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The 11th Order (2019) - Official Release

Jun 03, 2021
Mr. Foreigner, General Kelly, sir, we didn't expect to see you here, it was on my schedule, wasn't it? Yes, sir, but we just found out about Robert. I am very sorry for the loss of him. We didn't expect him to still give a speech. let alone being here four days after my son was a good officer and a good man, he would expect me to fulfill my commitments now we are ready, yes sir, this way, you are ready to celebrate 235 years, sir, Happy birthday, happy birthday to you, Maureen. Job Roger, good afternoon and happy 235th birthday, Marines today as we celebrate our legacy.
the 11th order 2019   official release
I wanted to share with you a story that speaks directly to our warrior spirit and our commitment to core and country two years ago when he was commander of all US and Iraq. in fact, the forces on April 22, 2008 two infantry battalions one nine undead two eight we are leaving Ramadi one of the battalions was in the last days of its deployment the other was just beginning a seven-month combat tour Come on in, listen the girls here are fired they have tits for days tits for days come on bro are you serious about the species I'm serious about getting a ride I spent all my money I can't believe you're serious about that thing I got hey Hey, you smell that, oh Joanna, I love you guys, I love you guys, you know, I just want to say we're going to war in 12 hours, you two are more tanked in the armored divisions, oh girl, that's my warrior spirit, I stand firm. 24 7.
the 11th order 2019   official release

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the 11th order 2019 official release...

I love him, yes, I'm telling you, you won't forgive yourself without at least one lap dance before you go down, they don't have women like that in the sandbox, that's right, hey, listen, we've been working hard. look we know you're uh you're saving yourself for um nicole it's called commitment so you guys gotta try sometimes it's not that bad it's called commitment you know when I say here's your virginity hey what are you doing?, yes. okay, give him a chicken, come on, sleep with me, no homo, don't wait, okay, hey, you had your chance before, you shouldn't want to stay, I can make some space, no, okay, that's all I You have, good night, yes. hold on, hold on tighter, yeah, then we're really going to go there, uh, yeah, yeah, we are, you're backing me up there right now, yeah, man, of course, it's okay, I love you, I know you'd be thinking about me, Good evening then, marines. operated in a NASA joint security station, a ramshackle building they shared with the Iraqi police unit, also my men and our allies in the fight against terrorists and Ramadi, which until recently was the most dangerous city in the world , ah ah, what the hell, come on man? wake up louder you're creepy with you watching me sleep yeah man jeffrey domino what are you doing?
the 11th order 2019   official release
I'm trying to sleep, oh yeah, I'm going to make that internal clock go stupid, you better have a heart, disgusting, what man oh man get. Get up now or hate yourself later that's what I'm saying shut up yeah right early man turn terrorist no man terrorists go back to sleep living room oh man I heard that The food is great, you come, yes, creepy, you masturbate with me sleeping, bro. Do you want hey, hey, rogers, hey, bring me a plate, please, come on, man, I'm going to put, please, yes, the Iraqi police are not here for the patrol sergeant, they are in island time, corporal, they think that It is God's will to arrive early. come early that makes sense you're waking me up for no reason i actually just wanted to tell you something man you look so good this morning oh honestly and you're like a fucking ugly bald guy you don't smell anything no one knows how this thing works turn it on sergeant valenzuela oh Oh my god, the more you get your ass out of me, I'm betting on raw hot dogs, seriously, you can't eat this, yes you can, no I can't, I just shaved it off. so one nine sent us a couple of hot dogs eaten pieces of redneck, sure, we have three days left here dog, then your ass can go home and shake it with all the tentacle hentai porn you want, you're still playing those Damn video games.
the 11th order 2019   official release
It's better than war, you know, you feel that feeling, that tingling inside, fresh idealism, oh please, Sergeant, don't make me take care of one of these all day, please, the green dick, let's all scream Also, it looks like you have an open schedule, hey, four boots. Which of you wants to enter the war early? I'm ready, Sergeant, okay, a motivator, you have gate duty, Andrew, checkpoint one with Corporal Yale. Hell yeah, tough, are you going to win the war for the authentication match? Corporal Yale is going to teach here. You're our standard operating procedure, so don't go back to Baghdad, rah, you're awesome, you want a corporal, you're brave, right?
That's cool, we've got a long half day ahead of us, Lance Corporal, uh, tougher, yeah, are you ready. To melt your gaze at some ugly people, always Yale was a mixed-race boy from Virginia whose mother and sister lived with him and he supported them both with his salary of less than twenty-three thousand dollars a year, harder, on the other hand, it was a medium. upper class white boy from Long Island they came from two completely different worlds if they hadn't joined the marines they would never have met that's midnight what a beautiful day what a beautiful day that's what you said I don't think it's nice out here yeah it's nice It's good if you live in Satan's hairy ass, it's nice, Jesus Christ, so they bring us more stopping power.
Mildred is the biggest one around here right now, so that's it. Yeah, well, actually we used to have a 240, but an Iraqi officer turned it on. the nearest mosque is like a block away, oh geez, cut a sunroof in like 10 seconds, get the snacks or something, what are you doing? Mmm what you got senzu beans man I'm into that Goku go super saiyan on your ass wait get some candy. you want something yeah sure man okay welcome to ecp1 thanks man but yeah HQ activated and sent this pogas officer down here it was all marine small arms may not destroy buildings, but still kills people raw, what an ax wound, man, I mean, yeah, as long as.
When we hit him in the grape, we'll stop anyway, but two in the chest, one in the head, that's right, winning hearts and minds. Iraqi freedom is also going down, we have Bob and Kumar there to save the day. I feel better, even paying attention, loving them, I see they're supposed to ask them to stop, but we, I guess it's okay, standard, here



general and all that, just go check their ID and get them through. Good morning. I'd like a double cheeseburger with a side of penis sauce please hey I got a uh make sure he goes too stop hazing that mourinho just the operation guys you guys are running away here, well, my dad retired, my mom, eh, ah, me, they have 12 hours. this hot box man you got some good stories uh actually not only my stuff is from boot camp i heard no say carter come on man damn okay questions about duty so i guess that will do, what are you talking about?
So the corporal throws harder, what? A dysfunctional event in your life led you to join the United States Marine Corps. Oh my god, you're serious. Yeah, man, and I know we answer to our corporals. I still don't know, there is nothing bad in my life. I got tired of looking from the side, elaborate, oh. You laugh, yes, yes, I surely will. I went to the towers about a month before 9/11. After they fell, I had enough, my stomach wouldn't go away, yeah, I'm not going to lie to you, that's a cliché, like thank you. I appreciate it, but no seriously, that's as good a reason as anyone, man, there's nothing to be ashamed of, I definitely want to earn the right to wear this uniform, you want some real advice though, man, that guilt you feel for not doing it. go into combat that's just what they used to brainwash the recruits, better purge that now you know that's not what it's about I just want to do my part yeah, no, no, I feel you, but you know there's no glory in this, Only good friends die far from home. that's it I'm sorry for your loss should he serve his country honorably he committed suicide actually yeah corporal curtis christensen damn look I'm not trying to scare you or anything I'm just saying you're not here to win a war.
I want to pop your cherry with that thing. You're here for a reason and that's to make sure the Marines never have to come to this again. Hey, I have all my friends there sleeping right now. It's been with me ever since, so believe me, Corporal. I know why I'm here. We have a job to do. I spoke individually with half a dozen Iraqi police officers, all of whom told the same story. Some of them shot and then at a man. I ran for safety right before the explosion everyone survived uh I'm being an idiot sorry man my beds are fine now it's a salty dog ​​yeah well I used to be all this you know now my t-shirts are bleached for the Sun.
Cheap white cigarettes, my teeth are all yellow from the bathroom, but I hear the girls on the base digging that now, so maybe there's still hope for me, oh, only in Ramadi, man, you got a girl back, uh, two, actually, boy, that's expensive, yeah, no, no, it's just um. It's my mom, my little sister, Tammy, they live on base with me, that's sweet, yeah, that's good, I send them combat pay, they buy furniture, we got something good, I can't even pay for my truck right now, so oh, I feel you on that. Man, why do you think I'm trying to find myself a Sugar Mama?
What about your baby face? Hey? There's a girl out there with swollen loins waiting for you. Oh God, um, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, what's your name? man, she's fine, she, she is. Big man, let me tell you something, murder, take it from someone who knows good, you gotta put on a few more tree rings before you can settle down, man, am I myself? I'm already divorced, game boss, shut up, I am. I'm serious, I never actually signed the papers before I came down, so technically I'm still a married man. Oh look, another customer gets in their heads.
I guess it took about a second for the two Marines to separately arrive at the same place. To conclude what was happening, they had about five seconds left. It took them maybe two seconds to present their weapons. Aim and open. Raise the Iraqis please, some of whom had fired their AKs. Now they were scattered like normal, rational men. Three seconds left for about two more seconds and all the instant violence yale and louder they never hesitated because of all the reports and because of the video they never take a step back uh don't move I don't know what's happening harder it's that good all true, I'll be back, I'll be back, buddy, one of the Iraqis explained that they would run like any normal man would do to save their lives, which I didn't know then until that very moment he said that the Marines are not normal. said sir in the name of god no man no man in his right mind would have stayed there and done what they did they saved us all louder the truck explodes the camera goes blank and two young men go to their god six seconds it's not enough time to think about their families their country their flag their own lives their own deaths but it was more than enough time for these very brave young sailors to do their duty until eternity those are the kind of people we have on duty tonight all over the world for you for us all your

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