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Thai Street Food - YELLOW STICKY RICE!! Best Curry Ever + Stuffed Roti! | Satun, Thailand

Jun 04, 2021


yone, I hope you are having an amazing day. I'm Mark Queens. I am in the wonderful city of Saturn on the southern tip of Thailand, on the border of Malaysia and on the west coast of Thailand on the Andaman Sea. This is an amazing city. it's full of character uh the people are friendly it's very laid back it's very relaxing today i will take you on an ultimate



tour the south




tour by


and i will share this complete tour with you. restaurants all street food all dishes with you in this video we start the street food tour in a restaurant called sam pinong which is very famous especially for breakfast, they are open for breakfast, famous for




in the morning. and it means three sisters thrown by three sisters and you walk in here you can immediately smell the aroma of the


the curry paste the cumin and they are famous especially for the




with curry I'm not totally sure what the curry is and they have a full selection pumpkin pop of different curries that you can order with rice.
thai street food   yellow sticky rice best curry ever stuffed roti satun thailand
This is a cool place. I love the atmosphere. The open air lodge style restaurant and they have all the food out front, from curry to




rice and curry, noodles and khao yam, which is a rice salad, and all kinds of different


snacks, little kanoms in Thai, so you walk to the front and you get what looks good, what


you want, you order and They serve it to you on the plate. You can order takeout, it's also very convenient for takeout, a lot of people just drive here, order takeout and go on with their day, but there's also a really nice seating section.
thai street food   yellow sticky rice best curry ever stuffed roti satun thailand

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thai street food yellow sticky rice best curry ever stuffed roti satun thailand...

I love the whole look, the whole feel of this restaurant, I love it. everything about this place, from the friendliness and they make you feel at home as soon as you come here, to the food selection and the seating arrangement, so I love the outdoors, I love the spaciousness of the restaurants in This place in Saturn and I ordered some of their most well-known main dishes, one-dish dishes. I have to start with what in Thai is called gengai yellow sticky rice with chicken curry. It depends on the day, but sometimes they said yes or sometimes I saw it. instead they have goat curry, today they have chicken curry, which is okay, and then yellow sticky rice, which must be yellow, probably because of the turmeric, maybe coconut milk, I'm not totally sure, but it seems that this is one of their signature dishes, one of the dishes that they are known for and it looks and smells amazing oh wow incredibly comforting you really taste the lemongrass in the chicken curry the sticky rice is nice and glutinous so sticks to the roof of your tongue there's a little bit of chili but actually overall the curry is a little bit sweet which makes it a really good breakfast, kind of relaxing but then when you chew it it's sweet but then spicy at the same time and then wrapped with the chicken soaked in yellow sticky rice and the yellow salty rice is really good, it has a perfect sticky and sticky texture.
thai street food   yellow sticky rice best curry ever stuffed roti satun thailand
Okay, this is a sweet Saturn snack and you won't find it elsewhere in Thailand, but it is green, characteristically bright green. it's like a pancake crepe on the outside and then it's usually wrapped well, we just open it uh usually it's coconut, I think it should be coconut, yes, coconut, a sweet and salty interior, this stuff is so good, yes, I'm not a big fan to the sweets. but I really like this, it's kind of a very fluffy and sticky pancake with an outside shell and then the inside is just grated coconut, fresh coconut, I think I don't think it's dried coconut, it tastes like fresh coconut, dried coconut grated with sugar Palm. caramel flavor, it's sweet but it's a perfect snack for tea or coffee and I love not only the taste of the coconut but also the texture, the crunch of the coconut.
thai street food   yellow sticky rice best curry ever stuffed roti satun thailand
The next step is the kamokai, which is the biryani. What I like about this version is that there is definitely a lot of red here, I don't know if it's from the tomato or the chili, but you can see the color, it's not just yellow but red, and then I love how he sprinkled it over a big handful. of crispy shallots served. Probably with sweet sauce too, I'll take a little piece of chicken and lots of shallots, maybe add a little sauce. The small onion is a sausage, it is a little sweet, but the flavor, the fragrance, the fluffiness. the rice, oh it's wonderful, you don't just taste the turmeric, I mean you really taste the shallots like a fragrant lemongrass, I think they make it with a whole curry paste, but it's so fluffy it's so fragrant, the whole rice is incredibly delicious, yes the orange is really good and I only had a black coffee and most people would order this with a layer of condensed milk on the bottom, but I'm not that big, oh, like you have that condensed, Oh, if you look for it, you don't stir it all up. but it is quite sweet with condensed milk.
I'm not that fond of condensed milk, so I just had the black coffee. Okay, let's try the noodles. This is another classic Thai noodle dish that you will find throughout southern Thailand with stir-fries. fried noodles uh, this type of noodles is called senmi in Thailand, which is very thin rice noodles with angel hair, uh, and then they have them pre-fried, you can see the chili in there, it's usually a little bit sweet and salty and a little bit spicy and then top it with grated green mango, yeah I almost forgot about the grated green mango sprouts and the sliced ​​tortilla and usually what you do is throw it in so it all blends together and all those flavors blend together, that's pretty good again, it has a It has a sweet flavor, but sweet and a little spicy and a little sour because of the green mango.
This type of fried noodles like this are very popular in the morning, I find them very easy to swallow. I love it. the green mango which balances out all the flavor and also gives you this amazing crunch and then I think this chicken soup came with the regular sand, the biryani just destroys the comfort, let's get back to that sticky yellow rice. sticky rice is amazing, it's also amazing because it's sweet but then it's spicy at the same time, first you taste the sweetness and then the spice really takes effect. I love cilantro. I love the amount of shallots they added to their biryani.
Rice. It's so aromatic that it might be my favorite thing and what I also really like is that it's the kind of restaurant where you can come if you're really hungry you can order a lot of food and if you're not that hungry you can just get small plates, little snacks, or you can get takeaway, but it's really up to you. You can come and order a lot of food or you don't need to order that much food, you can just have tea and hang out. go out, hang out with your friends, hang out with your family, the atmosphere is fantastic and this is what I like most about the culture here, yes, three sisters who are extremely friendly, just the whole family that runs the restaurant , but they are so cool.
You're so kind, oh and that's a perfect breakfast spot to start the morning when you're in Saturn and straight from here we'll move on to breakfast number two, which I'm also looking forward to. This next restaurant is. Right in the middle of town, in the center of Saturn, we've been hunting and looking for the


version of because this is probably my favorite Saturn dish. I love it and this is a place someone recommended to us. There's no I don't even think there's a name here, but this is where they serve the curry we're going to make.
I can't wait to try it. I am very excited that you can feel the classic heritage here and in this restaurant. It is known to be the original of the original places that makes genghame, which is a curry that I love, one of my probably my favorite Saturn dish, which is usually a fish curry with a lot of curry leaves and milk of coconut and This just looks classic. I love this place, just the store. This is a legendary place and I love you. You're not quite sure how to ask. It seems like they keep the fish in the back, but just the sauce in the front.
They go in the back, grab some pieces of fish, then they ladle some curry sauce on it and then they serve it to you with a pickle, they serve it to you with rice and I serve it to you, which is another part that I love. for me with a whole plate of fresh green chilies, can't wait for this food prepared in gangtome, yes ok let's try the sauce first, oh wow you don't get curry leaves in the curry but you vibrantly. try the curry leaves, it just tastes like you are chewing on a piece of curry leaves, oh man, there is coconut milk in there, without a doubt, you taste the curry leaves in there and the creaminess is salty, this is zero percent , it's not sweet, it's sour, yes, it's very. very similar, I mean, very Malay but also very South Indian in taste, oh yes, yes, without a doubt, this is my favorite Saturn dish, oh, it's incredibly good, it's so good, I love it that sauce, wow, and I'll try that fish and then with rice. that curry is amazing, I love that flavor, the balance between salty, sour and curry leaves, and I would say that the curry itself is not spicy, but luckily they give you a whole plate of raw green chilies to garnish and accompany with every bite, oh yes. that's like a vibrant green bean that's about to set your mouth on fire.
The green chilies are so tasty, oh yeah, that spice is coming up and then the curry mixes in your mouth with the green chili, all at the same time, oh it's so good, there's some too. the fish sauce enjoy, they enter another dimension of salty flavor and also to enhance the spiciness of the chili, oh wow, with that touch of fish sauce that brings out the salty umami flavor with the chilis, oh, that is another good combination and There's another combination that you can use here with the pickle, okay, so they also serve you a plate of ajat which is pickles, here are some onions, some chilies and usually in a kind of sweet and sour vinegar dressing.
This is also a combination. you can add to your plate that's another delicious combination: the crunch, the crunch of the cucumber and that slight salty acidity and vinegar, but this is by far my favorite dish, the tastiest green beans in the world, oh man, oh yeah , to be honest, you know the taste. of the curry is simple and relies on minimal spices but very fresh coconut milk, the acidity, I'm not sure where the acidity comes from and then the curry leaves, but the flavor is simple and then more complex as you pursue it with chilies. with the pickle while you chase it with the fish sauce i love the taste you're going to want to lick that bowl please so good to the last drop just simple and good and you can feel the story the legend of genghame in this place this is a legendary restaurant, they couldn't even remember how long it's been open but I think 60 or 70 years and we asked them what the name is, there's no name, they said this restaurant doesn't have a name, it's just the number you should come look at, it's number 35, uh, and there's a famous


shop two doors down called zip


, that's how you know it's here, uh, but this is the place, what restaurant, what place, what curry and next door . time, I will surely arrive early at 7 a.m. as soon as they open to get the full option of fish to get the full option of their curry, they sell out so fast and she was saying are they actually open, yeah, Actually, we're open until 1:00 p.m. m., although if you arrive after 9 you will only get sauce, not fish, but I mean the sauce is almost worth it, but what you really want is the sauce, the fish is definitely secondary to the sauce. the sauce is drinkable, okay, we have a lot more to eat today and hopefully we will also have another version at a different restaurant because I could eat that all day in Saturn, we are on our way to the next place.
In this ultimate Saturn street food tour, we must order the gang stomach, gang cake. The next restaurant we will find ourselves in on this ultimate Saturn street food tour is a restaurant called bangdun which is a very popular local restaurant serving a variety of different curries but especially famous for their goat curry and they also have gangtome el Same fish curry but a different version. We also ordered a second beef rib soup but the curry leaves have an amazing aroma here the different spices I can smell they are so friendly they are so cool this is such a cool place coming they are so cool looking happy and eager to show the different curries yeah, they're so great they're so nice oh man and the curries look amazing, I love this place, there are tables, there are chairs set up in it, it's in the corner so there are some tables, there are some chairs, uh , going around the side of the building, the curries are all in the front, they're even frying, uh, I can. smell the aroma, oh, that has to be deserted, okay, the tables are a little narrow for the amount of food, but this is the


food I have seen in Saturn, everything is vibrant, the aromas are noticeable, the flavors will be Spicy and tangy and full of flavor, I can barely control or contain my enthusiasm, we have the beef rib soup, this is something you have to eat quickly before it gets cold, you have to eat it while it's hot, uh, there are big chunks of beef ribs and she adds all the fresh chiles, crispy shallots and cilantro, I think parsley,yes, coriander and also.
It could be a little Chinese celery, but I'm not entirely sure it smells that good. You could smell the lemon juice here. All that chili juiced in my mouth and almost went down the wrong tube. Oh wow, I think I have some too. excited with that first bite, it tastes amazing, it's so bitter from the lime. I think what really makes the difference between the beef soup is all the fresh uncooked ingredients that they add, they add fresh chiles, fresh, crunchy shallots. shallots um and then fresh uncooked lemon juice, they add she added it to the bowl before adding the broth with a spoonful of beef broth simmered with the bones and ribs, it's so flavorful you can actually taste the broth of bones that have been boiled. for hours and hours it has meat, but the good thing is that the acid, the lemon juice just cuts through that kind of richness of the fat, oh wow, it just boiled until it falls apart, tender and the aroma of the shallots, oh , that's that soup.
It's amazing, this is their version of genghame, which is the dish we also just tried, but you can see that this is a totally different school, a totally different philosophy of genghame. This one has a lot of brinjals and you can see all the curry leaves here. it's what I've normally seen about genghame just the amount of curry leaves you can see it's just loaded with curry leaves and then this sauce is extremely thick the coconut milk is incredibly fragrant just gotta try the curry leaves and that curry. gravy oh it's so thick, creamy and rich thanks to the coconut milk, only it's powered by curry leaves, that's the main flavour, it's the ultimate comforting flavour, ok I have to have some of this with the rice .
I love eggplant, it's so soft. it absorbs the flavor of the curry leaves and coconut milk and would be happy with just a whole plate of brinjals without the fish, not even the brinjal and the sauce, oh man oh man it's good to chase it with some cashew leaves and shrimp paste, oh. Yes this is my kind of place, amazing food, amazing atmosphere and incredibly friendly, and now it's time for their original goat curry, oh it includes all the pieces, there are entrails here, there are pieces of skin, this is extremely delicious , look at that sauce, the goat just melts. in the mouth it is so tender and undulating that it is much more tender than I expected.
Oh, and that curry is. I'm pretty sure it's also coconut milk, which is so thick, rich, and creamy that the flavor isn't too strong, but it does taste. a little spice, especially dried spice, plus a combination of dried spices, a little cumin which goes very well with a goat, probably a little coriander seed and a little more of a sweeter spice like cinnamon or cloves, or nutmeg that just complements the goat so well, it's also so good that we were reading an article about the lady, the owner, who is amazing, who owns this restaurant, who cooks and she's half Thai half Pakistani, so this goat curry It definitely has a Pakistani flavor, but also with Thai from southern Thailand. coconut milk and that's awesome, it's amazing that the cuteness of that goat is crazy and lastly we ask the gangster for the southern Thai sour curry with turmeric with fish, pineapple and papaya, here really good and more sweet, in fact, that is the only sweet dish, everything else.
It is not sweet, but this is sweeter because of the pineapple, not too sweet, although very vibrant because of the turmeric, not too sour, but a little spicy. Oh, and she came with a whole plate of pickles, I think it goes with everything. but with the goat with the fish curry with everything I think it just breaks the richness the dishes are very rich very creamy heavy potential with that type of cucumber cuts with vinegar that heaviness cuts that richness goes so well I'm sure it is one of the best meat soups I have tried just excellent exceptional taste perfect balance of rich meaty flavor but very fragrant with chilies with lemon juice with shallots oh man that is a surprisingly good food but it is heavy it is rich that is the type of food yes eat for lunch there is no there is no more productivity you won't be productive for the rest of the day yes, I'm not going to be very productive for the rest of the day I need to go to bed I need to go to bed For this afternoon, oh man, it's very good, but we couldn't get out of here because immediately when you walk in along with the smell of curry leaves, you will smell like jambada which is also okay because right now it is jambara season but it is the champadok fruit. similar to jackfruit, but much different and spicier, stronger aroma, stronger flavor, but there's a crispy frying station at the front where she's frying bananas, frying some fritters, um and frying jambara, so that's it what we have for dessert, she piles up quite a bit of crunch on top it's coconut, I think it's just crunchy fritters oh it's so good and that's the jambara seed in there oh it's so ripe that when it's fried like that it melts into the mouth with this spicy honey-like aroma and then the seed inside has almost potato starch in it, that's dangerously good and you also taste the coconut in there, it's like the perfect tropical sweetness, yeah, it doesn't feel too oily, although it is Like extreme frying, that crunchy texture, although, wow, that's good.
Here we are experts in everything. Wow, the owner is very friendly while we were sitting here. She approached with a bowl. She said that this is a called kanom satun. It's like a tie. A bouquet Tie. I'm not sure what. the filling is but it's crunchy, it tastes like beef inside, oh yeah, the shrimp paste tastes like shrimp paste and beef inside this little crunchy wrapper and that little explosion of shrimp flavor for mommy, I think they are addictive, yes, very addictive. I'm going to go ahead and say it's the best restaurant in Saturn and they're amazing and the name of the restaurant is called bangdun bangdun wow okay from here we're going to get a little rest this afternoon, a much needed rest this afternoon and then there's something else to do You like, if most Thai people think of Saturn, it's the number one thing they would eat and they would think of the number one food when they come to Saturn, so we'll eat it a little bit later tonight, next on the latter. saturn street food tour abroad, so you can't come to sathun without eating roti roti is one of the most popular foods, it is often available in the morning and evening, both are extremely popular and in fact , I'm surprised how popular roti is at night. hanging out before dinner, maybe for dinner, but just hanging out eating roti, drinking tea, talking to friends on social media, it's very, very social and there are about a hundred different options for eating roti on Saturn.
We arrived at one that was very close to our hotel and we are going to order some variations of roti hello, great place again. I love the atmosphere. The main thing I'm interested in or what I wanted to order is that it's always the type of roti that I always love. salty rotis, although they have a lot of sweet, but yes, roti mataba is called in Thai, which is a


float, it is salty, she adds a mixture, it usually includes egg, it includes chicken in it, some spices, maybe some vegetables like carrots and then served with curry sauce and also with other ajat hajjat ​​which is very popular in zatan.
We've had it with many meals, but it went well for her, she was kind of calm and collected making roti, it wasn't one of those. rotis where you really should, the fast and furious kind of roti, she was just calm and collected and knew what she was doing, it smells incredibly good, deep fried until cooked until golden brown and the fire was not too hot, so it's not burnt or anything, but it's perfectly golden yellow, okay, I'll take the center piece so we can see the inside, oh yeah, oh it tastes like it's mostly potato, just with a little curry seasoning flavor powdered. and then it has a little bit, I think the dough has a little bit of a sweet touch to it and then I have to dip it in that curry sauce, oh yeah, it's actually kind of sweet but very creamy, coconut milk and spices. try the spices there but the curry takes away yes you need the curry sauce and then you can also eat it along with the hot chaat and that's good make it crispy with vinegar and then for a tea the whole bottom is filled with condensate. milk, I probably won't stir it.
I forgot to ask you without condensed milk, but if you don't stir it, everything stays at the bottom. Oh yeah, that's good, if you don't serve it, it's a really very strong type of orange tea. then we also have a sweet version of roti which is fried, I think it's fried, it looks like fried, uh, but it's completely crispy and then it's drizzled with condensed milk, oh, it's kind of a contrast between the salty and sweet creaminess, uh, but very crispy like a chip which is pretty good it has this, they served this chili oil which I think goes with the noodles but I'll go ahead and add some to a piece of protein oh yeah that's pretty good kinda spicy , but you taste like shallots.
There too and garlic, okay, and on that note I'm going to end this ultimate Saturn street food tour. I really enjoyed the day. I really enjoyed our time here. It is such a quiet and peaceful city. The people are extremely friendly. The people that we. We met today and we eat so well, so friendly, so I will include all the information in the description box below of all the different restaurants you can visit when you are in Satun and I want to thank you very much for checking this out. video, remember to like it if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below.
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