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The 10 Lives of LDShadowLady | Afterlife Minecraft SMP The Movie

May 03, 2024
Hey guys, what's up, Elie Shad? Welcome to Afterlife SMPP. On this server you only get 10


and each of those


is different because every time you respawn you will be randomly assigned a role from the Origins mod, so it's time to log in. for the first time and we will discover what origin I have for my first life. I'm a rco Mo. You like tight spaces, trash, and eating anything, including said trash. You feel uncomfortable in places with high ceilings and feel weak and slow in some places. taller than two blocks, so basically everywhere, so wait a second.
the 10 lives of ldshadowlady afterlife minecraft smp the movie
I'm barely taller than this chicken and I only have seven hearts, but luckily there are some advantages to being a raccoon. First of all, I get to wear this cute onesie and celebrate my raccoon ancestry. I also have night vision. I can climb walls and for a few seconds I can become invisible, so let's go out into the world and see how long I can survive as a raccoon, since it turns out that even raccoons have to do the most basic things. Minecraft activities like making a pickaxe and mining iron. Luckily, this mountain I climbed was the perfect place to gather resources and I had a full stack of iron before I lost sight of Spawn, so now I have a full set of iron armor and my quest for episode one. is to become the most powerful raccoon you have ever witnessed.
the 10 lives of ldshadowlady afterlife minecraft smp the movie

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the 10 lives of ldshadowlady afterlife minecraft smp the movie...

I have big dreams for my raccoon life, so I'm going to set up a small base on the top of this beautiful mountain and get to work and First of all, I build a small raccoon-friendly dirt hut to live in, now everything What I have to do is go out and do some mining and there is a nice deep cave right outside my house, it doesn't matter, it has zombies in it, get me out of here. I said he would be a powerful raccoon. I didn't say I'd be a brave raccoon. I eventually found a cave to explore and made an incredible discovery.
the 10 lives of ldshadowlady afterlife minecraft smp the movie
I can see in the dark. I don't need torches. I love night vision. It didn't take me long to find my first diamond, beautiful Precious Diamond, it's shining, yes, 12 seconds later, I'm starting to see the ages of disadvantage of my raccoon powers due to the high ceilings of the cave. I was constantly hit with weakness and slowness, which made killing mobs very difficult. I had to hit a vine 10 times with an iron sword before it died, but I found a lot of underwater diamonds, a zombie spawner right under my house and an amethyst geode nearby and left the caves with this huge treasure.
the 10 lives of ldshadowlady afterlife minecraft smp the movie
Hall, so with all these diamonds I can make myself a diamond pickaxe and a diamond armor and I'm going to put this on immediately because I love being a raccoon and I don't want this to ever end, wait, I'm shiny, it's my armor of diamonds. It keeps me safe and stylish so now all I have to do is gather some blocks to build my house because this is a shame and this little raccoon has big dreams for a big house. There are only three different types of blocks I need to collect. Much of the first is Oak Wood, which I thought would be easy, but now I look around.
I am not surrounded by oak wood. I'm realizing I need to venture more into oak woodland. This will work just fine an eternity later, oh my goodness. I didn't even realize it got dark and now all the monsters are out, but I can't sleep because I'm a raccoon and raccoons are nocturnal. I can't pick some your size like Scott, but luckily I can eat this. delicious rotten meat to satisfy my growing hunger. Okay, my ax is about to break, but I've managed to collect almost six stacks of locks and I'm not even sure that's enough, but now I'm bored of chopping firewood, so I'm just going to replant this forest and the next item in My list is red concrete, so I'm going to need a lot of gravel and sand.
Fortunately those blocks are very easy to get and the last block I need is here in the caves when I was here before and discovered this huge cache of deep slate tiles which is exactly what I need so I'm not going to ask questions I'll just I'll take it, so now I have all the blocks I need to get started. this build, let's start building, so first I worked all night to clear a flat space to build and then I built this giant red box with red concrete, but then I started adding some of the details with oak wood and Blackstone tiles to create. some windows and balconies of all different shapes and sizes, being a raccoon definitely came in handy while building because it could go up and down the walls and here is the build so far but there are still a lot of details missing and a roof but I have added all the defects and of course they're only two blocks high because I don't want weakness and slowness all the time I'm in my house and because of my night vision I didn't add torches so I accidentally created a giant mob generator that I should probably turn on oh No, since I was saying that this place still needs a proper roof and I was thinking that some nice turquoise warped wood would look great on the roof, which means I have to do it. go to the nether so i'm going to make myself a fancy speedrunner schmancy nether portal oh no that's not cool i really messed this up TA wow that sure was convenient wish me luck oh no what is it?
I'm not ready, take me home oh my god, make it stop, no one should go in there, let's try it again somewhere else. No, how can I be so incompetent 2 hours later? Hopefully the Minecraft gods will be kinder to me this time around. No, not again. Where am I and where is the warped wood? oh my god, warped wood, it's there, perfect, I just need to cross here safely, easy, okay, now creatures of the abyss, please leave me alone while I collect this wood. It looks so cool, oh my god, what was that? No, i do not do it.
I don't know what that was, but I think he's trying to kill me, maybe I can reason with that, explain to him I'm just trying to put a roof over his head, maybe he'll let me live, he's still there, my God, get away, get out of here, Oh my God. How am I alive? This was a big mistake. I shouldn't have come here. The bottom is no place for a raccoon. Too dangerous. I'm just going to pray that somehow there is enough wood to finish the roof because I don't want to go. Back there, so I got busy building my wooden roof and guess what I ran out of block, of course, so close but so far away.
I'm going to have to go back to the bottom to get some more logs. I am alive? There's a damn Gast, oh no, I'm in danger, I just need two pieces of warped wood. I'm going to take my chances, just a quick mission, okay, that'll let me out, this should be enough to complete my fabulous roof, now let's get down from here. because it's raining, it's okay, the next one was close. I want to add some copper pipes to the outside of the building and some chimneys for smoking, so to make the copper pipes I need to find copper and there should be plenty of that, wait, it's a cake. glitch cake, my favorite and I will also take this copper.
It's very easy to collect a lot of copper very quickly, so now all I have to do is melt this down and I can turn it into copper rods and then if we put the rods like this. It looks like some kind of pipe and I'm also adding some pipes made from warped wooden fences to give it a bit of contrast, then I added a couple of smoking chimneys and finally lanterns, lots of lanterns and my house is finally complete, although we still have to do it. some work on the inside of the next episode, so if you have any ideas, let me know in the comments and there's one last thing I want to do before I finish this episode.
I'm going to create a bunch of barrels and go get them. where everyone lives and leaves a trash can on their property for them to put their trash in and then I'll go and take their trash and recycle it of course so let's see where everyone lives first of all FIP what a beautiful house it already is . all that's missing is a trash can and in case you're not familiar with the concept, I left you some instructions below, we'll move on to the sausages. Wow, this is incredible, the Angelic Village of mythical sausages. I'm sure even the Angelic Villas produce some. garbage, you get a garbage can next, Ollie understands what that was, oh this place is very sinister, it's those giant bones.
I'm worried about my safety, let's leave a trash can and get out of here, he's there, I'm going to try. and sneak up on him and leave the trash can right behind him hello, I can still, I can still see the barrel, it's him, hello, why are you talking right? Plus you're so short, hello little rat, I'm a raccoon, oh that makes more sense. I just came here to leave you a little trash can L, that's very kind, why are you making skulls? um it's a little scary Ollie you look a little scary there were a lot of scary noises and I'm surrounded by giant bones no those are my those are my bedroom aren't they you didn't meet them we have Steve Barry, we have Greg Louise Ollie, those are blocks, well, they are the only people who seem to want to come to my house, apart from you, we, we can, all of us.
Being with you weird, let's go to Catherine's house next. Why does she live so far away? 2 hours later. Wow, she's fine, now I know why Catherine lives so far away. I will gladly pick up trash from this place. Let's find Joey's house next. Hi, oh, hi, Joey, oh, what? Don't listen to me, are you climbing that tree? I'm a raccoon, oh my God, but what are you? Yo, shul, who's You, shul, Squirrel Girl, shul, shul, yo, shul, shul is like Hulk, but Shier, I like him, yeah, what does shul do? shul has a lot of armor, he has extra storage space.
Oh, I can break stones without having a pickaxe, but I can't use a shield. Look, yes, very strong. Well, I would like to offer garbage removal for shul garbage removal. Yes, please put your trash away. Here and I will collect all the garbage. I'll come back for the trash. Goodbye, Feret. Okay, that's going to get really annoying. I'm not a Feret. I'm a raccoon and people need to learn to respect difference anyway. Here it is. a trash can for Lauren here's one for Jimmy Jim gets one too mom gets a trash can Scott gets a trash can and Joel gets a trash can dpk gets a trash can and I'll get Sho's trash and finally her Megan's garbage and now that I have a Monopoly on a global garbage collection today is my favorite day of all it is garbage collection day so for this special occasion I am going to make a backpack to collect my garbage I will start collecting here with Scott's rubbish ooh what a varied offer of rubbish this is a seven out of 10, I'll take it, all the rotten meat will be particularly delicious.
Shelby's trash is made entirely of rotting meat. 10 out of 10 delicious. Jimmy's trash is raw eel meat and a disappearing beak. Treasures worthy of a 9 out of 10 trash rating while I was out here picking up trash I discovered another interesting feature of being a raccoon. I have this speed boost ability that makes collecting trash from around the world much faster. Let's see what Lauren has to offer in some way. I don't think she should eat those eggs. Where's the trash? here it is here it's garbage rotten meat an emerald some kids this garbage is 11 out of 10 but I took some points off the book because everyone knows that raccoons can't read unfortunately I have no idea what this says but this is still my Favorite trash.
Next, let's judge the sausage trash game. Lizzy's garbage collection is here, yes sir, here is the most wonderful garbage I have ever seen. Pots. An Aelia in bloom. A spyglass. I can see the orb from here 10 out of 10 garbage sausages I see with my little eye my next destination on the horizon let's see what kind of garbage this wizard has to offer here is garbage okay, what do we have here poisonous potatoes, my favorite? pointy drip stone much better for killing people with oh a book I wish I could read hello can I help you what can I still see you Lizzie what are you doing?
I'm just picking up the trash yeah, disgusting trash, so disgusting, I'll get this. Get out of your way, why are you picking up my trash? Look, I didn't choose the raccoon life, the raccoon life chose me, okay, you know what I was about to throw this out there, so if you want to take it, that's fine I guess. I'll treasure this trash, bye, mhm, um, bye, okay, that was a little embarrassing, but we got the trash and it was good trash too, eight out of 10 will have to watch it, so now I have all these barrels full of goodies, i guess.
A man's trash is a raccoon's treasure because I'm going to recycle all this stuff and use it to decorate my house, so I've been reading the suggestions in the comments and I have ideas for every floor in the house, of course this one. There is going to be a chest room, up here will be my workshop and up the scary and precarious staircase, this will be the bathhouse room and up the balcony staircase, in this room we will have the library and up here I am going to catch theflowers where I will exchange these plants for Overworld items that I cannot obtain.
Here at the end, like a jukebox, so I can finally listen to this record of music, so I'm going to take some of my final blocks and go back to the portal because this is where people will end up when they arrive. In the end, this is the perfect place to set up my stand, so of course I'll use all these cool blocks at the end to attract them. Now we just need some samples to show you the goods, so I chose. all my favorites and I will display them and then here in these barrels I will keep a stock of them to trade and now that my store is complete I will turn my attention to the entrance.
I can't give my clients the first impression of the end. Be it this, it simply won't do. Instead, I'll build a nice staircase. Once again, I got a little carried away, but here's the new final entry and I decided to make it look like I was on a little floating platform. I think this is a pretty big post and the first thing people will see is my shop hello welcome to the end Oliver Lizzy where are you? You are carrying a pumpkin. Do you want me to take the pumpkin? How about now? That's much better, thank you.
No, you have changed, you are not the raccoon I once knew, I am the end, Floren, I am the endarian, nice to meet you, ah, we are kindred spirits, what we are, would you like an orb in these difficult times, that is egg? quite close there are no chickens at the end yet there are no chickens at the end can I interest you maybe in some flowers from my store yes I would love some plants from my homeland what give me your plant seller I have something that is perfect For you this is part of my special stock.
I don't even put it on display. The tentacle is sick. That's fine and in exchange I would like some overworld treasures. Maybe you have diamonds or a jukebox. My God. I searched Ender. help Ollie help tell them to go away I didn't like that don't test my brothers they get really angry I'm not going to take a stupid pumpkin head off anymore that was scary um anyway like I was saying maybe you have a machine jukebox maybe I have a jukebox What if you give me the jukebox and I let you listen to my song with me?
I like that fabulous deal. Is this a song from my home? World, excuse me. I feel like you have brought beauty back into my life. Eldie Sadow lady, look man, if you're going to have an epiphany, can you go do it somewhere else? Yes, it's okay, by the grace of the O, to be with you 12 seconds later. Hi, what? Oh, hey, Joey, I'm sorry, I thought you were a shot. Enderman, hey. It's me shul uh I'm not scared at all shul I'm not scared shul tough guy hello welcome to my store why don't you check out my products if you're not too scared oh lizia?
I'm going to all the origins and I'm seeing who is the toughest of them all and the winner receives a rare and magical golden goose egg. Wow, okay, I don't think it's going to be me, but I'd like to try, oh, baby, baby, oh, you want the baby, okay? I hit you and give you a baby shul, okay, oh oh, how much did that hurt you? Sweethearts, am I in the lead? You're the first, so yeah, yeah, okay, and here's your baby shulka, oh baby, well, well, business has been booming or should I say, the Overworld's burgeoning customers take some of my final flowers and a change.
They bring me Overworld products, so now I have a large collection of Overworld things and another thing I received from my customers was a lot of complaints not about my products but about the purpose itself and how dangerous it was. I didn't realize it, but apparently a lot of people are afraid to even come here, so that gave me an idea as the only final floor. I'm taking it upon myself to make the end safer so in the first step I'm going to map the area so first I'm going to create a map and using this mapping table I'm going to zoom out further and further and now all I have What to do is travel to fill in the gaps, so I spent the next few hours of my A Sad Little Life mapping out the final islands that involved a little of this and a lot of this, but now I finally have this map, so now You can see where the different biomes are, but there is still a problem crossing the void and judging from the comments this is something that scares you as much as it does me, so let's do something to make it a little safer.
I started by widening the existing bridge so it was three blocks wide and then I thought it might also be a good idea to add some safety fencing and for this particular bridge I decided to go underneath and put up some of the vines that hang down into the abyss and voila, my first final bridge, this is much nicer and much safer than before, but this is just At the beginning there are so many gaps to cross at the end and I want to build a different bridge for each one, so the next bridge that desperately needs a change image is this.
I don't know who built this one, but they deserve bad things. build something much safer and much prettier to cross this void. This time I have my mason's table and I have all this final stone to turn into some interesting looking blocks to replace this ugly bridge. Wait, why do they look expensive? I tried. ignore the faces and blocks staring at me while I built this nice curved path from one island to another, but this path is still not very safe, so I'm going to add these blocks to the side to prevent me and others from falling. and then I'm going to illuminate my bridge with these crystal shards that I found in a cave.
I really hope these bridges show everything the ending has to offer to people coming through the portal for the first time. Oh, that reminds me of talking. from the portal there is something that I simply have to build right here you see this thing on my head this pumpkin protects me from Enderman and many of my clients come here with absolutely no protection it is very unsafe there have already been several attacks so I think it would be beneficial to plant a garden of pumpkins here, so I'm going to lay out this soil and plant some fresh pumpkin seeds.
Oh, and since I'm Floren, I can help them grow. 3 days later, the pumpkins arrived and when they arrived. I mean you grew very slowly but now that you are here we can give you your beautiful faces beautiful faces oh my beautiful children you are so perfect but there is something I want to try that could make you even more perfect so let me create something called botanical workbench and I will put one of you, my precious children, inside. Wow, great, now that people arrive through the pcel they can select their own pumpkin to keep them safe on their trip.
I'm trying everything I can to keep these people alive when I visit my Dimension, so next we need another bridge. The next bridge that desperately needs my attention is this one. Another more precarious bridge that crosses the end. I think I actually built this one, but I think we can make it a lot safer if we cross over. So far and this will be my most ambitious bridge, but this time I decided to go with these turquoise planks and I wanted this bridge to look more like a suspended rope bridge, so in a death-defying Minecraft building feat , I spent the next few hours fiddling around trying to get my bridge to sink right now that the bridge is built we can start decorating and I thought since we're headed to that pretty pond I thought we could incorporate some of those flowers into the design of the bridge.
I'm going to place this water and then plant a lotus seed at the end and let's see if I can use my flowering skills to help this thing grow that looks so pretty now all I have to do is plant them along the bridge, like this I just put some water and a seed in all these little pods that I've created and now I'm realizing that the bridge still isn't very safe, especially with all these Enders popping up out there, sorry, all the flowers are planted and now I just have to wait for them to grow two hours later so that the flowers have bloomed and I decided to remove the final stone block that is underneath so that the water drips into the void.
It looks so cool from the side and this makes me want to make more inspired plants. Bridges, so the next one I'm going to build is here right now, it's just a small bridge, but sometimes those are the most dangerous ones, they catch you off guard, that's why it's important that this one is safe and since it's between two of the red biomes. I'm going to use the red wood to make this bridge and I'm not going to be kidding right now. I'm just building a straight bridge and now we just need some barriers along the side and I think some trap doors and some normal doors could make an interesting combination like this, this is kind of genius if I may say so, yes it is looks pretty fancy and now to finish this off we need some plant life so using these fer looking wings I can add some flowers to the path this definitely looks a little weird but it's better than the original bridge now we can get rid of this bridge for people to use this one instead ah much better in the end Floren has done it again but can he do it for the fifth time? horror another block wide Bridge we can't allow this I know exactly what to do with this bridge first I'm going to use these Aurora crystals along the side of the bridge to keep people from falling now this bridge I want to turn it into a Living Bridge so I'm going to add some moss and also some leaves.
I won't lie. I feel like I could die any second. I don't really trust the leaves. Now this still looks a little simple, but. Don't fear, the outer leaves of having are here, taada the Living Bridge, it is very pretty, of course, I love all my new bridge children equally, but now I must move on from Building Bridges since I have other matters to attend to recently. I hear this annoying moan at the end Li Lizzy and it seems like it's coming from here lizy Lizzy hello can you hear me, yes Ollie I'm on the other side of the portal can you read me loud and clear? orb is calling you Lizzy, the time has finally come, the great purpose Roger, when I give the signal, uh, I'm going to need you to start pushing Enderman through the portal for the great purpose, Roger, that's nice, ready, I'm good.
I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I can't help but oblige his request. It's time to operate and the man in the doorway is ready. Here is my first attempt with Enderman Transportation. It's stagnant. Go, little Ender, enjoy. Overworld W Where did he go? Enderman. Did you go to the other side? H Sorry, help, help, oh, go to a better place. We did it. I don't know what I did, but I did it. Oh, and one last one. The thing is, I'm going to move this music record to the other side so Ollie can listen to it alone in private.
Now let's get out of here, away from all these Endermen I accidentally angered, and back through my portal to my safe haven. In the end, the next day, I regret to inform you that the worst possible thing has just happened. I was doing my thing to get to the end when I thought it would be a cute idea to incorporate some Enderman into my bridge design spoiler alert. Not a nice idea, oh, tragically, this marks the end of my life as Floren. I came back from the dead. I may have fallen into the void once again, but now I have been reincarnated and I am now translucent and that is because I rolled. the origin gulan is a sticky alien species that is often confused with its slimy terrestrial cousins ​​now i have a lot of goo related abilities the most important thing is that i can condense like this oh i'm so small this is amazing i don't take it either. a lot of damage from physical attacks or fall damage and because of my sticky grip I can climb walls but rather annoyingly I can't cast Trident effectively, damn it no matter what I do now I'll never make it as a javelin thrower Olympic.
I also have something called a stomach body which I don't really understand oh and I don't have lungs I have sticky fists I'm flammable and I can't wear iron armor or higher oh in the deserts or in the lower one okay so I won't go there then Okay, It seems like life as a gulan is going to be very different, but first I have the perfect plan to build a home for myself here on this planet. I'll venture around here to find this biome. Oh yeah, this ugly barren landscape is the perfect blank canvas for a makeover because instead of just building a house for myself here, I decided to build an entire biome that reminds me of my gooey home planet Zen sploosh 12, so In the end I managed to save these blocks of my companies. and I think they will be perfect for this project.
The first step is to replace the entire floor with this blue goo and as you might have predicted this took a long time but don't worry because as I completed this I was consciously bored. homework I took the opportunity to brush up on some of my French language skills. Say I'm looking for a book in English. Leave onle taada. I may not speak fluent French yet, but the flat is finally finished. I want to get a different block to cover these hills and for that I want to use this huge W block, but if I put it on the botanist's workbench I can create something very unique, in fact maybe these slightly different warped wart blocks now just I'll cover these unsightly cliffs, hopefully. this will really transform everythingbelow?
Just give me a second. Okay, it's me, it's the Enigma. I was never a pirate, oh my god, and now you're all trapped. Bye, wait, do we really eat Jimmy? No no no no. You can have it guys, this wasn't how it was supposed to be, please leave your respects for Enigma in the comments, but now I'm reborn as a zombie and it turns out zombies don't have many special powers, but what? They have a lot of weaknesses, in fact, I can't even go out during the day because I'll burn to death, so I'll wait until nightfall.
I guess two hours later, the Knight is finally upon us. I can be free. I want to try this skill. Horde zombies don't fight fair every time you attack mobs. Hostile mobs in the area will join the fight. What happens if I attack this spider? Oh my god, look at this. I'm powerful? This could be. greatest power I've ever had wait they're not even attacking me hello buddy do you want to make a zombie baby together here put this up yeah wait I could give all the zombies makeovers oh yeah uhoh the sun is coming up I have to do it Go hide in a hole now oh no, oh my god, it's too soon.
I'm not ready, aren't you? I just discovered my powers. What the hell, my God, what am I, I crawl, the people who have evolved to live with insects. You can ride other players You can crawl on surfaces and ceilings like a bug I'm so small OMG I need a new skin 12 seconds later I'm a worm and I only have one important question to ask What the hell? Hi Joel. I'm a worm, would you still love me if I was a worm? Yes, I would still love you well. Can I move? Why are ants and worms attracted to me?
The sausage moved in there and then I accidentally popped it, uh, but yeah. I guess you can move. Where do you want to move? I have several places. I'm going to make a wormhole. Okay, I like it, out of space or something that doesn't look like a wormhole. Oh, okay, I'm going to build. my wormhole over here, okay, there are a lot of pretty plants here so I can explore them in time to build the smallest house you've ever seen and I have the perfect idea for a door, so here's my entry for a worm, It's actually a pretty big entrance, but it's completely inaccessible to everyone else, so I can live here in peace surrounded by my favorite thing, dirt.
Now, although this space may be small, we need to have all the essentials including a bed, and now we need a way to get up to bed, so here's a ladder, what else do we need? Be a good reading light, wait oh my god I can hang on the lamp. I love being a worm. What else does a worm need but a composter for all my composting? and here is another composter but this one is not for compost because this is where I am going to keep my chickens if for some reason when I throw an egg the result is a miniature chicken and I don't know why but I love it oh M what is that , what's that noise, what's going on, chickens, hold me, where's the noise coming from, oh my god, what was that, oh, it's just an Enderman, it's just an Enderman in the rain, of course, maybe it's Time to go back to the hole, oh my god, what's going on?
I am a ghost. I can walk through walls again. Okay, this time I'm going to be much more careful. I can't die again in one episode, so first let me escape from this wormhole I created oh oh. Oh my god, wait oh oh oh oh no oh no oh my god, oh my god, help, it's okay, I can't go out during the day, maybe we'll go underground. I'm going to have a mission to collect all the diamonds, where are they? Diamonds, okay, this is a very scary place to be. I don't want to be here anymore, this is a dangerous situation that should not be taken lightly, death is literally around the corner at every turn, but there could also be diamonds around every corner.
I just need to check you all out, a generator just comes to say hello and take your enchanted golden apples, these are diamonds so overpowered, yeah wow, what was that drowning gravity? Sprinter weakness, creeper, what just happened. I almost fell off my chair, what was that? I never want to see diamonds again, more diamonds, if any of you are considering a life of crime in Minecraft, can I take a moment to recommend it? This is amazing, it's the best thing I've ever done. I almost died but I'll risk it all for diamonds this is the way to live.
I managed to get three stacks of diamonds now I just need to get them home safely. Wait a second. I just remember that I don't even have a house the next day. I regret to inform you that something very bad has happened. You may want to sit down while I tell you this exciting story. I decided to build myself a house, so I happily headed towards the spawning ground and checked my supplies. H I thought what I should build. copper no, I know I'll get some desert sand, well Bo, that was a mistake, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, I didn't see that coming now I am in my final life I am a villager, a peaceful merchant.
I now have the ability to summon Iron Golems every 2 minutes. I can escape any dangerous mob and at night I desperately need to sleep so I can live my best life as a villager. to be with my people, my villages, where are they? I will travel to the ends of the Earth. I will not rest until I find a village and can live among my fellow villagers and along the way I will pick up some supplies as gifts for my new friends 3 days later roofs The telltale sign of a village my people I am at home a fireplace oh nice there is a little one market and everything hello blacksmith are you at home hello father where is everyone?
The town the town is dead everyone died there was a raid or something and they didn't even invite me you know what this means this is my village now I'm the mayor and I alone will revive the economy and repopulate this village and claim this house now it's mine and these are now my parents now I just have to figure out how to bring all thisVillage back to life Excuse me while I retreat to my thinking chair H the next day I got it I stayed up all night and came up with a 78 step plan to make this Village great again step one The Town Square as you can Look, it's overgrown, so we have to fix it up there.
Grass just grew in every nook and cranny, so in my first act as mayor I decided to replace all the bad dirt roads with a beautiful Stone Plaza in the center of town and I was feeling very proud of myself until Something happened that made me realize that my priorities were not in the right place. Oh, bananas. I think I might have figured out what happened to the last group. No, please, as mayor of this town, I order you. Go away, leave my sunflowers alone, stop, wait a second. I just realized I have a secret weapon. instant attack with iron golem. attract him, gollem.
Yes, you saved the entire village. Where was it? I even got scared. This place will become a refuge in no time. I just need to finish this. Very important, Stone PL Plaza taada, the plaza is complete and now for step two of the plan, I will move these dilapidated market stalls from this sad little area to the beautiful People's Plaza, but this time I made them with a space in the middle so a villager can enter now. I'm also adding some small picnic tables and a beautiful display of seasonal flowers and now the village market is ready to go.
Step one of my village creator is complete. All we need now is some traders and me. I've been trying really hard to replicate the Villages on my own, but it doesn't seem possible, so it's time for Plan B. I'm afraid The Walking Dead will have to repopulate my Village. I have a captive here and I'm going to heal him and I also have another captive here an eternity later and now we just have to get them back. Let's take them to the Village, home sweet home. Now I'm sensing a little budding romance between you two. Please allow me to open a passage for romance Oh, they touched noses, you know what that means, I hear the tapping of the villagers' little feet and with these few villages, the repopulation of the village begins now, the only thing of What I have to worry about is feeding my growing population and I have established that this is the only farm here, no wonder the last group died, this is not enough to feed an entire village.
I think we should instead plant some sprawling wheat fields and build a couple of roads in and out of the village, so Let's start here with this road to the town square, so I replaced the bad dirt road with a beautiful stone path and then got busy planting a lot of farmland. TAA, look at all this wheat, now we will never starve, but we can't depend on wheat alone. To sustain The Village I will also plant these potatoes and carrots to ensure a varied harvest, so now I will work on this side of town that until now has been neglected, so I started by digging a path to build, you guessed it, another stone path.
The people of my town deserve solid roads, okay, and they also deserve a balanced diet, which is why I planted this farmland here to grow some carrots. Now, between all these carrots and potatoes I have here, we'll have some very healthy villagers. In fact, I'm also going to start another little farm here, there's a little house on the other side of the bridge and I think it would be nice to build a pumpkin patch. Here you know me. I love a good pumpkin patch and I think it will look nice. very nice by the river here, tada, the pumpkin patch is complete and as you can see the town looks a lot busier now and it seems like the villagers are recognizing all my hard work because they keep throwing me gifts, oh and a cat. spawned hello, these cats will keep the creepers away and keep people safe.
In fact, there is another creature that I want to add to my village because we have a mod that allows us to spawn copper golems and they are incredibly cute, look at it now that they won. They don't do much to protect the village, but they are incredibly adorable, you can be our village mascot, oh, it's pressing the button, oh, they are too cute, but I barely welcomed the new residence in my village, when something happened unexpected, let's play. play and see if you can guess what happens next: a a visitor arrives with a beautiful gift B it starts to rain or c Lizzy dies in a very embarrassing way if you guessed C you would be right I have no words to protect I, who will lead the village Now, well, that's the end of the SMP


I had a lot of fun trying out all the different Origins and I loved all the fan art you guys drew of the different characters. Thanks for watching, don't forget to subscribe. and I'll see you next time

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