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Texting Mafia In Huge House! WHO is The MAFIA? Mom, Dad, Sisters, Brothers Using 6 iPhones Mafia!

Mar 31, 2024
What are you doing with all these phones? I want to play Texting Mafia. I want to play Texting Mafia. Can we play with two players? No, two players are not enough to play Texting Mafia. How many players do we need? 1600,000 no, how many do you seem to have? How many phones do you have here? one two three four five six oh and then you are a player actually we need one two three four five players more you and I will play together we need more players there are more players in the room do you see more players?
texting mafia in huge house who is the mafia mom dad sisters brothers using 6 iphones mafia
No, I don't see anyone. Hello, do you see any players? you see players we need one two three four five more players and you say you see more than one player I don't I don't see any players, don't you know where they are? I do not know what you're talking about. You know where they are. Well, tell us where the players are. Where are they?. You say there is one that is not right, oh more, right there, oh cannon. Someone is behind the chair, whoever is behind the chair, come out right now Danielle, I don't think you can see me, Danielle, do you want to play



with us?
texting mafia in huge house who is the mafia mom dad sisters brothers using 6 iphones mafia

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texting mafia in huge house who is the mafia mom dad sisters brothers using 6 iphones mafia...

If I can? Yes, here is your phone. Right here, the



. Do you know how to send text messages? The mafia works, we have a oh oh, a bowl, wait, we need more players, yes, so we have a bowl that has empty papers and then most of the papers, all the papers, but one has this, what do you think is there in this canyon? um there's nothing there, that means you're just a player, but if it has this, which is uh h, that's an m, that's right, it's an m, if it has an m, then that means you're the one with we can play. three players no, no, we can, but it would be more fun with many more.
texting mafia in huge house who is the mafia mom dad sisters brothers using 6 iphones mafia
Okay, the mob is now in the bowl and it's shaken. Well, let's put that aside. We need more players. Can you help us get more players? You helped us get. danielle you said there's more where are they here right next to the screen here oh whoever's behind the couch better come out right now savannah you were right savannah was here okay we have a perfect little ipod ipod with a bird on it, that's not it It's a bird, it's an elephant, wait, Pinocchio flu, of course, I mean Dumbo flu, yes, Dumbo is a bird, no, no, Dumbo, zen elephants, wait, we have three more phones, three more phones , do you see three more people?, do you see one more person. more where over there that's savannah that's smosh aquino gigofigo I'm still migofigo I'm still mas aquino quino migo figos ego right cannon and there's danielle whoever's in the bathroom get out right now oh ally what are you guys doing we're playing texting the mafia oh fun can i join ali has black and red clothes and this little one has black and blue red and blue and blue red and blue and black black and white is this your phone is my phone is ali's phone we need two more players how many more players two more how many one two two two more players who can we ask to play with us whose phone is this, well, from Branson, what about Branson?
texting mafia in huge house who is the mafia mom dad sisters brothers using 6 iphones mafia
No, he's not here. I don't know what's going on with Asbury. Everyone calls Asbury. Can you help us call? for raspberry one two three you have a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt on the right, what is Pokémon? That's right, it's Pokémon. Do you want to use Branson's phone to text the mob? Yeah hey we need one more player, who should this player be? um mommy mommy mommy ooh mommy but there are two more there are two more players I think you need help no I think who should play with you hmm baby mommy one two three mommy is coming in here do you think I can catch this three two one we need one more player one player More mom dad raspberry canyon savannah who's missing where's lizzy let's play texting mafia oh and then you can give your phone to lizzy and now we have enough phones it's time to what do you remember what's in this bowl? right there's only one that has ammo so if you get the m that means you're the monkey I mean the mafia so the way the texting mafia works is we text each other all the time and we have fun, but the mafia sends something that makes you fall, what is that? um the only one who can send the skull is the mafia the one who puts the m on the paper that's right are you ready? choose first don't tell anyone sarah has two danielle has three four what is it?
Next is seven, nine, what is it, five? What is the next number six and seven? Let me make sure this last paper doesn't have an m because this is what the papers have except one, okay? So use this right here in your head and then we can play. Alright. Are you ready. Do you want to play? Here are the simple rules. This whole main floor and the floor above are the only places you can go, you can't leave. every time the mafia sends us the mafia ready to play, go to work, come on, come on, okay, let's come here.
I think what we should do is send the group a really funny emoji. What emoji should we find? What do you think the emoji would be? best to send the group off from the beginning ooh, what are those dinosaurs? dinosaurs, see the dinosaurs, let's send something really fun? Which emoji do you think would be best to send to the group? Do you think the caterpillar? How are you? look at the monkey where is the monkey the bat let's send the bat you see a bat cannon you see a bat ahead and press the bat there it is and let's press come on ready three two one but we have to wander we can't sit down we have to wander I'm really hungry I think I'm going to send a food emoji let's find my favorite food what's your favorite food that's really delicious what food should I send hmm well I really like potatoes so let's see guys do you see a potato I see a potato now let's send it and see oh one delicious hamburger and a hot dog those are delicious too I love the food look there's like a robot guy we should send that one that's great and look there's a cat emoji let's do the Smiling Do you like cats?
My favorite animal is a lion. What are your children's favorite animals? That's really incredible. I need help. I can't find the lion anywhere. I can not find it. Can you see it? It's right there. send three lines everyone needs a good line i think it's going to be really fun send a squid makes noise emoji a squid makes a noise like skye makes a noise i don't know maybe they just say what do you think what noise does a squid make you should send a b here it is a b do you know what a b says oh yeah and bees make honey oh honey is so delicious have you ever had honey before the peanut butter and honey sandwich yeah okay why don't you send it boom? said buttons oh danielle okay now we've lost one it's time to get back to work ready ready go what's your favorite color my favorite color is orange I'm going to look for an orange heart let's see where the hearts are hmm there's an orange heart I'm going to send a lot orange hearts Five orange hearts Savannah just sent six orange hearts What is your kids' favorite fruit?
Mine is probably a cherry or banana scent. Do you like cherries and bananas? Because I make my all-time favorite. the food is probably a strawberry oh i love strawberries do they have a strawberry emoji? Omg it's so cute, have you seen a strawberry emoji? I don't know, I think it's very cute. strawberry, strawberry, strawberries, what we should do is actually send something. Really very crazy Can you find a crazy emoji like one that makes you think what is that thing over there that looks crazy? Do you see a mosquito that has long, long legs? Yes, that's what's there, maybe that over there is a mosquito we should press it three mosquitoes one two three mosquitoes let's do five four five mosquitoes it's scary do you like mosquito bites no, they bite you on the arm and then it itches well and then you have to go, oh, my mosquito bites you? bite well five mosquitoes that will make everyone bite oh, what is your favorite dinosaur t-rex t-rex do you have a favorite dinosaur mine is a t-rex t-rex have big teeth what does a t-rex do okay, come on send it, look at that oh three, okay, send it, send it, there you go, now everyone can rock like a T-rex oh oh, I thought the mafia was an ally, who is it?
So, oh, she was acting kind of funny, oh no, she's laughing, oh ally. she's laughing up her sleeve the mafia has a tickle bug wait she's not supposed to laugh she's supposed to be down that means it's not ally she's not maybe it's lizzy maybe it's savannah who do you think it is Mafia? I think you know who the mafia is. es don't tell us don't say it don't say it don't say it okay here we go don't say until the end and see if you're right since I'm very hungry let's put some of our favorite delicacies oh ice cream and cupcakes pastries yes and oh a cookie and a donut popcorn what's your favorite treat wait this is milk with cookies milk goes well with cookies oh that made me so hungry I want to eat all those things but I do think we'll have to treat ourselves when this is all over I like it play hmm I like playing with the frisbee I think we should send that ooh and I like drinking from the coconuts that's good and I like it honey do you like those? things this is almost against the rules but we're going to have some fun are you ready who's that guy who's a bunny do you like bunnies chicken what chicken what don't I want to see if it works oh it's catchy what are you doing oh no it's not spreading good here we go oh look this I'm a unicorn sir look I'm going to make it ready here we go who's the mafia who's the mafia I don't think anyone's been down for a while um and it's a peanut butter and honey sandwich oh, do you like sandwiches?
Do you like peanut butter and honey sandwiches? I make them, they are so delicious, they are the best. Something that I like to do a lot is that I like to play on the computer, so I'm going to make a part of someone's computer on the computer. Another thing that I like to do is cook, so I'm going to make the computer and cook, it's okay let's record it ready it's just a friendly giraffe I think right now steak dinner would be so good oh and a long neck eating this steak okay let's look for a long neck there oh there it is oh no do you think the long necks ate steak look look beep I sent it oh someone fell that's what I want to know do you know who the mafia is? you've seen? mafia, they sent a skull, I don't know who the mafia is, do you know who the mafia is?
No, I think it's Lizzy, let's keep playing, let's see, send ooh, a kiwi and maybe some stars, Lizzy, we thought Lizzy was mafia, that means me. you know you're you're the mafia it's not me the mafia no yeah wait we're supposed to be down up down okay it's time to find out who the mafia really is I guess it's savannah I guess it's you I guess it's Savannah so let's see what We're one, two and bananas, so we both say Savannah is the mafia. Savannah, what are you, the mafia? I am that mafia. Az and I are the winners.
You found out that Savannah was the mafia, yeah. l on top is an l for mafia it's an m for mafia a big m on top of her head okay, here comes d for danielle that floor was hard she was there a long time who sent the best emoji do you think I really liked it? the sandwich we sent you said you sent a lot of buns funny yes we did we said monkeys I mean cannon we sent the laughing giraffe what did you think of that? I like things like that unicorn was the best right?
Guys, you will play texting mafia, if you remember, the best part is sending the best emoji. Thank you all very much for watching this video. Be sure to give us a big thumbs up and I hope to smash that subscribe button. We love you very much. a lot

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