoes here, I've got a bowl of water, add about 1 and 1 /2% brine so you can. I'm going to slice the potatoes with a mandolin directly into the brine. I'll just give them a little light massage. I won't squeeze them. I just make sure every little surface has been touched by the salt water. Let them sit for 10 to 15 minutes, these fries were taken out of the water and patted dry, so I have a large cast iron skillet filled a little more than half full with vegetable oil, it has been heated to 350 F at the point , what do you think we do next to fry? bro, you can see that they are essentially no longer bubbling and are starting to turn golden brown, which means they are crispy, so drain them a little, throw them on a rack over a baking sheet, immediately season generously with kosher salt, and continue frying.
You can serve this however you want, cute little chippy boys, look at this tuna salad, canned tuna, remember, keep it nice and high quality please, in a bowl, we're just going to shred it as fine as possible, shred it fine enough before adding the other ingredients. Finally I have diced gerkens pickles, whatever you have, add it along with and this is a bit vague, a mayonnaise based white dressing. I don't know if I would say Creamy Ranch with Garlic, Dilly, something in that Vibe, stir, season with salt. if necessary and you have a good tuna salad together, this is inspired, we have a thick ribeye, cut the fat cap, finally cut it in a large frying pan over medium-low heat and let it render the fat, let's separate the cap.
We have a beautiful ribeye here, let's cut it as thin as we can so you can see this gon took out a good amount of oil, now it's crispy on the bottom, it's caramelizing and it has an intense flavor. We have a thinly sliced ​​onion. turn the heat to medium high and just sauté to get some color and soften them up so now we're going to add shirashi, a little bit of water, bring it to a boil over medium high heat, once it's boiling reduce the heat to medium low, you want it to simmer and then you will add the meat in there once the meat is cooked through, turn off the heat and serve it immediately.
You can eat it straight, but it should be served over rice with some green onion on top, the sugar cookie should be a simple salted butter, whipped at high speed, you will add regular granulated sugar and cream to make it nice and fluffy, you will add the flour to all use. / thirds reduce the stirring to a low level, a little more flour, once the flour is mixed, you have a dough left and we are going to make a tablespoon and a half of balls, add granulated sugar just to cover it on a tray and repeat with the rest of the dough, take the bottom of a glass with a flap and just press them down slightly, like this, put them in an oven at 325 Fhe for 14 to 16 minutes, once they have cooled, you will be left with some sugar cookies wonderfully soft moving over meatballs.
First, the bread goes in, you're going to add the mushroom powder and a splash of water, just mix this until it's well combined, when I tap it, it moves a little in my hand, that's what you want, get a portion of meat roll. place a bowl on the baking sheet and now repeat this in a 450°F oven for 15 to 20 minutes once your meatballs are grilled, toasted and beautiful, easy to move meatballs over grilled pork chops, you need a big, thick, juicy chop, thick boy these are generously seasoned with just salt, a nice light quinel of apple, essentially an apple sauce, you still have room for one more ingredient, brother, it will be butter and we made this butter, these They are the three ingredients.
Butter, place a small piece and then you can place this under a grill or take a small blowtorch and give it a small cut, these are beautiful tortillas, flour, salt, mixture, oil, warm water, now, a Once you get a rough dough, you will knead it for about a minute or two until you get a nice smooth dough, let it rest with a damp towel. Divide the dough in half, dust it again, the board ball goes down, dust the ball, press it lightly with your hand, and then just roll it out. I mean it's thin enough that I can see my fingers through it.
We have a preheated griddle right here, just stick it in there, maybe it's better than that, let it cook. This starts to bubble. Give it a spin. It's a beautiful omelet. Have I ever seen one? peanut butter and jelly you really need a recipe for this peanut butter obviously goes one way jelly goes the other I'm not making peanut butter and jelly to make a joke here I'm doing it because I want to explain something we all get stuck in our routine you choose what you know maybe it's strawberry jam maybe it's blackberry jam maybe it's smooth maybe it's crunchy peanut butter this is your time to change it up a little either in life or in your peanut butter and jelly choose a peanut butter different peanuts make it crunchy instead of creamy try more jam the best thing to do is not cook, but change it up a little peanut butter jelly quesadilla look, this is another time to think about where you get your tortilla from try something different try a higher quality tortilla, maybe go to a local Mexican restaurant that makes authentic Mexican food and ask if you can buy some tortillas.
Now we're going to fold this and before I put it in The Griddle, I'm going to take some of my Monterey Jack cheese and I'm going to spread it on my griddle. Some of my cheddar cheese too. I'm going to place the tortilla on top. Let it do its job. Now look at the beauty. To do it this way, once you get under this and flip it over, you have a beautiful cheese crust on the outside, on the other side you're going to do another 2 to 3 minutes until it's toasted and the cheese is set. Melt it, divide it in half and then in half again, how could something so sexy only have three ingredients?
Strawberry Shortcake. I use severe puff pastry. I spread it slightly. I don't want it to be too wide. I just want it to be even. Turn it around. Let's give it shape. this just wanted a little more square parchment placed on a baking sheet. We have our puff pastry laid out here, so we're going to essentially create a border by placing our strawberries along the entire length of the puff pastry and then on top we're just going to sprinkle a generous layer of sugar in the oven at 400° for 12 to 15 minutes check out this friend There is a three-ingredient cake, the crazy salad, so we have olive oil or infused basil oil, tomatoes and mozzarella.
Fresh mozzarella should be rinsed of salt. It is optional. I highly recommend salt on this so we have nice heirloom tomatoes here cut them about 1/4 inch thick my mozzarella cut is about the same size and then we're going to layer it look at that friend put salt directly above. and be generous and your oil will go right on top, there's not a lot of fat in this, you want to add fat to it and that's a simple but delicious three ingredient capry salad, raw melon, what you're going to need is a big bad melon, you're going to cut it in half, lengthwise, a sheet of parchment, a spoon, scoop out the seeds and throw them in the trash, you're just going to cut it in half again and cut it into nice little pieces, you know? make them look good, you're just going to cut.
In fact, I prefer to avoid not just the green but a little bit of that white pith and then repeat with the rest, you're going to marinate this, line them up nice and snug in a naval. one or two oranges, divide them in half and then squeeze them directly on top, you will cover this and let marinate for at least an hour, but ideally overnight and the third ingredient, take a singleslice of Pudo, a piece of melon and then just wrap the center of that nice and tight and layer it and repeat with the rest of your melon and you'll have a little bit of juice left here and you'll take a little spoonful of that and will spoon into the If you have a perfect second orange, simply zest it onto the bottom of your plate.
You'll have some fun. B lemon garlic cabbage, divide the cabbage in half and then cut it into quarters. You have a hot pan that you are going to put on. in garlic oil, get it very hot and then add the cabbage, stir it around a little bit, we're not going to add salt, but it's going to wilt, it's going to sweat. I want a little bit of color on this first before I use my lemon. I'm going to grate that because I want this grating at the end, this is starting to smoke, you're getting some color, you can see that, bring that in and just throw it away.
I'm going to let him get Char one more time. time, let it sit for a minute or two over high heat, salt to taste, a good mix, turn off the heat. I want it to retain a little crunch. You will add lemon juice from a lemon mixture which together will adjust the salt levels as needed. The cabbage is ready. Enter my enthusiasm F together this is a blank canvas but it is good as are butter noodles. I want the pasta water to get dirty. I'm adding a little bit of L to make the sauces more delicious.
Unsalted butter over medium high heat and we will continue stirring and stirring until the butter melts. there, add salt to taste and then once emulsified and coated, adjust the salt levels well as needed and serve the old omelet, all the eggs will go into a nice bowl, beat them, season the eggs at this stage It's totally fine now. We have our frying pan hot on medium heat I'm going to put a tablespoon of butter to melt the eggs they go right to the center while the edges are cooking you are going to take them to the center fill that space with more egg and repeat repeat repeat Repeat, you will see how this works, you will add cheese on the side, I have grated Grier, once the curd is almost ready, then you will fold it over itself, we will add a little more butter. turn the pan towards the omelet, turn the heat up a little to medium heat and let the butter go under it, let it toast for about 30 to 45 seconds, our eggs are ready, turn off the heat, make sure it's nice and Loosey Goosey, you're going to grab your pan with your hands like this, give it a couple of taps, grab your plate, put your plate against the edge and turn it over, look at that little tortilla or flag.
Hazel, don't pray with sugar in a small saucepan, a splash of water and, optionally, a little lemon juice. to help stabilize the caramel, mix it in a little so the sugar can hydrate and then put it over medium high heat, bring this bad boy to a boil and let it break up here we have a silicone mat with skin-on toasted hazelnuts I gotta say you're going to pour this one glass of sugar and caramel directly on top now, once it's cold, it should bring out the beauty of a hazelnut preline. You can put this on almost any dessert.
You can put it in ice cream. You can sprinkle. put it on top of a cut of cake or you can mix it with something, you can mix it with a chocolate bar, you can mix it with the rice krispie treats we made earlier. Here I give you the keys, health, corn bread, corn flour in a large bowl. Boil hot water and mix. I would recommend seasoning this a little with salt. Let it sit until the liquid is absorbed. It will probably take around 15 to 20 minutes. Basically what you are left with is very firm cornmeal that is compatible.
It is important that we have our pork fat. here I'm going to heat that over medium heat in the circle pan, you're going to press the cornmeal into the pan, drop that bad boy in there, then rinse and repeat the corn Put fry, oh brother, we've got all this beautiful crispy bacon, just sting that. bad boy, once this is done you will place them on a rack to cool and drain them, place them on a good plate, cover generously with some bacon and drizzle with good quality honey, let it show with salt, it is say, corn pigs in a blanket but already big I don't like small sausages I want them in large puff pastry let's cut this into quarters cut these wrappers in half and wrap them look at some DG hanging a little water on your finger apply it straight across, cut it right before you turn it over, press down lightly, that's your wrapped DG, repeat with all your sausages, these are just two ingredients, you want a third ingredient which could be cheese if you want. to put your dogs on a tray bake these at 400 fahit for 15 to 18 minutes so we have our dogs finished look at this guy this is a pan pork with roma tomato cut off one end then take One Singular Cliff. of garlic and just cut off the tip, just the tip and rub it all over that hot toasted sourdough bread ooh, let's take our tomato and do exactly the same thing, be aggressive, squeeze it, get the juice all over it, cut this up.
By the way, salt is a requirement, my preference would be undercooked, it's not part of the three ingredients, but I'm telling you it's tasty, you hit it aggressively with a little olive oil, it's a delicious tomato grilled cheese that we know how to do this non-stick pan butter over medium heat without salt in the pan Once it is almost melted, place the first slice of bread and then any cheese you want. I always double my cheese, although American cheese is the OG, the other slice of bread on top I prefer just let it do its job on medium medium low alternating until the other side is toasted so you can add a little more butter, give it a bit back to your bread, look at that friend and then toast the other side, take it out of the pan. burn your hand that felt good oh yes that's grilled cheese blackberry jam I have blackberries sugar lemon juice and also water 2 to 3 what saucepan are you going to add in your blackberries your sugar you can use a spoon you can use your hand just mix them together, I like to mash them up a little bit, let them sit for about 5 minutes, it's like a quick little information, okay you really have to announce when you say that, the first thing you'll notice after mating is that there's going to be a lot of juice in there, that's good At this point you are going to turn the heat on to medium high and add a little water, bring it to a boil over medium high heat and lower the temperature. to medium and you're going to let it reduce, so once it reduces cut the heat and add a little bit of lemon juice, a small bowl, a strainer, pour it into your fine mesh strainer and then use a spoon or a whisk or whatever you're stirring in and just pulse to get every last bit out, let it cool and once it's ready it should thicken, if you want it thicker you can always reduce it further but I like the mine a little more on the syrupy side so that when you have toast, you can spread a little bit and enjoy the sushi grade ngiri salmon. you can make tuna, you can make hamachi, make sure you can safely eat it raw since we only have three ingredients, so we really want to spice this up. when curing it, get some kosher salt on one side, pat it down and then again on the other side, cover the wet towel and leave it in the refrigerator for about 12 hours, so with a sharp knife you're going to cut the fish. the grain goes from the heel to the tip by pulling the knife and letting the weight of the knife do the work once you get close to the bottom you are going to turn the knife up and then cut down and then you are left with the little piece ready to ngiri , so we have our cooked rice here, start dividing that rice, you're just pounding it and we're going to lightly sprinkle it with our Sushi Vin, spread it out, pull it out to the edges and fold it back in and adjust the seasoning to get this out, you need a wet towel in a triangle shape using three fingers like a spoon turning the O.
Okay, and once you have most of the rice piled up in one area, you will fold this and just work the rice into a light ball, scoop it out and toss it with careful keep it covered keep it warm and now let's assemble wet your hands you're going to start with just a ball form that ball into a sort of egg take your fish place it on top you're just shaping it to get some niri that's it have fun with her. Spanish omelet, this one is not perfectly traditional, so let's peel our Poes potatoes, these are Yukon Golds, now once they are.
When you're peeled, you're going to slice them in a non-stick frying pan with a mandoline over medium heat, now you're going to eat them, we're going to completely cover the bottom of the pan, you're going to layer your potatoes a little bit of salt salt potato oil more salt and then the rest of the potato on top with additional olive oil. Now put it on medium low heat and let it cook nice and slow until soft, these potatoes are almost cooked. I push them a little. and I broke a hug. I'm going to season the top with a little more salt and then I'll have my eggs season yours to taste with salt and then just beat until smooth.
I'm going to pour this directly on top to make sure it covers. You're going to let everything cook with a lid or you can put it in a 375° oven for about 8 to 10 minutes once the time is up, a toasted boy will come out, look at this, it's Bea Pizza. It's hard to make three ingredients, unless you have whole foods, Joe's, who makes their own pizza dough, once you have a piece of dough, you're going to punch it in a round, now roll out the dough, make sure the biggest part The inside is thin but you have a small crust on the outside.
The pizza goes on the peel, so I have whole peeled tomatoes that I have strained into the container and I start mixing this until it reaches a good pizza sauce consistency, spread it out and grate it. cheese you want in the oven come on, oh, you don't have a pizza oven, that's totally fine. You can use a pizza stone or a pizza steel in your home oven, no problem, it will increase the baking time to a total of 10, maybe 15. minutes, that's it Maximum temperature 500 ° Pizza ready, that It's a solid pizza right there. Nutella Brownies, your Nutella goes in and then one egg at a time, we're going to beat it into our Nutella and beat together on high speed until it's nice and smooth, now beating slowly.
We are going to add our flour, incorporating little by little and we have our brownie dough. You will take an 8 by 8 non-stick pan and line it with parchment paper and then you will simply pour the brownie batter directly into it and spread it out so that it matches the edges evenly, put it in the oven at 350 fhe for 15 to 20 minutes and so you will get some beautiful and gooey peanut butter cookies with Nutella brownie, they are creamy peanuts gluten free brother. butter in a bowl and you're going to beat it until it's creamy along with a little granulated sugar, add it about a quarter at a time, let it incorporate a little more.
A single egg, beat that on that's your prepared baking sheet for the dough, scrape out a ball. take it out, you can also use a regular spoon and just roll them into balls, you'll take a small fork, press down once in one direction and then once more in the other direction, crisscrossing them slightly and then in an oven at 350 fhe. for 12 minutes, that's a beautiful pork chop. Curry. I'll be honest, this is not easy. Two thick pork chops. Now we can't add oil, but you have a layer of fat on the pork chop, so turn the heat to medium low and just brush that around the pan and we're going to increase the heat to medium high.
You will add the pork in an even layer. Now, after you've seared this for about a minute to 2 minutes, you're going to turn it over. again and again just add a touch of salt let it brown for two more minutes set it aside in that same pan you have all this flavor here turn the heat to medium you're going to add red curry paste you're going to cook this in the pan , increase the heat to medium high and then you will add 1 can of coconut milk. Be sure to scrape the bottom of the pan. I want that sweet honey to dissolve all the solids and then just bring this to a boil, add the pork back in, reduce the heat to medium low and let it simmer until the pork is cooked for about 3 to 4 minutes.
Once done it is served hot but if you want to kick it up a notch add a pinch of palm sugar to this and a little lemon juice and it will be even better pasta with garlic oil you will start with a pound of butini or spaghetti cooked in boiling salted water in a cold pan olive oil lots of garlic mix over medium heat On low heat, after 3 to 4 minutes, it is fragrant and the garlic begins to toast a little. You need to be careful not to move too quickly, otherwise the garlic will turn bitter once the paste is ready, you will take it. throw it in the oil, it's okay if you put pasta water in it because we're going to put more pasta water in there, add a little salt to taste and add a little more to make sure it's completely covered with the sauce. sautéed naked put them in a bowl delicately, make sure you put little pieces of garlic in there too because it's nice and toasty, it's a simple garlic paste for three ingredients Sak and eggs.
I took a little piece of the cloakfat that was here. and finally I chopped it on medium heat and let it cook until you get some oil. Now I'm going to take all the crunchy bits aside, turn up the heat to medium high. I have a beautiful ice RI. steak I'm going to season this with salt and pepper, it's optional, we're going to layer the steak in there for full contact sear, press it down, see on the other side, we're going to sear it over medium high heat for about 2 to 3 minutes. or until you have a nice myard now let it sear for another 2 to 3 minutes until the internal temperature registers 135 F okay my steak is ready so now we have a hot pan with oil.
I'm going to crack my egg there. hit it with a little salt if there is enough fat in the pan, just tilt the pan towards you and baste it until the whites cook through, if you are basting it it actually only takes like 30 seconds, our fried egg will be ready. to finish a generous spoonful a crispy chili you can use hot sauce you can make sauce matcha sauce get fancy have fun that's the point and that a beautiful steak and egg when it came to making this video some of these recipes seemed a bit over the top actually , the point of this video is that you can always use and take advantage of a little bit of someone else's work and speed up the cooking process, whether it's really good chili oil or flavored garlic. oil something like that could help improve what you are doing without losing the element and beauty of cooking at home, but you know one thing that will help you cook more is our sponsor Maiden, thank you to them for sponsoring this video, don't forget . to click on the link in the description Maid we love you but I also love you by the waydon't forget to subscribe see you oh

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