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The 3DO - Review - Game Sack

Jun 07, 2021
Hello and welcome to Game Sack. This is a highly requested episode. Actually, this time we are talking about the 3rd. Yes. Many requests about this and thanks to a loyal viewer, Lotus, one of their two systems and a large number of


s to play, we were able to offer it to you. Yes Yes. So anyway, let's not fool around anymore. And why don't you do it? Show the Innards and all the specs and all the things that only nerds would care about, so yeah. Let's look at the 3rd itself. The interactive multiplayer 3do was released in 1993 for the low price of seven hundred US dollars and dropped for about six months.
the 3do   review   game sack
Later, at $500 conceived by Electronic Arts founder Trip Hawkins, the company 3do manufactured their own consoles, instead licensing the technology for other manufacturers to manufacture, such as Panasonic, as well as lower-end brands such as Sanyo. and Gold Star, which is now known as LG. Even get a card to put inside your PC and play 3do


s? This drove the price of the hardware down high as manufacturers generally did not have their own games to sell to make up for the loss of selling the console at a lower price. Some system models had incompatibility problems with certain games.
the 3do   review   game sack

More Interesting Facts About,

the 3do review game sack...

The 3rd driver has three. Standard buttons plus L and R shift buttons. There is only one controller connector on the system, so multiplayer games require controllers daisy-chained together. The games come on CD-Rom discs and the hardware has a 32-bit processor that runs at twelve point five. Megahertz, two megabytes of RAM and one megabyte of RAM, most variants of the console feature direct Av Jack and s-video. Built correctly in total, around two million 3do consoles were sold worldwide with 312 games released before being discontinued in 1996. Well, the system looks great. You know, the details are established, this is not very good for its time.
the 3do   review   game sack
I think you know a lot of people. I thought it was really cool the first time or at least I thought it was before I bought it because I bought it at launch. $700 oh yeah So, you bought yours like maybe eight months later, yeah, for the very discounted price of $500. That tells you right there that the system was not selling very well, so they went from 700 to 500 and within the period. but you still didn't feel like you paid enough, so you must not justify it. Yes it is like. You know, this is crazy. I don't feel like I'm doing enough.
the 3do   review   game sack
So I will buy a warranty that I will never use, so it almost brings the price back to 600 dollars. Yes, anyway, yes, anyway, that's enough. Let's talk about some games. You have the first one, so let's go. Shockwave is a combat flight simulator game when I originally played it on my 3D. I was quite impressed with the game's graphics, I thought the game had some decent backgrounds, although there was the usual fog that came with most 3D games at the time, all the enemy ships looked good and had some real textures which gave them a more realistic feel.
I also have the live action scenes, which had Goofy's usual bad acting. You play in the cockpit of your fighter and use the scope to aim your lasers and missiles. You have full control over your ship, but you follow a fairly narrow path. and you can't stray far if you leave the area where your ship will be hit until you return to the playing field while playing. You will receive updates from your flight commander and, as always, it is very comprehensive. Really because it feels like you're playing a game. I don't really like this kind of stuff because I don't like it when someone tries to put me down.
Someone really likes that. All the levels are quite long, but they're not very interesting to look at unless you want to see what Egypt looks like with around 200 pyramids scattered everywhere. There is absolutely no music while each level plays. But do you know what I do? I run into that because the music they would include in the game probably sucks. So for me silence is much better when playing this game. Now I feel like he has as good an agent as I expected. I'm reading a large concentration of alien swarms here along with ground support. Shock Wave also came out, and it's a 3rd Exclusive.
He made some changes here and they were good for the most part instead of being on a strict flight path now. You have a much bigger world to fly in. This feels much better than those narrow hallways in the first game. But that it does? What doesn't make you feel better is how weak your ship is for some stupid programming reason that you can't get past. But instead you have to go around them. This same ship can destroy all types of enemies. But it can't go over a small hill in the back. From the box it says that I can use the hills to my strategic advantage, well my strategy is to go to these hills and attack the enemies from above, not play Ring-around-the-Rosie with a hill between us.
Graphically the game looks very similar to the First, it seems like there are a lot more videos this time with all new actors. Is this group just as bad and are some of them even worse? My feelings about this game are pretty much the same, it's mediocre at best and doesn't look very good today. If you really like these games, and you are, but they're just not for me. You have deactivated the Captain, remember to deactivate the seven outposts. I will continue tracking the alien ship. I have a major erratic trail of intimacy 2 turbo as an exclusive release for the 3rd at the time, well if you can count that variation as an exclusive anyway, this version is pretty good and as far as I can tell it was developed by Capcom, although it was distributed by Panasonic it plays the same as Super Street Fighter 2, but now with the turbo action they never cared much for some of the changes they made in Super Street Fighter 2, for example Guile.
Either gweal or greely. I don't know anyway now. It sounds like complete shit. His sonic boom sounds more like a suggestion than something threatening. The exact same voice is used for the announcer, and it sucks. But the game is really fun, the new characters are okay, well Kami is good, but the rest really. I don't mind it too much, this version has great arranged music that I haven't heard on any other version and that really makes this one stand out. Supposedly it came from the FM Towns version. Unfortunately, most stages lack Parallax scrolling. It's probably way beyond the capability of the 3DS, actually it probably could.
It just wouldn't be very simple. You can also send for a strange 6 button controller which you will need to fully enjoy this game, otherwise you can swap between punches and kicks, you can even get a 3D adapter, it's easier to control the Super Nintendo controllers if you want. . This is a great game for 3rd, it is a first person shooter game. Where do you play as a chef? Who is the only one who survived an accident on a planet with a chef you can use in an unconventional way? Weapons like a fryer and a butcher knife among other things, you can see that the aliens don't have an ugly design, but when you get close enough to an alien, the spray looks really bad.
It's really extra block or something. I remember hearing a rumor in the past about the development of this game. I heard that there were consequences among the developers of the 3do company. The developers continued to make all the aliens as disgusting as possible, like this one walking around, ask them farts. hits you and I can't find any information to support this so take it with a grain of salt, the game itself runs fine. I always had a hard time plan because I would get dizzy and very nauseous after playing even for A. short period of time when it comes to 3rd person shooter games.
This is one of the least interesting ones for me, and I wouldn't even think twice about passing it up. Crash-and-Burn was the first 3rd game released and also the Panasonic FC match. One Model It was also my only 3do game for several since the launch line sucks so much, this game is the launch line. Anyway, this is a Combat Racer game and also the first Crystal Dynamics game. And oh boy, does it show you how to select from some? different racers, all with their own extreme personalities and cheesy videos. My favorite weapon is Mossad. It's the long-distance stab in the back.
Full motion video is the future of gaming. So of course this game was full of things during the race that you have to fight with. Your opponents and also a bunch of really annoying cars that invert the colors of the screen when they touch you, you can select between different weapons, although none of them are very effective of course. There's no shortage of landmines all over the track and opponents shooting at you Yeah, the combat pretty much sucks in this game And it feels trapped because screaming won't make you melt The racing action isn't very solid either hell There's not even a brake button at that point I thought that the graphics were very good because it has a very long travel distance.
It should be noted that this is not a 3D game. You can't turn around and go back or anything, but that's okay. Mostly forgettable music with some decent tracks overall, this game is more of a curiosity than anything else. Tripped is a puzzle game that plays quite similar to Poyo Poyo Kirby's Avalanche or even Dr. Robotnik's Bean Machine. You place icons that fall on the playing field. and when you have four similar ones, they explode if you form a square with four similar icons, they form a big alien creature. If you can destroy this creature by exploding four more icons like it, then it will explode and deal damage to your opponent. you are playing Then it won't matter since all you are doing is looking for points, the game controls well.
And I only have one complaint: when your tiles are next to a wall, you can't always rotate them like that. makes it difficult if you are about to lose because you don't have room to rotate your icons. There doesn't seem to be much variety in the backgrounds, the music isn't very good at all. I didn't really care for any of the three tracks that can be selected before playing. There is a mode called Trip dance that allows you to make music. I guess each button on the control panel has a sound and if you want you can try making music while random things happen.
Deep down there is fun. for about five minutes. This game is not bad and I would recommend it to someone looking for a 3D puzzle game. Crystal Dynamics' Total Eclipse was the first great app for 3do. I was eagerly waiting for this one, and thought it would be a game changer, it sure is an engaging game. The problem is that they focus more on the graphics and not the actual gameplay. But that doesn't mean everything is bad. It's very easy to fly outside shooting things and also inside tunnels. Where you shoot things you can speed up and slow down and when you're outside you can even roll whenever you want.
This is more for show, and doesn't really add anything. Advantages But it helps you get killed, so I don't highly recommend doing it. Do you have a life bar that can be refilled by destroying enemies? But it's not worth much because it's pretty easy to die, you also collect different weapons and can power them up. But none of them are really very good. It is often quite difficult to achieve your goals in this game. And it can be a little frustrating and also strange. because when you get to the end of the stage it just stops and then turns black for no reason unless you're on a boss stage.
The graphics are really good for its time and were running at 24 frames per second and the game still looks pretty good. Today I like all the scale objects in the tunnel. It's a shame my boat is so difficult to navigate through them. Believe it or not, the music is actually really good and of course that means there is no sound check or easy way to copy the music in general. It's nonsense. The tech demo is certainly not worth the full price, but much better than crash and burn is another first-person shooter starring an armadillo. I didn't get a chance to play this one as much as I wanted to, but I'm okay with that.
The game has a very choppy engine. So it makes it very difficult to maneuver your character. I will give props to the designers though because this is a very colorful game and I like that you have a basic weapon, which is the plunger, and you can get a secondary weapon, which is a bit more. Powerful, all the levels are pretty well designed but you have to keep an eye on where you've been otherwise you'll find yourself running in circles without even knowing it, the radar helps a little but I think it could have been better. The music is good and combines quite well with the disco theme of this level.
I guess it's not a horrible first person shooter, but there are still better ones out there. Guardian war is a strategy RPG from Micro Cabin where you play as a statue? Who has been resurrected by the giant hair goddess to save the land from the evil Azrael? You visit shrines to resurrect other statues that will help you fight in yourbattles. The battles themselves are pretty much strategy RPGs. It works like the Bright Force, only much more simplified and much slower. Basically, you just wander around the map and eliminate all the enemies there. Once you're done with that, you can move on to the next map where you'll do the same thing again.
The setting The graphics look quite strange as they have all been digitized from the real world. Objects, enemies are simple computer renders. ways that have also been digitized in the game in general. It's not very engaging even then, although the music is pretty good. And it's the only thing that kept me playing for as long as I did when I had the game. But overall, it's just too slow and boring, and I've never spent more than a few hours on Stellar Seven Drag sounds Revenge of Dynamix as a game I bought simply because there was absolutely nothing else available at the time, there's really not much to say about this.
It's a sledding game where you slide and shoot things and you also have the most useless map in the world to try to figure out where things are. The initial narration was done by Michael Dorn, so I guess that has something to do with it. What's cool, yes, is using these warp links to control your invasion fleet across seven systems within striking distance of humanity's homeworld. The graphics are good and the music is pretty good. But one thing I really liked about this game was the sound. In fact, if you have a subwoofer connected, check this out.
The sound of that cannon used to shake my room really loudly that day, but honestly, I really wish I hadn't bought this game. Space Hulk is a first person shooter game. which I was really excited to play. I had heard a lot of good things about this game, but I also heard it too much, so that was the reason I never bought it in the past. Playing now is just an exercise in frustration. Control one of a handful of space marines trying to complete different objectives. You can switch between them if you want, but good luck with that.
You have thick metal suits, but that won't stop you from advancing quickly. For reasons of realism, you move. As fast as a snail, which sucks. And you spin even slower, the aliens will attack you and you can fight melee I guess, but I can never tell if I'm throwing a punch because sometimes the alien will die. But most of the time when I die, there are a lot of difficult things in this game. So when you get caught by enemies, you end up in the bigger rooms. It would have been helpful if there was a lost faction.
I just can't understand a first person shooter game. That doesn't let you see the positive side, the graphics are very nice. The aliens are cool and very scary. The detail in the environments is the best I've seen in a game for this system. Too bad the game is as difficult as it should be. It would be so much fun if you ever got the chance. We have talked about the 32-bit version of Road Rash. Before I feel that it is the best version of any Road Rash game and this is the best version of any Road Rash game. rash on any console?
This truly is electronic arts at the top of its game. The racing action is super fun and hitting your opponents never gets old. You can even beat up the cops and it feels really satisfying and who can forget running over countless pedestrians like old ladies. The graphics look like an upgraded version of crash and burn and you can only move forward, not turn around or drive in a 3D space. But that's okay, this game doesn't need to as this game also has one of the best uses for full motion videos. With tons of cool scenes depending on the outcome of the race, it even has a fantastic licensed soundtrack.
That's not imposed on you as you play the actual game. Everything here was done very well. And it really was a pleasure. to play this in 1994 when it came out, I'll tell you this if this game hadn't been ported to other consoles I would still have my original 3do to this day, this game should be on everyone's Librarian in my opinion. the best game for this system Well, I got stuck with the plumbers. Don't wear ties because it's basically an interactive slideshow. Why did you give me this game Joe? Why am I guessing at some point?
You'll get to see some FMV with this girl stripping for you, but good luck getting to that point. You will need a lot of patience. This game is played through a lot of slides with some voiceover. Once you reach Decision Point, can you choose what to do in certain scenarios? If you choose the wrong option, you can try again and choose another option. Is the problem that you can't skip any dialogue? You have to sit back and watch each scenario play out, even if it's the wrong choice. This interactive experience is very painful to watch because each scene drags on and on.
I was only able to play for about an hour, I just had to turn it off. It's horrible, I just can't believe they haven't enabled some kind of shortcut button that allows you to go directly to the choice screen. If you are offended by sexism, racism or any -ism, then do not play this game. It's not for you, hell. It's not for me either. What a waste. I couldn't even see any tits. Hey babe, looking for some action. What's on your mind, Cal, kid? , maybe go to my house You know how to hang out have a beer get laid you know how to get laid You're going to need help in that department, you mean help?
Alright, there are about 13 or 14 games left, about the same amount to go. What are you three thinking so far? Oh good? Brings back some memories of the Buyer's Remorse I had for some of the games I played. I just didn't feel like we were worth it at the time along with a huge price tag, anyway. You know, right? Like I remember why I sold the system. Hey, but you know, on the other hand, I'm finding a lot of good games that I remember and had a lot of good times with, yeah, hey. Let's take a look at the rest of them.
Warrior is a one on one fighting game digitized by naughty dog. This one has a bad reputation. And it's easy to see why? None of the characters are engaging and it almost seems like the developers just got friends and family in the game for them. The control sucks, but that shouldn't surprise you as they find it very painful to play, even though the character graphics look horrible. I like the graphics of the different stages. They all have good depth and move smoothly, something that is generally not well known. Did Naughty Dog do a good job? The music aspect is White Zombie and if you understand it, it's fine I guess.
For me it gets repetitive very quickly as there aren't many different songs and the ones here sound very similar to each other, some people really do. I really like this game and I can enjoy it a lot. Quasar is an isometric gun shooting game. For some strange reason, the isometric view doesn't completely put me off like usual. In fact, this game is actually. quite entertaining. There is a lot of action all the time with enemies constantly trying to kill you. That's great, because you have a lot of weapons at your disposal, the weapons are limited, but not so limited that you have to be frugal.
There were only a couple of times I ran out of machine gun, but that's because I was putting in quite a bit to not worry about ammo and health being scattered all over the level talking about the levels. They are huge and will take you a long time to complete the objective of each world. There are teleporters here and there. But they are useful unless you have code. Obtain codes by talking to enemy soldiers who have surrendered. They will also give you other clues to help you along the way. I was not impressed with the music or Captain Quasar's voice.
He doesn't talk during the game Thank goodness, but the little growls from him and all the sounds he makes are quite annoying. Very good title for the 3rd, even if it tries to be funnier than it really is, but I think it's worth a try. The need for speed. It is a very descriptive title, this game needs speed. Bad because it has nothing, right? Here is a fast game. This is the first game in the Need for Speed ​​series and to be honest there really isn't much gameplay here, and you can take on me, sure you can race your rival, but it's nice. easy, but good, elegant.
You also have to try to outrun the cops, who only threaten you for a second, and then you have to deal with normal traffic on the surface, that's pretty much all there is to the game, there are three different areas with a duration of three segments. all and plenty of cars to choose from. Everything is extremely slow and poorly controlled. There's not even music. You suck, win big, dude, I actually got a bit of mileage out of this when it was new because the graphics are pretty impressive for its time. Like being able to run on giant trees too, but nowadays.
It's a bit painful to play. What's happening? Are you a scrap vehicle driver and want to get home? The gameplay was updated a bit for the Playstation and Saturn versions, in fact they updated them a lot. There are many more tracks and new modes to play. Look at this. I'm actually driving a little slower on the Playstation version, but it plays much faster. and smoother It's almost like they really finished developing this version Star control is a really cool space adventure game. You control the precursor spaceship. And you must gather all the alien races to help you defeat the ruler or race.
You play by building your ship so that it can cross large amounts of space. You get the money needed to build your ship by extracting minerals from planets and selling them. It's all super easy, you just fly over the minerals to collect them as you go into space. Meet many different types of aliens, you can ask them questions and find out their intentions if the conversation goes well. They will help you, but if it doesn't go well, then you will have to fight them. Fighting is easy if your ship is fast enough and you can maneuver well, if not then you will be dead meat like me.
Here it really pays to prepare your ship so that you can face any challenge. A huge universe and there are over 3,000 planets to explore if you wish. There's tons of dialogue and it's all very well done. That was the quan terrestrial security drone. Keep an eye on us, Captain, what happened to the spy drone. There's not much music, mostly just ambient space sounds, but there is one song I really like while you're in hyperspace. It has a great beat that really fits the mood of being in hyperspace, something I've never been in. It's amazing because back.
When I was a 3rd year old, I played this game a little. And I hated it now that I played it again for this episode. I'll really like it if I ever get another 3rd, this will be a definite purchase. really fun game, wish I could spend a lot more time with him, another small cargo captain. We will wait for your return, captain. Burning Soldier is an FM V shooter designed by genki and in this you guide your aim over the screen and shoot down enemies. and attack her while you try to save her. Now this seems pretty simple, doesn't it?
I admit there really isn't much to the game. But honestly, I was surprised because I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. The action is fast, the game never keeps you waiting, and loading times are almost non-existent. The video is quite grainy. But it works, you will spend it. Anyway, spend more time looking at the objects you need to take down as quickly as you can. It's very satisfying to shoot things in this game. Maybe it's the sound of the explosions, I'm not sure, but I like it and the music is really good and makes me want to keep trying.
It's a good idea, check it out. If you have a 3D, does the strategy game have a point and click interface? In fact, it controls very well using the standard D-Pad and I had no problems controlling the cursor. I like this game. It's pretty simple because you have a small amount of soldiers, all of which I have in limited machine guns and you can also use grenades and bazookas once you pick them up. Every mission I played was easy, all enemies and Destroy enemy buildings Right at the beginning of each level you look at the map to know where you are going, it is very useful.
So don't forget that you can divide your soldiers into different ones, which is also another great idea. It is best to only send one or two soldiers at a time in case they find themselves in a situation where they get killed. The graphics aren't bad, and I'm fine with your soldiers being so small, as it makes them a smaller target. There is no music that plays during the game so you only get to the sound effects of bullets flying and soldiers dying? This is a great addition to the 3D library and I'm glad I had the chance to play it.
We've talked before about firing back on Playstation, but the 3do version came first and for the most part it's pretty much the same. Choose between four. different vehicles in your epic fight to capture the enemy's flag Basically, you use your tanks, armored vehicles andhelicopters to clear the way for the jeep. The Jeep is the only vehicle that can grab the flag and take it to your base. Capturing the enemy's flag is everything. it is needed to win the war. Do that and you'll be greeted with a parade of tickers. Who's going to clean that up? This is a great game with a fantastic classic soundtrack.
You have to get it if you have a virtuoso of the 3rd Huh. Hey, looks like a really good game. Let's try this. Oh wow, now it's a really good game. This is what the experience is all about. Take control of Earth's greatest warrior, who turns out to be a hirsute knight. Two shotguns. Your goal is to go through the expertly designed levels and find the key after achieving this. mission You are heading towards the exit and that part of the universe is now safe forever your enemies are very formidable and terrifying You will have to shoot a lot of pigeons and even a giant snowball Life has not been kind to our leather jacket latent champion of justice But fortunately, you open these spears to reveal items like extra health, the controls are beyond perfection and you will never have a hard time choosing the direction you want to go.
It's like I'm controlling it with my mental data. This one made this game, huh? To this day, the graphics remain unmatched. I'm just kidding, this game sucks. Next up was 3rd grade's pet, and you know what I thought. I really enjoyed the first game in this series as it is a simple platformer. It's a lot of fun to play Yes, it has some problems, but they are easily forgotten. First of all, gex has a good voice. Typically, voiced game characters like this tend to say the same lines over and over again. This is no different to everyone.
You will hear tons of repeated lines kill your TV man. Luckily, they were written by comedian Dana Gould and some of the jokes she makes are pretty funny. But the law of diminishing returns applies here and when you hear for the fiftieth time, hey scoob, let's get back to the mystery van you get. quite annoying Also, scrolling isn't as smooth as it could be, but this was fixed in the Playstation and Saturn versions of this game. Finally, the screen elastic bands every time you turn around. It's very noticeable and really annoying at times That's all, and other than minor complaints I think this is a great game, the gex controls are very good and it's very easy to grab onto walls and climb all over the place.
The boss fights are fun and some really have something to them. cool graphical effects I really recommend this game, and it was a very good addition to the library 3do Yeah Yeah You Shouldn't Strahl is a Quicktime event based game similar to Dragon's Lair, basically the story. It's that you save God's life. Then he sends you on a quest to find a bunch of crystals to create the world. Yes. In fact, we already


ed this game in our active laser episode where it was called stone. I think it had a different story, but the game is the same.
The 3do version here is much easier, though in fact. It's almost too easy. The video is also very poor and overexposed, making it look very bad. There's definitely some fun to be had here, but I think that, like the laser-active version, Killing time is just another first-person shooter for the system. Why don't you play these Joe's? It's always me playing first-person shooters. It seems that a rich lady got hold of an Egyptian water clock that is supposed to grant people eternal life, as usual, something went wrong and it made her friends and all of her servants.
ETC in ghosts, your job is to find the water clock and destroy it. This is an interesting title and I like the idea of ​​the gameplay. As you play, you encounter ghosts that represent different scenes that help fill in clues about what is happening. all live action and believe it or not, it runs very well, the graphics are pretty good and it is one of the best looking first person shooters on the system. Unfortunately, the frame rate is very choppy and makes me dizzy. Really bad after a short time. Depending on the amount of play, the game has some very large areas that get confusing quickly, but luckily there is a good map to help you along the way.
Other than that, the controls are good. And I found the sound and music to be very appropriate, this game could actually be a A little ahead of its time wouldn't mind a new game like this on a current gen system. It could handle a higher frame rate. I had a lot of fun with this game until I felt nauseous. It's great in short moments. Here is Blade Force from Studio, this is a helicopter collecting marathon where you basically fly around huge mazes and collect little. You are actually trying to destroy all the green objectives on your map and then fight the boss.
You are in the future. And you have to stop all the big crime lords and apparently they are all susceptible to a helicopter attack. What I have is a helicopter. It is very easy to get lost, everything is seen exactly and the areas are huge. The map itself is even confusing and doesn't really do much, it controls quite well. And the frame rate is pretty high for a 3rd game, but man. The collision detection is just horrible and I can't even get by. I'm not going to touch anything. That's sad, it doesn't help that the draw distance is so short.
I think this could actually be if the level design and collision weren't so bad. But as it is. I can't even get to the end of the first level and I tried many times. The Horde is an action-strategy game in which you play the role of Chauncey, played by Kirk Cameron. You save the king from choking to death during dinner and in return he gives you a nice piece of land on his sword. Is it strange, here is my sword? Every season of the year you develop your land and build barriers to protect your people from the evil horde, of course doing all this construction and stuff is not free so you need to earn money by cutting down mature trees which you also plant as saplings.
You get money if you have cows by harvesting people's plant crops. Just like in real life, each season only lasts two minutes. So you have to do a lot in a very short time? Once the season ends, the horde comes to your crops and your villagers and also to tear down your buildings. If everything lives, you will earn money. For that season, you can use it to improve your defenses, plant trees, develop the land. There are many types of things you need. To kill, some are slow and some are fast. Some will only take one hit to kill and others can take many hits.
The best thing you can do is place traps like spikes on the ground or build fences and walls to keep out the horde or attempt a kill. channel them to one place. It's difficult, since your own city grows quite quickly. Fortunately, controlling the game and combat is very easy. But sometimes it sucks because if you swing your sword too much you get dizzy and you can't have it easy. Kirk Cameron trying to save your Village It's a great idea and a really fun game when I was on my 3rd. This was one of my favorite games.
Lucien's Quest Leg by Micro Cabot is a real jrpg. In fact, it's the only traditional RPG for the system. This is the one you play. like Lucien, who tricked her into going with him on a quest to cure him of becoming a werewolf. It's a typical jrpg with battles and cities in the world where you stock up and talk to NPCs. This game has a day and night cycle when it is night. every time he turns into a wolf his attacks also become a little more powerful as a result and that's cool, the cycles go by pretty quickly and they never stay day or night for long unless you're in a town or dungeon where time freezes you. get to walk?
And choose other members to join you on your quest and all, this game doesn't really have the best story or dialogue in the world, but whatever. It works, as you'll probably notice that the game is quite choppy and also very slow when navigating through menus or going through doors or houses. You do get used to it after you've been playing for a while though, but hey, at least. It's pretty cool, one interesting thing about battles is that you often need to clear the terrain of obstacles before you can attack your enemies or even before they can reach you, so yes, you will waste a lot of your attacks on trees and bushes . and stuff like that.
I don't really care that much about that aspect. Still, it's a pretty safe game. And it's not cumbersome or boring to play if you like jrpgs and super low frame rates. This is the game for you. It was also updated and released in Japan as Sword and Sorcery. Alright everyone, there you have it. That's the three and well, what do we have like 27 games and there's something like that that we show from the library There are cities in size, but anyway, well, what do you think Joe after playing it and do you miss yours? ? Yes, like I said in the middle segment, I remembered why I sold it.
There are a lot of dumb games they were trying to make with the 3do and it was just ahead of its time. They were trying to do a lot of things. with that. Yes, but there were a lot of good games that I really remembered and had good times with. In fact, I prefer three versions on sale, and you know, I ended up buying a 3rd one for myself, I'm not kidding. eBay or locally good, yes, okay? Well, apparently yes, they are the only ways. That's great. Because you know I haven't bought one, but if I find one here, it has a price.
I would probably like to buy it again because I had some of the games I played, yes, many good ones. The memories with them and playing them again really just fueled the fire of those memories again. Yes, but I can't live without the ford. Oh my God. Yeah, he's definitely a wonderful guy. Well, I'll go and play on your system. Good, i supouse. Anyway, you're not. Let us know what you think about the 3rd and in the meantime. Thanks for watching the game.

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