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TEXTING SECRETS MEN CAN'T RESIST Get Him to Chase, Pursue, Feel Crazy About You | Adrienne Everheart

Jun 10, 2021
Hello everyone, I'm Adrienne Everheart. Thank you very much for joining me today. I'm going to go over



that men can't


. This will really help a man


you. He will be inspired to


. Make him




about you and he will increase that attraction. the commitment you want while also being flirtatious, warm, and feminine—all of this is key now, before you begin. I just want to take a moment and say thank you so much for joining my live stream. I love hearing from all of you. There will be a question and answer section at the end, it will be all about


, so save your questions for last.
texting secrets men can t resist get him to chase pursue feel crazy about you adrienne everheart
If you have a question about texting and want to grab your phone, go ahead and find out what it is. The other thing is if you like my videos if I'm helping you I'm teaching you how to talk to men in a way that embraces your feminine energy and really helps you build a strong and lasting bond and connection with a man. I'm also teaching you how to practice with men and how to practice your feminine energy, so if you like my video please like or share it, subscribe if you haven't already, but I really depend on your like to receive my video notice and also. helping other women find it and also letting me know that they like it, that's the most important part, so we'll start by talking about texting


that men can't


texting secrets men can t resist get him to chase pursue feel crazy about you adrienne everheart

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texting secrets men can t resist get him to chase pursue feel crazy about you adrienne everheart...

Oh, hello everyone, it's nice to see you. I see all your messages, thank you. Well, let's get started, of course, I talk about feminine energy, how to use your feminine energy and I'll go over some text archetypes that men send you, so these are very particular types of text messages that men and I send. I'm going to teach you how to respond to them in a way that embraces your feminine energy, it's very warm and men can't resist this, so the first thing I want to talk about is your defenses, most of us have our defenses. quite high now my goal is that no man plays with you again, cheats on you, leaves you or messes with your head and I teach you methods to send text messages and communicate with him so that this does not happen to you again, it is very important that I also come from a warm place because we are in a place where a man has hurt us where men have said you know they want to date us and be with us and then they leave us and we don't hear anything from them. so the first thing I want you to keep in mind is that men are really doing the best they can, they are doing the best they can and I invite you to really embrace warmth with men when it comes to texting because many of these text messages are I'm going to go over, they're going to provoke you and we're going to want to get angry or your first reaction will be disappointment, anger, sadness or frustration, and I'll teach you how to get over that first emotion, notice it, but we're going to go somewhere else. and let's try something different now remember these techniques are always the same you can keep doing things the way you've been doing them you can quit don't go out with guys anymore just get out of the dating scene or give up on the relationship or leave your husband or leave your boyfriend or you can do something different and I'm teaching you something different okay so we're going to start with these archetypes and the first archetype for texting is a web launcher and these are men who launch They cast their net wide, they cast their net wide and try to attract as many women as they can.
texting secrets men can t resist get him to chase pursue feel crazy about you adrienne everheart
They'll do things like this, add you on Facebook and send you a shout out. It will send a very vague text message that just says Hi, how are you? or they will be or they will send something like What are you doing? It's just totally vague. What they are doing is casting their net now that there are some men out there. that they are not casting their net widely and sending you these types of messages, don't worry, I helped you with that too, but in general men can send a message to many women to see who bites and who gets caught. his network is fine, the other thing is he wants to find out, well you know, I'm bored tonight, who do I want to talk to, so he'll message his favorite girl who he'll message. some other people and you just see who bites so often what happens is you can get caught in that web and then he finds something better to do and drops you so again I want you to play with you again so I'm leaving you to give text yourself to help you handle this, so if a guy adds you on Facebook or a dating app and he just texts you like, hello or like I want you to say hi back because you're being warm, the energy feminine is warmth, it comes from a rather good, someone waved at me.
texting secrets men can t resist get him to chase pursue feel crazy about you adrienne everheart
I can accept the arrow from him and I will simply return the salute. I don't have to start a conversation with them or anything, but I have a pulse. I'm here and I'm willing to be warm and greet you now if a man sends a lazy hello, how are you? This is where I teach you how to make the answers about you be all about you. This may seem obvious, but the key here is to get in. your body now every time you share with a man what is happening inside your body, he will start to listen to it, he will listen to it and connect with it.
Now there are some cases where men don't connect with what's going on in your body and you go deeper and they get uncomfortable and they get out of there and that's a man you're going to have to let go, but if you can learn to find the What do you


in your body instead of hello, how are you? I'm cool, what are you doing that he's up here in your head? It's a pre-programmed comment here in your head, so you want to come into your body with something fun and something that you're actually experiencing or doing, like, oh, me.
I feel so excited that it's Friday night and I have the whole weekend ahead of me or I feel very lazy just enjoying my Sunday afternoon. You are responding from a place within you. Now the following is everything. What are you doing? Many women tell me that a man they are interested in will send that message and I want you to learn to respond with joy. Now again, this is going to make us wonder why he is sending me this stupid message that he is not posting. any effort in the relationship and we will find all these things wrong, but remember that guys are doing the best they can and this is it, they have to move on and that is part of being in a relationship with a man, it is riding the roller coaster . just being able to hold on to your raft, ride the wave with him and see where it takes things because boys are boys, for a reason.
I have this popular YouTube channel for a reason. If it were easy, none of us would be here, but we're making it easier, so if he says what are you doing, I want you to try to be playful and you might say something like oh well, wouldn't you like to know? or you can say oh, I like that curiosity, feel sweet so you can see how both comments are about you and what you feel in your body, very good, let's move on to the next now the net thrower often becomes the excuse the Sorry this is a text that women get where the guy says hey I'm sorry I've been out of town I've been really busy or my nephew broke his leg or my dad had a heart attack or work got really busy Have you been there?
He has a million excuses about why he hasn't been in contact with you and he suddenly shows up and you know damn well he could have sent you a message, you know, to let you know, hey, this is what's going on, so again already we come from this kind of angry dissent and it translates into our text. with a man, even if you say "hey, it's good to hear from you", it's something he can feel, men are very sensitive to this, so when you have a man who comes to you with an apology, this is where I teach you one tool called “really, really, catch it.” Really understanding him is not about appeasing his mood or how he treats you, remember that it is about limits, you don't have to keep talking to a man who is here and then leaves, you see that there is a limit, but if you do something like that . man and you want to connect with him you want to try it and see where it can develop hey sorry I haven't been in touch really really get it oh wow you must have been really busy you know something like that. or it's been so long it's been so long it's been so long since we talked say oh yeah, it feels really good to connect so you're just using these warm statements you're not giving him more the last thing i want you to do is say oh, i understand, I totally get why I get it, no, no, you don't get it, don't lie to this man, be honest, but be warm, you see, if you wanted to be really honest, you'd be like Well, couldn't you text me while you're in the emergency room or they didn't have a phone there?
I know you have your phone with you all the time. We could go there. I don't want you to go there. I love you. be warm if you like that guy now the apology is often followed by another archetype called the slow responder now this would really drive me


back in the day when I was single because a guy would message me and say hey what what are you doing this evening? I'd be like, "Oh yeah, he texted me." "Oh, um, you know, just at home I feel really good, I took a bubble bath and I'm excited, you know, no big plans for tonight and then nothing, nothing until Sunday night." and it was very frustrating, so when you have a slow responder, he often apologizes and says, you know, hey, I'm sorry I didn't do that the other day, sometimes he can turn into that guy, but this slow responder is a man. that you don't want to put any effort into any energy into any investment in him if he responds slowly because he may be casting his net wide or he may just not be really committed to dating and actually finding a relationship with someone so the slow responder I want you to go a couple rounds with him, but at some point you have to let go of this type of man and you have to say that you know it feels so good when we chat and connect, but I'm looking to date someone regularly. and you know sometimes we go weeks without talking and it feels a little strange to get back to it but you're being warm at first you say oh it feels really good to connect when we get together this feels really nice and it always feels fun and it always feels like laughing, whatever whatever you want to say don't make it too long but let him know that this is my limit and I'm really looking for a regular dating relationship and then leave it at that, leave it at that if he wants to come back that's up to him he'll have to put in the effort now next one is the guilt trip, the guilt trip, he will say something like this, why don't you ever text me first or why don't you?
Text me more, he'll text you like this. I don't know if this has happened to you ladies, but he will send you a message that will make you feel guilty and act for him. Respond to him by giving him some form of entertainment via text message. So when you meet a guy who blames you for a text message for not responding, this is what I like to do with my clients if you are in a regular dating relationship with him and he asks you out and you guys are having a good time. well and he. showing up in your life about every three days I want you to go ahead and send it next, but send him something that's happening inside your body warmly, don't text him like hey I'm bored what's up? o hey, I really miss him.
You don't do any of that, remember that a man connects with what's going on inside your body, not with how much you compliment him or comment on how great he is, that will build a different type of relationship, so I want you to do it. use your feminine energy body and find out what you feel if the guilt triggers or appears now if he says something to me like oh I don't hear from you anymore and tries to turn you around with that, what would you say? Would you be feeling at that moment? You might have that first feeling of anger and disappointment and why is he doing this to me.
And that's where I want you to turn it into warmth and say, Wow, that feels really good to connect now, you see what happens. it's happening and it feels good to be here now it feels good to be talking to you now stay in that moment if he's trying to turn some tables on you I really don't know what the guilty agenda is some guys just like to argue instead of I just walk away of the relationship, but regardless, you can use this type of man to practice. Now remember that men are doing the best they can here.
I think it's so easy for us to get hurt and frustrated. Texting has really changed the way dating with men works, so I'm going to go one step further and simply tell you that texting is not your primary way of communicating with a man. I can't tell you how often I get emails from women saying, well, he's been texting me and he's been texting me and I'm like. Well, when was the last time you talked on the phone? When was the last time you two went on a date? Oh we just text each other, don't do it, don't do it, sodistance.
How can I text and chat in a proper feminine way? What to say, so you have to practice on the men that are in your city that are close, but with this man I want you to text, go on some Skype dates, if you can let him know, you know this feels really good, you know, texting and communicating, how would it feel to maybe use Skype or something like that? at some point it might be fun, you're doing it from a fun place, now some of you might say, well isn't that leaning forward thing, you're asking a guy out on a date, not really, but make it a time.
Don't do it every time you talk to him and have no expectations, so if he says no, I can't Skype tonight, go okay, I have to go and then I'll talk to you. Goodbye and keep your life rich, full and juicy in the rebuilding process. It's a slow process, it makes sense in most cases, but you're doing it, keep doing it, keep in touch with me Nadia Vivian says I was texting a guy and I moved to call oh well you got the phone call, by the way, everything went well. That phone call doesn't have to last an hour, just make a quick call for about 20 minutes and then say, "Oh, you know, I have to go to the movies right now or one of my girlfriends is coming over in a minute, but I ran, this It feels so good to connect, it's so much fun to laugh, ok, I said that, um, let's see, he asked me out for a drink, but he didn't make it, you shouldn't have 500 ways to do it, because in my ebook you.
I teach you how to avoid this, okay, I teach you how to avoid it, it's a process because when a guy asks you out you have to say oh, I'm so excited, what day and time were you thinking? I don't know, maybe Friday. I'll call and I have a script for that too, so give him my book, treat yourself and learn these things that someone said, oh, everything jumped. I'm going to answer one more question and then I'll ask one more after this one. My long distance ex. He turned 40. A few days ago I still love him very much, but I didn't reach out because I wanted to stay back.
Was this the right thing to do unless I'm in regular contact with you? Yes, it is, yes, he has to miss you on his birthday and it is. He will realize that you didn't call and he will just see what happens and when you connect again, he will say: I thought of you on your birthday. You know, I sent you some birthday wishes from afar, it's okay and I feel good, so I take one. more question, okay, someone says I know I'm a texting friend so I put them on no contact now, how do those two things add up?
I'm a texting friend so I'm going no contact now. I think that's called finishing. You just end that relationship and say you know all these texts have felt super fun, but I'm really looking for something real and I'm looking for a regular dating relationship. I want to be a wife someday so I'm going to know and I don't feel like we're on the same page so I'm going to move on and what this does is cleanse your cosmic karmic energy. You're not anymore. Look. I have clients who refuse to stop sleeping with you. married men say oh I'm practicing with Adrian, I'm practicing with a married man, I say you're confusing your energy, you're telling the universe this is what I want, as long as you behave like a texting friend and You are lowering your value, that is what you will get.
I'm not shaming you, but I want you to emphasize your value. You are a powerful, high-quality dynamite woman that starts with you and what you do. how you treat your body how you leave it how your relationships are with people it's all a reflection okay, said Betty said um, I'm 60 years old and I have a boy, I don't have sex, my choice, he buys groceries, he puts money in his bank account, gentle. I have known him for 11 years, we do not live together. I'm glad when she shows up the last time she was here, she said, if you knew how many women, I've eliminated any suggestions and she says he texts more, so I kind of put it up in front of you I'd play with it, I'd have fun with it. , it's clearly saying that my ego needs something right now, so, oh, you've eliminated a lot of women from me, really, oh, I like it, keep eliminating, baby, what's for dinner? and just have fun with him play with him continue you see just be playful female energy is very very playful okay last question because I really like this person Eunice hi um she says do you have anything for the man to send you gifts on Valentine's Day?
Day, what do you mean by letting him know that you would get a Valentine's Day gift because you know what I really love for all of you to do on Valentine's Day if you don't have a guy in your life who loves everyone and everything What surrounds them? where your elderly neighbors down the street you want to show up with a cake for them or your great aunt who lives alone whatever you want to send her flowers that day you want to send love to all your girlfriends get them a little box from Godiva's, whatever, if you can't afford it luxury of buying things for people or baking cookies, touch your heart and send love to everyone, pray for them that day, have you loved your pets, volunteer somewhere that day or sometime that week and put that . love out there, if you put that love out there, you will get it back.
I can promise you that at first it feels like you know it's like saving money, you're saving $25 a week, but then at the end of the year you know. You have a lot of money in your bank account, so it really changes your energy and your vibe. Okay everyone. I hope these texting secrets help you get that man. He won't be able to resist you. He will feel high-quality feminine. Good vibes from you, please everyone, stop what you're doing, give me a thumbs up, let me know that you liked this video and that I've helped you and given you something to think about. one, what do you do if you feel guilty for not texting the man?
But I'm learning to be in my 'cimmanon and when I text first I feel guilty too. Yes, you know, women, we have a hard time with this. If we put ourselves first and don't give or do for someone else, then we are doing something wrong. Sometimes women are not as interested in making money and having financial success as if what we are doing is a bad thing, so why? That way I could tell you a lot of things that go back to European literature, religion, DNA. I can give you all kinds of reasons why we do this, but this is what you are aware of now that you are aware that you feel guilty. and that you feel like you should do something for him, so that's where I want you to do it and just turn it around.
I love the riff tool, it's a great little tool, oh I realize I feel really guilty about not messaging you. I love it. the part of me that feels guilty right now hmm, what a sweet part of me, I love that part of me, take a breath and then see what the next emotion is, sometimes you just have to honor the emotion you're having that moment and just love yourself, do it for you, well, there will be plenty of time to text that man. He's texting you first. Trust me. Have plenty of time, plenty of opportunities to be warm and let him know how much he means to you.
Okay, everyone, much love. give me a thumbs up if you liked the video and subscribe you can go to my website. I have a lot of ebooks and courses and things to keep you informed and also, it takes a lot of education and learning, you know for a while. I was trying to duct tape it with a bunch of different trainers and you can learn a lot of things you know online and on YouTube, but when you get a program you really dedicate yourself to learning, so when was the last time you said? I'm going to spend the whole weekend and I'm going to do this program or I'm going to do this program for a month or even a whole day, you review things and then you review them again and see how you have changed and transformed into it. learning process and as you practice it takes a lot of repetition.
I speak from experience. I think I'm pretty smart and it took me a long time to learn these things and make them natural. Okay, everyone I love you so much, thank you for tuning in. Have a wonderful day. See you soon. Bye bye.

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